Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, slicer=None, response_data_file=None, coord=None, kick_factor=1.,
            n_terms_to_be_kept=None, n_tail_cut=0):

        ob_responses = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(response_data_file)

        z_resp = ob_responses.z_slices

        # Clean-up NaNs
        r_resp_mat = ob_responses.r_mat
        r_resp_mat[np.isnan(r_resp_mat)] = 0.
        dpr_resp_mat = ob_responses.dpr_mat
        dpr_resp_mat[np.isnan(dpr_resp_mat)] = 0.

        # Prepare submatrices
        FF = r_resp_mat[:, :].T    # base functions are in the columns
        MM = dpr_resp_mat[:, :].T  # response to base functions are in the columns
        RR = np.dot(FF.T, FF)      # Matrix of cross products
        RR_inv = np.linalg.inv(RR) # Its inverse

        # Prepare cut on the harmonics
        if n_terms_to_be_kept is not None:
            self.n_terms_to_be_kept = n_terms_to_be_kept
            self.n_terms_to_be_kept = len(z_resp)
        CC = 0*MM
        for ii in range(self.n_terms_to_be_kept):
            CC[ii, ii] = 1

        # Prepare cut for the tails
        CC_tails = np.identity(len(z_resp))
        for ii in range(n_tail_cut):
            CC_tails[ii, ii] = 0.
            CC_tails[-ii, -ii] = 0.

        # Build response matrix
        WW_no_harmonic_cut = np.dot(MM, np.dot(RR_inv, FF.T))
        WW = np.dot(MM, np.dot(CC, np.dot(RR_inv, np.dot(FF.T, CC_tails))))

        # Bind to object
        self.slicer = slicer
        self.coord = coord
        self.kick_factor = kick_factor
        self.n_terms_to_be_kept = n_terms_to_be_kept
        self.n_tail_cut = n_tail_cut
        self.z_resp = z_resp
        self.FF = FF
        self.MM = MM
        self.RR = RR
        self.RR_inv = RR_inv
        self.CC = CC
        self.CC_tails = CC_tails
        self.WW_no_harmonic_cut = WW_no_harmonic_cut
        self.WW = WW
Exemple #2
import pickle

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm

frac_tune_0 = .27
max_strength_plot = 0.9

fname_pic = './processed_data/compact_pic_fit.mat'
fname_vlasov_dipquad = '../008a1_scan_strength_wlampldet/eigenvalues.mat'
fname_vlasov_diponly = '../008_eigenvalues/eigenvalues.mat'

obpic = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(fname_pic)
obdipquad = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(fname_vlasov_dipquad)
obdiponly = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(fname_vlasov_diponly)

i_ref = 5

stren_array = np.linspace(0, max_strength_plot, 1000)
tune_shift_dipquad = (obdipquad.M00_array[i_ref].real / obdipquad.omega0 /
                      obdipquad.strength_scan[i_ref] * stren_array)
tune_shift_diponly = (obdiponly.M00_array[i_ref].real / obdiponly.omega0 /
                      obdiponly.strength_scan[i_ref] * stren_array)

fig1 = plt.figure(1)
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

from scipy.constants import e as qe

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm
import PyECLOUD.mystyle as ms

plane = 'y'
folder_sims = f'simulations_{plane}'
response_summary_file = f'./response_data_{plane}_processed.mat'
vmax_edens = 2.5e13

i_plot_list = list(range(1, 200))
close_figures = True

obsum = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(response_summary_file)

ms.mystyle_arial(fontsz=14, dist_tick_lab=5, traditional_look=False)
for ii in i_plot_list:

    n_osc = obsum.n_osc_list[ii]
    cos_ampl = obsum.cos_ampl_list[ii]
    sin_ampl = obsum.sin_ampl_list[ii]

    current_sim_ident = f'n_{n_osc:.1f}_c{cos_ampl:.2e}_s{sin_ampl:.2e}'
    ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(folder_sims + '/' + current_sim_ident +
    if ob.plane == 'x':
        rg = ob.xg
    elif ob.plane == 'y':
Exemple #4
    cos_amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * N_oscillations * z_slices / z_range))

# Add sinusoidal distortion to particles
for ss in slices:
    if ss.macroparticlenumber > 0:
        #if ss.mean_z() < 0:
        ss.x += sin_amplitude * np.sin(
            2 * np.pi * N_oscillations * ss.z / z_range)
        ss.x += cos_amplitude * np.cos(
            2 * np.pi * N_oscillations * ss.z / z_range)

# Measure
x_slices = np.array([ss.mean_x() for ss in slices])
int_slices = np.array([ss.intensity for ss in slices])

obfmap = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(field_map_file)
from PyECLOUD.Transverse_Efield_map_for_frozen_cloud import Transverse_Efield_map

fmap = Transverse_Efield_map(xg=obfmap.xg,
                             L_interaction=1. / sim_content.n_segments,

assert (len(sim_content.parent_eclouds) == 0)
Exemple #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

from scipy.constants import e as qe

N_discard = 10
tag = 'movie_ecloud'
gen_movie = True
z_single_frame_interactive = 1e-2

# ======================

folder_movie = 'temp_' + tag + '_frames'

ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('pinch_pic_data.mat')

ob.xg = ob.xg[N_discard:-N_discard]
ob.yg = ob.yg[N_discard:-N_discard]
ob.rho = ob.rho[:, N_discard:-N_discard, N_discard:-N_discard]
ob.phi = ob.phi[:, N_discard:-N_discard, N_discard:-N_discard]
ob.Ex = ob.Ex[:, N_discard:-N_discard, N_discard:-N_discard]
ob.Ey = ob.Ey[:, N_discard:-N_discard, N_discard:-N_discard]

ob.rho /= -qe

x_obs = 0.
ix_obs = np.argmin(np.abs(ob.xg - x_obs))
y_obs = 0.
iy_obs = np.argmin(np.abs(ob.yg - y_obs))
from scipy.constants import e as qe

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm

import PyECLOUD.geom_impact_poly_fast_impact as geom
import PyPIC.FiniteDifferences_ShortleyWeller_SquareGrid as FDSW

chamber = geom.polyg_cham_geom_object(

pic = FDSW.FiniteDifferences_ShortleyWeller_SquareGrid(chamb=chamber,

obp = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(

pic.scatter(x_mp=obp.x_mp, y_mp=obp.y_mp, nel_mp=obp.nel_mp)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=.122, top=.82)
mbl = ax.pcolormesh(1e3 * pic.xg,
                    1e3 * pic.yg,
                    -pic.rho.T / qe,
ax.plot(1e3 * chamber.Vx, 1e3 * chamber.Vy, lw=2, color='yellow')
cb = plt.colorbar(mbl, ax=ax)
Exemple #7
import scipy.io as sio

import PyECLOUD.mystyle as ms
import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm

# Plot settings
l_min_plot = -5
l_max_plot = 3
min_strength_plot = 0
max_strength_plot = 1.55
tau_min_plot = 0
tau_max_plot = 300
flag_tilt_lines = False
flag_mode0 = True

ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('eigenvalues.mat')
Omega_mat = ob.Omega_mat
strength_scan = ob.strength_scan
DQ_0_vect = ob.DQ_0_vect
M00_array = ob.M00_array
omega0 = ob.omega0
omega_s = ob.omega_s
l_min = ob.l_min
l_max = ob.l_max
m_max = ob.m_max
N_max = ob.N_max

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ms.mystyle(fontsz=14, traditional_look=False)
Exemple #8
import numpy as np

folder_sims = 'simulations'

sin_ampl = 0
cos_ampl = 1e-4
n_osc_list = range(200)

#cos_ampl = 0
#sin_ampl = 1e-4
#n_osc_list = range(1,200)

for n_osc in n_osc_list:

    current_sim_ident = f'n_{n_osc:.1f}_c{cos_ampl:.2e}_s{sin_ampl:.2e}'
    ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(folder_sims + '/' + current_sim_ident +

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    ms.mystyle(fontsz=14, traditional_look=False)
    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(3, 1, 1)
    ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax1)
    ax3 = fig1.add_subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=ax1)

    #ax1.plot(ob.z_slices, ob.int_slices)
    ax2.plot(ob.z_slices, ob.x_slices)
    ax3.plot(ob.z_slices, ob.dpx_slices_all_clouds)

    for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3]:
Exemple #9

pic_singlegrid = ecloud_singlegrid.spacech_ele.PyPICobj
pic_multigrid = ecloud_multigrid.spacech_ele.PyPICobj

# Plot field at probes
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(7, 8))
gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
gs2 = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1)

sp1 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[0])
obcham = mlm.myloadmat_to_obj( 'LHC_chm_ver.mat')
sp1.plot(obcham.Vx * 1e3, obcham.Vy * 1e3, 'b')
sp1.plot(ecloud_singlegrid.x_probes * 1e3, ecloud_singlegrid.y_probes * 1e3, 'or', markersize=3)
sp1.plot(x_beam_offset, y_beam_offset, '*k', markersize=4)
for ii in range(pic_multigrid.n_grids):
    sp1.plot(pic_multigrid.pic_list[ii].pic_internal.chamb.Vx * 1e3, pic_multigrid.pic_list[ii].pic_internal.chamb.Vy * 1e3, '.-k')
sp1.set_ylabel('y [mm]')
sp1.set_xlabel('x [mm]')

sp2 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[0])
sp2.plot(np.array(n_probes * list(slices.z_centers)) * 1e2,
Exemple #10
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import e as qe

# fname = 'Pyecltest_highQmax_100us_3turns.mat'; n_slots_plot = 10500

# fname = 'Pyecltest_example_20eV_1e-13C_0.5us.mat'; n_slots_plot = 700
# fname = 'Pyecltest_example_20eV_1e-13C_1us.mat'; n_slots_plot = 700
# fname = 'Pyecltest_example_20eV_1e-13C_2us.mat'; n_slots_plot = 700
# fname = 'Pyecltest_example_20eV_1e-13C.mat'; n_slots_plot = 700
# fname = 'Pyecltest_example_0.01eV_1e-13C.mat'; n_slots_plot = 700
fname = 'Pyecltest.mat'
n_slots_plot = 700

Trev = 88.9e-6

ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(fname)

compare_against_charge_in_chamber = False
plot_charge_from_post_processing = False

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


fig2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 6 * 1.5))
sp1 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)

if compare_against_charge_in_chamber:
    sub = ob.Nel_timep[0]
import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm

plane = 'y'

# Load response data
ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(f'./response_dc_{plane}.mat')

z_resp = ob.z_slices
r_resp_mat = ob.r_ideal
r_resp_mat[np.isnan(r_resp_mat)] = 0.
dpr_resp_mat = ob.dpr_slices_all_clouds
dpr_resp_mat[np.isnan(dpr_resp_mat)] = 0.

k_z = dpr_resp_mat/r_resp_mat

import scipy.io as sio
sio.savemat(f'linear_strength_{plane}.mat', {
    'z_slices': z_resp,
    'k_z_integrated': k_z})
fig100 = plt.figure(100)
ax101 = fig100.add_subplot(111)
ax101.plot(z_resp, k_z)

mask_fit = np.array(len(z_resp)*[True])
#if n_cut_fit > 0:
Exemple #12
# m_max = 3
# n_phi = 3*360
# n_r = 3*200
# N_max = 50
# save_pkl_fname = None
# n_tail_cut = 0
# response_matrix_file = '../001_sin_response_scan/response_data_processed.mat'
# z_strength_file = '../001a_sin_response_scan_unperturbed/linear_strength.mat'
# detuning_fit_order = 10
# pool_size = 4

# Detunings with delta
beta_N = [0, Qp]
# Load detuning with z
if detuning_fit_order > 0:
    obdet = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(z_strength_file)
    z_slices = obdet.z_slices
    p = np.polyfit(obdet.z_slices,
    alpha_N = cloud_rescale_by * p[::-1]  # Here I fit the strength
    alpha_N = alpha_N_custom

# Prepare response matrix
ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(response_matrix_file)
HH = ob.x_mat
KK = ob.dpx_mat

if n_tail_cut > 0:
    KK[:, :n_tail_cut] = 0.
Exemple #13
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm

obfull = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('./from_full_map_linear_strength.mat')
oblin = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('./from_lin_map_linear_strength.mat')

fig1 = plt.figure(1)
plt.plot(obfull.z_slices, obfull.k_z_integrated)
plt.plot(obfull.z_slices, oblin.k_z_integrated)
Exemple #14
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm
import PyECLOUD.mystyle as ms
obfol = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('followed_electrons.mat')
ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('Pyecltest.mat')

i_obs = 1

ms.mystyle(fontsz=14, traditional_look=False)

Dz_all = []
nel_all = []

nele_no_nan = obfol.nel.copy()
nele_no_nan[np.isnan(obfol.nel)] = 0.

for i_ele in range(obfol.nel.shape[1]):

    nel_ele = nele_no_nan[:, i_ele]
    z_ele = obfol.z[:, i_ele]

    i_changes = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(nel_ele)) > 0.)[0]

    for ii in range(1, len(i_changes) - 1):
        z_part = z_ele[i_changes[ii] + 1:i_changes[ii + 1] - 1]
        if len(z_part) > 0 and not np.isnan(z_part[0]):
            Dz_all.append(np.max(z_part) - np.min(z_part))
            nel_all.append(nel_ele[i_changes[ii] + 1])
Exemple #15
import pickle
import copy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm

n_sigma_ave = 2.5

ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj('field_map.mat')
ix_zero = np.argmin(np.abs(ob.xg))
iy_zero = np.argmin(np.abs(ob.yg))

mask_x = np.abs(ob.xg) <= n_sigma_ave * ob.sigma_x
mask_y = np.abs(ob.yg) <= n_sigma_ave * ob.sigma_y

Ex_lin = ob.Ex_L_map * 0
Ey_lin = ob.Ey_L_map * 0

k_x_list = []
k_y_list = []
for ss in range(len(ob.zg)):
    p_fit_x = np.polyfit(ob.xg[mask_x],
                         ob.Ex_L_map[ss, mask_x, iy_zero],
    p_fit_y = np.polyfit(ob.yg[mask_y],
                         ob.Ey_L_map[ss, ix_zero, mask_y],

    for iy in range(len(ob.yg)):
from scipy.constants import c as clight

from scipy.constants import e as qe

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm
import PyECLOUD.mystyle as ms

n_phi = 360
n_r = 200
beta_fun = 92.7
omega0 = 2 * np.pi * clight / 27e3  # Revolution angular frquency
omega_s = 4.9e-3 * omega0
sigma_b = 0.097057
vmax_edens = 1.5e14

ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(
z_slices = ob.z_slices
p = np.polyfit(ob.z_slices, ob.k_z_integrated, deg=10)

alpha_N = p[::-1]  # Here I fit the strength
A_N = -beta_fun * alpha_N / 4 / np.pi  # I go to the coefficient in the tune
N_terms = len(A_N)
r_max = np.max(np.abs(z_slices))
dz = z_slices[1] - z_slices[0]

r_vect = np.linspace(0, r_max, n_r)
phi_vect = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_phi + 1)[:-1]
dphi = phi_vect[1] - phi_vect[0]

sin_PHI = np.sin(phi_vect)
cos_PHI = np.cos(phi_vect)
Exemple #17
add_alpha_0_to_tune = True
factor_alpha_0_to_tune = 0.8
z_strength_file = '../001a_sin_response_scan_unperturbed/linear_strength.mat'
detuning_fit_order = 10
N_poly_cut = 1
alpha_N_custom = []

include_non_linear_map = True
flag_wrt_bunch_centroid = True
field_map_file = '../003_generate_field_map/field_map.mat'
# end-settings-section

# Load and fit detuning with z
if include_detuning_with_z:
    if detuning_fit_order > 0:
        obdet = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(z_strength_file)
        z_slices = obdet.z_slices
        p = np.polyfit(obdet.z_slices,
        alpha_N = p[::-1] * ecloud_strength_scale  # Here I fit the strength
        print('Detuning cefficients alpha_N:')
        alpha_N = alpha_N_custom

    alpha_N = alpha_N[:N_poly_cut] * alpha_scale

# Instantiate simulation
sim_content = sim_mod.Simulation(param_file=sim_param_file)
        all_freq_indep += this_f_indep[1:]
        all_aps_indep += this_ap_indep[1:]
        all_stre_indep += this_stren_indep[1:]

    return all_freq_indep, all_aps_indep, all_stre_indep

ms.mystyle_arial(fontsz=14, dist_tick_lab=5, traditional_look=False)
fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6.4 * 1.2, 4.8))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
axshare = None
figharm_list = []
figintra_list = []
for ii, ll in enumerate(dict_plot.keys()):
    oo = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(dict_plot[ll]['fname'])
    if flag_mode_unstab:
        insta_thresh = dict_plot[ll]['insta_thresh']
    tilt_lines = dict_plot[ll]['tilt_lines']
    scale_x = dict_plot[ll]['scale_x']
    kwargs = {}
    if colorlist is not None:
        kwargs['color'] = colorlist[ii]
    # ax1.plot(oo.strength_list*scale_x, oo.p_list_centroid/T_rev, label=ll,
    #         linewidth=2, **kwargs)
             oo.p_list_centroid / T_rev,

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ms.mystyle_arial(fontsz=14, dist_tick_lab=5, traditional_look=False)
fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6.4 * 1.2, 4.8))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
fig_re_list = []
fig_im_list = []
for ill, ll in enumerate(dict_plot.keys()):

    fname = dict_plot[ll]['fname']

    ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(fname)
    Omega_mat = ob.Omega_mat
    strength_scan = ob.strength_scan
    strength_scan_0 = strength_scan
    # Omega_mat = np.zeros((ob.Omega_mat.shape[0]*2, ob.Omega_mat.shape[1]),
    #         dtype=np.complex)
    # strength_scan = np.zeros(Omega_mat.shape[0])
    # strength_scan_0 = ob.strength_scan
    # # Sort by real part
    # for iss in range(ob.Omega_mat.shape[0]):
    #     isorted = np.argsort(ob.Omega_mat[iss, :].real
    #             + 1e-10 * ob.Omega_mat[iss, :].imag)
    #     Omega_mat[2*iss] = np.take(ob.Omega_mat[iss, :], isorted)
    #     strength_scan[2*iss] = ob.strength_scan[iss]
    # # Interpolate
    # for iss in range(ob.Omega_mat.shape[0]-2):
import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm
import PyECLOUD.mystyle as ms
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

n_terms_to_be_kept = 200
n_tail_cut = 20

# Load response data
response_data_file = 'response_data.mat'
ob_responses = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(response_data_file)
z_resp = ob_responses.z_slices
x_resp_mat = ob_responses.x_mat
x_resp_mat[np.isnan(x_resp_mat)] = 0.
dpx_resp_mat = ob_responses.dpx_mat
dpx_resp_mat[np.isnan(dpx_resp_mat)] = 0.

# Combine all matrices together
FF = x_resp_mat[:, :].T
MM = dpx_resp_mat[:, :].T
RR = np.dot(FF.T, FF)
RR_inv = np.linalg.inv(RR)

CC = 0*MM
for ii in range(n_terms_to_be_kept):
    CC[ii, ii] = 1
Exemple #21

# Initialize master to get the beam
if os.path.exists('simulation_status.sta'):

# Initialize beam

# Get bunch and slicer
bunch = sim_content.bunch
slicer = sim_content.slicer

# Get simulation data
obsim = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(test_data_file)
x_test = obsim.x_slices
int_test = obsim.int_slices
x_test[np.isnan(x_test)] = 0.
xg = obsim.xg
yg = obsim.yg

ms.mystyle_arial(fontsz=14, dist_tick_lab=5, traditional_look=False)

figglob = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6.4, 4.8*1.15))
#axg1 = figglob.add_subplot(3,1,1)
axg2 = figglob.add_subplot(2,1,1)
axg3 = figglob.add_subplot(2,1,2, sharex=axg2)
from scipy.constants import c as clight

from scipy.constants import e as qe

import PyECLOUD.myfilemanager as mfm
import PyECLOUD.mystyle as ms

n_phi = 360
n_r = 200
beta_fun = 92.7
omega0 = 2 * np.pi * clight / 27e3  # Revolution angular frquency
omega_s = 4.9e-3 * omega0
sigma_b = 0.097057
vmax_edens = 1.5e14

ob = mfm.myloadmat_to_obj(
z_slices = ob.z_slices
p = np.polyfit(ob.z_slices, ob.k_z_integrated, deg=10)

alpha_N = p[::-1]  # Here I fit the strength
A_N = -beta_fun * alpha_N / 4 / np.pi  # I go to the coefficient in the tune
N_terms = len(A_N)
r_max = np.max(np.abs(z_slices))
dz = z_slices[1] - z_slices[0]

r_vect = np.linspace(0, r_max, n_r)
phi_vect = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_phi + 1)[:-1]
dphi = phi_vect[1] - phi_vect[0]

sin_PHI = np.sin(phi_vect)
cos_PHI = np.cos(phi_vect)