Exemple #1
        approximate_cost += estimateUsage(indices, groupSize, cores,

        # figure out how many indices to expect
        size = exp.numPermutations() * runs

        # log how many are missing
        print(path, f'{len(indices)} / {size}')

    return out, approximate_cost

# ----------------
# Scheduling logic
# ----------------
slurm = Slurm.fromFile(slurm_path)

# compute how many "tasks" to clump into each job
groupSize = slurm.cores * slurm.sequential

# compute how much time the jobs are going to take
hours, minutes, seconds = slurm.time.split(':')
total_hours = int(hours) + (int(minutes) / 60) + (int(seconds) / 3600)

# gather missing and sum up cost
missing, cost = gatherMissing(experiment_paths, runs, groupSize, slurm.cores,

    f"Expected to use {cost[0]:.2f} core years, which is {cost[1]:.4f}% of our annual allocation"
    for i, _ in enumerate(it):
        print(f'{i + 1}/{size}', end='\r')
        if i - 1 == size:
        yield _

# ----------------
# Scheduling logic
# ----------------
for path in experiment_paths:
    # load the experiment json file
    exp = Experiment.load(path)
    # load the slurm config file
    slurm = Slurm.fromFile(slurm_path)

    if exp.agent in SLOW_ALGS:
        slurm.sequential = 1

    # figure out how many indices to use
    size = exp.numPermutations() * runs

    paths = listResultsPaths(exp, runs)
    res_path = first(paths)

    data = []
    data_path = f'{res_path}/returns.csv'
    if os.path.exists(data_path):
        f = open(data_path, 'r')
        data = f.readlines()
Exemple #3

cwd = os.getcwd()

def getJobScript(parallel):
    return f"""#!/bin/bash
cd {cwd}

for path in experiment_paths:
    exp = Experiment.load(path)
    slurm = Slurm.fromFile(slurm_path)

    size = exp.numPermutations() * runs

    paths = listResultsPaths(exp, runs)
    paths = printProgress(size, paths)
    indices = generateMissing(paths)

    groupSize = slurm.tasks * slurm.tasksPerNode

    for g in group(indices, groupSize):
        l = list(g)
        print("scheduling:", path, l)
        parallel = Slurm.buildParallel(
            executable, l, {
                'ntasks': slurm.tasks,