def setUp(self): """ Setups everything needed for the test. """ self.helper = CommandHelper() return super().setUp()
def get_remote_destination(): """ Provides the remote destination to use. :raise PyFunceble.cli.continuous_integration.exceptions.RemoteURLNotFound: When we could not determine the remote destination. """ regex = r"(?:[a-z]+(?:\s+|\t+))(.*)(?:(?:\s+|\t+)\([a-z]+\))" remote_of_interest = [ x for x in CommandHelper("git remote -v").execute().splitlines() if "(fetch)" in x ][0] filtered = RegexHelper(regex).match(remote_of_interest, return_match=True, group=1) if filtered: if "@" in filtered: return filtered[filtered.find("@") + 1:] if "//" in filtered: return filtered[filtered.find("//") + 2:] raise PyFunceble.cli.continuous_integration.exceptions.RemoteURLNotFound( )
def launch_marker_in_last_commit() -> bool: """ Check if the launch marker is into the last commit message. """ return RegexHelper(infrastructure.MARKERS["launch"]).match( CommandHelper("git log -1").execute(), return_match=False)
def test_run(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us run a command. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = ["Hello, World!"] actual = list(CommandHelper("echo 'Hello, World!'").run()) self.assertEqual(expected, actual[:1])
def test_run_to_stdout(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us run a command an output to stdout. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = "Hello, World!\n" CommandHelper("echo 'Hello, World!'").run_to_stdout() actual = sys.stdout.getvalue() self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_set_encoding_through_init(self) -> None: """ Tests the overwritting of the encoding to use through the class constructor. """ given = "latin-1" expected = "latin-1" helper = CommandHelper(encoding=given) actual = helper.encoding self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_set_command_through_init(self) -> None: """ Tests the overwritting of the command to work through the class constructor. """ given = "echo 'Hello, World'" expected = "echo 'Hello, World'" helper = CommandHelper(given) actual = helper.command self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def update_documentation() -> "ProductionPrep": """ Updates the code documentation. :raise RuntimeError: When one of the wanted directory is not found. """ "Started to update and generate the documentation.", ) docs_dir_helper = DirectoryHelper("docs") source_code_dir_helper = DirectoryHelper("PyFunceble") if not docs_dir_helper.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"{docs_dir_helper.realpath!r} not found.") if not source_code_dir_helper.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"{source_code_dir_helper.realpath!r} not found.") header = "Code Documentation" source_code_destination = os.path.join(docs_dir_helper.realpath, "code") CommandHelper( f"sphinx-apidoc -d 5 -f -H {header!r} -o " f"{source_code_destination!r} {source_code_dir_helper.realpath}" ).execute(raise_on_error=True) docs_destination = os.path.join(docs_dir_helper.realpath, "_build", "html") CommandHelper( f"sphinx-build -a -Q {docs_dir_helper.realpath!r} {docs_destination!r}" ).execute(raise_on_error=False) "Finished to update and generate the documentation.", )
def test_execute_error(self, communicate_patch) -> None: """ Tests the method which executes a command for the case that an error is produced by the command. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = "This is an error." communicate_patch.return_value = (b"", b"This is an error.") given = "echo 'This is an error.' 1>&2" actual = CommandHelper(given).execute() self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def bypass(self) -> None: """ Stops everything if the latest commit message match any of those: - :code:`[PyFunceble skip]` (case insensitive) - :code:`[PyFunceble-skip]` (case insensitive) - :attr:`~PyFunceble.cli.continuous_integration.base.end_commit_marker` """ our_marker = [ "[pyfunceble skip]", "[pyfunceble-skip]", self.end_commit_marker ] latest_commit = CommandHelper("git log -1").execute().lower() if any(x.lower() in latest_commit for x in our_marker): "Bypass marker caught. Saving and stopping process.") raise PyFunceble.cli.continuous_integration.exceptions.StopExecution( )
def exec_command(command: str, allow_stdout: bool) -> None: """ Exceutes the given command. :param command: The command to execute. :param allow_stdout: Allows us to return the command output to stdout. """ PyFunceble.facility.Logger.debug("Executing %r", command) command_helper = CommandHelper(command) if allow_stdout: command_helper.run_to_stdout() else: command_helper.execute()
class TestCommandHelper(StdoutBase): """ Tests of the command helper. """ def setUp(self): """ Setups everything needed for the test. """ self.helper = CommandHelper() return super().setUp() def tearDown(self): """ Destroys everything needed for the test. """ del self.helper return super().tearDown() def test_set_command_return(self) -> None: """ Tests the response from the method which let us set the command to work with. """ given = "echo 'Hello, World'" actual = self.helper.set_command(given) self.assertIsInstance(actual, CommandHelper) def test_set_command_method(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the command to work with. """ given = "echo 'Hello, World'" expected = "echo 'Hello, World'" self.helper.set_command(given) actual = self.helper.command self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_command_attribute(self) -> None: """ Tests overwritting of the :code:`command` attribute. """ given = "echo 'Hello, World'" expected = "echo 'Hello, World'" self.helper.command = given actual = self.helper.command self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_command_through_init(self) -> None: """ Tests the overwritting of the command to work through the class constructor. """ given = "echo 'Hello, World'" expected = "echo 'Hello, World'" helper = CommandHelper(given) actual = helper.command self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_command_list_given(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the command to execute for the case that a list is given. """ given = ["echo", "'Hello, World'"] expected = "echo 'Hello, World'" self.helper.set_command(given) actual = self.helper.command self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_command_not_list_or_str(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the command to execute for the case that a list nor a str is given. """ given = True self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.helper.set_command(given)) def test_set_encoding_return(self) -> None: """ Tests the response from the method which let us set the encoding to use. """ given = "latin-1" actual = self.helper.set_encoding(given) self.assertIsInstance(actual, CommandHelper) def test_set_encoding_method(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the encoding to use. """ given = "latin-1" expected = "latin-1" self.helper.set_encoding(given) actual = self.helper.encoding self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_encoding_attribute(self) -> None: """ Tests overwritting of the :code:`encoding` attribute. """ given = "latin-1" expected = "latin-1" self.helper.encoding = given actual = self.helper.encoding self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_encoding_through_init(self) -> None: """ Tests the overwritting of the encoding to use through the class constructor. """ given = "latin-1" expected = "latin-1" helper = CommandHelper(encoding=given) actual = helper.encoding self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_set_encoding_not_str(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us set the encoding to use for the case that the given encoding is a string. """ given = ["hello", "world"] self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.helper.set_encoding(given)) def test_execute(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which executes a command. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): given = "echo 'Hello, World!'" expected = "Hello, World!\n" actual = self.helper.set_command(given).execute() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_execute_empty_output(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which executes a command for the case that the given command is empty. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = "" actual = self.helper.set_command("printf ''").execute() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) @unittest.mock.patch.object(Popen, "communicate") def test_execute_error(self, communicate_patch) -> None: """ Tests the method which executes a command for the case that an error is produced by the command. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = "This is an error." communicate_patch.return_value = (b"", b"This is an error.") given = "echo 'This is an error.' 1>&2" actual = CommandHelper(given).execute() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) @unittest.mock.patch.object(Popen, "communicate") def test_execute_error_exception(self, communicate_patch) -> None: """ Tests the method which executes a command for the case that an error is produced by the command and the end-user want an exception when such cases happen. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): communicate_patch.return_value = (b"", b"This is an error.") given = "echo 'This is an error.' 1>&2" self.helper.set_command(given) self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, lambda: self.helper.execute(raise_on_error=True) ) def test_run(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us run a command. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = ["Hello, World!"] actual = list(CommandHelper("echo 'Hello, World!'").run()) self.assertEqual(expected, actual[:1]) def test_run_to_stdout(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us run a command an output to stdout. """ if PlatformUtility.is_unix(): expected = "Hello, World!\n" CommandHelper("echo 'Hello, World!'").run_to_stdout() actual = sys.stdout.getvalue() self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def convert_data_for_system(data: dict) -> dict: """ Given the content of the info file, we convert it into something our system may understand. .. warning:: This method also delete the keys that are scheduled or declared for deletion :param data: The data to work with. """ result = dict() for key, value in dict(data).items(): if key in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES["delete"]: continue if key == "name": result[key] = ( CommandHelper("basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" ).execute().strip()) elif key in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES["bool"]: result[key] = bool(int(value)) elif key in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES["int"]: result[key] = int(value) elif key in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES["dict"]: result[key] = dict(value) elif key in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES["datetime"]: try: result[key] = datetime.fromisoformat(value) except ValueError: result[key] = datetime.utcnow() elif key in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES["epoch"]: result[key] = datetime.fromtimestamp(value) else: result[key] = value if "pyfunceble" not in result: result["pyfunceble"] = { "config": {}, } for sanitize_type, keys in infrastructure.ADMINISTRATION_INDEXES.items( ): if sanitize_type == "delete": continue for key in keys: if key not in result: if sanitize_type == "bool": local_result = bool(None) elif sanitize_type == "int": local_result = 0 elif sanitize_type == "dict": local_result = dict() elif sanitize_type == "datetime": local_result = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days=365.25) elif sanitize_type == "epoch": local_result = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days=365.25) else: local_result = None result[key] = local_result return result
"infrastructure-monitoring", "dev-center", ] if __name__ == "__main__": dir_helper = DirectoryHelper() file_helper = FileHelper() gh = Github(USER_TOKEN) if not dir_helper.set_path(CLONE_DIR).exists(): dir_helper.create() dir_helper.set_path(DEPLOYMENT_DIR) CommandHelper(f"git config --global {USER_GIT_EMAIL!r}").execute() CommandHelper(f"git config --global {USER_GIT_NAME!r}").execute() CommandHelper("git config --global push.default simple").execute() CommandHelper("git config --global pull.rebase false").execute() for repo in gh.get_organization(ORG_NAME).get_repos(): if in REPOS_TO_IGNORE: continue print("Starting to handle:", repo_slug = f"{ORG_NAME}/{}" clone_url = CLONE_TEMPLATE.replace("%slug%", repo_slug) clone_destination = f"{CLONE_DIR}/{}" if not DirectoryHelper(clone_destination).exists():