def get_valid_extensions(self): """ Get the list of valid extensions based on the result of """ result = {} regex_valid_extension = r'(/domains/root/db/)(.*)(\.html)' for readed in open(self.download_destination): readed = readed.rstrip('\n').strip() matched = Helpers.Regex(readed, regex_valid_extension, return_data=True, rematch=True).match() if not matched: continue else: ext_with_referer = {matched[1]: self.referer(matched[1])} result.update(ext_with_referer) Helpers.File(self.download_destination).delete() Helpers.File(self.destination).delete() return result
def restore(self): """ Restore the 'output/' directory structure based on the `dir_structure.json` file. """ if not Settings.quiet: print('Creation of non existant files and directories', end=" ") structure = Helpers.Dict().from_json( Helpers.File(self.structure).read()) structure = structure['output'] replace = self.restore_replace() for directory in structure: if not path.isdir(self.base + self.path + directory): self.travis_permissions() mkdir(self.base + self.path + directory) self.travis_permissions() for file in structure[directory]: file_path = self.path + directory + directory_separator + file content_to_write = structure[directory][file]['content'] online_sha = structure[directory][file]['sha512'] content_to_write = Helpers.Regex(content_to_write, '@@@', escape=True, replace_with='\\n').replace() git_to_keep = file_path.replace('gitignore', 'keep') keep_to_git = file_path.replace('keep', 'gitignore') if replace: if path.isfile(file_path) and Hash( file_path, 'sha512', True).get() == online_sha: rename(file_path, git_to_keep) write = False else: Helpers.File(file_path).delete() file_path = git_to_keep write = True else: if path.isfile(keep_to_git) and Hash( file_path, 'sha512', True).get() == online_sha: rename(file_path, keep_to_git) write = False else: Helpers.File(keep_to_git).delete() file_path = keep_to_git write = True if write: Helpers.File(file_path).write(content_to_write + '\n', True) if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done)
def them_all(self): """ Delete all discovered files. """ to_delete = self.file_to_delete() for file in to_delete: Helpers.File(file).delete()
def __init__(self): self.current_path = getcwd() self.destination = self.current_path + \ directory_separator + Settings.funilrys + '.' self.files = { 'script': '', 'tool': '', 'iana': 'iana-domains-db.json', 'dir_structure': 'dir_structure.json' } if path.isdir(self.current_path + directory_separator + '.git') and Settings.script in Helpers.Command( 'git remote show origin').execute(): self.git() else: if not self.same_version(True): for data in self.files: Helpers.File(self.current_path + directory_separator + self.files[data]).delete() rename( self.destination + self.files[data], self.current_path + directory_separator + self.files[data]) if not Settings.quiet: print('Checking version', end=' ') if self.same_version() and not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done + '\n\nThe update was successfully completed!') else: if not Settings.quiet: print( Settings.error + '\nImpossible to update PyFunceble. Please report issue.' ) else: if not Settings.quiet: print('No need to update.\n') for data in self.files: Helpers.File(self.destination + self.files[data]).delete()
def execute(self): """ Execute the installation or production logic. """ replacement_production = { 'to_replace': [ 'official_status_index', 'official_down_status', 'official_up_status', 'auto_continue', 'command_before_end', 'custom_ip', 'days_between_db_retest', 'debug', 'domain', 'generate_hosts', 'header_printed', 'to_filter', 'less', 'logs', 'plain_list_domain', 'quiet', 'referer', 'seconds_before_http_timeout', 'share_logs', 'show_execution_time', 'show_percentage', 'split_files', 'travis', 'travis_autosave_minutes', 'travis_autosave_commit', 'travis_autosave_final_commit', 'unified_file', 'link_to_repo', 'iana_server', 'current_datetime', 'number_of_tested', 'number_of_up', 'number_of_down', 'number_of_invalid', 'http_code_status', 'http_code', 'cleaned_done', 'current_dir' ] } replacement_installation = { 'current_dir': r"current_dir = '%%current_dir%%'" } replacement_list = {} if self.production: replacement_list = replacement_production else: replacement_list = replacement_installation if self.data_to_install is not None: replacement_list.update(self.data_to_install) script = Helpers.File(self.file_to_install).read() for to_replace in replacement_list: if to_replace == 'to_replace' or to_replace == 'to_install': for variable in replacement_list[to_replace]: if to_replace == 'to_install': replacement = variable + ' = ' + \ str(replacement_list[to_replace][variable]) else: replacement = variable + ' = ' + \ self.default_values()[variable] script = Helpers.Regex(script, variable + ' = .*', replace_with=replacement, occurences=1).replace() else: replacement = to_replace + ' = ' + \ self.default_values()[to_replace] script = Helpers.Regex(script, replacement_list[to_replace], replace_with=replacement, occurences=1).replace() Helpers.File(self.file_to_install).write(script, True) if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done)