Exemple #1
def make_about_data(description):
    Create an about data object describing synaptiks.

    ``description`` is a :class:`~PyKDE4.kdecore.KLocalizedString` containing a
    description for the specific part of synaptiks, the created about data
    object should describe.

    Return a :class:`~PyKDE4.kdecore.KAboutData` object with the given
    about = KAboutData(
        b'synaptiks', '', ki18nc('Program name', 'synaptiks'),
        str(synaptiks.__version__), description, KAboutData.License_BSD,
        ki18nc('About data copyright',
               # KLocalizedString doesn't deal well with unicode
               b'Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011 Sebastian Wiesner'))
        ki18nc('custom author text plain text',
               'Please report bugs to the issue tracker at %1').subs(
        ki18nc('@info custom author text rich text',
               'Please report bugs to the '
               '<link url="%1">issue tracker</link>.').subs(

    about.setTranslator(ki18nc('NAME OF TRANSLATORS', 'Your names'),
                        ki18nc('EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS', 'Your emails'))
    about.addAuthor(ki18nc('author name', 'Sebastian Wiesner'),
                    ki18nc('author task', 'Maintainer'),
    about.addCredit(ki18nc('credit name', 'Valentyn Pavliuchenko'),
                    ki18nc('credit task', 'Debian packaging, russian '
                           'translation, bug reporting and testing'),
    return about
Exemple #2
def run():
    appName     = "eclectus"
    catalog     = "eclectusqt"
    programName = ki18n("Eclectus")
    version     = eclectusqt.__version__
    description = ki18n("Han character dictionary")
    license     = KAboutData.License_GPL_V3
    copyright   = ki18n("(c) 2008-2009 Christoph Burgmer")
    text        = ki18n(
        "Eclectus is a small Han character dictionary for learners.")
    homePage    = eclectusqt.__url__
    bugEmail    = "*****@*****.**"

    bugAddress = "http://code.google.com/p/eclectus/issues/list"
    aboutData = KAboutData(appName, catalog, programName, version, description,
        license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail)
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Christoph Burgmer"), ki18n("Developer"),
        "*****@*****.**", "http://cburgmer.nfshost.com/")
    aboutData.setCustomAuthorText(ki18n("Please use %1 to report bugs.")\
        ki18n('Please use %1 to report bugs.')\
            .subs('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (bugAddress, bugAddress)))
    aboutData.addCredit(KLocalizedString(), ki18n("Arrr, Eclectus sits on the shoulders of some fine pirates:"))
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Jim Breen and contributors"), ki18n("EDICT"), '',
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Paul Denisowski and current contributors"),
        ki18n("CEDICT"), '', 'http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php')
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("HanDeDict team"), ki18n("HanDeDict"), '',
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Tomoe developers"),
        ki18n("Tomoe handwriting recognition"),
        '*****@*****.**', 'http://tomoe.sourceforge.jp')
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Mathieu Blondel and the Tegaki contributors"),
        ki18n("Tegaki handwriting recognition"),
        u'mathieu ÂT mblondel DÔT org'.encode('utf8'),
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Unicode Consortium and contributors"),
        ki18n("Unihan database"), '', 'http://unicode.org/charts/unihan.html')
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Commons Stroke Order Project"),
        ki18n("Stroke order pictures"), '',
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Tim Eyre, Ulrich Apel and the Wadoku Project"),
        ki18n("Kanji stroke order font"), '',
        ki18n("Yue Tan, Wei Gao, Vion Nicolas and the Shtooka Project"),
        ki18n("Pronunciation examples for Mandarin"), '',

    # find logo file, don't directly use util.getData(), KApplication not
    #   created yet
    aboutLogoFile = u'/usr/share/kde4/apps/eclectus/eclectus_about.png'
    if not os.path.exists(aboutLogoFile):
        modulePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        aboutLogoFile = os.path.join(modulePath, 'data', 'eclectus_about.png')
        if not os.path.exists(aboutLogoFile):
            aboutLogoFile = util.getData('eclectus_about.png')
    if aboutLogoFile:

    KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, aboutData)

    # create applicaton
    global g_app
    g_app = KApplication()

    # TODO how to access local .mo file?
    #base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    #localeDir = os.path.join(base, "locale")
    #print localeDir
    #if os.path.exists(localeDir):
        #print KGlobal.dirs().addResourceDir('locale', localeDir + '/', True)
    #print KGlobal.dirs().findResource('locale', 'de/LC_MESSAGES/eclectusqt.mo')

    # read config file and make global
    global GeneralConfig
    global DictionaryConfig
    global PluginConfig
    config = KConfig()
    GeneralConfig = KConfigGroup(config, "General")
    DictionaryConfig = KConfigGroup(config, "Dictionary")
    PluginConfig = KConfigGroup(config, "Plugin")

    # create main window

    # react to CTRL+C on the command line
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
