Exemple #1
        def _compute_constraints_impl(self, x):
            from PyKEP import epoch, AU, EARTH_VELOCITY, DAY2SEC
            from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state

            start = epoch(x[0])
            end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])

            r, v = self.__earth.eph(start)
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, x[4:7])]
            x0 = sc_state(r, v, self.__sc.mass)

            r, v = self.__mars.eph(end)
            xe = sc_state(r, v, x[3])
            self.__leg.set(start, x0, x[-3 * self.__nseg :], end, xe, x[2] * DAY2SEC)
            v_inf_con = (x[4] * x[4] + x[5] * x[5] + x[6] * x[6] - self.__Vinf * self.__Vinf) / (
                retval = list(self.__leg.mismatch_constraints() + self.__leg.throttles_constraints()) + [v_inf_con]
                print "warning: CANNOT EVALUATE constraints .... possible problem in the taylor integration in the Sundmann variable"
                return (1e14,) * (8 + 1 + self.__nseg + 2)
                # We then scale all constraints to non-dimensional values
            retval[0] /= AU
            retval[1] /= AU
            retval[2] /= AU
            retval[3] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
            retval[4] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
            retval[5] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
            retval[6] /= self.__sc.mass
            retval[7] /= 365.25 * DAY2SEC
            return retval
Exemple #2
def _mga_incipit_cstrs_ctor(
    self, seq=[
        planet_js('io'), planet_js('io'), planet_js('europa')], t0=[
        epoch(7305.0), epoch(11323.0)], tof=[
            100, 200], [
            3, 200], [
            4, 100]], Tmax=300.00, Dmin=2.0):
    USAGE: mga_incipit_cstrs(seq = [planet_js('io'),planet_js('io'),planet_js('europa')], t0 = [epoch(6905.0),epoch(11323.0)], tof = [[100,200],[3,200],[4,100]], Tmax = 365.25, Dmin = 0.2)

    * seq: list of jupiter moons defining the trajectory incipit
    * t0:  list of two epochs defining the launch window
    * tof: list of n lists containing the lower and upper bounds for the legs flight times (days)
    # We construct the arg list for the original constructor exposed by
    # boost_python
    arg_list = []
def opt_dt(tt1, tt2):
    t1 = epoch(tt1)
    t2 = epoch(tt2)
    dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * DAY2SEC

    rE, vE = plEarth.eph(t1)
    vE = array(vE)
    rM, vM = plMars.eph(t2)
    vM = array(vM)

    l = lambert_problem(rE, rM, dt, MU_SUN)

    vEl = array(l.get_v1()[0])
    dvE = vEl - vE
    vMl = array(l.get_v2()[0])
    dvM = vMl - vM
	print ""
	print " detlal-V at Earth: "
	print " Earth: ",vE 
	print " Ship:  ",vEl
	print " delta  ", dvE, linalg.norm(dvE)
	print ""
	print " detlal-V at Mars : "
	print " Mars:  ",  vM 
	print " Ship:  ",  vMl
	dvM = (vM - vMl)
	print " delta  ", dvM, linalg.norm(dvM)
	print " total delta-v  ", linalg.norm(dvM)+linalg.norm(dvE)
    print " dt ", (tt2 - tt1), " dv ", linalg.norm(dvM) + linalg.norm(dvE)
    plot_planet(ax, plMars, t0=t2, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), units=AU)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, color=(1, 0, 0), units=AU)
Exemple #4
def point_planet(plnt, t0='PyKEP.epoch(0)', N=60, units=1.0):
    from PyKEP import MU_SUN, SEC2DAY, epoch, AU
    from math import pi, sqrt
    import numpy as np

    if t0 == 'PyKEP.epoch(0)':
        t0 = epoch(0)

    # orbit period at epoch
    T = plnt.compute_period(t0) * SEC2DAY

    # points where the orbit will be plotted
    when = np.linspace(0, T, N)

    # Ephemerides Calculation for the given planet
    x = np.array([0.0] * N)
    y = np.array([0.0] * N)
    z = np.array([0.0] * N)

    for i, day in enumerate(when):
        r, v = plnt.eph(epoch(t0.mjd2000 + day))
        x[i] = r[0] / units
        y[i] = r[1] / units
        z[i] = r[2] / units

    return x,y,z
	def plot(self,x):
		import matplotlib as mpl
		from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
		import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
		from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

		mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
		fig = plt.figure()
		ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
		ax.scatter(0,0,0, color='y')

		# 1 - We decode the chromosome extracting the time of flights
		T = list([0]*(self.__n_legs))
		for i in range(self.__n_legs):
			T[i] = x[2+i*8]
		#2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
		t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs+1))
		r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs+1))
		v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs+1))
		for i,planet in enumerate(self.seq):
			t_P[i+1] = epoch(self.tf - sum(T[i+1:]))
			r_P[i+1],v_P[i+1] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i+1])
			plot_planet(ax, self.seq[i], t_P[i+1], units=JR, legend = True,color='k')
		#And we insert a fake planet simulating the starting position
		t_P[0] = epoch(self.tf - sum(T))
		theta = x[0]
		phi = x[1]
		r = [cos(phi)*sin(theta), cos(phi)*cos(theta), sin(phi)] #phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
		r = [JR*1000*d for d in r]
		r_P[0] = r
		v_P[0] = x[4:7]
		#3 - We iterate through legs to compute mismatches and throttles constraints
		ceq = list()
		cineq = list()
		m0 = self.__sc.mass
		for i in range(self.__n_legs):

			if i!=0: #First Leg
				v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v_P[i],x[(4 + i * 8):(7 + i * 8)])]
				v = v_P[i]
			x0 = sc_state(r_P[i],v,m0)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v_P[i+1],x[(7 + i * 8):(10 + i * 8)])]
			if (i==self.__n_legs-1): #Last leg
				v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v_P[i+1],self.vf)]
			xe = sc_state(r_P[i+1], v ,x[3+8*i])
			throttles = x[(8*self.__n_legs-1 + 3*sum(self.__n_seg[:i])):(8*self.__n_legs-1 + 3*sum(self.__n_seg[:i])+3*self.__n_seg[i])]
			plot_sf_leg(ax, self.__leg, units=JR,N=50)
			#update mass!
			m0 = x[3+8*i]
			#raise Exception    
		return ax
Exemple #6
def _mga_1dsm_tof_ctor(
    self, seq=[
        planet_ss('earth'), planet_ss('venus'), planet_ss('earth')], t0=[
        epoch(0), epoch(1000)], tof=[
            50, 900], [
            50, 900]], vinf=[
        0.5, 2.5], multi_objective=False, add_vinf_dep=False, add_vinf_arr=True):
    Constructs an mga_1dsm problem (tof-encoding)

    USAGE: problem.mga_1dsm(seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], tof = [ [50, 900], [50, 900] ], vinf = [0.5, 2.5], multi_objective = False, add_vinf_dep = False, add_vinf_arr = True)

    * seq: list of PyKEP planets defining the encounter sequence (including the starting planet)
    * t0: list of two epochs defining the launch window
    * tof: list of intervals defining the times of flight (days)
    * vinf: list of two floats defining the minimum and maximum allowed initial hyperbolic velocity at launch (km/sec)
    * multi_objective: when True constructs a multiobjective problem (dv, T)
    * add_vinf_dep: when True the computed Dv includes the initial hyperbolic velocity (at launch)
    * add_vinf_arr: when True the computed Dv includes the final hyperbolic velocity (at arrival)

    # We construct the arg list for the original constructor exposed by
    # boost_python
    arg_list = []
Exemple #7
def run_example2():
	import matplotlib as mpl
	from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	from PyKEP import epoch, DAY2SEC, planet_ss, AU, MU_SUN, lambert_problem
	from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert

	mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10

	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

	t1 = epoch(0)
	t2 = epoch(640)
	dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * DAY2SEC

	ax.scatter([0],[0],[0], color='y')

	pl = planet_ss('earth')
	plot_planet(ax,pl, t0=t1, color=(0.8,0.8,1), legend=True, units = AU)
	rE,vE = pl.eph(t1)

	pl = planet_ss('mars')
	plot_planet(ax,pl, t0=t2, color=(0.8,0.8,1), legend=True, units = AU)
	rM, vM = pl.eph(t2)

	l = lambert_problem(rE,rM,dt,MU_SUN)
	plot_lambert(ax,l, color='b', legend=True, units = AU)
	plot_lambert(ax,l,sol=1, color='g', legend=True, units = AU)
	plot_lambert(ax,l,sol=2, color='g', legend=True, units = AU)

Exemple #8
def opt_dt(tt1, tt2):
    t1 = epoch(tt1)
    t2 = epoch(tt2)
    dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * DAY2SEC

    rE, vE = plEarth.eph(t1)
    vE = array(vE)
    rM, vM = plMars.eph(t2)
    vM = array(vM)

    l = lambert_problem(rE, rM, dt, MU_SUN)

    vEl = array(l.get_v1()[0])
    dvE = (vEl - vE)
    vMl = array(l.get_v2()[0])
    dvM = (vMl - vM)
	print ""
	print " detlal-V at Earth: "
	print " Earth: ",vE 
	print " Ship:  ",vEl
	print " delta  ", dvE, linalg.norm(dvE)
	print ""
	print " detlal-V at Mars : "
	print " Mars:  ",  vM 
	print " Ship:  ",  vMl
	dvM = (vM - vMl)
	print " delta  ", dvM, linalg.norm(dvM)
	print " total delta-v  ", linalg.norm(dvM)+linalg.norm(dvE)
    print " dt ", (tt2 - tt1), " dv ", linalg.norm(dvM) + linalg.norm(dvE)
    plot_planet(ax, plMars, t0=t2, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), units=AU)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, color=(1, 0, 0), units=AU)
Exemple #9
		def _compute_constraints_impl(self,x):
			from PyKEP import epoch, AU, EARTH_VELOCITY, fb_con
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import leg, sc_state
			from numpy.linalg import norm
			from math import sqrt, asin, acos

			t_E = epoch(x[0])
			t_V = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
			t_M = epoch(x[0] + x[1] + x[9])
			rE, vE = self.__earth.eph(t_E)
			rV, vV = self.__venus.eph(t_V)
			rM, vM = self.__mercury.eph(t_M)

			#First Leg
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(vE,x[3:6])]
			x0 = sc_state(rE,v,self.__sc.mass)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(vV,x[6:9])]
			xe = sc_state(rV, v ,x[2])
			self.__leg1.set(t_E,x0,x[-3 * (self.__nseg1 + self.__nseg2):-self.__nseg2 * 3],t_V,xe)

			#Second leg
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(vV,x[11:14])]
			x0 = sc_state(rV,v,x[2])
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(vM,x[14:17])]
			xe = sc_state(rM, v ,x[10])
			self.__leg2.set(t_E,x0,x[(-3 * self.__nseg2):],t_V,xe)

			#Defining the costraints
			v_dep_con = (x[3]  * x[3]  + x[4]  * x[4]  + x[5]  * x[5]  - self.__Vinf_dep * self.__Vinf_dep) / (EARTH_VELOCITY * EARTH_VELOCITY)
			v_arr_con = (x[14] * x[14] + x[15] * x[15] + x[16] * x[16] - self.__Vinf_arr * self.__Vinf_arr) / (EARTH_VELOCITY * EARTH_VELOCITY)
			#fly-by at Venus
			DV_eq, alpha_ineq = fb_con(x[6:9],x[11:14],self.__venus)

			#Assembling the constraints
			retval = list(self.__leg1.mismatch_constraints() + self.__leg2.mismatch_constraints()) + [DV_eq] + list(self.__leg1.throttles_constraints() + self.__leg2.throttles_constraints()) + [v_dep_con] + [v_arr_con] + [alpha_ineq]

			#We then scale all constraints to non dimensional values
			#leg 1
			retval[0] /= AU
			retval[1] /= AU
			retval[2] /= AU
			retval[3] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[4] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[5] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[6] /= self.__sc.mass
			#leg 2
			retval[7] /= AU
			retval[8] /= AU
			retval[9] /= AU
			retval[10] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[11] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[12] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[13] /= self.__sc.mass
			#fly-by at Venus

			return retval
Exemple #10
def run_example5():
	from PyGMO import archipelago, problem
	from PyGMO.algorithm import jde
	from PyGMO.topology import ring
	from PyKEP import planet_ss,epoch
	from PyKEP.interplanetary import mga_1dsm
	#We define an Earth-Venus-Earth problem (single-objective)
	seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')]
	prob = mga_1dsm(seq=seq)

	print prob
	#We solve it!!
	algo = jde(100)
	topo = ring()
	archi = archipelago(algo,prob,8,20, topology=topo)
	print "Running a Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm .... on 8 parallel islands"
	archi.evolve(10); archi.join()
	isl = min(archi, key=lambda x:x.population.champion.f[0])
	print "Done!! Best solution found is: " + str(isl.population.champion.f[0]/1000) + " km / sec"
Exemple #11
		def _compute_constraints_impl(self,x):
			from PyKEP import epoch, AU, EARTH_VELOCITY, DAY2SEC
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
			start = epoch(x[0])
			end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
			r,v = self.__earth.eph(start)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v,x[4:7])]
			x0 = sc_state(r,v,self.__sc.mass)
			r,v = self.__mars.eph(end)
			xe = sc_state(r, v ,x[3])
			self.__leg.set(start,x0,x[-3 * self.__nseg:],end,xe, x[2] * DAY2SEC)
			v_inf_con = (x[4] * x[4] + x[5] * x[5] + x[6] * x[6] - self.__Vinf * self.__Vinf) / (EARTH_VELOCITY * EARTH_VELOCITY)
				retval = list(self.__leg.mismatch_constraints() + self.__leg.throttles_constraints()) + [v_inf_con]
				print "warning: CANNOT EVALUATE constraints .... possible problem in the Taylor integration in the Sundmann variable"
				return (1e14,)*(8+1+self.__nseg+2)
			#We then scale all constraints to non-dimensional values
			retval[0] /= AU
			retval[1] /= AU
			retval[2] /= AU
			retval[3] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[4] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[5] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[6] /= self.__sc.mass
			retval[7] /= 365.25 * DAY2SEC
			return retval
Exemple #12
		def plot(self,x):
			import matplotlib as mpl
			from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
			import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
			from PyKEP import epoch, AU
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
			from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg
			start = epoch(x[0])
			end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
			r,v = self.__earth.eph(start)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v,x[3:6])]
			x0 = sc_state(r,v,self.__sc.mass)
			r,v = self.__mars.eph(end)
			xe = sc_state(r, v ,x[2])
			self.__leg.set(start,x0,x[-3 * self.__nseg:],end,xe)
			fig = plt.figure()
			ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
			#The Sun
			ax.scatter([0],[0],[0], color='y')
			#The leg
			plot_sf_leg(ax, self.__leg, units=AU,N=10)
			#The planets
			plot_planet(ax, self.__earth, start, units=AU, legend = True,color=(0.8,0.8,1))
			plot_planet(ax, self.__mars, end, units=AU, legend = True,color=(0.8,0.8,1))
Exemple #13
def run_example2():
    import matplotlib as mpl
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from PyKEP import epoch, DAY2SEC, planet_ss, AU, MU_SUN, lambert_problem
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert

    mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

    t1 = epoch(0)
    t2 = epoch(640)
    dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * DAY2SEC

    ax.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')

    pl = planet_ss('earth')
    plot_planet(ax, pl, t0=t1, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), legend=True, units=AU)
    rE, vE = pl.eph(t1)

    pl = planet_ss('mars')
    plot_planet(ax, pl, t0=t2, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), legend=True, units=AU)
    rM, vM = pl.eph(t2)

    l = lambert_problem(rE, rM, dt, MU_SUN)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, color='b', legend=True, units=AU)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=1, color='g', legend=True, units=AU)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=2, color='g', legend=True, units=AU)

Exemple #14
        def plot(self, x):
            import matplotlib as mpl
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from PyKEP import epoch, AU
            from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
            from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

            # Making sure the leg corresponds to the requested chromosome
            start = epoch(x[0])
            end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])

            # Plotting commands
            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')
            # The Sun
            axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')
            # The leg
            plot_sf_leg(self.__leg, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)
            # The planets
                self.__earth, start, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), ax = axis)
                self.__mars, end, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), ax = axis)
Exemple #15
def run_example5():
    from PyGMO import archipelago, problem
    from PyGMO.algorithm import jde
    from PyGMO.topology import ring
    from PyKEP import epoch
    from PyKEP.planet import jpl_lp
    from PyKEP.trajopt import mga_1dsm

    # We define an Earth-Venus-Earth problem (single-objective)
    seq = [jpl_lp('earth'), jpl_lp('venus'), jpl_lp('earth')]
    prob = mga_1dsm(seq=seq)

    prob.set_tof(0.7, 3)
    prob.set_launch_window(epoch(5844), epoch(6209))
    prob.set_tof(0.7, 3)

    # We solve it!!
    algo = jde(100)
    topo = ring()
    archi = archipelago(algo, prob, 8, 20, topology=topo)
        "Running a Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm .... on 8 parallel islands"
    isl = min(archi, key=lambda x: x.population.champion.f[0])
    print("Done!! Best solution found is: " +
          str(isl.population.champion.f[0] / 1000) + " km / sec")
Exemple #16
    def _compute_constraints_impl(self, x):
        start = epoch(x[0])
        end   = epoch(x[0] + x[1])

        r, v  = self.earth.eph(start)
        v     = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, x[3:6])]
        x0    = sc_state(r, v, self.sc.mass)

        r, v  = self.mars.eph(end)
        xe    = sc_state(r, v, x[2])

        self.leg.set(start, x0, x[-3 * self.nseg:], end, xe)
        v_inf_con = (x[3] * x[3] + x[4] * x[4] + x[5] * x[5] -
                     self.Vinf * self.Vinf) / (EARTH_VELOCITY * EARTH_VELOCITY)
        retval = list(self.leg.mismatch_constraints() +
            self.leg.throttles_constraints()) + [v_inf_con]

        # We then scale all constraints to non-dimensional values
        retval[0] /= AU
        retval[1] /= AU
        retval[2] /= AU
        retval[3] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
        retval[4] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
        retval[5] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
        retval[6] /= self.sc.mass
        return retval
    def _compute_constraints_impl(self, x):
        from PyKEP import epoch, AU, EARTH_VELOCITY
        from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import leg, sc_state

        start = epoch(x[0])
        end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])

        r, v = self.__earth.eph(start)
        v = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, x[3:6])]
        x0 = sc_state(r, v, self.__sc.mass)

        r, v = self.__mars.eph(end)
        xe = sc_state(r, v, x[2])

        self.__leg.set(start, x0, x[-3 * self.__nseg:], end, xe)
        v_inf_con = (x[3] * x[3] + x[4] * x[4] + x[5] * x[5] - self.__Vinf *
                     self.__Vinf) / (EARTH_VELOCITY * EARTH_VELOCITY)
        retval = list(self.__leg.mismatch_constraints() +
                      self.__leg.throttles_constraints()) + [v_inf_con]

        #We then scale all constraints to non dimensiona values
        retval[0] /= AU
        retval[1] /= AU
        retval[2] /= AU
        retval[3] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
        retval[4] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
        retval[5] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
        retval[6] /= self.__sc.mass
        return retval
Exemple #18
def plot_planet(ax,plnt,t0='PyKEP.epoch(0)', N=60, units = 1.0, color = 'k', s=80, legend = False):
	Plots the planet position and its orbit
	USAGE: plot_planet(ax,plnt,t0='PyKEP.epoch(0)', N=60, units=AU, legend = False):
	  * ax:		3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
	  * plnt:	PyKEP.planet object we want to plot
	  * t0:		PyKEP.epoch object indicating when we want to plot the planet position
	  * units:	the length unit to be used in the plot
	  * color:	matplotlib color to use to plot the line
	  * s:		planet size (pixel^2)
	  * legend	when True it plots also the legend with the planet name
	  from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
	  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	  fig = plt.figure()
	  ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
	  pl = planet_ss('earth')
	from PyKEP import MU_SUN, SEC2DAY, epoch, AU
	from math import pi,sqrt
	import numpy as np
	if t0 == 'PyKEP.epoch(0)':
		t0 = epoch(0)
	#orbit semi-major axis
	a = plnt.orbital_elements[0]
	#orbital period in days
	T = 2*pi*sqrt(a**3/plnt.mu_central_body) * SEC2DAY
	#points where the orbit will be plotted
	when = np.linspace(0,T,N)
	#Ephemerides Calculation for the given planet
	x = np.array([0.0]*N)
	y = np.array([0.0]*N)
	z = np.array([0.0]*N)
	for i,day in enumerate(when):
		r,v = plnt.eph(epoch(t0.mjd2000 + day))
		x[i] = r[0]/units
		y[i] = r[1]/units
		z[i] = r[2]/units

	#Actual plot commands
	if legend:
		label=plnt.name + " " +  t0.__repr__()[0:11]
	ax.plot(x, y, z, label=label, c=color)
	ax.scatter([x[0]],[y[0]],[z[0]], s=s, marker='o', alpha=0.8, c = color)
	if legend:
Exemple #19
def _mga_incipit_cstrs_ctor(
        t0=[epoch(7305.0), epoch(11323.0)],
        tof=[[100, 200], [3, 200], [4, 100]],
	USAGE: mga_incipit_cstrs(seq = [planet_js('io'),planet_js('io'),planet_js('europa')], t0 = [epoch(6905.0),epoch(11323.0)], tof = [[100,200],[3,200],[4,100]], Tmax = 365.25, Dmin = 0.2)

	* seq: list of jupiter moons defining the trajectory incipit
	* t0:  list of two epochs defining the launch window
	* tof: list of n lists containing the lower and upper bounds for the legs flight times (days)
    # We construct the arg list for the original constructor exposed by boost_python
    arg_list = []
Exemple #20
    def planets_pos(self):
        from jplephem import Ephemeris
        import de421
        from PyKEP import epoch
        self.eph = Ephemeris(de421)

        earthpos = []
        marspos = []
        venuspos = []

        for ep in self.sc_state[3]:
            posSun, __ = self.eph.position_and_velocity('sun', epoch(ep, epoch.epoch_type.MJD2000).jd)

            positione, __ = self.eph.position_and_velocity('earthmoon', epoch(ep, epoch.epoch_type.MJD2000).jd)
            positione = self.eq2eclipt(positione - posSun)

            positionm, __ = self.eph.position_and_velocity('mars', epoch(ep, epoch.epoch_type.MJD2000).jd)
            positionm = self.eq2eclipt(positionm - posSun)

            positionv, __ = self.eph.position_and_velocity('venus', epoch(ep, epoch.epoch_type.MJD2000).jd)
            positionv = self.eq2eclipt(positionv - posSun)

        self.earthpos_km = [earthpos[i].reshape((1,3)).tolist()[0] for i in range(len(earthpos))]
        self.marspos_km = [marspos[i].reshape((1,3)).tolist()[0] for i in range(len(earthpos))]
        self.venuspos_km = [venuspos[i].reshape((1,3)).tolist()[0] for i in range(len(earthpos))]
Exemple #21
		def plot(self,x):
			import matplotlib as mpl
			from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
			import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
			from PyKEP import epoch, AU, DAY2SEC
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
			from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg
			start = epoch(x[0])
			end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
			r,v = self.__earth.eph(start)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v,x[4:7])]
			x0 = sc_state(r,v,self.__sc.mass)
			r,v = self.__mars.eph(end)
			xe = sc_state(r, v ,x[3])
			self.__leg.set(start,x0,x[-3 * self.__nseg:],end,xe, x[2] * DAY2SEC)
			fig = plt.figure()
			axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')
			#The Sun
			axis.scatter([0],[0],[0], color='y')
			#The leg
			plot_sf_leg(self.__leg, units=AU,N=10, ax = axis)
			#The planets
			plot_planet(self.__earth, start, units=AU, legend = True,color=(0.8,0.8,1), ax = axis)
			plot_planet(self.__mars, end, units=AU, legend = True,color=(0.8,0.8,1), ax = axis)
Exemple #22
		def _compute_constraints_impl(self,x):
			from PyKEP import epoch, AU, EARTH_VELOCITY
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import leg, sc_state
			start = epoch(x[0])
			end = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
			r,v = self.__earth.eph(start)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v,x[3:6])]
			x0 = sc_state(r,v,self.__sc.mass)
			r,v = self.__mars.eph(end)
			xe = sc_state(r, v ,x[2])
			self.__leg.set(start,x0,x[-3 * self.__nseg:],end,xe)
			v_inf_con = (x[3] * x[3] + x[4] * x[4] + x[5] * x[5] - self.__Vinf * self.__Vinf) / (EARTH_VELOCITY * EARTH_VELOCITY)
			retval = list(self.__leg.mismatch_constraints() + self.__leg.throttles_constraints()) + [v_inf_con]
			#We then scale all constraints to non dimensiona values
			retval[0] /= AU
			retval[1] /= AU
			retval[2] /= AU
			retval[3] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[4] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[5] /= EARTH_VELOCITY
			retval[6] /= self.__sc.mass
			return retval
Exemple #23
        def plot(self, x):
            import matplotlib as mpl
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from PyKEP import epoch, AU
            from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
            from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

            t_E = epoch(x[0])
            t_V = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
            t_M = epoch(x[0] + x[1] + x[9])
            rE, vE = self.__earth.eph(t_E)
            rV, vV = self.__venus.eph(t_V)
            rM, vM = self.__mercury.eph(t_M)

            #First Leg
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vE, x[3:6])]
            x0 = sc_state(rE, v, self.__sc.mass)
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vV, x[6:9])]
            xe = sc_state(rV, v, x[2])
                t_E, x0,
                x[-3 * (self.__nseg1 + self.__nseg2):-self.__nseg2 * 3], t_V,

            #Second leg
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vV, x[11:14])]
            x0 = sc_state(rV, v, x[2])
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vM, x[14:17])]
            xe = sc_state(rM, v, x[10])
            self.__leg2.set(t_E, x0, x[(-3 * self.__nseg2):], t_V, xe)

            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')

            #The Sun
            axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')
            #The legs
            plot_sf_leg(self.__leg1, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)
            plot_sf_leg(self.__leg2, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)
            #The planets
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
	def get_score_data(self,x):

		This method returns the data needed to compute the score of a trajectory. This is
		tuples of (epoch, moon, v_inf, rp, beta)
		from _feasible_faces import vinfs_to_beta, get_fb_axis
		# moons
		nlegs = self.__n_legs

		# time of flights
		T = x[2::8][:nlegs]
		# epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
		# ep_list = list([None] * nlegs)
		ep_list = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
		t_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
		r_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
		v_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
		for i,planet in enumerate(self.seq):
			ep_list[i+1] = self.tf - sum(T[i+1:])
			t_P[i+1] = epoch(ep_list[i+1])
			r_P[i+1],v_P[i+1] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i+1])
		#And we insert a fake planet simulating the starting position
		ep_list[0] = self.tf - sum(T)
		t_P[0] = epoch(ep_list[0])
		theta = x[0]
		phi = x[1]
		r = [cos(phi)*sin(theta), cos(phi)*cos(theta), sin(phi)] #phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
		r = [JR*1000*d for d in r]
		r_P[0] = r
		v_P[0] = x[4:7]
		#getting vinfs_out
		vinf_in_list = list([None] * (nlegs))
		for i, planet in enumerate(self.seq):
			vinf_in_list[i] = x[7+(i*8):10+(i*8)]
		#getting vinfs_in
		vinf_out_list = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
		for i in xrange(len(self.seq) + 1):
			vinf_out_list[i] = x[4+(i*8):7+(i*8)]
		#getting rp
		beta_list = []
		rp_list = []
		for moon, vinf_in, vinf_out, v_planet in zip(self.seq[:-1], vinf_in_list[:-1], vinf_out_list[1:-1], v_P[1:]):
			alpha = acos(np.dot(vinf_in, vinf_out)/np.linalg.norm(vinf_in)/np.linalg.norm(vinf_out))
			beta_list.append(vinfs_to_beta(vinf_in, vinf_out, v_planet))

		# last flyby is not yet determined
		return zip(ep_list[1:], self.seq, vinf_in_list, rp_list, beta_list)
Exemple #25
    def __init__(
            t0=[epoch(0), epoch(1000)],
            tof=[1.0, 5.0],
            vinf=[0.5, 2.5],
		Constructs an mga_1dsm problem

		USAGE: traj.mga_1dsm(seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], tof = [1.0,5.0], vinf = [0.5, 2.5], multi_objective = False, add_vinf_dep = False, add_vinf_arr=True)

		* seq: list of PyKEP planets defining the encounter sequence (including the starting launch)
		* t0: list of two epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: list of two floats defining the minimum and maximum allowed mission lenght (years)
		* vinf: list of two floats defining the minimum and maximum allowed initial hyperbolic velocity (at launch), in km/sec
		* multi_objective: when True constructs a multiobjective problem (dv, T)
		* add_vinf_dep: when True the computed Dv includes the initial hyperbolic velocity (at launch)
		* add_vinf_arr: when True the computed Dv includes the final hyperbolic velocity (at the last planet)

        #Sanity checks ...... all planets need to have the same mu_central_body
        if ([r.mu_central_body
             for r in seq].count(seq[0].mu_central_body) != len(seq)):
            raise ValueError(
                'All planets in the sequence need to have exactly the same mu_central_body'
        self.__add_vinf_dep = add_vinf_dep
        self.__add_vinf_arr = add_vinf_arr
        self.__n_legs = len(seq) - 1
        dim = 6 + (self.__n_legs - 1) * 4
        obj_dim = multi_objective + 1
        #First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        #As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
        #(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(mga_1dsm, self).__init__(dim, 0, obj_dim, 0, 0, 0)

        #We then define all planets in the sequence  and the common central body gravity as data members
        self.seq = seq
        self.common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body

        #And we compute the bounds
        lb = [t0[0].mjd2000, 0.0, 0.0, vinf[0] * 1000, 1e-5, tof[0] * 365.25
              ] + [-2 * pi, 1.1, 1e-5, 1e-5] * (self.__n_legs - 1)
        ub = [
            t0[1].mjd2000, 1.0, 1.0, vinf[1] * 1000, 1.0 - 1e-5,
            tof[1] * 365.25
        ] + [2 * pi, 30.0, 1.0 - 1e-5, 1.0 - 1e-5] * (self.__n_legs - 1)

        #Accounting that each planet has a different safe radius......
        for i, pl in enumerate(seq[1:-1]):
            lb[7 + 4 * i] = pl.safe_radius / pl.radius

        #And we set them
        self.set_bounds(lb, ub)
Exemple #26
    def __init__(
            r=[[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529],
               [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504,
            v=[[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998],
               [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
		USAGE: one_lt_leg(t = [epoch(8.233141758995751e+003), epoch(8.289990617468195e+003)],
			r = [[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529], [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504, -3513971.6825616611]],
			v = [[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998], [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			n_seg = 10,
			high_fidelity = False)

		* t: starting and final epochs
		* r: starting and final position (m)
		* v: starting and final velocity (m/s)
		* m0: starting mass (k)
		* Tmax: maximum allowed thrust (N)
		* Isp: specific impulse (s)
		* mu = central body gravity parameter (m^3/s^2)
		* n_seg = number of segments,
		* high_fidelity = compute the trajectory in high fidelity mode
		* optimize_mass = when False the problem is built as a constraint satisfaction problem. When True mass gets optimized

        self.__t = t
        self.__r = r
        self.__v = v
        self.__opt_mass = optimize_mass
        self.__sc = spacecraft(m0, Tmax, Isp)
        self.__leg = leg()
        self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity
        dim = 1 + n_seg * 3
        c_dim = n_seg + 7
        #First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        #As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
        #(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(one_lt_leg, self).__init__(dim, 0, 1, c_dim, n_seg, 1e-4)

        #And we compute the bounds
        lb = [m0 / 2] + [-1.0] * n_seg * 3
        ub = [m0] + [1.0] * n_seg * 3
        self.set_bounds(lb, ub)
Exemple #27
    def plot(self, x, ax=None):
        ax = prob.plot(x, ax=None)

        - x: encoded trajectory
        - ax: matplotlib axis where to plot. If None figure and axis will be created
        - [out] ax: matplotlib axis where to plot

        Plots the trajectory represented by a decision vector x on the 3d axis ax


          ax = prob.plot(x)
        import matplotlib as mpl
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from PyKEP import epoch, AU
        from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
        from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

        # Creating the axis if necessary
        if ax is None:
            mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')
            axis = ax

        # Plotting the Sun ........
        axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')

        # Computing the legs

        # Plotting the legs
        for leg in self.__legs:
            plot_sf_leg(leg, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)

        # Plotting the PyKEP.planets both at departure and arrival dates
        for i in range(self.__num_legs):
            idx = i * self.__dim_leg
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
            plot_planet(self.__seq[i + 1],
                        epoch(x[idx] + x[idx + 1]),
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
        return axis
Exemple #28
def planet_planet(start_planet, arrive_planet, tlaunch, tarrive, rev, N):
    # Create PyKEP epoch objects and calculate flight time
    t1 = epoch(tlaunch)
    t2 = epoch(tarrive)
    dt = (tarrive - tlaunch) * DAY2SEC

    OBJ1 = planet_ss(start_planet)
    OBJ2 = planet_ss(
        arrive_planet)  # Calculate location of objects in flight path
    r1, v1 = OBJ1.eph(t1)
    r2, v2 = OBJ2.eph(t2)

    # Find trajectory
    l = lambert_problem(r1, r2, dt, MU_SUN)

    #extract relevant information from solution
    r = l.get_r1()
    v = l.get_v1()[0]
    mu = l.get_mu()

    #define the integration time
    dtn = dt / (N - 1)
    dtn_days = dtn * SEC2DAY

    #alocate the cartesian components for r
    t = np.array([0.0] * N)
    x = np.array([0.0] * N)
    y = np.array([0.0] * N)
    z = np.array([0.0] * N)

    #calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
    for i in range(N):
        t[i] = tlaunch + dtn_days * i
        x[i] = r[0] / AU
        y[i] = r[1] / AU
        z[i] = r[2] / AU
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dtn, mu)

    #traj = [t, x, y, z]
    vin = l.get_v1()[rev]
    vout = l.get_v2()[rev]

    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(vin[0]/vout[0])+np.square(vin[1]/vout[1])+np.square(vin[2]/vout[2]))

    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(vin[0]-v1[0])+np.square(v1[1]-vin[1])+np.square(v1[2]-vin[2]))
    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(v2[0]-vout[0])+np.square(v2[1]-vout[1])+np.square(v2[2]-vout[2]))
    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(v1[0]/vin[0])+np.square(v1[1]/vin[1])+np.square(v1[2]/vin[2]))

    C3_launch = (np.sqrt(
        np.square(vin[0] - v1[0]) + np.square(vin[1] - v1[1]) +
        np.square(vin[2] - v1[2])))**2
    C3_arrive = (np.sqrt(
        np.square(vout[0] - v2[0]) + np.square(vout[1] - v2[1]) +
        np.square(vout[2] - v2[2])))**2

    C3 = np.sqrt((C3_arrive**2) + (C3_launch**2))
    return C3
Exemple #29
def _mga_1dsm_tof_plot(self, x):
    Plots the trajectory represented by the decision vector x
    import matplotlib as mpl
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert, plot_kepler
    from PyKEP import epoch, propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, fb_prop, AU, MU_SUN, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, color='y')

    seq = self.get_sequence()

    # 2 - We plot the first leg
    r_P0, v_P0 = seq[0].eph(epoch(x[0]))
                color=(0.8, 0.6, 0.8),
    r_P1, v_P1 = seq[1].eph(epoch(x[0] + x[5]))
    theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
    phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2

    Vinfx = x[3] * cos(phi) * cos(theta)
    Vinfy = x[3] * cos(phi) * sin(theta)
    Vinfz = x[3] * sin(phi)

    v0 = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P0, [Vinfx, Vinfy, Vinfz])]
    r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P0, v0, x[4] * x[5] * DAY2SEC,
                x[4] * x[5] * DAY2SEC,

    # Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
    dt = (1 - x[4]) * x[5] * DAY2SEC
    l = lambert_problem(r, r_P1, dt, seq[0].mu_central_body)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=0, color='r', legend=False, units=AU)
    v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]

    vinf_in = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P1)]
    _part_plot(x[6:], AU, ax, seq[1:], x[0] + x[5], vinf_in)
    return ax
Exemple #30
def _mga_1dsm_tof_plot(self, x):
    Plots the trajectory represented by the decision vector x
    import matplotlib as mpl
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert, plot_kepler
    from PyKEP import epoch, propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, fb_prop, AU, MU_SUN, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, color='y')

    seq = self.get_sequence()

    # 2 - We plot the first leg
    r_P0, v_P0 = seq[0].eph(epoch(x[0]))
    plot_planet(ax, seq[0], t0=epoch(x[0]), color=(
        0.8, 0.6, 0.8), legend=True, units = AU)
    r_P1, v_P1 = seq[1].eph(epoch(x[0] + x[5]))
    theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
    phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2

    Vinfx = x[3] * cos(phi) * cos(theta)
    Vinfy = x[3] * cos(phi) * sin(theta)
    Vinfz = x[3] * sin(phi)

    v0 = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P0, [Vinfx, Vinfy, Vinfz])]
    r, v = propagate_lagrangian(
        r_P0, v0, x[4] * x[5] * DAY2SEC, seq[0].mu_central_body)
        x[4] *
        x[5] *

    # Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
    dt = (1 - x[4]) * x[5] * DAY2SEC
    l = lambert_problem(r, r_P1, dt, seq[0].mu_central_body)
    plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=0, color='r', legend=False, units=AU)
    v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]

    vinf_in = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P1)]
    _part_plot(x[6:], AU, ax, seq[1:], x[0] + x[5], vinf_in)
    return ax
Exemple #31
	def __init__(self, 
			seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], 
			t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)],
			tof = [[100, 200],[200, 300]],             
			vinf = [3,5],
			multi_objective = False):
		Constructs an mga_1dsm_tof problem

		USAGE: traj.mga_1dsm(seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], tof = [[100, 200],[200, 300]], vinf = [0.5, 2.5], multi_objective = False, add_vinf_dep = False, add_vinf_arr=True)

		* seq: list of PyKEP planets defining the encounter sequence (including the starting launch)
		* t0: list of two epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: containing a list of intervals for the time of flight of each leg (days)
		* vinf: list of two floats defining the minimum and maximum allowed initial hyperbolic velocity (at launch), in km/sec
		* multi_objective: when True constructs a multiobjective problem (dv, T)
		* add_vinf_dep: when True the computed Dv includes the initial hyperbolic velocity (at launch)
		* add_vinf_arr: when True the computed Dv includes the final hyperbolic velocity (at the last planet)
		#Sanity checks ...... all planets need to have the same mu_central_body
		if ( [r.mu_central_body for r in seq].count(seq[0].mu_central_body)!=len(seq) ):
			raise ValueError('All planets in the sequence need to have exactly the same mu_central_body')
		self.__add_vinf_dep = add_vinf_dep
		self.__add_vinf_arr = add_vinf_arr
		self.__n_legs = len(seq) - 1
		dim = 5 + (self.__n_legs-1) * 3 + (self.__n_legs)* 1 
		obj_dim = multi_objective + 1
		#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
		#As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
		#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)

		#We then define all planets in the sequence  and the common central body gravity as data members
		self.seq = seq
		self.common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
		#And we compute the bounds
		lb = [t0[0].mjd2000,0.0,0.0,vinf[0]*1000,1e-5] + [-2*pi, 1.1,1e-5 ] * (self.__n_legs-1) + [1]*self.__n_legs
		ub = [t0[1].mjd2000,1.0,1.0,vinf[1]*1000,1.0-1e-5] + [2*pi, 30.0,1.0-1e-5] * (self.__n_legs-1) + [700]*self.__n_legs
		for i in range(0, self.__n_legs):
			lb[4+3*(self.__n_legs-1) + i+1] = tof[i][0]
			ub[4+3*(self.__n_legs-1) + i+1] = tof[i][1]
		#Accounting that each planet has a different safe radius......        
		for i,pl in enumerate(seq[1:-1]):
			lb[6+3*i] = pl.safe_radius / pl.radius
		#And we set them
Exemple #32
	def __init__(self, 
			t = [epoch(8.233141758995751e+003), epoch(8.289990617468195e+003)],
			r = [[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529], [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504, -3513971.6825616611]],
			v = [[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998], [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			n_seg = 10,
			high_fidelity = False,
			optimize_mass = False
		USAGE: one_lt_leg(t = [epoch(8.233141758995751e+003), epoch(8.289990617468195e+003)],
			r = [[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529], [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504, -3513971.6825616611]],
			v = [[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998], [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			n_seg = 10,
			high_fidelity = False)

		* t: starting and final epochs
		* r: starting and final position (m)
		* v: starting and final velocity (m/s)
		* m0: starting mass (k)
		* Tmax: maximum allowed thrust (N)
		* Isp: specific impulse (s)
		* mu = central body gravity parameter (m^3/s^2)
		* n_seg = number of segments,
		* high_fidelity = compute the trajectory in high fidelity mode
		* optimize_mass = when False the problem is built as a constraint satisfaction problem. When True mass gets optimized
		self.__t = t
		self.__r = r
		self.__v = v
		self.__opt_mass = optimize_mass
		self.__sc = spacecraft(m0,Tmax,Isp)
		self.__leg = leg()
		self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity
		dim =  1 + n_seg * 3
		c_dim = n_seg + 7
		#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
		#As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
		#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
		#And we compute the bounds
		lb = [m0/2] + [-1.0] * n_seg * 3
		ub = [m0] + [1.0] * n_seg * 3
Exemple #33
def planet_planet(start_planet, arrive_planet, tlaunch, tarrive, rev, N):
    # Create PyKEP epoch objects and calculate flight time
    t1 = epoch(tlaunch)
    t2 = epoch(tarrive)
    dt = (tarrive - tlaunch) * DAY2SEC

    OBJ1 = planet_ss(start_planet)
    OBJ2 = planet_ss(arrive_planet)  # Calculate location of objects in flight path
    r1, v1 = OBJ1.eph(t1)
    r2, v2 = OBJ2.eph(t2)

    # Find trajectory
    l = lambert_problem(r1, r2, dt, MU_SUN)

    #extract relevant information from solution
    r = l.get_r1()
    v = l.get_v1()[0]
    mu = l.get_mu()

    #define the integration time
    dtn = dt / (N - 1)
    dtn_days = dtn * SEC2DAY

    #alocate the cartesian components for r
    t = np.array([0.0] * N)
    x = np.array([0.0] * N)
    y = np.array([0.0] * N)
    z = np.array([0.0] * N)

    #calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
    for i in range(N):
        t[i] = tlaunch + dtn_days * i
        x[i] = r[0] / AU
        y[i] = r[1] / AU
        z[i] = r[2] / AU
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dtn, mu)

    #traj = [t, x, y, z]
    vin = l.get_v1()[rev]
    vout = l.get_v2()[rev]

    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(vin[0]/vout[0])+np.square(vin[1]/vout[1])+np.square(vin[2]/vout[2]))

    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(vin[0]-v1[0])+np.square(v1[1]-vin[1])+np.square(v1[2]-vin[2]))
    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(v2[0]-vout[0])+np.square(v2[1]-vout[1])+np.square(v2[2]-vout[2]))
    #dV=np.sqrt( np.square(v1[0]/vin[0])+np.square(v1[1]/vin[1])+np.square(v1[2]/vin[2]))

    C3_launch = (np.sqrt(np.square(vin[0] - v1[0]) + np.square(vin[1] - v1[1]) + np.square(vin[2] - v1[2]))) ** 2
    C3_arrive = (np.sqrt(np.square(vout[0] - v2[0]) + np.square(vout[1] - v2[1]) + np.square(vout[2] - v2[2]))) ** 2

    C3 = np.sqrt((C3_arrive ** 2) + (C3_launch ** 2))
    return C3
Exemple #34
    def plot_cluster_evolution(self,
                               epochs=range(7500, 8400, 100),
        Plots a cluster evolution at 9 prefixed epochs.

        if self.n_clusters < 1:
            print("No clusters have been found yet")
        if cluster_id >= self.n_clusters or cluster_id < 0:
                "cluster_id should be larger then 0 and smaller than the number of clusters (-1)"
        if len(epochs) != 9:
                "The epochs requested must be exactly 9 as to assemble 3x3 subplots"

        import matplotlib.pylab as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet
        from PyKEP import epoch

        if only_core:
            ids = self.core_members[cluster_id]
            ids = self.members[cluster_id]

        fig = plt.figure()
        for i, ep in enumerate(epochs):
            axis = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, i + 1, projection='3d')

            for pl in self._asteroids[::skip]:
                axis = plot_planet(pl, ax=axis, alpha=0.05, s=0)
            for cluster_member in ids:
                r, v = self._asteroids[cluster_member].eph(epoch(ep))
                axis.scatter([r[0]], [r[1]], [r[2]], marker='o', alpha=alpha)

        return fig
Exemple #35
def plot_initial_geometry(ni=0.0, mu=0.5):
	Visualizes the initial spaceraft conditions for the gtoc6 problem. Given a point on the initial spheres, \
	it assumes a velocity (almost) pointing toward Jupiter.
	THIS IS ONLY A VISUALIZATION, the initial velocityshould not be taken as realistic.
	from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	from math import sin,cos,acos,pi
	from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_kepler, plot_planet
	from PyKEP import DAY2SEC, propagate_lagrangian, epoch
	from scipy.linalg import norm

	r = [JR*1000*cos(ni)*cos(mu), JR*1000*cos(ni)*sin(mu),JR*1000*sin(ni)]
	VINF = 3400.0
	v = [-d/norm(r)*3400 for d in r]
	v = [d+200 for d in v]
	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.gca(projection='3d', aspect='equal')
	plot_planet(ax,io,color = 'r', units = JR, t0 = ep, legend=True)
	plot_planet(ax,europa,color = 'b', units = JR, t0 = ep, legend=True)
	plot_planet(ax,ganymede,color = 'k', units = JR, t0 = ep, legend=True)
	plot_planet(ax,callisto,color = 'y', units = JR, t0 = ep, legend=True)
	plot_kepler(ax,r,v,days*DAY2SEC,MU_JUPITER, N=200, units = JR, color = 'b')
Exemple #36
    def plot(self, x, ax=None):
        ax = prob.plot(x, ax=None)

        - x: encoded trajectory
        - ax: matplotlib axis where to plot. If None figure and axis will be created
        - [out] ax: matplotlib axis where to plot

        Plots the trajectory represented by a decision vector x on the 3d axis ax


          ax = prob.plot(x)
        import matplotlib as mpl
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from PyKEP import epoch, AU
        from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
        from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

        # Creating the axis if necessary
        if ax is None:
            mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')
            axis = ax

        # Plotting the Sun ........
        axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')

        # Computing the legs

        # Plotting the legs
        for leg in self.__legs:
            plot_sf_leg(leg, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)

        # Plotting the PyKEP.planets both at departure and arrival dates
        for i in range(self.__num_legs):
            idx = i * self.__dim_leg
            plot_planet(self.__seq[i], epoch(x[idx]), units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), s=30, ax=axis)
            plot_planet(self.__seq[i + 1], epoch(x[idx] + x[idx + 1]), units=AU, legend=False, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), s=30, ax=axis)
        return axis
def opt_dt(tt1,tt2):
	t1 = epoch(tt1)
	t2 = epoch(tt2)
	#print t1
	dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * DAY2SEC
	rE, vE = plEarth.eph(t1); vE=array(vE)
	rM, vM = plMars .eph(t2); vM=array(vM)	
	l = lambert_problem(rE,rM,dt,MU_SUN)
	vEl = array(l.get_v1()[0]); dvE = (vEl - vE)
	vMl = array(l.get_v2()[0]); dvM = (vMl - vM) 
	dvMTot = linalg.norm(dvM); dvETot= linalg.norm(dvE)
	dvTot = dvMTot+dvETot
	print " t1 " ,tt1," t2 ", tt2," dt ",(tt2-tt1)," dv ", dvTot
	return vE, vM, vEl, vMl
Exemple #38
        def plot(self, x):
            import matplotlib as mpl
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from PyKEP import epoch, AU
            from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
            from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

            t_E = epoch(x[0])
            t_V = epoch(x[0] + x[1])
            t_M = epoch(x[0] + x[1] + x[9])
            rE, vE = self.__earth.eph(t_E)
            rV, vV = self.__venus.eph(t_V)
            rM, vM = self.__mercury.eph(t_M)

            # First Leg
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vE, x[3:6])]
            x0 = sc_state(rE, v, self.__sc.mass)
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vV, x[6:9])]
            xe = sc_state(rV, v, x[2])
                t_E, x0, x[-3 * (self.__nseg1 + self.__nseg2):-self.__nseg2 * 3], t_V, xe)

            # Second leg
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vV, x[11:14])]
            x0 = sc_state(rV, v, x[2])
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(vM, x[14:17])]
            xe = sc_state(rM, v, x[10])
            self.__leg2.set(t_E, x0, x[(-3 * self.__nseg2):], t_V, xe)

            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')

            # The Sun
            axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')
            # The legs
            plot_sf_leg(self.__leg1, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)
            plot_sf_leg(self.__leg2, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)
            # The planets
                self.__earth, t_E, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), ax = axis)
                self.__venus, t_V, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), ax = axis)
                self.__mercury, t_M, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), ax = axis)
Exemple #39
	def plot(self,x):
		Plots the trajectory represented by the decision vector x
		import matplotlib as mpl
		from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
		import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
		from PyKEP import epoch, AU
		from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
		from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg
		fig = plt.figure()
		ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

		#Plotting the Sun ........
		ax.scatter([0],[0],[0], color='y')
		#Plotting the legs .......
		# 1 - We decode the chromosome extracting the time of flights
		T = list([0]*(self.__n_legs))
		for i in range(self.__n_legs):
			T[i] = x[1+i*8]
		#2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
		t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs+1))
		r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs+1))
		v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs+1))
		for i,planet in enumerate(self.seq):
			t_P[i] = epoch(x[0] + sum(T[0:i]))
			r_P[i],v_P[i] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i])
		#3 - We iterate through legs to compute mismatches and throttles constraints
		ceq = list()
		cineq = list()
		m0 = self.__sc.mass
		for i in range(self.__n_legs):
			#First Leg
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v_P[i],x[(3 + i * 8):(6 + i * 8)])]
			x0 = sc_state(r_P[i],v,m0)
			v = [a+b for a,b in zip(v_P[i+1],x[(6 + i * 8):(11 + i * 8)])]
			xe = sc_state(r_P[i+1], v ,x[2 + i * 8])
			throttles = x[(1 +8 * self.__n_legs + 3*sum(self.__n_seg[:i])):(1 +8 * self.__n_legs + 3*sum(self.__n_seg[:i])+3*self.__n_seg[i])]
			#update mass!
			m0 = x[2+8*i]
			plot_sf_leg(ax, self.__leg, units=AU,N=10)
		#Plotting planets
		for i,planet in enumerate(self.seq):
			plot_planet(ax, planet, t_P[i], units=AU, legend = True,color=(0.7,0.7,1))

Exemple #40
def _get_score_data_part(self, x):
    from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop, propagate_lagrangian
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin, sqrt
    from scipy.linalg import norm
    from copy import deepcopy
	This method returns the data needed to compute the score of a trajectory.
    #1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
    T = x[3::4]
    nlegs = len(x) / 4
    seq = self.get_sequence()
    common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
    t0 = self.t0.mjd2000
    vinf_in = deepcopy(self.vinf_in)

    #2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
    ep_list = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    t_P = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    r_P = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    v_P = list([None] * (nlegs + 1))
    DV = list([None] * nlegs)

    for i, planet in enumerate(seq):
        ep_list[i] = t0 + sum(T[:i])
        t_P[i] = epoch(t0 + sum(T[:i]))
        r_P[i], v_P[i] = seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

    #init lists for fly-by parameters
    vinf_list = []
    rp_list = []
    beta_list = []

    v_end_l = [a + b for a, b in zip(vinf_in, v_P[0])]

    #3 - And we proceed with each successive leg
    for i in xrange(nlegs):
        v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i], x[1 + 4 * i] * seq[i].radius,
                        x[4 * i], seq[i].mu_self)
        vinf_list.append([a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P[i])])
        rp_list.append(x[1 + 4 * i] * seq[i].radius)
        beta_list.append(x[4 * i])

        #s/c propagation before the DSM
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i], v_out,
                                    x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, common_mu)

        #Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
        dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, common_mu, False, False)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

    vinf_list.append([a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P[-1])])
    return zip(ep_list, seq, vinf_list, rp_list, beta_list)
Exemple #41
def _mga_part_plot(self, x):
	Plots the trajectory represented by the decision vector x
    import matplotlib as mpl
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert, plot_kepler
    from PyKEP import epoch, propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, fb_prop, AU, MU_SUN, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    mpl.rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = 10
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection="3d", aspect="equal")
    ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, color="y")

    JR = 71492000.0
    legs = len(x) / 4
    seq = self.get_sequence()
    common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
    start_mjd2000 = self.t0.mjd2000

    # 1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T
    T = x[3::4]

    # 2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
    t_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))
    r_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))
    v_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))

    for i, planet in enumerate(seq):
        t_P[i] = epoch(start_mjd2000 + sum(T[:i]))
        r_P[i], v_P[i] = planet.eph(t_P[i])
        plot_planet(ax, planet, t0=t_P[i], color=(0.8, 0.6, 0.8), legend=True, units=JR)

    v_end_l = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P[0], self.vinf_in)]
    # 4 - And we iterate on the legs
    for i in xrange(0, legs):
        # Fly-by
        v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i], x[1 + 4 * i] * seq[i - 1].radius, x[4 * i], seq[i].mu_self)
        # s/c propagation before the DSM
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i], v_out, x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, common_mu)
            ax, r_P[i], v_out, x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, common_mu, N=500, color="b", legend=False, units=JR
        # Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
        dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, common_mu, False, False)
        plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=0, color="r", legend=False, units=JR, N=500)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
    return ax
Exemple #42
def _compute_DV_DT_incipit(self,x):
	This method computes, for each leg, all the velocity increments coming from
	deep space manoeuvres and all the transfer times.
		DV,DT = prob.compute_DV_DT(x)
	* x: trajectory encoding
	from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop, propagate_lagrangian
	from math import pi, acos,cos,sin,sqrt
	from scipy.linalg import norm
	#1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
	T = x[3::4]
	n_legs = len(x)/4
	seq = self.get_sequence()
	common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
	#2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
	t_P = list([None] * (n_legs))
	r_P = list([None] * (n_legs))
	v_P = list([None] * (n_legs))
	DV  = list([None] * (n_legs))
	for i,planet in enumerate(seq):
		t_P[i] = epoch(x[0]+sum(T[:i+1]))
		r_P[i],v_P[i] = seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

	#3 - We start with the first leg: a lambert arc
	theta = 2*pi*x[1]
	phi = acos(2*x[2]-1)-pi/2
	r = [cos(phi)*sin(theta), cos(phi)*cos(theta), sin(phi)] #phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
	r = [JR*1000*d for d in r]
	l = lambert_problem(r,r_P[0],T[0]*DAY2SEC,common_mu, False, False)

	#Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
	v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
	v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

	#First DSM occuring at the very beginning (will be cancelled by the optimizer)
	DV[0] = abs(norm(v_beg_l) - 3400)

	#4 - And we proceed with each successive leg
	for i in xrange(1,n_legs):
		v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l,v_P[i-1],x[1+4*i]*seq[i-1].radius,x[4*i],seq[i-1].mu_self)
		#s/c propagation before the DSM
		r,v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i-1],v_out,x[4*i+2]*T[i]*DAY2SEC,common_mu)
		#Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
		dt = (1-x[4*i+2])*T[i]*DAY2SEC
		l = lambert_problem(r,r_P[i],dt,common_mu, False, False)
		v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
		v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
		#DSM occuring at time nu2*T2
		DV[i] = norm([a-b for a,b in zip(v_beg_l,v)])
	return (DV,T)   
Exemple #43
def _get_score_data_part(self,x):
	from PyKEP import epoch, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop, propagate_lagrangian
	from math import pi, acos,cos,sin,sqrt
	from scipy.linalg import norm
	from copy import deepcopy
	This method returns the data needed to compute the score of a trajectory.
	#1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
	T = x[3::4]
	nlegs = len(x)/4
	seq = self.get_sequence()
	common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
	t0 = self.t0.mjd2000
	vinf_in = deepcopy(self.vinf_in)
	#2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
	ep_list = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	t_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	r_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	v_P = list([None] * (nlegs+1))
	DV  = list([None] * nlegs)
	for i,planet in enumerate(seq):
		ep_list[i] = t0+sum(T[:i])
		t_P[i] = epoch(t0+sum(T[:i]))
		r_P[i],v_P[i] = seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

	#init lists for fly-by parameters
	vinf_list = []
	rp_list = []
	beta_list = []

	v_end_l = [a+b for a,b in zip(vinf_in, v_P[0])]
	#3 - And we proceed with each successive leg
	for i in xrange(nlegs):
		v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l,v_P[i],x[1+4*i]*seq[i].radius,x[4*i],seq[i].mu_self)
		vinf_list.append( [a-b for a,b in zip(v_end_l,v_P[i])] )

		#s/c propagation before the DSM
		r,v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i],v_out,x[4*i+2]*T[i]*DAY2SEC,common_mu)
		#Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
		dt = (1-x[4*i+2])*T[i]*DAY2SEC
		l = lambert_problem(r,r_P[i+1],dt,common_mu, False, False)
		v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
		v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

        vinf_list.append([a-b for a,b in zip(v_end_l,v_P[-1])])
	return zip(ep_list, seq, vinf_list, rp_list, beta_list)
Exemple #44
def _part_plot(x, units, ax, seq, start_mjd2000, vinf_in):
    Plots the trajectory represented by a decision vector x = [beta,rp,eta,T] * N
    associated to a sequence seq, a start_mjd2000 and an incoming vinf_in
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert, plot_kepler
    from PyKEP import epoch, propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, fb_prop, AU, MU_SUN, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    legs = len(x) / 4
    common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body

    # 1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight
    # (days) in the list T
    T = x[3::4]

    # 2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
    t_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))
    r_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))
    v_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))

    for i, planet in enumerate(seq):
        t_P[i] = epoch(start_mjd2000 + sum(T[:i]))
        r_P[i], v_P[i] = planet.eph(t_P[i])
                    color=(0.8, 0.6, 0.8),

    v_end_l = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P[0], vinf_in)]
    # 4 - And we iterate on the legs
    for i in range(0, legs):
        # Fly-by
        v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i], x[1 + 4 * i] * seq[i].radius,
                        x[4 * i], seq[i].mu_self)
        # s/c propagation before the DSM
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i], v_out,
                                    x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, common_mu)
                    x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC,
        # Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
        dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, common_mu, False, False)
        plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=0, color='r', legend=False, units=units, N=500)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
Exemple #45
    def plot(self, x):
        # Making sure the leg corresponds to the requested chromosome
        start = epoch(x[0])
        end   = epoch(x[0] + x[1])

        # Plotting commands
        fig = plt.figure()
        axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        # The Sun
        axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')
        # The leg
        plot_sf_leg(self.leg, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)
        # The planets
            self.earth, start, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), ax = axis)
            self.mars, end, units=AU, legend=True, color=(0.8, 0.8, 1), ax = axis)
	def __init__(self, 
			seq = [io,io,europa], 
			t0 = [epoch(7305.0),epoch(11322.0)],
			tof = [200,500],
			multi_objective = False

		* seq: list of jupiter moons defining the trajectory incipit
		* t0:  list of two epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: list of n lists containing the lower and upper bounds for the legs flight times (days)
		self.__n_legs = len(seq)
		self.tof = tof
		#dim = 5+4 * self.__n_legs-1
		dim = 5+4*(len(seq)-1)
		obj_dim = multi_objective + 1
		#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
		#As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
		#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)

		#We then define all planets in the sequence  and the common central body gravity as data members
		self.seq = seq
		self.common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
		#And we compute the bounds
		lb = [t0[0].mjd2000,0.0,0.0,tof[0],1e-5]
		ub = [t0[1].mjd2000,1.0,1.0,tof[1],1-1e-5]
		for i in range(1, self.__n_legs):
			lb = lb + [-2*pi   ,1.1 , 1e-5    , 1e-5] 
			ub = ub + [2*pi    ,30.0, 1-1e-5, 1-1e-5]
		#Accounting for the fly-bys altitudes
		for i,pl in enumerate(seq[0:-1]):
			lb[6+4*i] = pl.safe_radius / pl.radius
			ub[6+4*i] = (pl.radius + 2000000) / pl.radius
		#And we set them
Exemple #47
    def plot_cluster_evolution(self, cluster_id=None, only_core=False, epochs=range(7500, 8400, 100), skip=100, alpha=0.3):
        Plots a cluster evolution at 9 prefixed epochs.

        if self.n_clusters < 1:
            print("No clusters have been found yet")
        if cluster_id >= self.n_clusters or cluster_id < 0:
            print("cluster_id should be larger then 0 and smaller than the number of clusters (-1)")
        if len(epochs) != 9:
            print("The epochs requested must be exactly 9 as to assemble 3x3 subplots")

        import matplotlib.pylab as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet
        from PyKEP import epoch

        if only_core:
            ids = self.core_members[cluster_id]
            ids = self.members[cluster_id]

        fig = plt.figure()
        for i, ep in enumerate(epochs):
            axis = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, i + 1, projection='3d')

            for pl in self._asteroids[::skip]:
                axis = plot_planet(pl, ax=axis, alpha=0.05, s=0)
            for cluster_member in ids:
                r, v = self._asteroids[cluster_member].eph(epoch(ep))
                axis.scatter([r[0]], [r[1]], [r[2]], marker='o', alpha=alpha)

        return fig
Exemple #48
    def plot(self, x):
        import matplotlib as mpl
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from PyKEP import epoch, AU
        from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import sc_state
        from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_sf_leg

        # Creating the axis ........
        fig = plt.figure()
        axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')

        # Plotting the Sun ........
        axis.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')

        # Computing the legs

        # Plotting the legs
        for leg in self.__legs:
            plot_sf_leg(leg, units=AU, N=10, ax=axis)

        # Plotting the PyKEP.planets both at departure and arrival dates
        for i in range(self.__num_legs):
            idx = i * self.__dim_leg
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
            plot_planet(self.__seq[i + 1],
                        epoch(x[idx] + x[idx + 1]),
                        color=(0.7, 0.7, 1),
        return axis
Exemple #49
    def __init__(self,
                 seq=[io, io, europa],
                 t0=[epoch(7305.0), epoch(11322.0)],
                 tof=[200, 500],

		* seq: list of jupiter moons defining the trajectory incipit
		* t0:  list of two epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: list of n lists containing the lower and upper bounds for the legs flight times (days)

        self.__n_legs = len(seq)
        self.tof = tof
        #dim = 5+4 * self.__n_legs-1
        dim = 5 + 4 * (len(seq) - 1)
        obj_dim = multi_objective + 1
        #First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        #As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
        #(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(mga_incipit, self).__init__(dim, 0, obj_dim, 0, 0, 0)

        #We then define all planets in the sequence  and the common central body gravity as data members
        self.seq = seq
        self.common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body

        #And we compute the bounds
        lb = [t0[0].mjd2000, 0.0, 0.0, tof[0], 1e-5]
        ub = [t0[1].mjd2000, 1.0, 1.0, tof[1], 1 - 1e-5]
        for i in range(1, self.__n_legs):
            lb = lb + [-2 * pi, 1.1, 1e-5, 1e-5]
            ub = ub + [2 * pi, 30.0, 1 - 1e-5, 1 - 1e-5]

        #Accounting for the fly-bys altitudes
        for i, pl in enumerate(seq[0:-1]):
            lb[6 + 4 * i] = pl.safe_radius / pl.radius
            ub[6 + 4 * i] = (pl.radius + 2000000) / pl.radius

        #And we set them
        self.set_bounds(lb, ub)
Exemple #50
def _mga_1dsm_alpha_ctor(
        t0=[epoch(0), epoch(1000)],
        tof=[365.25, 5.0 * 365.25],
        vinf=[0.5, 2.5],
    Constructs an mga_1dsm problem (alpha-encoding)

    USAGE: problem.mga_1dsm(seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], tof = [365.25,5.0 * 365.25], vinf = [0.5, 2.5], multi_objective = False, add_vinf_dep = False, add_vinf_arr = True)

    * seq: list of PyKEP planets defining the encounter sequence (including the starting planet)
    * t0: list of two epochs defining the launch window
    * tof: list of two floats defining the minimum and maximum allowed mission length (days)
    * vinf: list of two floats defining the minimum and maximum allowed initial hyperbolic velocity at launch (km/sec)
    * multi_objective: when True constructs a multiobjective problem (dv, T)
    * add_vinf_dep: when True the computed Dv includes the initial hyperbolic velocity (at launch)
    * add_vinf_arr: when True the computed Dv includes the final hyperbolic velocity (at arrival)

    # We construct the arg list for the original constructor exposed by
    # boost_python
    arg_list = []
Exemple #51
def opt_dt(tt1, tt2):
    t1 = epoch(tt1)
    t2 = epoch(tt2)
    #print t1
    dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * DAY2SEC

    rE, vE = plEarth.eph(t1)
    vE = array(vE)
    rM, vM = plJupiter.eph(t2)
    vM = array(vM)

    l = lambert_problem(rE, rM, dt, MU_SUN)

    vEl = array(l.get_v1()[0])
    dvE = (vEl - vE)
    vMl = array(l.get_v2()[0])
    dvM = (vMl - vM)
    dvMTot = linalg.norm(dvM)
    dvETot = linalg.norm(dvE)
    dvTot = dvMTot + dvETot
    print " t1 ", tt1, " t2 ", tt2, " dt ", (tt2 - tt1), " dv ", dvTot
    return vE, vM, vEl, vMl
    def _objfun_impl(self, x):
        #1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight (days) in the list T for convenience
        T = x[3::4]

        #2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
        t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
        r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
        v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))
        DV = list([None] * (self.__n_legs))

        for i, planet in enumerate(self.seq):
            t_P[i] = epoch(x[0] + sum(T[:i + 1]))
            r_P[i], v_P[i] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

        #3 - We start with the first leg: a lambert arc
        theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
        phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2
        r = [cos(phi) * sin(theta),
             cos(phi) * cos(theta),
             sin(phi)]  #phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
        r = [JR * 1000 * d for d in r]

        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[0], T[0] * DAY2SEC, self.common_mu, False,

        #Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

        #First DSM occuring at the very beginning (will be cancelled by the optimizer)
        DV[0] = abs(norm(v_beg_l) - 3400)

        #4 - And we proceed with each successive leg
        for i in xrange(1, self.__n_legs):
            v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i - 1],
                            x[1 + 4 * i] * self.seq[i - 1].radius, x[4 * i],
                            self.seq[i - 1].mu_self)
            #s/c propagation before the DSM
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i - 1], v_out,
                                        x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC,
            #Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
            dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
            l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i], dt, self.common_mu, False, False)
            v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
            v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
            #DSM occuring at time nu2*T2
            DV[i] = norm([a - b for a, b in zip(v_beg_l, v)])
        return (sum(DV), )
Exemple #53
def _part_plot(x, units, axis, seq, start_mjd2000, vinf_in):
    Plots the trajectory represented by a decision vector x = [beta,rp,eta,T] * N
    associated to a sequence seq, a start_mjd2000 and an incoming vinf_in
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert, plot_kepler
    from PyKEP import epoch, propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, fb_prop, AU, MU_SUN, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    legs = len(x) / 4
    common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body

    # 1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight
    # (days) in the list T
    T = x[3::4]

    # 2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
    t_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))
    r_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))
    v_P = list([None] * (legs + 1))

    for i, planet in enumerate(seq):
        t_P[i] = epoch(start_mjd2000 + sum(T[:i]))
        r_P[i], v_P[i] = planet.eph(t_P[i])
        plot_planet(planet, t0=t_P[i], color=(
            0.8, 0.6, 0.8), legend=True, units = units, ax=axis)

    v_end_l = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P[0], vinf_in)]
    # 4 - And we iterate on the legs
    for i in range(0, legs):
        # Fly-by
        v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l,
                        x[1 + 4 * i] * seq[i].radius,
                        x[4 * i],
        # s/c propagation before the DSM
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(
            r_P[i], v_out, x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, common_mu)
        plot_kepler(r_P[i], v_out, x[4 * i + 2] * T[i] * DAY2SEC,
                    common_mu, N=500, color='b', legend=False, units=units, ax=axis)
        # Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
        dt = (1 - x[4 * i + 2]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, common_mu, False, False)
            l, sol=0, color='r', legend=False, units=units, N=500, ax=axis)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
Exemple #54
def plot_initial_geometry(ni=0.0, mu=0.5):
	Visualizes the initial spaceraft conditions for the gtoc6 problem. Given a point on the initial spheres, \
	it assumes a velocity (almost) pointing toward Jupiter.
	THIS IS ONLY A VISUALIZATION, the initial velocityshould not be taken as realistic.

    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from math import sin, cos, acos, pi
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_kepler, plot_planet
    from PyKEP import DAY2SEC, propagate_lagrangian, epoch
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    ep = epoch(0.0)
    days = 300.0

    r = [
        JR * 1000 * cos(ni) * cos(mu), JR * 1000 * cos(ni) * sin(mu),
        JR * 1000 * sin(ni)

    VINF = 3400.0
    v = [-d / norm(r) * 3400 for d in r]
    v = [d + 200 for d in v]

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d', aspect='equal')

    plot_planet(ax, io, color='r', units=JR, t0=ep, legend=True)
    plot_planet(ax, europa, color='b', units=JR, t0=ep, legend=True)
    plot_planet(ax, ganymede, color='k', units=JR, t0=ep, legend=True)
    plot_planet(ax, callisto, color='y', units=JR, t0=ep, legend=True)
                days * DAY2SEC,
    plt.plot([r[0] / JR], [r[1] / JR], [r[2] / JR], 'o')
Exemple #55
def get_coordinates(ep, planet, vinf_in, rp, beta):
	""" Computes the intersection between the vector of the spacecraft to the surface of the moon.

		USAGE: ms.get_coordinates(62500, gtoc6.europa, (0,0,10000), gtoc6.europa.radius + 10000, 0.3)

		@param ep epoch of fly-by
		@param planet the jupiter moon, i.e. gtoc6.io
		@param vinf_in relative entry velocity
		@param rp fly-by radius
		@param beta fly-by-plane orientation
		@return 3-tuple of cartesian coordinates of the periapsis vector in the body fixed reference frame"""
	# getting coordinates and speed of the moon
	eph = planet.eph(epoch(ep,epoch.epoch_type.MJD))
	print eph

	# compute outgoing velocity
	v_in_abs = tuple(map(operator.add, vinf_in, eph[1]))
	print v_in_abs
	v_out_abs = fb_prop(v_in_abs, eph[1], rp, beta, planet.mu_self)
	print v_out_abs
	v_diff = np.array(tuple(map(operator.sub, v_in_abs, v_out_abs)))

	# constraint check
	vinf_out = tuple(map(operator.sub, v_out_abs, eph[1]))
	if np.linalg.norm(vinf_in) - np.linalg.norm(vinf_out) > 1.0:
		print 'WARNING: Constraint violation! Difference between vinf_in and vinf_out is larger than 1!'

	# compute periapsis vector
	peri = rp * v_diff / np.linalg.norm(v_diff)

	# body-fixed coordinate frame
	x, v = np.array(eph[0]), np.array(eph[1])
	bhat1 = x * -1.0 / np.linalg.norm(x)
	bhat3 = np.cross(x, v) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x,v))
	bhat2 = np.cross(bhat3, bhat1)
	# use dot product to get coordinates of periapsis vector in the body-fixed reference frame
	peri_hat = np.array( (np.dot(peri, bhat1), np.dot(peri, bhat2), np.dot(peri, bhat3)) )

	# vector is now normalized to the sphere which has the soccer ball inside.
	# radius of this sphere is given by problem description as sqrt(9 * golden + 10)
	return tuple((peri_hat / np.linalg.norm(peri_hat)) * np.sqrt(9 * golden + 10))
Exemple #56
def _mga_incipit_plot(self, x, plot_leg_0=False):
    Plots the trajectory represented by the decision vector x


    import matplotlib as mpl
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet, plot_lambert, plot_kepler
    from PyKEP import epoch, propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, fb_prop, AU, MU_SUN, DAY2SEC
    from math import pi, acos, cos, sin
    from scipy.linalg import norm

    mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d', aspect='equal')
    ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, color='y')

    JR = 71492000.0
    seq = self.get_sequence()
    common_mu = seq[0].mu_central_body
    r_P, v_P = seq[0].eph(epoch(x[0] + x[3]))

    # 3 - We start with the first leg: a lambert arc
    theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
    phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2
    # phi close to zero is in the moon orbit plane injection
    r = [cos(phi) * sin(theta), cos(phi) * cos(theta), sin(phi)]
    r = [JR * 1000 * d for d in r]

    l = lambert_problem(r, r_P, x[3] * DAY2SEC, common_mu, False, False)
    if (plot_leg_0):
        plot_lambert(ax, l, sol=0, color='k', legend=False, units=JR, N=500)

    # Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
    v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
    vinf_in = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P)]
    _part_plot(x[4:], JR, ax, seq, x[0] + x[3], vinf_in)

    return ax
Exemple #57
def plot_moons(epoch=epoch(0)):
	Plots the Galilean Moons of Jupiter at epoch
	USAGE: plot_moons(epoch = epoch(34654, epoch.epoch_type.MJD)):

	* epoch: the epoch one wants the galilean moons to be plotted at
    from PyKEP.orbit_plots import plot_planet
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

    plot_planet(ax, io, color='r', units=JR, t0=epoch, legend=True)
    plot_planet(ax, europa, color='b', units=JR, t0=epoch, legend=True)
    plot_planet(ax, ganymede, color='k', units=JR, t0=epoch, legend=True)
    plot_planet(ax, callisto, color='y', units=JR, t0=epoch, legend=True)