Exemple #1
    def AddNode(self, Name, X, Y, Z):
        Adds a new node to the model.
        Name : string
            A unique user-defined name for the node.
        X : number
            The global X-coordinate of the node.
        Y : number
            The global Y-coordinate of the node.
        Z : number
            The global Z-coordinate of the node.

        # Create a new node
        newNode = Node3D(Name, X, Y, Z)

        # Add the new node to the list
Exemple #2
    def __mesh(self):

        mesh_size = self.mesh_size
        width = self.width
        height = self.height
        Xo = self.origin[0]
        Yo = self.origin[1]
        Zo = self.origin[2]
        plane = self.plane
        x_control = self.x_control
        y_control = self.y_control
        element_type = self.element_type

        # Add the mesh's boundaries to the list of control points

        # Sort the control points and remove duplicate values
        x_control = sorted(set(x_control))
        y_control = sorted(set(y_control))
        # Each node number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        node_offset = int(self.start_node[1:]) - 1

        # Each element number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        element_offset = int(self.start_element[1:]) - 1

        # Determine which prefix to assign to new elements
        if element_type == 'Quad':
            element_prefix = 'Q'
            element_prefix = 'R'

        # Initialize node numbering
        node_num = 1

        # Step through each y control point (except the first one which is always zero)
        num_rows = 0
        num_cols = 0
        y = 0
        for j in range(1, len(y_control), 1):
            # If this is not the first iteration 'y' will be too high at this point.
            if j != 1:
                y -= h

            # Determine the mesh size between this y control point and the previous one
            ny = max(1, (y_control[j] - y_control[j - 1])/mesh_size)
            h = (y_control[j] - y_control[j - 1])/ceil(ny)

            # Adjust 'y' if this is not the first iteration.
            if j != 1:
                y += h

            # Generate nodes between the y control points
            while round(y, 10) <= round(y_control[j], 10):
                # Count the number of rows of plates as we go
                num_rows += 1

                # Step through each x control point (except the first one which is always zero)
                x = 0
                for i in range(1, len(x_control), 1):
                    # 'x' needs to be adjusted for the same reasons 'y' needed to be adjusted
                    if i != 1:
                        x -= b

                    # Determine the mesh size between this x control point and the previous one
                    nx = max(1, (x_control[i] - x_control[i - 1])/mesh_size)
                    b = (x_control[i] - x_control[i - 1])/ceil(nx)

                    if i != 1:
                        x += b

                    # Generate nodes between the x control points
                    while round(x, 10) <= round(x_control[i], 10):
                        # Count the number of columns of plates as we go
                        if y == 0:
                            num_cols += 1

                        # Assign the node a name
                        node_name = 'N' + str(node_num + node_offset)

                        # Calculate the node's coordinates
                        if plane == 'XY':
                            X = Xo + x
                            Y = Yo + y
                            Z = Zo + 0
                        elif plane == 'YZ':
                            X = Xo + 0
                            Y = Yo + y
                            Z = Zo + x
                            X = Xo + x
                            Y = Yo + 0
                            Z = Zo + y

                        # Add the node to the mesh
                        self.nodes[node_name] = Node3D(node_name, X, Y, Z)

                        # Move to the next x coordinate
                        x += b

                        # Move to the next node number
                        node_num += 1

                # Move to the next y coordinate
                y += h
        # At this point `num_cols` and `num_rows` represent the number of columns and rows of
        # nodes. We'll adjust these variables to be the number of columns and rows of elements
        # instead.
        num_cols -= 1
        num_rows -= 1
        # Create the elements
        r = 1
        n = 1
        for i in range(1, num_cols*num_rows + 1, 1):

            # Assign the element a name
            element_name = element_prefix + str(i + element_offset)

            # Find the attached nodes
            i_node = n + (r - 1)
            j_node = i_node + 1
            m_node = j_node + (num_cols + 1)
            n_node = m_node - 1

            if i % num_cols == 0:
                r += 1
            n += 1
            if element_type == 'Quad':
                self.elements[element_name] = Quad3D(element_name, self.nodes['N' + str(i_node + node_offset)],
                                                                   self.nodes['N' + str(j_node + node_offset)],
                                                                   self.nodes['N' + str(m_node + node_offset)],
                                                                   self.nodes['N' + str(n_node + node_offset)],
                                                                   self.t, self.E, self.nu)
                self.elements[element_name] = Plate3D(element_name, self.nodes['N' + str(i_node + node_offset)],
                                                                    self.nodes['N' + str(j_node + node_offset)],
                                                                    self.nodes['N' + str(m_node + node_offset)],
                                                                    self.nodes['N' + str(n_node + node_offset)],
                                                                    self.t, self.E, self.nu)
Exemple #3
    def __mesh(self):

        n = self.n  # Number of plates in the outside of the ring (coarse mesh)

        r1 = self.r1  # The inner radius of the ring
        r2 = self.r2  # The center radius of the ring
        r3 = self.r3  # The outer radius of the ring

        Xo = self.Xo  # Global X-coordinate of the center of the ring
        Yo = self.Yo  # Global Y-coordinate of the center of the ring
        Zo = self.Zo  # Global Z-coordinate of the center of the ring

        theta1 = 2*pi/self.n      # Angle between nodes at the inner radius of the ring
        theta2 = 2*pi/(self.n*3)  # Angle between nodes at the center of the ring
        theta3 = 2*pi/(self.n*3)  # Angle between nodes at the outer radius of the ring

        # Each node number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        node_offset = int(self.start_node[1:]) - 1

        # Each element number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        element_offset = int(self.start_element[1:]) - 1

        # Generate the nodes that make up the ring, working from the inside to the outside
        angle = 0
        for i in range(1, 6*n + 1, 1):

            # Assign the node a name
            node_name = 'N' + str(i + node_offset)

            # Generate the inner radius of nodes
            if i <= n:
                angle = theta1*(i - 1)
                x = Xo + r1*cos(angle)
                y = Yo 
                z = Zo + r1*sin(angle)
            # Generate the center radius of nodes
            elif i <= 3*n:
                if (i - n) == 1:
                    angle = theta2
                elif (i - n) % 2 == 0:
                    angle += theta2
                    angle += 2*theta2
                x = Xo + r2*cos(angle)
                y = Yo
                z = Zo + r2*sin(angle)
            # Generate the outer radius of nodes
                if (i - 3*n) == 1:
                    angle = 0
                    angle = theta3*((i - 3*n) - 1)
                x = Xo + r3*cos(angle)
                y = Yo
                z = Zo + r3*sin(angle)
            self.nodes[node_name] = Node3D(node_name, x, y, z)

        # Generate the elements that make up the ring
        for i in range(1, 4*n + 1, 1):

            # Assign the element a name
            element_name = 'Q' + str(i + element_offset)

            if i <= n:
                n_node = i
                j_node = 2*i + n
                i_node = 2*i + n - 1
                if i != n:
                    m_node = i + 1
                    m_node = 1
            elif (i - n) % 3 == 1:
                n_node = 1 + (i - (n + 1))//3
                m_node = i - (i - (n + 1))//3
                j_node = i + 2*n + 1
                i_node = i + 2*n
            elif (i - n) % 3 == 2:
                n_node = i - 1 - (i - (n + 1))//3
                m_node = i - (i - (n + 1))//3
                j_node = i + 2*n + 1
                i_node = i + 2*n            
                n_node = i - 1 - (i - (n + 1))//3
                i_node = i + 2*n
                if i != 4*n:
                    m_node = 2 + (i - (n + 1))//3
                    j_node = i + 2*n + 1
                    m_node = 1
                    j_node = 1 + 3*n

            self.elements[element_name] = Quad3D(element_name, self.nodes['N' + str(i_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(j_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(m_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(n_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.t, self.E, self.nu)
Exemple #4
    def __mesh(self):
        Generates the nodes and elements in the mesh.

        num_quads = self.num_quads  # Number of quadrilaterals in the ring
        n = self.num_quads

        radius = self.radius  # The radius of the ring
        height = self.height  # The height of the ring

        Xo = self.Xo  # Global X-coordinate of the center of the bottom of the ring
        Yo = self.Yo  # Global Y-coordinate of the center of the bottom of the ring
        Zo = self.Zo  # Global Z-coordinate of the center of the bottom of the ring
        # Calculate the angle between nodes in the circumference of the ring
        theta = 2*pi/num_quads

        # Each node number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        node_offset = int(self.start_node[1:]) - 1

        # Each element number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        element_offset = int(self.start_element[1:]) - 1

        # Generate the nodes that make up the ring
        angle = 0
        for i in range(1, 2*n + 1, 1):

            # Assign the node a name
            node_name = 'N' + str(i + node_offset)

            # Generate the bottom nodes of the ring
            if i <= n:
                angle = theta*(i - 1)
                x = Xo + radius*cos(angle)
                y = Yo
                z = Zo + radius*sin(angle)
            # Generate the top nodes of the ring
                angle = theta*((i - n) - 1)
                x = Xo + radius*cos(angle)
                y = Yo + height
                z = Zo + radius*sin(angle)
            self.nodes[node_name] = Node3D(node_name, x, y, z)

        # Generate the elements that make up the ring
        for i in range(1, n + 1, 1):

            # Assign the element a name
            element_name = 'Q' + str(i + element_offset)
            # Assign nodes to the element
            n_node = i
            i_node = i + n
            if i != n:
                m_node = i + 1
                j_node = i + 1 + n
                m_node = 1
                j_node = 1 + n

            # Create the element and add it to the `elements` dictionary
            self.elements[element_name] = Quad3D(element_name, self.nodes['N' + str(i_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(j_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(m_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(n_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.t, self.E, self.nu)
Exemple #5
    def __mesh(self):

        n = self.n  # Number of plates in the initial ring

        r1 = self.r1  # The inner radius of the ring
        r2 = self.r2  # The outer radius of the ring

        Xo = self.Xo  # Global X-coordinate of the center of the ring
        Yo = self.Yo  # Global Y-coordinate of the center of the ring
        Zo = self.Zo  # Global Z-coordinate of the center of the ring

        theta = 2*pi/self.n  # Angle between nodes in the ring

        # Each node number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        node_offset = int(self.start_node[1:]) - 1

        # Each element number will be increased by the offset calculated below
        element_offset = int(self.start_element[1:]) - 1

        # Generate the nodes that make up the ring, working from the inside to the outside
        angle = 0
        for i in range(1, 2*n + 1, 1):

            # Assign the node a name
            node_name = 'N' + str(i + node_offset)

            # Generate the inner radius of nodes
            if i <= n:
                angle = theta*(i - 1)
                x = Xo + r1*cos(angle)
                y = Yo
                z = Zo + r1*sin(angle)
            # Generate the outer radius of nodes
                angle = theta*((i - n) - 1)
                x = Xo + r2*cos(angle)
                y = Yo 
                z = Zo + r2*sin(angle)
            self.nodes[node_name] = Node3D(node_name, x, y, z)

        # Generate the elements that make up the ring
        for i in range(1, n + 1, 1):

            # Assign the element a name
            element_name = 'Q' + str(i + element_offset)
            n_node = i
            i_node = i + n
            if i != n:
                m_node = i + 1
                j_node = i + 1 + n
                m_node = 1
                j_node = 1 + n

            self.elements[element_name] = Quad3D(element_name, self.nodes['N' + str(i_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(j_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(m_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.nodes['N' + str(n_node + node_offset)],
                                                               self.t, self.E, self.nu)