Exemple #1
 def readFromStream(stream, pdf):
     idnum = b_("")
     while True:
         tok = stream.read(1)
         if not tok:
             raise PdfStreamError(STREAM_TRUNCATED_PREMATURELY)
         if tok.isspace():
         idnum += tok
     generation = b_("")
     while True:
         tok = stream.read(1)
         if not tok:
             raise PdfStreamError(STREAM_TRUNCATED_PREMATURELY)
         if tok.isspace():
             if not generation:
         generation += tok
     r = readNonWhitespace(stream)
     if r != b_("R"):
         raise PdfReadError(
             "Error reading indirect object reference at byte %s" %
     return IndirectObject(int(idnum), int(generation), pdf)
Exemple #2
 def decode(data, decodeParms=None):
     :param data: a str sequence of hexadecimal-encoded values to be
         converted into a base-7 ASCII string
     :param decodeParms:
     :return: a string conversion in base-7 ASCII, where each of its values
         v is such that 0 <= ord(v) <= 127.
     retval = ""
     hex_pair = ""
     x = 0
     while True:
         if x >= len(data):
             raise PdfStreamError("Unexpected EOD in ASCIIHexDecode")
         c = data[x]
         if c == ">":
         elif c.isspace():
             x += 1
         hex_pair += c
         if len(hex_pair) == 2:
             retval += chr(int(hex_pair, base=16))
             hex_pair = ""
         x += 1
     assert hex_pair == ""
     return retval
Exemple #3
def readObject(stream, pdf):
    tok = stream.read(1)
    stream.seek(-1, 1)  # reset to start
    idx = ObjectPrefix.find(tok)
    if idx == 0:
        # name object
        return NameObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf)
    elif idx == 1:
        # hexadecimal string OR dictionary
        peek = stream.read(2)
        stream.seek(-2, 1)  # reset to start

        if peek == b_("<<"):
            return DictionaryObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf)
            return readHexStringFromStream(stream)
    elif idx == 2:
        # array object
        return ArrayObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf)
    elif idx == 3 or idx == 4:
        # boolean object
        return BooleanObject.readFromStream(stream)
    elif idx == 5:
        # string object
        return readStringFromStream(stream)
    elif idx == 6:
        # null object
        return NullObject.readFromStream(stream)
    elif idx == 7:
        # comment
        while tok not in (b_('\r'), b_('\n')):
            tok = stream.read(1)
            # Prevents an infinite loop by raising an error if the stream is at
            # the EOF
            if len(tok) <= 0:
                raise PdfStreamError("File ended unexpectedly.")
        tok = readNonWhitespace(stream)
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return readObject(stream, pdf)
        # number object OR indirect reference
        peek = stream.read(20)
        stream.seek(-len(peek), 1)  # reset to start
        if IndirectPattern.match(peek) is not None:
            return IndirectObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf)
            return NumberObject.readFromStream(stream)
Exemple #4
def readHexStringFromStream(stream):
    txt = ""
    x = b_("")
    while True:
        tok = readNonWhitespace(stream)
        if not tok:
            raise PdfStreamError(STREAM_TRUNCATED_PREMATURELY)
        if tok == b_(">"):
        x += tok
        if len(x) == 2:
            txt += chr(int(x, base=16))
            x = b_("")
    if len(x) == 1:
        x += b_("0")
    if len(x) == 2:
        txt += chr(int(x, base=16))
    return createStringObject(b_(txt))
Exemple #5
def readUntilRegex(stream, regex, ignore_eof=False):
    Reads until the regular expression pattern matched (ignore the match)
    :raises PdfStreamError: on premature end-of-file
    :param bool ignore_eof: If true, ignore end-of-line and return immediately
    name = b_('')
    while True:
        tok = stream.read(16)
        if not tok:
            # stream has truncated prematurely
            if ignore_eof:
                return name
                raise PdfStreamError(STREAM_TRUNCATED_PREMATURELY)
        m = regex.search(tok)
        if m is not None:
            name += tok[:m.start()]
            stream.seek(m.start()-len(tok), 1)
        name += tok
    return name
Exemple #6
    def readFromStream(stream, pdf):
        debug = False
        tmp = stream.read(2)
        if tmp != b_("<<"):
            raise PdfReadError(
                "Dictionary read error at byte %s: stream must begin with '<<'"
                % utils.hexStr(stream.tell()))
        data = {}
        while True:
            tok = readNonWhitespace(stream)
            if tok == b_('\x00'):
            elif tok == b_('%'):
                stream.seek(-1, 1)
            if not tok:
                raise PdfStreamError(STREAM_TRUNCATED_PREMATURELY)

            if debug: print(("Tok:", tok))
            if tok == b_(">"):
            stream.seek(-1, 1)
            key = readObject(stream, pdf)
            tok = readNonWhitespace(stream)
            stream.seek(-1, 1)
            value = readObject(stream, pdf)
            if not data.get(key):
                data[key] = value
            elif pdf.strict:
                # multiple definitions of key not permitted
                raise PdfReadError(
                    "Multiple definitions in dictionary at byte %s for key %s" \
                    % (utils.hexStr(stream.tell()), key))
                    "Multiple definitions in dictionary at byte %s for key %s" \
                    % (utils.hexStr(stream.tell()), key), PdfReadWarning)

        pos = stream.tell()
        s = readNonWhitespace(stream)
        if s == b_('s') and stream.read(5) == b_('tream'):
            eol = stream.read(1)
            # odd PDF file output has spaces after 'stream' keyword but before EOL.
            # patch provided by Danial Sandler
            while eol == b_(' '):
                eol = stream.read(1)
            assert eol in (b_("\n"), b_("\r"))
            if eol == b_("\r"):
                # read \n after
                if stream.read(1) != b_('\n'):
                    stream.seek(-1, 1)
            # this is a stream object, not a dictionary
            assert SA.LENGTH in data
            length = data[SA.LENGTH]
            if debug: print(data)
            if isinstance(length, IndirectObject):
                t = stream.tell()
                length = pdf.getObject(length)
                stream.seek(t, 0)
            data["__streamdata__"] = stream.read(length)
            if debug: print("here")
            # if debug: print(binascii.hexlify(data["__streamdata__"]))
            e = readNonWhitespace(stream)
            ndstream = stream.read(8)
            if (e + ndstream) != b_("endstream"):
                # (sigh) - the odd PDF file has a length that is too long, so
                # we need to read backwards to find the "endstream" ending.
                # ReportLab (unknown version) generates files with this bug,
                # and Python users into PDF files tend to be our audience.
                # we need to do this to correct the streamdata and chop off
                # an extra character.
                pos = stream.tell()
                stream.seek(-10, 1)
                end = stream.read(9)
                if end == b_("endstream"):
                    # we found it by looking back one character further.
                    data["__streamdata__"] = data["__streamdata__"][:-1]
                    stream.seek(pos, 0)
                    raise PdfReadError(
                        "Unable to find 'endstream' marker after stream at byte %s."
                        % utils.hexStr(stream.tell()))
            stream.seek(pos, 0)
        if "__streamdata__" in data:
            return StreamObject.initializeFromDictionary(data)
            retval = DictionaryObject()
            return retval
Exemple #7
def readStringFromStream(stream):
    tok = stream.read(1)
    parens = 1
    txt = b_("")
    while True:
        tok = stream.read(1)
        if not tok:
            raise PdfStreamError(STREAM_TRUNCATED_PREMATURELY)
        if tok == b_("("):
            parens += 1
        elif tok == b_(")"):
            parens -= 1
            if parens == 0:
        elif tok == b_("\\"):
            tok = stream.read(1)
            ESCAPE_DICT = {
                b_("n"): b_("\n"),
                b_("r"): b_("\r"),
                b_("t"): b_("\t"),
                b_("b"): b_("\b"),
                b_("f"): b_("\f"),
                b_("c"): b_(r"\c"),
                b_("("): b_("("),
                b_(")"): b_(")"),
                b_("/"): b_("/"),
                b_("\\"): b_("\\"),
                b_(" "): b_(" "),
                b_("/"): b_("/"),
                b_("%"): b_("%"),
                b_("<"): b_("<"),
                b_(">"): b_(">"),
                b_("["): b_("["),
                b_("]"): b_("]"),
                b_("#"): b_("#"),
                b_("_"): b_("_"),
                b_("&"): b_("&"),
                b_('$'): b_('$'),
                tok = ESCAPE_DICT[tok]
            except KeyError:
                if tok.isdigit():
                    # "The number ddd may consist of one, two, or three
                    # octal digits; high-order overflow shall be ignored.
                    # Three octal digits shall be used, with leading zeros
                    # as needed, if the next character of the string is also
                    # a digit." (PDF reference, p 16)
                    for _ in range(2):
                        ntok = stream.read(1)
                        if ntok.isdigit():
                            tok += ntok
                    tok = b_(chr(int(tok, base=8)))
                elif tok in b_("\n\r"):
                    # This case is  hit when a backslash followed by a line
                    # break occurs.  If it's a multi-char EOL, consume the
                    # second character:
                    tok = stream.read(1)
                    if tok not in b_("\n\r"):
                        stream.seek(-1, 1)
                    # Then don't add anything to the actual string, since this
                    # line break was escaped:
                    tok = b_('')
                    raise PdfReadError(r"Unexpected escaped string: %s" % tok)
        txt += tok
    return createStringObject(txt)