Exemple #1
    def _launch_pcgamess(self):
        Run PC GAMESS (Windows only).
        PC GAMESS creates 2 output files:
          - the DAT file, called "PUNCH", is written to the directory from which
            PC GAMESS is started.  This is why we chdir to the Gamess temp directory
            before we run PC GAMESS.
          - the OUT file (aka the log file), which we name jigname.out.
        Returns: 0 = Success
                       1 = Cancelled
                       2 = Failed
        oldir = os.getcwd() # Save current directory
        jobDir = os.path.dirname(self.job_batfile)
        os.chdir(jobDir) # Change directory to the GAMESS temp directory.
##        print "Current directory is: ", jobDir
        DATfile = os.path.join(jobDir, "PUNCH")
        if os.path.exists(DATfile): # Remove any previous DAT (PUNCH) file.
            print "run_pcgamess: Removing DAT file: ", DATfile
        # Hours wasted testing this undocumented tripe.  Here's the deal: When using spawnv
        # on Windows, any args that might have spaces must be delimited by double quotes.
        # Mark 050530.
        #program = "\"" + self.job_batfile + "\""
        #args = [program, ]
        # Here's the infuriating part.  The 2nd arg to spawnv cannot have double quotes, but the
        # first arg in args (the program name) must have the double quotes if there is a space in
        # self.gms_program.
        #print  "program = ", program
        #print  "Spawnv args are %r" % (args,) # this %r remains (see above)
        #os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.job_batfile, args)
        arg_list = ['-i', self.job_inputfile, '-o', self.job_outputfile]
        args = QStringList()        
        for s in arg_list:
        process = QProcess()
        process.start(self.server.program, args)
        # Blocks for n millisconds until the process has started and started() 
        # signal is emitted. Returns true if the process was started successfullly. 
        if not process.waitForStarted(2000): 
            print "The process can't be started."
            return 2
        progressDialog = self.showProgress()
        i = 55
        pInc = True
        while process.state() == QProcess.Running:
            env.call_qApp_processEvents() #bruce 050908 replaced qApp.processEvents()
            if progressDialog.wasCanceled():
                return 1 # Job cancelled.
            if pInc:
                if i < 75: i += 1
                else: pInc = False
                if i > 55:  i -= 1
                else: pInc = True
            # Do sth here
            if not process.state() == QProcess.Running:
        self.gamessJig.outputfile = self.job_outputfile
        return 0 # Success
    def _launch_pcgamess(self):
        Run PC GAMESS (Windows only).
        PC GAMESS creates 2 output files:
          - the DAT file, called "PUNCH", is written to the directory from which
            PC GAMESS is started.  This is why we chdir to the Gamess temp directory
            before we run PC GAMESS.
          - the OUT file (aka the log file), which we name jigname.out.
        Returns: 0 = Success
                       1 = Cancelled
                       2 = Failed
        oldir = os.getcwd()  # Save current directory

        jobDir = os.path.dirname(self.job_batfile)
        os.chdir(jobDir)  # Change directory to the GAMESS temp directory.
        ##        print "Current directory is: ", jobDir

        DATfile = os.path.join(jobDir, "PUNCH")
        if os.path.exists(DATfile):  # Remove any previous DAT (PUNCH) file.
            print "run_pcgamess: Removing DAT file: ", DATfile

        # Hours wasted testing this undocumented tripe.  Here's the deal: When using spawnv
        # on Windows, any args that might have spaces must be delimited by double quotes.
        # Mark 050530.

        #program = "\"" + self.job_batfile + "\""
        #args = [program, ]

        # Here's the infuriating part.  The 2nd arg to spawnv cannot have double quotes, but the
        # first arg in args (the program name) must have the double quotes if there is a space in
        # self.gms_program.

        #print  "program = ", program
        #print  "Spawnv args are %r" % (args,) # this %r remains (see above)
        #os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.job_batfile, args)

        arg_list = ['-i', self.job_inputfile, '-o', self.job_outputfile]
        args = QStringList()
        for s in arg_list:

        process = QProcess()
        process.start(self.server.program, args)
        # Blocks for n millisconds until the process has started and started()
        # signal is emitted. Returns true if the process was started successfullly.
        if not process.waitForStarted(2000):
            print "The process can't be started."
            return 2
        progressDialog = self.showProgress()
        i = 55
        pInc = True
        while process.state() == QProcess.Running:
            )  #bruce 050908 replaced qApp.processEvents()
            if progressDialog.wasCanceled():
                return 1  # Job cancelled.

            if pInc:
                if i < 75: i += 1
                else: pInc = False
                if i > 55: i -= 1
                else: pInc = True
            # Do sth here
            if not process.state() == QProcess.Running:


        self.gamessJig.outputfile = self.job_outputfile

        return 0  # Success