def getRasterFiles(path, recursive=False): rasters = [] if not QFileInfo(path).exists(): return rasters # TODO remove *.aux.xml _filter = getRasterExtensions() workDir = QDir( path ) workDir.setFilter( QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot ) workDir.setNameFilters( _filter ) files = workDir.entryList() for f in files: rasters.append( path + "/" + f ) if recursive: for myRoot, myDirs, myFiles in os.walk( unicode(path) ): for dir in myDirs: workDir = QDir( myRoot + "/" + dir ) workDir.setFilter( QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot ) workDir.setNameFilters( _filter ) workFiles = workDir.entryList() for f in workFiles: rasters.append( myRoot + "/" + dir + "/" + f ) return rasters
def defaultOutputFolder(): folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()), "processing", "outputs") if not QDir(folder).exists(): QDir().mkpath(folder) return unicode(QDir.toNativeSeparators(folder))
def renamePage(self): item = self.currentItem() oldAttDir = self.itemToAttachmentDir(item) parent = item.parent() parentPage = self.itemToPage(parent) parentPath = os.path.join(self.notePath, parentPage) dialog = LineEditDialog(parentPath, self) dialog.setText(item.text(0)) if dialog.exec_(): newPageName = dialog.editor.text() # if hasattr(item, 'text'): # if item is not QTreeWidget if parentPage != '': parentPage = parentPage + '/' oldFile = self.itemToFile(item) newFile = parentPage + newPageName + self.settings.fileExt QDir(self.notePath).rename(oldFile, newFile) if item.childCount() != 0: oldDir = parentPage + item.text(0) newDir = parentPage + newPageName QDir(self.notePath).rename(oldDir, newDir) item.setText(0, newPageName) self.sortItems(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) # if attachment folder exists, rename it if QDir().exists(oldAttDir): newAttDir = self.itemToAttachmentDir(item) QDir().rename(oldAttDir, newAttDir) self.parent.updateAttachmentView()
def initialise(notebookName, notebookPath): """ Called by create() A notebook directory will be initialised to: css/ notebook.conf notes/ """ # QDir().mkpath will create all necessary parent directories QDir().mkpath(os.path.join(notebookPath, "notes").replace(os.sep, '/')) QDir().mkpath(os.path.join(notebookPath, "css").replace(os.sep, '/')) cssFile = os.path.join(notebookPath, "css", "notebook.css").replace(os.sep, '/') searchCssFile = os.path.join(notebookPath, "css", "search-window.css").replace(os.sep, '/') cssTemplate = "/usr/share/mikidown/notebook.css" searchCssTemplate = "/usr/share/mikidown/search-window.css" if not os.path.exists(cssTemplate): cssTemplate = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "css", "sphinx.css").replace(os.sep, '/') if not os.path.exists(searchCssTemplate): searchCssTemplate = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "css", "search-window.css").replace( os.sep, '/') # If //cssFile// already exists, copy() returns false! print(cssTemplate) print(searchCssTemplate) QFile.copy(cssTemplate, cssFile) QFile.copy(searchCssTemplate, searchCssFile)
def _prepare_help(self, template_dir): """Prepare the help directory. :param template_dir: Directory where template is. :type template_dir: str """ # Copy over pylintrc # noinspection PyCallByClass,PyTypeChecker QFile.copy( os.path.join(template_dir, 'pylintrc'), os.path.join(self.plugin_path, 'pylintrc')) # Create sphinx default project for help QDir().mkdir(self.plugin_path + '/help') QDir().mkdir(self.plugin_path + '/help/build') QDir().mkdir(self.plugin_path + '/help/source') QDir().mkdir(self.plugin_path + '/help/source/_static') QDir().mkdir(self.plugin_path + '/help/source/_templates') # copy doc makefiles # noinspection PyCallByClass,PyTypeChecker QFile.copy( os.path.join(template_dir, 'help/make.bat'), os.path.join(self.plugin_path, 'help/make.bat')) # noinspection PyCallByClass,PyTypeChecker QFile.copy( os.path.join(template_dir, 'help/Makefile'), os.path.join(self.plugin_path, 'help/Makefile'))
def removeDir(path): result = "" if not QFile(path).exists(): result = QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsPluginInstaller", "Nothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist:") + "\n" + path elif QFile(path).remove( ): # if it is only link, just remove it without resolving. pass else: fltr = QDir.Dirs | QDir.Files | QDir.Hidden iterator = QDirIterator(path, fltr, QDirIterator.Subdirectories) while iterator.hasNext(): item = if QFile(item).remove(): pass fltr = QDir.Dirs | QDir.Hidden iterator = QDirIterator(path, fltr, QDirIterator.Subdirectories) while iterator.hasNext(): item = if QDir().rmpath(item): pass if QFile(path).exists(): result = QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsPluginInstaller", "Failed to remove the directory:" ) + "\n" + path + "\n" + QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsPluginInstaller", "Check permissions or remove it manually") # restore plugin directory if removed by QDir().rmpath() pluginDir = qgis.utils.home_plugin_path if not QDir(pluginDir).exists(): QDir().mkpath(pluginDir) return result
def create_fb(self): """ Create a new empty fieldbook from template and add to layer list. Layer/file name changed to start with 'fb\_' if neccessary. """ ofname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.iface.mainWindow(), tr('New fieldbook'), filter=tr('Fieldbook file (*.dbf)')) if not ofname: return if QRegExp('fb_').indexIn(QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()): ofname = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + 'fb_' + QFileInfo(ofname).fileName()) ofbase = QDir.cleanPath( QFileInfo(ofname).absolutePath() + QDir().separator() + QFileInfo(ofname).baseName()) tempbase = QDir.cleanPath(self.plugin_dir + QDir().separator() + 'template' + QDir().separator() + 'fb_template') for ext in ['.dbf']: QFile(tempbase + ext).copy(ofbase + ext) fb = QgsVectorLayer(ofbase + '.dbf', QFileInfo(ofbase).baseName(), "ogr") if fb.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(fb)
def userFolder(): userDir = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() \ + '/processing' if not QDir(userDir).exists(): QDir().mkpath(userDir) return unicode(QDir.toNativeSeparators(userDir))
def tempFolder(): tempDir = os.path.join(unicode(QDir.tempPath()), 'processing' + _tempFolderSuffix) if not QDir(tempDir).exists(): QDir().mkpath(tempDir) return unicode(os.path.abspath(tempDir))
def uploadDocument(self, entity_source, doc_type, fileinfo): """ Upload document in central repository """ self._entity_source = entity_source self._doc_type = doc_type self.fileID = self.generateFileID() self.sourcePath = fileinfo.filePath() profile_name = root_dir = QDir(self.networkPath) doc_dir = QDir('{}/{}/{}/{}'.format( self.networkPath, unicode(profile_name).lower(), self._entity_source, unicode(self._doc_type).lower().replace(' ', '_'))) doc_path_str = u'{}/{}/{}/{}'.format( self.networkPath, profile_name.lower(), self._entity_source, self._doc_type.lower().replace(' ', '_')).lower() if not doc_dir.exists(): res = root_dir.mkpath(doc_path_str) if res: root_doc_type_path = doc_path_str else: root_doc_type_path = self.networkPath else: root_doc_type_path = doc_path_str self.destinationPath = '{}/{}.{}'.format(root_doc_type_path, self.fileID, fileinfo.completeSuffix()) srcFile = open(self.sourcePath, 'rb') destinationFile = open(self.destinationPath, 'wb') #srcLen = self.sourceFile.bytesAvailable() totalRead = 0 while True: inbytes = if not inbytes: break destinationFile.write(inbytes) totalRead += len(inbytes) #Raise signal on each block written self.emit(SIGNAL("blockWritten(int)"), totalRead) self.emit(SIGNAL("completed(QString)"), self.fileID) srcFile.close() destinationFile.close() return self.fileID
def clearTempFiles(self): """ Clear the directories created for each recording added to the queue and the files they contain. """ settingsQDir = QDir(self.settingsDir) settingsQDir.setFilter(QDir.Dirs | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot) for dir in settingsQDir.entryList(): tempQDir = QDir(self.settingsDir + '/' + dir) tempQDir.setFilter(QDir.Files) for tempFile in tempQDir.entryList(): tempQDir.remove(tempFile) settingsQDir.rmdir(self.settingsDir + '/' + dir)
def CheckInputValues(self): if (self.textNameProject.Value == None or self.textNameProject.Value == ""): raise ("Please input project name!") if (self.textPathProject.Value == None or self.textPathProject.Value == ""): raise ("Please input project path!") d = QDir(self.textPathProject.Value) if (not d.exists()): if (QMessageBox.question(self, "Question", "Procedure path dose not exist! Do you create the directory?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes): d = QDir(self.textPathProject.Value) d.mkpath(self.textPathProject.Value) else: return False return True
def validate(self): """ :return: Return True if the source document directory exists, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ source_doc_path = self.txtRootFolder.text() #Clear previous notifications self._notif_bar.clear() if not source_doc_path: msg ='Please set the root directory of source documents.') self._notif_bar.insertErrorNotification(msg) return False dir = QDir() if not dir.exists(source_doc_path): msg = u"'{0}' directory does not exist.".format(source_doc_path)) self._notif_bar.insertErrorNotification(msg) return False return True
def _get_bpej_code_prices(self): """Returns BPEJ code prices. Returns: dict: A dictionary with BPEJ codes as keys (int) and prices as values (float). """ formatTimeStr = '%d.%m.%Y' bpejDir = QDir(self.pluginDir.path() + u'/data/bpej') bpejBaseName = u'SC_BPEJ' bpejZipFileName = bpejBaseName + u'.zip' bpejZipFilePath = bpejDir.filePath(bpejZipFileName) bpejCsvFileName = bpejBaseName + u'.csv' bpejCsvFilePath = bpejDir.filePath(bpejCsvFileName) upToDate = self._check_bpej_csv(bpejCsvFilePath, formatTimeStr) if not upToDate: testInternetUrl, bpejZipUrl = self._get_url() self._download_bpej_csv( testInternetUrl, bpejZipUrl, bpejZipFilePath, bpejCsvFileName) bpejCodePrices = self._read_bpej_csv(bpejCsvFilePath, formatTimeStr) return bpejCodePrices
def __init__(self, file, recurse = True, recursion_counter = None, namingregex = None): super(FileSystemItem, self).__init__() # Raise exception if root path has too many child elements if recursion_counter: recursion_counter.increment() if isinstance(file, QFileInfo): self.fileinfo = file else: self.fileinfo = QFileInfo(file) self.fullpath = self.fileinfo.absoluteFilePath() self.basename = self.fileinfo.completeBaseName() self.displayname = self.fileinfo.fileName() if self.fileinfo.isDir() else self.fileinfo.completeBaseName() if namingregex: self.displayname = namingregex.match(self.displayname).group(1) self.icon = FileSystemItem.iconProvider.icon(self.fileinfo) self.isdir = self.fileinfo.isDir() self.children = [] if self.isdir else None if self.isdir and recurse: qdir = QDir(self.fullpath) for finfo in qdir.entryInfoList( FileSystemItem.fileExtensions , QDir.Files | QDir.AllDirs | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot,QDir.Name): self.children.append(FileSystemItem(finfo, recurse, recursion_counter, namingregex)) else: # file # Populate this if and when needed self.searchablecontent = None
def setUp(self): safe_dir_path = os.path.dirname(safe.__file__) self.args = CommandLineArguments({ '--download': False, '--hazard': os.path.join(safe_dir_path, 'test', 'data', 'gisv4', 'hazard', 'tsunami_vector.geojson'), '--exposure': os.path.join(safe_dir_path, 'test', 'data', 'gisv4', 'exposure', 'raster', 'population.asc'), '--aggregation': None, '--extent': '106,7999364:-6,2085970:106,8525945:-6,1676174', '--output-dir': 'test_cli', '--version': False, 'LAYER_NAME': [] }) # Let's assume that for this test, the output dir is: self.args.output_dir = os.path.join( QDir(mkdtemp()).absolutePath(), self.args.output_dir) os.makedirs(self.args.output_dir)
def initTemplateList(self): cbox = self.ui.comboBox_Template cbox.clear() templateDir = QDir(tools.templateDir()) for i, entry in enumerate(templateDir.entryList(["*.html", "*.htm"])): cbox.addItem(entry) config = tools.getTemplateConfig(entry) # get template type templateType = config.get("type", "plain") cbox.setItemData(i, templateType, Qt.UserRole) # set tool tip text desc = config.get("description", "") if desc: cbox.setItemData(i, desc, Qt.ToolTipRole) # select the template of the settings templatePath = self._settings.get("Template") # if no template setting, select the last used template if not templatePath: templatePath = QSettings().value("/Qgis2threejs/lastTemplate", def_vals.template, type=unicode) if templatePath: index = cbox.findText(templatePath) if index != -1: cbox.setCurrentIndex(index) return index return -1
def setupLanguageMenu(self): self.languages = QDir(":/languages").entryList() if self.current_language is None: self.current_language = QLocale.system().name( ) # Retrieve Current Locale from the operating system. log.debug("Detected user's locale as %s" % self.current_language) for language in self.languages: translator = QTranslator( ) # Create a translator to translate Language Display Text. translator.load(":/languages/%s" % language) language_display_text = translator.translate( "Translation", "Language Display Text") languageAction = QAction(self) languageAction.setCheckable(True) languageAction.setText(language_display_text) languageAction.setData(language) self.menuLanguage.addAction(languageAction) self.langActionGroup.addAction(languageAction) if self.current_language == str(language).strip("tr_").rstrip( ".qm"): languageAction.setChecked(True)
def documentTemplates(): """ Return a dictionary of document names and their corresponding absolute file paths. """ from stdm.settings.registryconfig import RegistryConfig docTemplates = OrderedDict() regConfig = RegistryConfig() keyName = "ComposerTemplates" pathConfig =[keyName]) if len(pathConfig) > 0: templateDir = pathConfig[keyName] pathDir = QDir(templateDir) pathDir.setNameFilters(["*.sdt"]) docFileInfos = pathDir.entryInfoList(QDir.Files, QDir.Name) for df in docFileInfos: docTemplates[df.completeBaseName()] = df.absoluteFilePath() return docTemplates
def get_sign_path(self): sign_path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', '.',"sign files (*.sign)") if sign_path: cur_path = QDir('.') sign_path = cur_path.relativeFilePath(sign_path) sign_path = unicode(sign_path,'utf-8') self.ui.Signature.setText(sign_path)
def main(): pyqtRemoveInputHook() QDir(QDir.homePath()).mkdir(".ricodebug") app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName("ricodebug") Icons() # We use all kinds of loggers here: # * a CriticalLogHandler that will abort the program whenever a critical error is received # * a FileHandler writing to a log in the home directory (all messages, for debugging) # * a LogViewHandler to have the log available in the GUI # * a ErrorLabelHandler that visually notifies the user of an error or a warning logger = logging.getLogger() formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)-8s] : %(filename)15s:%(lineno)4d/%(funcName)-20s : %(message)s') filehandler = logging.FileHandler(filename='%s/.ricodebug/ricodebug.log' % str(QDir.homePath())) filehandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(filehandler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(criticalloghandler.CriticalLogHandler()) window = MainWindow() logger.addHandler(window.logviewhandler) logger.addHandler(window.notificationFrameHandler) if (len(sys.argv) > 1): window.debugController.openExecutable(sys.argv[1]) logging.shutdown() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def get_pub_path(self): encpubkey_path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', '.',"pub files (*.pub);;key files (*.key)") if encpubkey_path: cur_path = QDir('.') encpubkey_path = cur_path.relativeFilePath(encpubkey_path) encpubkey_path = unicode(encpubkey_path,'utf-8') self.ui.EncPubKey.setText(encpubkey_path)
def get_pri_path(self): signprikey_path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', '.',"pub files (*.pub);;key files (*.key)") if signprikey_path: cur_path = QDir('.') signprikey_path = cur_path.relativeFilePath(signprikey_path) signprikey_path = unicode(signprikey_path,'utf-8') self.ui.SignPriKey.setText(signprikey_path)
def reloadPlugins(self): self.modules = [] self.plugins = [] if self.allPlugins: plugin_dir = QDir( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(QFile.decodeName(__file__)), "plugins")) plugins = plugin_dir.entryList(QDir.Dirs | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot) else: p = QSettings().value("/PhyloGeoRec/plugins", "", type=unicode) plugins = p.split(",") if p else [] import importlib for name in plugins: try: modname = "PhyloGeoRec.plugins." + str(name) module = reload( sys.modules[modname] ) if modname in sys.modules else importlib.import_module( modname) self.modules.append(module) self.plugins.append(getattr(module, "plugin_class")) except ImportError: logMessage("Failed to load plugin: " + str(name))
def _check_path_exists(self, path, text_box): #Validates if the specified folder exists dir = QDir() if not dir.exists(path): msg ="'{0}' directory does not exist.".format(path)) self.notif_bar.insertErrorNotification(msg) #Highlight textbox control text_box.setStyleSheet(INVALIDATESTYLESHEET) timer = QTimer(self) #Sync interval with that of the notification bar timer.setInterval(self.notif_bar.interval) timer.setSingleShot(True) #Remove previous connected slots (if any) receivers = timer.receivers(SIGNAL('timeout()')) if receivers > 0: self._timer.timeout.disconnect() timer.start() timer.timeout.connect(lambda: self._restore_stylesheet(text_box)) return False return True
def __locate_code_in_project(self, queue_folders, nproject): file_filter = QDir.Files | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | QDir.Readable dir_filter = QDir.Dirs | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | QDir.Readable while not self._cancel and not queue_folders.empty(): current_dir = QDir(queue_folders.get()) #Skip not readable dirs! if not current_dir.isReadable(): continue #Collect all sub dirs! current_sub_dirs = current_dir.entryInfoList(dir_filter) for one_dir in current_sub_dirs: queue_folders.put(one_dir.absoluteFilePath()) #all files in sub_dir first apply the filters current_files = current_dir.entryInfoList( ['*{0}'.format(x) for x in nproject.extensions], file_filter) #process all files in current dir! for one_file in current_files: try: self._grep_file_locate(one_file.absoluteFilePath(), one_file.fileName()) except Exception as reason: logger.error('__locate_code_in_project, error: %r' % reason) logger.error('__locate_code_in_project fail for file: %r' % one_file.absoluteFilePath())
def setup_args(args_dict): """Prepares args for test.""" args = CommandLineArguments(args_dict) args.output_dir = os.path.join( QDir(mkdtemp()).absolutePath(), args.output_dir) os.makedirs(args.output_dir) return args
def locate_code(self): explorerContainer = explorer_container.ExplorerContainer() projects_obj = explorerContainer.get_opened_projects() projects = [p.path for p in projects_obj] if not projects: return queue = Queue.Queue() for project in projects: queue.put(project) while not self._cancel and not queue.empty(): current_dir = QDir(queue.get()) #Skip not readable dirs! if not current_dir.isReadable(): continue project_data = project = json_manager.read_ninja_project( unicode(current_dir.path())) extensions = project_data.get('supported-extensions', settings.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS) queue_folders = Queue.Queue() queue_folders.put(current_dir) self.__locate_code_in_project(queue_folders, extensions) self.dirty = True self.get_locations()
def __init__(self): self.__translationPath = QDir(':/i18n') self.__availableLanguages = {} # Must be put in manually because there exists no translation file # UPDATE: well it does now, but we'll keep it this way none the less #self.__availableLanguages['en'] = ['English', 'English'] self.__buildLanguageDictionary()
def initTree(self, notePath, parent): ''' When there exist, foo.mkd, foo.markdown, only one item will be shown in notesTree. ''' if not QDir(notePath).exists(): return notebookDir = QDir(notePath) notesList = notebookDir.entryInfoList(['*.md', '*.mkd', '*.markdown'], QDir.NoFilter, QDir.Name | QDir.IgnoreCase) nl = [note.completeBaseName() for note in notesList] noduplicate = list(set(nl)) for name in noduplicate: item = QTreeWidgetItem(parent, [name]) path = notePath + '/' + name self.initTree(path, item)