Exemple #1
    def dropMimeData(self, mime: QMimeData, action, row: int, column: int,
                     parent: QModelIndex):
        LOG.debug('dropMimeData at row {}'.format(row))
        if action == Qt.IgnoreAction:
            return True

        if mime.hasFormat('text/uri-list'):
            if mime.hasUrls():
                LOG.debug('found urls in drop!')
                for qurl in mime.urls():
                    if qurl.isLocalFile():
                        path = qurl.path()
                            path)  # FIXME: replace with a signal
                return True
        elif mime.hasFormat(self._mimetype):
            # unpickle the presentation information and re-insert it
            # b = base64.decodebytes(mime.text())
            b = mime.data(self._mimetype)
            layer_set_len, insertion_info = pkl.loads(b)
            LOG.debug('dropped: {0!r:s}'.format(insertion_info))
            count = len(insertion_info)
            if row == -1:
                row = len(self.doc)  # append
                # FIXME: row=col=-1 implies drop-on-parent, which may mean replace or may mean append for composite layers
            # self.insertRows(row, count)
            # for i, presentation in enumerate(l):
            #     self.setData(self.index(row+i, 0), presentation)
            order = list(range(layer_set_len))
            inserted_row_numbers = []
            # inserted_presentations = []
            # delete_these_rows = []
            insertion_point = row
            uuids = []
            for old_row, presentation in reversed(sorted(insertion_info)):
                del order[old_row]
                if old_row < insertion_point:
                    insertion_point -= 1
                inserted_row_numbers.insert(0, old_row)
                # delete_these_rows.append(old_row if old_row<row else old_row+count)
                # inserted_presentations.append(presentation)
            order = order[:insertion_point] + inserted_row_numbers + order[
            LOG.debug('new order after drop {0!r:s}'.format(order))
            # self.doc.insert_layer_prez(row, inserted_presentations)
            # LOG.debug('after insertion removing rows {0!r:s}'.format(delete_these_rows))
            # for exrow in delete_these_rows:
            #     self.doc.remove_layer_prez(exrow)
            # self.doc.didReorderLayers.emit(order)  # FUTURE: not our business to be emitting on behalf of the document
            assert (count == len(insertion_info))
            return True
        return False