Exemple #1
 def keyPressEvent(self, event):
     key = int(event.key())
     mods = int(event.modifiers())
     if (key == Qt.Key_C) and (mods & Qt.ControlModifier) :
         # PyQt4's implementation of QTableView::selectedIndexes() does
         # not return a QList but rather a Python list of indices.
         lix = self.selectedIndexes()
         if len(lix) : # non-zero selection
             ans = QString()
             for ix in lix :
                     self.model().data(ix, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()
                 ans.append(u' ')
             ans.chop(1) # drop final space
     elif (0 == key & 0x01000000) and \
          ( (mods == Qt.NoModifier) or (mods == Qt.ShiftModifier) ) and \
          ( 0 == self.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorSection()) and \
          ( Qt.AscendingOrder == self.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorOrder() ):
         # An ordinary data key with or without shift, and the table
         # is sorted on column 0, the words, and sorted ascending.
         sortProxy = self.panelRef.proxy
         rc = self.panelRef.caseSwitch.isChecked()
         qc = QChar(key)
         if rc and (mods == Qt.NoModifier) :
             qc = qc.toLower()
         hi = sortProxy.rowCount()
         lo = 0
         while (lo < hi) :
             mid = (lo + hi) // 2
             cc = sortProxy.data(sortProxy.index(mid,0)).toString().at(0)
             if not rc : cc = cc.toUpper()
             if qc > cc :
                 lo = mid + 1
             else :
                 hi = mid
     if not event.isAccepted() : # if we didn't handle it, pass it up
         super(myTableView, self).keyPressEvent(event)