def progress_dialog(progress=0, title='CQFS Progress', label='Running...'): dialog = QProgressDialog() dialog.setWindowTitle(title) dialog.setLabelText(label) dialog.setAutoClose(True) bar = QProgressBar(dialog) bar.setTextVisible(True) bar.setValue(progress) bar.setMaximum(100) dialog.setBar(bar) dialog.setMinimumWidth(300) if int(progress) == 0: bar.setValue(0) return dialog, bar
class RebuildIndex(object): """ Tool class to rebuild the indexation """ def __init__(self, iface): """ Constructor :param iface: interface """ self.__iface = iface self.icon_path = ':/plugins/VDLTools/icons/rebuild_icon.png' self.text = QCoreApplication.translate("VDLTools", "Rebuild Index") self.killed = False def start(self): """ To start the rebuild """ snap_util = self.__iface.mapCanvas().snappingUtils() extent = self.__iface.mapCanvas().extent() self.__progressDialog = QProgressDialog() self.__progressDialog.setWindowTitle( QCoreApplication.translate("VDLTools", "Rebuild Index...")) self.__progressDialog.setLabelText( QCoreApplication.translate("VDLTools", "Percentage of indexed layers")) progressBar = QProgressBar(self.__progressDialog) progressBar.setTextVisible(True) cancelButton = QPushButton() cancelButton.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("VDLTools", "Cancel")) cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.kill) self.__progressDialog.setBar(progressBar) self.__progressDialog.setCancelButton(cancelButton) self.__progressDialog.setMinimumWidth(300) lcs_list = snap_util.layers() step = 0 self.killed = False for lc in lcs_list: if self.killed: break locator = snap_util.locatorForLayer(lc.layer) if locator.extent() is not None: txt = locator.extent().toString() else: txt = "None" print("old extent : " + txt) print("new extent : " + extent.toString()) locator.setExtent(extent) if not locator.hasIndex(): locator.init() else: locator.rebuildIndex() locator.setExtent(None) progressBar.setValue(100 * step / len(lcs_list)) step += 1 self.__progressDialog.close() def kill(self): """ To stop the rebuild at the end of the current working layer """ self.killed = True
def run(iface, lineLayer, nodeLayer, nodeRadiiExpr="0", lineWidthExpr="1", iterations=100, w_flows=1, w_nodes=0.5, w_antiTorsion=0.8, w_spring=1, w_angRes=3.75, snapThreshold=0, bezierRes=15, alpha=4, beta=4, kShort=0.5, kLong=0.05, Cp=2.5, K=4, C=4, constraintRectAspect=0.5, nodeBuffer=0): """ Runs the algorithm :return: """ # Generate a progress bar progDialog = QProgressDialog() progDialog.setWindowTitle("Progress") progDialog.setLabelText("Generating flowmap from layers") progBar = QProgressBar(progDialog) progBar.setTextVisible(True) progBar.setValue(0) progDialog.setBar(progBar) progDialog.setMinimumWidth(300) progBar.setMaximum(iterations) # Load the nodes and flows into a data structure fm = FlowMap(w_flows=w_flows, w_nodes=w_nodes, w_antiTorsion=w_antiTorsion, w_spring=w_spring, w_angRes=w_angRes, snapThreshold=snapThreshold, bezierRes=bezierRes, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, kShort=kShort, kLong=kLong, Cp=Cp, K=K, C=C, constraintRectAspect=constraintRectAspect, nodeBuffer=nodeBuffer) fm.getNodesFromLineLayer(lineLayer) if nodeLayer is not None: fm.getNodeRadiiFromLayer(nodeLayer, nodeRadiiExpr) else: fm.nodeRadii = [0 for node in fm.nodes] fm.getLineWidthFromLayer(lineLayer, lineWidthExpr) fm.calculateMapScale() fm.loadFlowLinesFromLayer(lineLayer) # Iterate j = 0 # used in node collision avoidance algorithm progDialog.setLabelText("Iterating") for i in range(iterations): progBar.setValue(i) if progDialog.wasCanceled(): break w = 1 - float(i) / iterations # Calculate flowline-against-flowline forces flowline_forces, Fs = fm.calculateInterFlowLineForces( returnSumOfMagnitudes=True) # Calculate node-against-flowline forces node_forces = fm.calculateNodeToFlowLineForces() # Calculate anti-torsion forces antitorsion_forces = fm.calculateAntiTorsionForces() # Calculate spring forces spring_forces = fm.calculateSpringForces(flowline_forces, Fs) # Calculate angular-resolution-of-flowlines-around-nodes forces angRes_forces = fm.calculateAngleResForces() # Apply forces to arc control points resultantForces = [] for i in range(len(fm.flowlines)): rForce = (flowline_forces[i]*fm.w_flows + node_forces[i]*fm.w_nodes + antitorsion_forces[i]*fm.w_antiTorsion + spring_forces[i]*fm.w_spring)*w +\ (angRes_forces[i]*fm.w_angRes)*(w - w**2) resultantForces.append(rForce) fm.applyForces(resultantForces) # Apply rectangle constraint fm.applyRectangleConstraints() # Reduce intersections of flowlines with a common node fm.reduceFlowLineIntersections() # Move flows off of nodes if i > 0.1 * iterations and j <= 0: N = fm.getFlowLinesOverlappingNodes() j = (iterations - i) / (len(N) + 1) / 2 n = math.ceil(float(len(N)) / (iterations - i - 1)) movedFlows = 0 # number of flows which have been moved. Iterate until this equals n for flowline in N: movedFlows += 1 if fm.moveFlowLineOffNodes(flowline) else 0 if movedFlows >= n: break else: j -= 1 progDialog.setLabelText("Updating Geometry") # Update the geometry of the layer fm.updateGeometryOnLayer(lineLayer) iface.mapCanvas().refresh() # close the dialog progDialog.close()