Exemple #1
    def move(self, delta_x, delta_y, buttons, modifiers):
        # user is dragging
        to = (self.at - self.eye)
        distance = to.length()
        if int(buttons) & Qt.LeftButton and not int(modifiers) & Qt.ShiftModifier:
            right = QVector3D.crossProduct(to, self.up)
            right = right.normalized()
            up = QVector3D.crossProduct(right, to).normalized()
            translation = right*(delta_x*distance)\
                        + up*(delta_y*distance)
            self.eye -= translation*5
            # correct eye position to maintain distance
            to = (self.at - self.eye)
            self.eye = self.at - to.normalized()*distance
            self.up = QVector3D.crossProduct(right, to).normalized()

        elif int(buttons) & Qt.MiddleButton or (int(buttons) & Qt.LeftButton and int(modifiers) & Qt.ShiftModifier):
            right = QVector3D.crossProduct(to, self.up).normalized()
            up = QVector3D.crossProduct(right, to).normalized()
            translation = right*(delta_x*distance)\
                        + up*(delta_y*distance)
            self.at -= translation
            self.eye -= translation

        elif  int(buttons) & Qt.RightButton :
            translation = to*delta_y
            self.eye -= translation
Exemple #2
    def addVertex(self, v, n, startIndex, apex=False):
        """Add the vertex and associated normal.

        v -- [x, y, z]
        n -- [i, j, k], normal of vertex's parent triangle or an apex normal
                        as described below
        startIndex -- index where vertex's Patch starts
        apex -- If True, the vertex is the apex of a cone. Its associated
                normal (n) will have been pre-calculated. v and n will be
                appended without any further checks or normal sums.
        for vv in self._sharedVertices[-1::-1]:
            if self.verticesEqual(v, vv):
        if not apex:
            # blend with the previous patch?
            startIndex = min(startIndex, self._prevPatchStartIndex)
            i = self._nVertices - 1
            while i >= startIndex:
                if self.verticesEqual(self._vertices[i], v):
                    # vertex found
                    # sum its normal with the duplicate vertex's normal
                    nn = QVector3D(*self._normals[i])
                    nn += QVector3D(*n)
                    self._normals[i] = [nn.x(), nn.y(), nn.z()]
                    return i
                i -= 1
        # vertex not found or it's an apex vertex
        self._nVertices += 1
        return self._nVertices - 1
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Viewer's Constructor
        frmt = QGLFormat()

        super(OGLViewer, self).__init__(frmt, parent)

        #self.setMouseTracking (True)
        self.__mouse = QCursor()

        self.__Ctrl_or_Meta_key_pressed = False
        self.__Alt_key_pressed = False

        self.__w = 720
        self.__h = 450


        # matrix changed signal. The signal's payload is the matrix itself.
        self.__GLMatrixChanged = SIGNAL("MatrixChanged (PyQt_PyObject)")

        self.__compo_light_pos = QVector3D(.3, .2, .1)
        self.__AmbientMaterial = QVector3D(.2, .2, .2)
    def intersectRayTriangles(self, orig, dir):
        method dealing with ray-triangles intersections.
        @param orig 3-list
        @param dir  3-list
        @return closest_intersection_param float

        closest_intersection_param = None  # closest intersection to camera origin.
        intersections = []

        orig_v = QVector3D(orig[0], orig[1], orig[2])
        dir_v = QVector3D(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2])

        intersections_list = []
        for pl in self.__poly_list_e:

            isect_t = self.intersect(orig_v, dir_v, pl)
            if isect_t != None:
                intersections_list.append([pl, isect_t])

        # order the intersections_list
        tmp = 100000
        if len(intersections_list) > 0:
            for isectn in intersections_list:
                if isectn[1] < tmp:
                    tmp = isectn[1]
                    closest_intersection_param = tmp

        return closest_intersection_param
Exemple #5
 def setParent(self, parent):
     self.parent = parent
     rc = self.parent.cgh.rc
     r1 = rc + QVector3D(100, 0, 0)
     r2 = rc - QVector3D(0, 100, 0)
     r = [r1, r2]
Exemple #6
 def reset(self, other=None):
     if other is None:
         self.at = QVector3D(self.at0)
         self.eye = QVector3D(self.eye0)
         self.up = QVector3D(self.up0)
         self.at = other.at
         self.eye = other.eye
         self.up = other.up
    def __init__(self):
        Model constructor.
        self.__pid = -1  # polygon id counter
        self.__poly_list = []  # by poly I really mean triangle.

        self.addIcosahedron(QVector3D(5, 3, 1), QVector3D(2, 2, 2))
        self.addIcosahedron(QVector3D(-2, -2, 0), QVector3D(4, 4, 4))
Exemple #8
    def apply_transformation(self):
        min_vec = QVector3D(self._min.x(), self._min.y(), self._min.z())
        max_vec = QVector3D(self._max.x(), self._max.y(), self._max.z())

        min_vec = self._model2world_matrix * min_vec
        max_vec = self._model2world_matrix * max_vec

        from app.geoms.point import Vector3

        self._min = Vector3(min_vec.x(), min_vec.y(), min_vec.z())
        self._max = Vector3(max_vec.x(), max_vec.y(), max_vec.z())
    def addIcosahedron(self, pos, scale):
        this method generates a icosahedron.
        Kudos to The little Grasshopper. http://prideout.net/blog/?p=48
        @param pos   QVector3D
        @param scale QVector3D

        p0 = pos.x()
        p1 = pos.y()
        p2 = pos.z()
        s0 = scale.x()
        s1 = scale.y()
        s2 = scale.z()

        faces = [
            2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3, 0, 5, 4, 0, 1, 5, 0, 11, 6, 7, 11, 7, 8,
            11, 8, 9, 11, 9, 10, 11, 10, 6, 1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 7, 3, 4, 8, 4, 5, 9,
            5, 1, 10, 2, 7, 6, 3, 8, 7, 4, 9, 8, 5, 10, 9, 1, 6, 10

        verts = [
            0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.894, 0.0, 0.447, 0.276, 0.851, 0.447, -0.724,
            0.526, 0.447, -0.724, -0.526, 0.447, 0.276, -0.851, 0.447, 0.724,
            0.526, -0.447, -0.276, 0.851, -0.447, -0.894, 0.000, -0.447,
            -0.276, -0.851, -0.447, 0.724, -0.526, -0.447, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

        for i in range(0, len(faces), 3):

            fi = faces[i] * 3
            fi1 = faces[i + 1] * 3
            fi2 = faces[i + 2] * 3

            a = QVector3D(verts[fi] * s0 + p0, verts[fi + 1] * s1 + p1,
                          verts[fi + 2] * s2 + p2)
            b = QVector3D(verts[fi1] * s0 + p0, verts[fi1 + 1] * s1 + p1,
                          verts[fi1 + 2] * s2 + p2)
            c = QVector3D(verts[fi2] * s0 + p0, verts[fi2 + 1] * s1 + p1,
                          verts[fi2 + 2] * s2 + p2)

                c,  # 3 vertices
                QVector3D.normal(a, b),  # normal to vector
            ])  # polygon's id.
Exemple #10
 def renderNormals(self):
     gl.glPolygonMode(gl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, gl.GL_LINE)
     gl.glColor(0, 1, 0, 1)
     factor = max(*self._mesh._bbox.size()) * 0.01
     for i in self._indices:
         v = self._mesh._vertices[i]
         n = self._mesh._normals[i]
         ep = QVector3D(*v) + QVector3D(*n) * factor
         gl.glVertex3f(ep.x(), ep.y(), ep.z())
    def _init_camera_vars(self):
        static method. It initializes the math variables.
        self.__compo_mtools = MathTools.Tools()

        self.__curr_angles = QPoint(0, 0)
        self.__last_pos = QPoint(0, 0)
        self.__delta = QPoint(0, 0)
        self.__orig = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        self.__cam_dist = 0.0
        self.__z_near = 0.1
        self.__z_far = 2000.0
        self.__fovy = 45.0
        self.__angle = self.__compo_mtools.getAngle(self.__fovy)

        self.__norm_mtx = QMatrix4x4()  #(GLdouble * 16)()

        self.__mtx = QMatrix4x4()  #(GLdouble * 16)()

        self.__aspect_ratio = float(self.__w) / float(self.__h)

        self.__camera_list = []
 def addIcosahedron (self, pos, scale):
     this method generates a icosahedron.
     Kudos to The little Grasshopper. http://prideout.net/blog/?p=48
     @param pos   QVector3D
     @param scale QVector3D
     p0=pos.x();    p1=pos.y();    p2=pos.z()  
     s0=scale.x();  s1=scale.y();  s2=scale.z()
     faces = [2,1,0,  3,2,0,  4,3,0,  5,4,0,  1,5,0,  11,6,7,  11,7,8,  11,8,9,  11,9,10,  11,10,6,
              1,2,6,  2,3,7,  3,4,8,  4,5,9,  5,1,10,  2,7,6,   3,8,7,   4,9,8,   5,10,9,   1,6,10]
     verts = [0.0,0.0,1.0,            0.894,0.0,0.447,       0.276,0.851,0.447,
              -0.724,0.526,0.447,    -0.724,-0.526,0.447,    0.276,-0.851,0.447,
              0.724,0.526,-0.447,    -0.276,0.851,-0.447,   -0.894,0.000,-0.447,
              -0.276,-0.851,-0.447,   0.724,-0.526,-0.447,   0.0,0.0,-1.0]
     for i in range (0, len(faces), 3):
         fi  = faces[i]*3
         fi1 = faces[i+1]*3
         fi2 = faces[i+2]*3
         a = QVector3D (verts[fi] *s0+p0, verts[fi+1] *s1+p1, verts[fi+2] *s2+p2)
         b = QVector3D (verts[fi1]*s0+p0, verts[fi1+1]*s1+p1, verts[fi1+2]*s2+p2)
         c = QVector3D (verts[fi2]*s0+p0, verts[fi2+1]*s1+p1, verts[fi2+2]*s2+p2)
         self.__poly_list.append ([a, b, c,               # 3 vertices
                                   QVector3D.normal(a,b), # normal to vector
                                   self.getNewId()])      # polygon's id.
Exemple #13
    def frame(self):
        x = QVector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        y = QVector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        z = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

        m = QMatrix4x4()
        m.rotate(self.y_rot, y)
        x = m * x
        z = m * z

        m = QMatrix4x4()
        m.rotate(self.x_rot, x)
        y = m * y
        z = m * z

        return (x, y, z)
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self):
        self.center = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        self.focal_len = 5.0
        self.y_rot = 0.0
        self.x_rot = 0.0

        self.fovy  = 60.0
        self.aspect = 1.0
        self.znear = 0.1
        self.zfar = 1000.0
Exemple #15
 def intersect (self, orig_v, dir_v, pl):
     method performing ray-triangle intersection (Moller-Trumbore algorithm)
     @param orig QVector3D
     @param dir  QVector3D
     @return isect_t float or None
     e1 = pl[1]  - pl[0]
     e2 = pl[2]  - pl[0]
     p = QVector3D.crossProduct (dir_v, e2)
     p_dot_e1 = QVector3D.dotProduct (p, e1)
     if p_dot_e1 == 0:
         return None
     inv_p_dot_e1 = 1.0 / p_dot_e1
     t  = orig_v - pl[0]
     isect_u = inv_p_dot_e1 * QVector3D.dotProduct (p, t)
     if isect_u<0 or isect_u>1:
         return None
     q = QVector3D.crossProduct (t, e1)
     isect_v = inv_p_dot_e1 * QVector3D.dotProduct (q, dir_v)
     if isect_v<0 or isect_u + isect_v>1:
          return None
     isect_t = inv_p_dot_e1 * QVector3D.dotProduct (e2, q)
     return isect_t
Exemple #16
    def intersect(self, orig_v, dir_v, pl):
        method performing ray-triangle intersection (Moller-Trumbore algorithm)
        @param orig QVector3D
        @param dir  QVector3D
        @return isect_t float or None
        e1 = pl[1] - pl[0]
        e2 = pl[2] - pl[0]

        p = QVector3D.crossProduct(dir_v, e2)

        p_dot_e1 = QVector3D.dotProduct(p, e1)
        if p_dot_e1 == 0:
            return None

        inv_p_dot_e1 = 1.0 / p_dot_e1
        t = orig_v - pl[0]
        isect_u = inv_p_dot_e1 * QVector3D.dotProduct(p, t)
        if isect_u < 0 or isect_u > 1:
            return None

        q = QVector3D.crossProduct(t, e1)
        isect_v = inv_p_dot_e1 * QVector3D.dotProduct(q, dir_v)
        if isect_v < 0 or isect_u + isect_v > 1:
            return None

        isect_t = inv_p_dot_e1 * QVector3D.dotProduct(e2, q)

        return isect_t
Exemple #17
    def addTri(self, a, b, c, apexVertex=None):
        """Add a triangle.

        a, b, c -- [x, y, z]
                   The three vertices, given in CCLW winding order.
        apexVertex -- [x, y, z]
                      The apex vertice, for a cone tip. Must be the same as a,
                      b, c, or None.

        Return None.
        # triangle normal
        n = QVector3D.normal(QVector3D(*a),
        n = [n.x(), n.y(), n.z()]
        self._indices.append(self._mesh.addVertex(a, n, self._startIndex,
                                                  apexVertex == a))
        self._indices.append(self._mesh.addVertex(b, n, self._startIndex,
                                                  apexVertex == b))
        self._indices.append(self._mesh.addVertex(c, n, self._startIndex,
                                                  apexVertex == c))
        self._nTris += 1
Exemple #18
 def dotask(self):
     sz = self.font.getsize(self.text)
     img = Image.new('L', sz, 0)
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
     draw.text((0, 0), self.text, font=self.font, fill=255)
     bmp = np.array(img) > 128
     bmp = bmp[::-1]
     sz = self.parent.screen.video.device.size
     y, x = np.nonzero(bmp)
     x = x + normal(scale=self.fuzz, size=len(x)) - np.mean(x)
     y = y + normal(scale=self.fuzz, size=len(y)) - np.mean(y)
     x = x * self.spacing + sz.width() / 2
     y = y * self.spacing + sz.height() / 2
     p = list(map(lambda x, y: QVector3D(x, y, 0), x, y))
 def displayObjects (self):
     glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
     glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST)
     glDepthMask (GL_TRUE)
     #glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE)
     for poly in self.__poly_list:
         p0 = poly[0];  p1 = poly[1];  p2 = poly[2]
         glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES)
         col = .4 + 0.5*QVector3D.dotProduct (poly[3], self.__compo_light_pos)
         glColor3f   (col, col, col)
         glVertex3f (p0.x(), p0.y(), p0.z())
         glVertex3f (p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z())
         glVertex3f (p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z())
         glEnd ()
    def displayObjects(self):


        #glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE)

        for poly in self.__poly_list:

            p0 = poly[0]
            p1 = poly[1]
            p2 = poly[2]

            col = .4 + 0.5 * QVector3D.dotProduct(poly[3],
            glColor3f(col, col, col)
            glVertex3f(p0.x(), p0.y(), p0.z())
            glVertex3f(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z())
            glVertex3f(p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z())
Exemple #21
 def initialize(self):
     pos = QVector3D(self.x, self.y, self.z)
     self.done = True
Exemple #22
 def world_coords(self):
     return self._model2world_matrix * QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Exemple #23
 def __init__(self, eye, at, up=QVector3D(0, 0, 1)):
     self.at0 = QVector3D(at)
     self.eye0 = QVector3D(eye)
     self.up0 = QVector3D(up)
Exemple #24
 def apply_transformation(self):
     for vertex in self.renderable_vertex_array["coords"]:
         vec = QVector3D(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2])
         vec = self._model2world_matrix * vec
         vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2] = vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z()