Exemple #1
def ensure_app(headless=True):
    global _store_app
    with _ea_lock:
        if _store_app is None and QApplication.instance() is None:
            args = sys.argv[:1]
            if headless and (islinux or isbsd):
                args += ['-platformpluginpath', sys.extensions_location, '-platform', 'headless']
            _store_app = QApplication(args)
            if headless and (islinux or isbsd):
                _store_app.headless = True
            import traceback
            # This is needed because as of PyQt 5.4 if sys.execpthook ==
            # sys.__excepthook__ PyQt will abort the application on an
            # unhandled python exception in a slot or virtual method. Since ensure_app()
            # is used in worker processes for background work like rendering html
            # or running a headless browser, we circumvent this as I really
            # dont feel like going through all the code and making sure no
            # unhandled exceptions ever occur. All the actual GUI apps already
            # override sys.except_hook with a proper error handler.
            def eh(t, v, tb):
                    traceback.print_exception(t, v, tb, file=sys.stderr)
            sys.excepthook = eh