def render_from_z_mask(z_buf_mask, context): z_buf_mask = convert_deep_to_alpha(z_buf_mask) # рисовать qp = QPainter() picture = QPicture() qp.begin(picture) for x in range(len(z_buf_mask)): for y in range(len(z_buf_mask[0])): # a = color_mask[x][y] a = QColor( a.setAlpha(z_buf_mask[x][y]) qp.setPen(a) qp.drawPoint(x, y) qp.end() # painting done"drawing.pic") # save picture picture = QPicture() picture.load("drawing.pic") # load picture qp = QPainter() qp.begin(context) # paint in myImage qp.drawPicture(0, 0, picture) # draw the picture at (0,0) qp.end()
def render_from_color_mask(color_mask, context): qp = QPainter() picture = QPicture() qp.begin(picture) for x in range(len(color_mask)): for y in range(len(color_mask[0])): a = color_mask[x][y] qp.setPen(a) qp.drawPoint(x, y) qp.end() # painting done"drawing.pic") # save picture picture = QPicture() picture.load("drawing.pic") # load picture qp = QPainter() qp.begin(context) # paint in myImage qp.drawPicture(0, 0, picture) # draw the picture at (0,0) qp.end()