def lookAt(self, direction, up): """Calculate new camera orientation based on camera direction and up vectors""" z = -direction x = QVector3D.crossProduct(up, z) y = QVector3D.crossProduct(z, x) self._orientation = QMatrix4x4(x[0], x[1], x[2], 0.0, y[0], y[1], y[2], 0.0, z[0], z[1], z[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def rayCastStack(self, i, j, width, height): direction = self.direction right = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, self._up).normalized() up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, right) * -1.0 center = self.position + direction print(up) # normalizedI = (i/width)- 0.5 # normalizedJ = (j /height) - 0.5 s = center + i * right + j * up # print((self.position - center).length()) return Camera.Ray(self.position, (s - self.position))
def updateCameraVectors(self): front = QVector3D(); front.setX(cos(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))) front.setY(sin(radians(self.pitch))) front.setZ(sin(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))) front.normalize() self.Front = front self.Right = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.Front, self.WORLD_UP) self.Right.normalize() self.Up = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.Right, self.Front) self.Up.normalize()
def __updateCameraVectors(self): self.front = QVector3D( math.cos(math.radians(self.yaw)) * math.cos(math.radians(self.pitch)), math.sin(math.radians(self.pitch)), math.sin(math.radians(self.yaw)) * math.cos(math.radians(self.pitch))) self.front.normalize() self.right = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.front, self.worldUp).normalized() self.up = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.right, self.front).normalized()
def position_to_frame_leg_one_side_calc(frame, pos, lower_correctqq, lower_body_rotation, points, slope_motion, direction_name): # 足 direction = pos[points['Knee']] - pos[points['Hip']] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[points['Knee']] - pos[points['Hip']]), (pos[points['Foot']] - pos[points['Knee']])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = lower_correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # 足の傾きデータ leg_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する leg_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(slope_motion.frames[ "{0}足".format(direction_name)][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() leg_rotation = leg_correctqq * lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation # ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # 'ひざ' direction = pos[points['Foot']] - pos[points['Knee']] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[points['Knee']] - pos[points['Hip']]), (pos[points['Foot']] - pos[points['Knee']])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = lower_correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # ひざの傾きデータ knee_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する knee_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(slope_motion.frames[ "{0}ひざ".format(direction_name)][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() knee_rotation = knee_correctqq * leg_rotation.inverted( ) * lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation return leg_rotation, knee_rotation
def __init__(self, position=QVector3D(0, 0, 3), look_at=QVector3D(0, 0, 0), up=QVector3D(0, 1, 0), viewing_plane_distance = 1): super(Camera, self).__init__() self.position = position self.look_at = look_at self.viewing_plane_distance = viewing_plane_distance #compute uvw self._dir = (look_at - self.position).normalized() self._back = (self.position - look_at).normalized() self._right = QVector3D.crossProduct(up, self._back) self._up = QVector3D.crossProduct(self._back, self._right) self._center = self.position + self.direction
def __init__(self, position, heightMap): self.Up = QVector3D(0., 1., 0.) self.position = position self.viewType = 0 #(0 : 1st Person, 1: 3rd Person, 3: Free) self.Front = QVector3D(0., 0., 1.) self.Right = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.Front, self.WORLD_UP) self.heightMap = heightMap self.position.setY(self.heightMap.getY(self.position.x(),self.position.z())) self.updateCameraVectors()
def move(self, x, y, width, height): self.currentPos = self.mapToSphere(x, y, width, height) self._axis = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.lastPos, self.currentPos) length = math.sqrt(QVector3D.dotProduct(self.axis, self.axis)) self.angle = QVector3D.dotProduct(self.lastPos, self.currentPos) self.lastPos = self.currentPos if length > EPSILON: return QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(self._axis, self.angle) return QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(0, 0, 0, 0)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Called by the Qt libraries whenever the window receives a mouse move/drag event. """ btns = event.buttons() # pixel coordinates relative to the window x = event.localPos().x() y = event.localPos().y() if btns & Qt.LeftButton: # Rotation via emulated trackball using quaternions. # For method employed see: # # get current vector from sphere/trackball center to surface mouse_rotation_current_vec = self._find_trackball_vector(x, y) # get the angle between the vector which was stored at the # time of mouse click and the current vector angle_between = PainterWidget.angle_between( mouse_rotation_current_vec, self._mouse_rotation_start_vec) angle_between *= 20 # arbitrary amplification for faster rotation # get the rotation axis which is perpendicular to both vectors rotation_axis = QVector3D.crossProduct( self._mouse_rotation_start_vec, mouse_rotation_current_vec) # create a rotated normalized quaternion corresponding to the # drag distance travelled by the mouse since the click delta = QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(rotation_axis, angle_between) delta.normalize() # rotate self._rotation_quat (used to rotate the View matrix) self._rotation_quat = delta * self._rotation_quat_start self._rotation_quat.normalize() elif btns & Qt.MidButton: # Translation left/right and up/down depending on camera orientation diff = QVector3D(x, y, 0) - self._mouse_translation_start_vec diff_x = diff[0] diff_y = diff[1] self._translation_vec = self._translation_vec_start - self.cam_right * diff_x * 2 + self.cam_up * diff_y * 2 elif btns & Qt.RightButton: # Translation forward/backward depending on camera orientation diff_y = y - self._mouse_camforward_start self._translation_vec = self._translation_vec_start - self.cam_look * diff_y * 2 # re-draw at next timer tick self.dirty = True
def normalsPerTriangle(vertices=None, indices=None): triangleNormals = [] i = 0 for index in range(0, len(indices) - 1, 1): if indices[index] != indices[index - 1] and indices[index] != indices[ index + 1] and indices[index - 1] != indices[index + 1]: a = (vertices[indices[index - 1]] - vertices[indices[index]]) b = (vertices[indices[index + 1]] - vertices[indices[index]]) if index % 2 == 0: normal = QVector3D.crossProduct(b, a) else: normal = QVector3D.crossProduct(a, b) triangleNormals.append([ i, (indices[index], indices[index - 1], indices[index + 2]), normal ]) i += 1 return triangleNormals
def rayCast(self, i, j, width, height): # Eye Coordinate System origin = self.position n = (origin - QVector3D(0, 0, 0)).normalized() u = QVector3D.crossProduct(self._up, n).normalized() v = QVector3D.crossProduct(n, u).normalized() # Image Plane setup planeCenter = origin + n d = (origin - planeCenter).length() aspectRatio = width / height H = math.tan(aspectRatio * self.fov) * 2 * d W = H * aspectRatio C = origin - n * d L = C - u * W / 2 - v * H / 2 pixelWidth = W / width pixelHeight = H / height s = L + u * i * pixelWidth + v * j * pixelHeight print(s) return Camera.Ray(origin, (s - origin).normalized())
def rotateUpDown(self, angle): """ Rotates camera up/down """ axis = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.up, - self.eye) transform = QMatrix4x4() transform.translate( transform.rotate(angle, axis) transform.translate( self.eye = transform = QMatrix4x4() transform.rotate(angle, axis) self.up =
def __init__(self, position=QVector3D(0, 0, 1), lookAt=QVector3D(0, 0, 0), up=QVector3D(0, 1, 0), fov=90): super(Camera, self).__init__() self._pos = position self._lookAt = lookAt self._dir = (lookAt - self._pos).normalized() # self._dir = direction.normalized() self._up = up self._fov = fov self._right = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.direction, self.position) self._center = self.position + self.direction self._projectionMatrix = QMatrix4x4() self._modelViewMatrix = QMatrix4x4() self._normalMatrix = QMatrix4x4()
def move(self, point, quat): """Move trackball""" if not self._pressed: return currentTime = QTime.currentTime() msecs = self._lastTime.msecsTo(currentTime) if msecs <= 20: return if self._mode == self.TrackballMode.Planar: delta = QLineF(self._lastPos, point) self._angularVelocity = 180.0 * delta.length() / (math.pi * msecs) self._axis = QVector3D(-delta.dy(), delta.dx(), 0.0).normalized() self._axis = quat.rotatedVector(self._axis) self._rotation = QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(self._axis, 180.0 / math.pi * delta.length()) * self._rotation elif self._mode == self.TrackballMode.Spherical: lastPos3D = QVector3D(self._lastPos.x(), self._lastPos.y(), 0.0) sqrZ = 1.0 - QVector3D.dotProduct(lastPos3D, lastPos3D) if sqrZ > 0: lastPos3D.setZ(math.sqrt(sqrZ)) else: lastPos3D.normalize() currentPos3D = QVector3D(point.x(), point.y(), 0.0) sqrZ = 1.0 - QVector3D.dotProduct(currentPos3D, currentPos3D) if sqrZ > 0: currentPos3D.setZ(math.sqrt(sqrZ)) else: currentPos3D.normalize() self._axis = QVector3D.crossProduct(lastPos3D, currentPos3D) angle = 180.0 / math.pi * math.asin(math.sqrt(QVector3D.dotProduct(self._axis, self._axis))) self._angularVelocity = angle / msecs self._axis.normalize() self._axis = quat.rotatedVector(self._axis) self._rotation = QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(self._axis, angle) * self._rotation self._lastPos = point self._lastTime = currentTime
def position_to_frame_lower_calc(frame, pos, slope_motion): direction = pos[0] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[4] - pos[1])) lower_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) lower_body_rotation = lower_body_orientation * initial.inverted() # 傾き補正 lower_correctqq = QQuaternion() # 傾きデータがある場合、補正をかける if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(lower_body_rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する lower_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles( slope_motion.frames["下半身"][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() lower_body_rotation = lower_correctqq * lower_body_rotation return lower_body_rotation, lower_correctqq
def pick(self, clicked_x, clicked_y, modifiers = None): # aspect_ratio = self.aspect_ratio() cam_origin = self._camera.eye cam_direction = ( - cam_origin).normalized() # The coordinate system we chose has x pointing right, y pointing down, z pointing into the screen # in screen coordinates, the vertical axis points down, this coincides with our 'y' axis. v = -self._camera._up # our y axis points down # in screen coordinates, the horizontal axis points right, this coincides with our x axis h = QVector3D.crossProduct(cam_direction, self._camera._up).normalized() # cam_direction points into the screen # in InFobRenderer::render(), we use Viewport::perspective_matrix(), where self._camera.fov is used # as QMatrix4x4::perspective()'s verticalAngle parameter, so near clipping plane's vertical scale is given by: v_scale = math.tan( math.radians(self._camera.vfov) / 2 ) * self._camera.near h_scale = v_scale * aspect_ratio # translate mouse coordinates so that the origin lies in the center # of the viewport (screen coordinates origin is top, left) x = clicked_x - self.width() / 2 y = clicked_y - self.height() / 2 # scale mouse coordinates so that half the view port width and height # becomes 1 (to be coherent with v_scale, which takes half of fov) x /= (self.width() / 2) y /= (self.height() / 2) # the picking ray origin: corresponds to the intersection of picking ray with # near plane (we don't want to pick actors behind the near plane) world_origin = cam_origin + cam_direction * self._camera.near + h * h_scale * x + v * v_scale * y # the picking ray direction world_direction = (world_origin - cam_origin).normalized() if self._debug and modifiers is not None and (modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier): np_origin = utils.to_numpy(world_origin) np_v = utils.to_numpy(v) np_h = utils.to_numpy(h) self._debug_actors.clearActors() self._debug_actors.addActor(CustomActors.arrow(np_origin, np_origin + np_h, 0.01, QColor('red'))) self._debug_actors.addActor(CustomActors.arrow(np_origin, np_origin + np_v, 0.01, QColor('green'))) self._debug_actors.addActor(CustomActors.arrow(np_origin, np_origin + utils.to_numpy(world_direction) * 100, 0.01, QColor('magenta'))) min_t = float("inf") min_result = None for actor in self.renderer.sorted_actors: if actor._geometry: if actor._geometry.indices is not None\ and actor._geometry.attribs.vertices is not None: bvh = actor._geometry.goc_bvh() if bvh is None: continue bvh.update() if bvh.bvh is None: continue # bring back the actor at the origin m = actor.transform.worldTransform() if actor.transform else QMatrix4x4() m_inv = m.inverted()[0] # bring the ray in the actor's referential local_origin, local_direction =, m_inv.mapVector(world_direction) local_origin_np, local_direction_np = utils.to_numpy(local_origin), utils.to_numpy(local_direction) # try to intersect the actor's geometry! if bvh.primitiveType == BVH.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES or bvh.primitiveType == BVH.PrimitiveType.LINES: ids, tuvs = bvh.bvh.intersect_ray(local_origin_np, local_direction_np, True) if ids.size > 0: actor_min_t = tuvs[:,0].min() if actor_min_t < min_t: min_t = actor_min_t min_result = (actor, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction) elif bvh.primitiveType == BVH.PrimitiveType.POINTS: object_id, distance, t = bvh.bvh.ray_distance(local_origin_np, local_direction_np) real_distance = math.sqrt(t**2 + distance**2) if real_distance < min_t: min_t = real_distance min_result = (actor, bvh.indices.ndarray[object_id, None], np.array([[t, distance, real_distance]]), world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction) if min_result is not None: return min_result raise NothingToPickException()
def right(self): self._right = QVector3D.crossProduct(self._up, self.direction) return self._right
def up(self): self._up = QVector3D.crossProduct(self.direction, self._right) return self._up.normalized()
def translate(self, _eye, _center, dx, dy): _left = QVector3D.crossProduct((_center - _eye), self._up).normalized() d = _left * dx + self._up * dy d *= (_eye - _center).length() self.eye = _eye + d = _center + d
def pan_tilt(self, _eye, _up, dx, dy): _front = self._center - _eye _right = QVector3D.crossProduct(_front, _up).normalized() q = QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(_up, dx) * QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(_right, dy) self.eye = self._center - q.rotatedVector(_front) self.up = q.rotatedVector(_up)
def _ortho_look_at_custom(eye_x: float, eye_y: float, eye_z: float, center_x: float, center_y: float, center_z: float, up_x: float, up_y: float, up_z: float): """ Return the ortho projection matrix :param eye_x: :param eye_y: :param eye_z: :param center_x: :param center_y: :param center_z: :param up_x: :param up_y: :param up_z: :return: the matrix """ eye_base = QVector3D(eye_x, eye_y, eye_z) up = QVector3D(up_x, up_y, up_z) center = QVector3D(center_x, center_y, center_y) eye = eye_base - center right = QVector3D.crossProduct(up, eye) up = QVector3D.crossProduct(eye, right) z_axis = QVector3D(0, 0, 1) r, theta, phi = cart2spher(eye_x, eye_y, eye_z) angle = math.pi / 2 - theta angle2 = phi + math.pi base_up = QVector3D(*spher2cart(r, angle, angle2)) # print("up", up) # print("base_up",base_up) dot_up_base_up = QVector3D.dotProduct(up, base_up) if math.isclose(dot_up_base_up, 0): angle_up_base_up = 0 else: cos_up_base_up = round(dot_up_base_up / base_up.length() / up.length(), 5) # print("cos_up_base_up",cos_up_base_up) cross_up_base_up = QVector3D.crossProduct(up, base_up) if QVector3D.dotProduct(cross_up_base_up, eye) < 0: angle_up_base_up = math.acos(cos_up_base_up) else: angle_up_base_up = math.pi * 2 - math.acos(cos_up_base_up) cos_x = math.cos(angle_up_base_up) sin_x = math.sin(angle_up_base_up) m_x = QMatrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, cos_x, -sin_x, 0, 0, sin_x, cos_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) # print("angle",math.degrees(angle_up_base_up)) # print(m_x) # 求视线矢量到z轴的投影 eye_project_z_factor = QVector3D.dotProduct( eye, z_axis) / z_axis.lengthSquared() eye_project_z = z_axis * eye_project_z_factor # 视线矢量在xy平面上的投影 eye_project_xy = eye - eye_project_z # 求视线矢量与xy平面的夹角 cos_eye_and_xy = QVector3D.dotProduct( eye, eye_project_xy) / eye_project_xy.length() / eye.length() angle_eye_and_xy = math.acos(cos_eye_and_xy) if eye.z() < 0: angle_eye_and_xy = -angle_eye_and_xy # 求 视线矢量在xy平面上的投影 与 x轴夹角 # x_axis = QVector3D(1, 0, 0) # cos_project_xy_and_x = QVector3D.dotProduct(x_axis, eye_project_xy) / x_axis.length() / eye_project_xy.length() # angle_project_xy_and_x = math.acos(cos_project_xy_and_x) # if eye_project_xy.y() < 0: # angle_project_xy_and_x = 2 * math.pi - angle_project_xy_and_x angle_project_xy_and_x = phi # print("eye", eye) # print("eye_project_z", eye_project_z) # print("eye_project_xy", eye_project_xy) # print(angle_eye_and_xy) # print(angle_project_xy_and_x) # 绕y轴逆时针旋转 angle_eye_and_xy 度 cos_1 = math.cos(angle_eye_and_xy) sin_1 = math.sin(angle_eye_and_xy) m_y = QMatrix4x4(cos_1, 0, sin_1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, sin_1, 0, cos_1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) # 绕z轴顺时针转 angle_project_xy_and_x 度 cos_2 = math.cos(-angle_project_xy_and_x) sin_2 = math.sin(-angle_project_xy_and_x) m_z = QMatrix4x4(-cos_2, sin_2, 0, 0, sin_2, cos_2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) m_ortho = QMatrix4x4(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) return m_ortho * m_x.transposed() * m_y.transposed() * m_z.transposed()
def normal(self): a = self.vertices[0] b = self.vertices[1] c = self.vertices[2] return QVector3D.crossProduct(c - a, b - a)
def normal(self): return QVector3D.crossProduct(self.c - self.a, self.b - self.a).normalized()
def positions_to_frames(pos, vis, frame_num=0, center_enabled=False, head_rotation=None): """convert positions to bone frames""" frames = [] if len(pos) < 17: return frames # センター if center_enabled: bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x83\x5a\x83\x93\x83\x5e\x81\x5b' # 'センター' bf.frame = frame_num bf.position = pos[7] frames.append(bf) # 上半身 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x8f\xe3\x94\xbc\x90\x67' # '上半身' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[8] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() upper_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) bf.rotation = upper_body_orientation * initial.inverted() frames.append(bf) upper_body_rotation = bf.rotation # 下半身 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x89\xba\x94\xbc\x90\x67' # '下半身' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[0] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[4] - pos[1])) lower_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) bf.rotation = lower_body_orientation * initial.inverted() lower_body_rotation = bf.rotation frames.append(bf) # 首は回転させず、頭のみ回転させる # 頭 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x93\xaa' # '頭' bf.frame = frame_num if head_rotation is None: # direction = pos[10] - pos[9] direction = pos[10] - pos[8] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[9] - pos[8]), (pos[10] - pos[9])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(1, 0, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation else: bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * head_rotation frames.append(bf) # 左腕 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x8d\xb6\x98\x72' # '左腕' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[12] - pos[11] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[12] - pos[11]), (pos[13] - pos[12])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.73, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # 左腕ポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # upper_body_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation left_arm_rotation = bf.rotation # 後で使うので保存しておく if vis[6]: # 左ひじが見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 左ひじ bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' # '左ひじ' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[13] - pos[12] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[12] - pos[11]), (pos[13] - pos[12])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.73, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # 左ひじポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # upper_body_rotation * left_arm_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 bf.rotation = left_arm_rotation.inverted() * upper_body_rotation.inverted( ) * rotation # bf.rotation = (upper_body_rotation * left_arm_rotation).inverted() * rotation # 別の表現 if vis[6] and vis[7]: # 左ひじと左手首が見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 右腕 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x89\x45\x98\x72' # '右腕' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[15] - pos[14] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[15] - pos[14]), (pos[16] - pos[15])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.73, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation right_arm_rotation = bf.rotation if vis[3]: # 右ひじが見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 右ひじ bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' # '右ひじ' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[16] - pos[15] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[15] - pos[14]), (pos[16] - pos[15])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.73, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = right_arm_rotation.inverted() * upper_body_rotation.inverted( ) * rotation if vis[3] and vis[4]: # 右ひじと右手首が見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 左足 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x8d\xb6\x91\xab' # '左足' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[5] - pos[4] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[5] - pos[4]), (pos[6] - pos[5])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation left_leg_rotation = bf.rotation if vis[12]: # 左ひざが見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 左ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # '左ひざ' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[6] - pos[5] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[5] - pos[4]), (pos[6] - pos[5])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = left_leg_rotation.inverted() * lower_body_rotation.inverted( ) * rotation if vis[12] and vis[13]: # 左ひざと左足首が見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 右足 bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x89\x45\x91\xab' # '右足' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[2] - pos[1] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[2] - pos[1]), (pos[3] - pos[2])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation right_leg_rotation = bf.rotation if vis[9]: # 右ひざが見えているなら frames.append(bf) # 右ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame() = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # '右ひざ' bf.frame = frame_num direction = pos[3] - pos[2] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[2] - pos[1]), (pos[3] - pos[2])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = right_leg_rotation.inverted() * lower_body_rotation.inverted( ) * rotation if vis[9] and vis[10]: # 右ひざと右足首が見えているなら frames.append(bf) return frames
def convert_vmd(template_vmd_path, pts3d_path, output_path): print('Converting VMD file...') print('Source: %s Pose3D:%s Target: %s' % (template_vmd_path, pts3d_path, output_path)) r = VMD.VMDReader(template_vmd_path) r.bone_record = r.bone_record[:1] joints = [[8, 9], [9, 10], [8, 14], [14, 15], [15, 16], [8, 11], [11, 12], [12, 13], [8, 7], [7, 0], [4, 5], [5, 6], [0, 4], [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]] pts3d = pickle.load(open(pts3d_path, 'rb')) time = 0 for i in tqdm(range(len(pts3d))): time += 1 pts = pts3d[i] # print(pts.shape) buf = [] for i in range(17): buf.append(QVector3D(pts[i][0], -pts[i][1], pts[i][2])) pts = buf # lowerbody bonename = b'\x89\xba\x94\xbc\x90\x67' direction = pts[0] - pts[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pts[4] - pts[1])).normalized() ori_lower = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) rotation_lower = ori_lower * initial.inverted() frame_lower_body = poseFrame(bonename, rotation_lower) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_lower_body) # upperbody bonename = b'\x8f\xe3\x94\xbc\x90\x67' direction = pts[8] - pts[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pts[14] - pts[11])).normalized() ori_upper = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) rotation_upper = ori_upper * initial.inverted() frame_upper_body = poseFrame(bonename, rotation_upper) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_upper_body) # F**k i dont want to use english # atama bonename = b'\x93\xaa' direction = pts[10] - pts[8] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[9] - pts[8]), (pts[10] - pts[9])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(1, 0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation = rotation_upper.inverted() * rotation frame_head = poseFrame(bonename, rotation) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_head) # hidari ude bonename = b'\x8d\xb6\x98\x72' direction = pts[12] - pts[11] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[12] - pts[11]), (pts[13] - pts[12])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(1.0, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation_larm = rotation_upper.inverted() * rotation frame_hidariude = poseFrame(bonename, rotation_larm) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_hidariude) # hidari hiji bonename = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' direction = pts[13] - pts[12] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[12] - pts[11]), (pts[13] - pts[12])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(1.0, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation = rotation_larm.inverted() * rotation_upper.inverted( ) * rotation frame_hidarihiji = poseFrame(bonename, rotation) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_hidarihiji) # migi ude bonename = b'\x89\x45\x98\x72' direction = pts[15] - pts[14] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[15] - pts[14]), (pts[16] - pts[15])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-1.0, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation_rarm = rotation_upper.inverted() * rotation frame_migiude = poseFrame(bonename, rotation_rarm) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_migiude) # migi hiji bonename = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' direction = pts[16] - pts[15] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[15] - pts[14]), (pts[16] - pts[15])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-1.0, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation = rotation_rarm.inverted() * rotation_upper.inverted( ) * rotation frame_migihiji = poseFrame(bonename, rotation) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_migihiji) # hidari ashi bonename = b'\x8d\xb6\x91\xab' direction = pts[5] - pts[4] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[5] - pts[4]), (pts[6] - pts[5])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation_lleg = rotation_lower.inverted() * rotation frame_hidariashi = poseFrame(bonename, rotation_lleg) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_hidariashi) # hidari hiza bonename = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' direction = pts[6] - pts[5] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[5] - pts[4]), (pts[6] - pts[5])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation = rotation_lleg.inverted() * rotation_lower.inverted( ) * rotation frame_hidarihiza = poseFrame(bonename, rotation) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_hidarihiza) # migi ashi bonename = b'\x89\x45\x91\xab' direction = pts[2] - pts[1] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[2] - pts[1]), (pts[3] - pts[2])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation_rleg = rotation_lower.inverted() * rotation frame_migiashi = poseFrame(bonename, rotation_rleg) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_migiashi) # migi hiza bonename = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' direction = pts[3] - pts[2] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pts[2] - pts[1]), (pts[3] - pts[2])) ori = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = ori * initial.inverted() rotation = rotation_rleg.inverted() * rotation_lower.inverted( ) * rotation frame_migihiza = poseFrame(bonename, rotation) record = addOneMore(r) record['FrameTime'] = time assign(record, frame_migihiza) r.bone_record = r.bone_record[1:] w = VMD.VMDWriter(r) w.write(output_path)
def positions_to_frames(pos, frame=0, xangle=0): logger.debug("角度計算 frame={0}".format(str(frame))) # 補正角度のクォータニオン correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(QVector3D(xangle, 0, 0)) """convert positions to bone frames""" # 上半身 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8f\xe3\x94\xbc\x90\x67' # '上半身' direction = pos[8] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() upper_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) # 補正をかけて回転する bf.rotation = correctqq * upper_body_orientation * initial.inverted() upper_body_rotation = bf.rotation bone_frame_dic["上半身"].append(bf) # 下半身 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\xba\x94\xbc\x90\x67' # '下半身' direction = pos[0] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[4] - pos[1])) lower_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) bf.rotation = correctqq * lower_body_orientation * initial.inverted() lower_body_rotation = bf.rotation bone_frame_dic["下半身"].append(bf) # 首 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8e\xf1' # '首' direction = pos[9] - pos[8] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[14] - pos[11]), direction).normalized() neck_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(up, direction) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 0, -1), QVector3D(0, -1, 0)) rotation = correctqq * neck_orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = upper_body_orientation.inverted() * rotation neck_rotation = bf.rotation bone_frame_dic["首"].append(bf) # 頭 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x93\xaa' # '頭' direction = pos[10] - pos[9] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[9] - pos[8]), (pos[10] - pos[9])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(1, 0, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = neck_rotation.inverted() * upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation bone_frame_dic["頭"].append(bf) # FIXME 一旦コメントアウト # 左肩 # bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) # = b'\x8d\xb6\x8C\xA8' # '左肩' # direction = pos[11] - pos[8] # up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[11] - pos[8]), (pos[12] - pos[11])) # orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) # # TODO パラメータ要調整 # initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(2, -0.5, 0), QVector3D(0, 0.5, -1.5)) # rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # # 左肩ポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # # upper_body_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 # left_shoulder_rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation # 後で使うので保存しておく # bf.rotation = left_shoulder_rotation # bone_frame_dic["左肩"].append(bf) # 左腕 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x98\x72' # '左腕' direction = pos[12] - pos[11] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[12] - pos[11]), (pos[13] - pos[12])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.73, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # 左腕ポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # left_shoulder_rotation * upper_body_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation left_arm_rotation = bf.rotation # 後で使うので保存しておく bone_frame_dic["左腕"].append(bf) # 左ひじ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' # '左ひじ' direction = pos[13] - pos[12] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[12] - pos[11]), (pos[13] - pos[12])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.73, 0)) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # ひじはX軸補正しない(Y軸にしか曲がらないから) # 左ひじポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # upper_body_rotation * left_arm_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 bf.rotation = left_arm_rotation.inverted() * upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation # bf.rotation = (upper_body_rotation * left_arm_rotation).inverted() * rotation # 別の表現 bone_frame_dic["左ひじ"].append(bf) # FIXME 一旦コメントアウト # 右肩 # bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) # = b'\x89\x45\x8C\xA8' # '右肩' # direction = pos[14] - pos[8] # up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[14] - pos[8]), (pos[15] - pos[14])) # orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) # # TODO パラメータ要調整 # initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-2, -0.5, 0), QVector3D(0, 0.5, 1.5)) # rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() # # 左肩ポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # # upper_body_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 # right_shoulder_rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation # 後で使うので保存しておく # bf.rotation = right_shoulder_rotation # bone_frame_dic["右肩"].append(bf) # 右腕 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x98\x72' # '右腕' direction = pos[15] - pos[14] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[15] - pos[14]), (pos[16] - pos[15])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.73, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation right_arm_rotation = bf.rotation bone_frame_dic["右腕"].append(bf) # 右ひじ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' # '右ひじ' direction = pos[16] - pos[15] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[15] - pos[14]), (pos[16] - pos[15])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(-1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.73, 0)) # ひじはX軸補正しない(Y軸にしか曲がらないから) rotation = orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = right_arm_rotation.inverted() * upper_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation bone_frame_dic["右ひじ"].append(bf) # 左足 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x91\xab' # '左足' direction = pos[5] - pos[4] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[5] - pos[4]), (pos[6] - pos[5])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation left_leg_rotation = bf.rotation bone_frame_dic["左足"].append(bf) # 左ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # '左ひざ' direction = pos[6] - pos[5] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[5] - pos[4]), (pos[6] - pos[5])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = left_leg_rotation.inverted() * lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation bone_frame_dic["左ひざ"].append(bf) # 右足 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x91\xab' # '右足' direction = pos[2] - pos[1] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[2] - pos[1]), (pos[3] - pos[2])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation right_leg_rotation = bf.rotation bone_frame_dic["右足"].append(bf) # 右ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # '右ひざ' direction = pos[3] - pos[2] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[2] - pos[1]), (pos[3] - pos[2])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(-1, 0, 0)) rotation = correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() bf.rotation = right_leg_rotation.inverted() * lower_body_rotation.inverted() * rotation bone_frame_dic["右ひざ"].append(bf) # センター(箱だけ作る) bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x83\x5A\x83\x93\x83\x5E\x81\x5B' # 'センター' bone_frame_dic["センター"].append(bf) # グルーブ(箱だけ作る) bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x83\x4F\x83\x8B\x81\x5B\x83\x75' # 'グルーブ' bone_frame_dic["グルーブ"].append(bf)
def position_to_frame(bone_frame_dic, pos, pos_gan, smoothed_2d, frame, is_upper2_body, slope_motion): logger.debug("角度計算 frame={0}".format(str(frame))) # 上半身の方向の安定化のため脊椎を20mm後ろへ動かす(LSld, RSld, Hipでできる平面の垂直方向へ動かす) up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[0] - pos[14]), (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() pos[7] += up * 20 # 体幹の回転 upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, upper_correctqq, lower_body_rotation, lower_correctqq, is_gan \ = position_to_frame_trunk(bone_frame_dic, frame, pos, pos_gan, is_upper2_body, slope_motion) # 上半身 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8f\xe3\x94\xbc\x90\x67' # '上半身' bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation1 bone_frame_dic["上半身"].append(bf) # 上半身2(角度がある場合のみ登録) if upper_body_rotation2 != QQuaternion(): bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8f\xe3\x94\xbc\x90\x67\x32' # '上半身2' bf.rotation = upper_body_rotation2 bone_frame_dic["上半身2"].append(bf) # 下半身 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\xba\x94\xbc\x90\x67' # '下半身' bf.rotation = lower_body_rotation bone_frame_dic["下半身"].append(bf) # 頭の方向の安定化のためNeck/NoseとHeadを500mm後ろへ動かす(LSld, RSld, Hipでできる平面の垂直方向へ動かす) up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[0] - pos[14]), (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() pos[9] += up * 500 pos[10] += up * 500 neck_rotation, head_rotation = \ position_to_frame_head(frame, pos, pos_gan, upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, upper_correctqq, is_gan, slope_motion) # 首 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8e\xf1' # '首' bf.rotation = neck_rotation bone_frame_dic["首"].append(bf) # 頭 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x93\xaa' # '頭' bf.rotation = head_rotation bone_frame_dic["頭"].append(bf) # 左肩の初期値 gan_left_shoulder_initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(1, 0, 0), QVector3D(0, 1, 0)) left_shoulder_initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(2, -0.8, 0), QVector3D(0.5, -0.5, -1)) left_arm_initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, 1.73, 0)) # 左手系の回転 left_shoulder_rotation, left_arm_rotation, left_elbow_rotation = \ position_to_frame_arm_one_side(frame, pos, pos_gan, upper_correctqq, upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, gan_left_shoulder_initial_orientation, left_shoulder_initial_orientation, left_arm_initial_orientation, LEFT_POINT, is_gan, slope_motion, "左") # 左肩 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x8C\xA8' # '左肩' bf.rotation = left_shoulder_rotation bone_frame_dic["左肩"].append(bf) # 左腕 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x98\x72' # '左腕' bf.rotation = left_arm_rotation bone_frame_dic["左腕"].append(bf) # 左ひじ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' # '左ひじ' bf.rotation = left_elbow_rotation bone_frame_dic["左ひじ"].append(bf) # 右肩の初期値 gan_right_shoulder_initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(-1, 0, 0), QVector3D(0, -1, 0)) right_shoulder_initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(-2, -0.8, 0), QVector3D(0.5, 0.5, 1)) right_arm_initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(-1.73, -1, 0), QVector3D(1, -1.73, 0)) # 右手系の回転 right_shoulder_rotation, right_arm_rotation, right_elbow_rotation = \ position_to_frame_arm_one_side(frame, pos, pos_gan, upper_correctqq, upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, gan_right_shoulder_initial_orientation, right_shoulder_initial_orientation, right_arm_initial_orientation, RIGHT_POINT, is_gan, slope_motion, "右") # 右肩 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x8C\xA8' # '右肩' bf.rotation = right_shoulder_rotation bone_frame_dic["右肩"].append(bf) # 右腕 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x98\x72' # '右腕' bf.rotation = right_arm_rotation bone_frame_dic["右腕"].append(bf) # 右ひじ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb6' # '右ひじ' bf.rotation = right_elbow_rotation bone_frame_dic["右ひじ"].append(bf) # 左足と左ひざの回転 left_leg_rotation, left_knee_rotation = \ position_to_frame_leg_one_side(frame, pos, pos_gan, lower_correctqq, lower_body_rotation, LEFT_POINT, ["左足", "左ひざ"], is_gan, slope_motion, "左") # 膝がまっすぐのときつま先が不自然に回転することがあり、対策のため膝を20mmから100mm前へ移動する leg_v = left_leg_rotation.toVector4D() leg_x = leg_v.x() leg_y = leg_v.y() leg_z = leg_v.z() leg_w = leg_v.w() m20 = 2.0 * leg_x * leg_z + 2.0 * leg_w * leg_y m22 = 1.0 - 2.0 * leg_x * leg_x - 2.0 * leg_y * leg_y ty = -math.degrees(math.atan2(m20, m22)) # 左脚の角度y # RHip, LHip, LFootでできる平面の垂直方向へ移動 up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[6] - pos[4]), (pos[4] - pos[1])).normalized() # 左足の回転が大きいほど膝の移動量を増やす(20mmから100mm) pos[5] -= up * (20 + 80 * abs(ty) / 180.0) # 左足と左ひざの回転の再計算 left_leg_rotation, left_knee_rotation = \ position_to_frame_leg_one_side(frame, pos, pos_gan, lower_correctqq, lower_body_rotation, LEFT_POINT, ["左足", "左ひざ"], is_gan, slope_motion, "左") # 左足 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x91\xab' # '左足' bf.rotation = left_leg_rotation bone_frame_dic["左足"].append(bf) # 左ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # '左ひざ' bf.rotation = left_knee_rotation bone_frame_dic["左ひざ"].append(bf) # 右足と右ひざの回転 right_leg_rotation, right_knee_rotation = \ position_to_frame_leg_one_side(frame, pos, pos_gan, lower_correctqq, lower_body_rotation, RIGHT_POINT, ["右足", "右ひざ"], is_gan, slope_motion, "右") # 膝がまっすぐのときつま先が不自然に回転することがあり、対策のため膝を20mmから100mm前へ移動する leg_v = right_leg_rotation.toVector4D() leg_x = leg_v.x() leg_y = leg_v.y() leg_z = leg_v.z() leg_w = leg_v.w() m20 = 2.0 * leg_x * leg_z + 2.0 * leg_w * leg_y m22 = 1.0 - 2.0 * leg_x * leg_x - 2.0 * leg_y * leg_y # 右足の角度y ty = -math.degrees(math.atan2(m20, m22)) # LHip, RHip, RFootでできる平面の垂直方向へ移動 up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[3] - pos[1]), (pos[1] - pos[4])).normalized() # 右足の回転が大きいほど膝の移動量を増やす(20mmから100mm) pos[2] += up * (20 + 80 * abs(ty) / 180.0) # 右足と右ひざの回転の再計算 right_leg_rotation, right_knee_rotation = \ position_to_frame_leg_one_side(frame, pos, pos_gan, lower_correctqq, lower_body_rotation, RIGHT_POINT, ["右足", "右ひざ"], is_gan, slope_motion, "右") # 右足 bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x91\xab' # '右足' bf.rotation = right_leg_rotation bone_frame_dic["右足"].append(bf) # 右ひざ bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x82\xd0\x82\xb4' # '右ひざ' bf.rotation = right_knee_rotation bone_frame_dic["右ひざ"].append(bf) # センター(箱だけ作る) bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x83\x5A\x83\x93\x83\x5E\x81\x5B' # 'センター' bone_frame_dic["センター"].append(bf) # グルーブ(箱だけ作る) bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x83\x4F\x83\x8B\x81\x5B\x83\x75' # 'グルーブ' bone_frame_dic["グルーブ"].append(bf) # 左足IK bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x8d\xb6\x91\xab\x82\x68\x82\x6a' # '左足IK' bone_frame_dic["左足IK"].append(bf) # 右足IK bf = VmdBoneFrame(frame) = b'\x89\x45\x91\xab\x82\x68\x82\x6a' # '右足IK' bone_frame_dic["右足IK"].append(bf)
def position_to_frame_head(frame, pos, pos_gan, upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, upper_correctqq, is_gan, slope_motion): if is_gan: # 体幹が3dpose-ganで決定されている場合 # 首 direction = pos[9] - pos[8] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[14] - pos[11]), direction).normalized() neck_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(up, direction) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(0, 0, -1), QVector3D(0, 1, 0)) rotation = neck_orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() neck_rotation = upper_body_rotation2.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation1.inverted() * rotation # 頭 direction = pos[10] - pos[9] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[14] - pos[11]), (pos[10] - pos[9])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 0)) rotation = upper_correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted( ) head_rotation = neck_rotation.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation2.inverted() * upper_body_rotation1.inverted( ) * rotation else: # 体幹が 3d-pose-baseline で決定されている場合 # 首 direction = pos[9] - pos[8] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[14] - pos[11]), direction).normalized() neck_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(up, direction) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(0, -1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, -1)) rotation = neck_orientation * initial_orientation.inverted() neck_rotation = upper_body_rotation2.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation1.inverted() * rotation # 頭 direction = pos[10] - pos[9] up = QVector3D.crossProduct((pos[9] - pos[8]), (pos[10] - pos[9])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection( QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(1, 0, 0)) rotation = upper_correctqq * orientation * initial_orientation.inverted( ) head_rotation = neck_rotation.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation2.inverted() * upper_body_rotation1.inverted( ) * rotation # 首の傾きデータ neck_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(neck_rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する neck_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles( slope_motion.frames["首"][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() neck_rotation = neck_correctqq * neck_rotation # 頭の傾きデータ head_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(head_rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する head_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles( slope_motion.frames["頭"][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() head_rotation = head_correctqq * head_rotation return neck_rotation, head_rotation
points_3d.append((0, 0, 0)) points_3d.append((1, 0, 0)) points_3d.append((0, 1, 0)) points_3d.append((1, 1, 0)) points_3d.append((0, 0, 1)) points_3d.append((1, 0, 1)) points_3d.append((0, 1, 1)) points_3d.append((1, 1, 1)) points = [] degree = -1 length = 1 eye = QVector3D(1, 1, 1) right = QVector3D(-1, 1, 0) up_base = QVector3D.crossProduct(eye, right) # print(up_base) while is_run(): clear() degree += 1 rotate_m = QMatrix4x4() rotate_m.rotate(degree, eye) up = # up = up_base # print(degree) matrix_ortho = ortho_look_at(eye.x(), eye.y(), eye.z(), 0, 0, 0, up.x(), up.y(), up.z())
def position_to_frame_shoulder_one_side_calc(frame, pos, upper_correctqq, upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, shoulder_initial_orientation, arm_initial_orientation, points, slope_motion, direction_name): # 肩 direction = pos[points['Shoulder']] - pos[points['Thorax']] up = QVector3D.crossProduct( (pos[points['Shoulder']] - pos[points['Thorax']]), (pos[points['AnotherShoulder']] - pos[points['Shoulder']])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) rotation = upper_correctqq * orientation * shoulder_initial_orientation.inverted( ) # 肩の傾きデータ shoulder_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する shoulder_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(slope_motion.frames[ "{0}肩".format(direction_name)][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() # 肩ポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 shoulder_rotation = shoulder_correctqq * upper_body_rotation2.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation1.inverted() * rotation # 後で使うので保存しておく # 腕 direction = pos[points['Elbow']] - pos[points['Shoulder']] up = QVector3D.crossProduct( (pos[points['Elbow']] - pos[points['Shoulder']]), (pos[points['Wrist']] - pos[points['Elbow']])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) rotation = upper_correctqq * orientation * arm_initial_orientation.inverted( ) # 腕の傾きデータ arm_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する arm_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(slope_motion.frames[ "{0}腕".format(direction_name)][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() # 腕ポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 arm_rotation = arm_correctqq * shoulder_rotation.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation2.inverted() * upper_body_rotation1.inverted( ) * rotation # 後で使うので保存しておく # ひじ direction = pos[points['Wrist']] - pos[points['Elbow']] up = QVector3D.crossProduct( (pos[points['Elbow']] - pos[points['Shoulder']]), (pos[points['Wrist']] - pos[points['Elbow']])) orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) rotation = upper_correctqq * orientation * arm_initial_orientation.inverted( ) # ひじの傾きデータ elbow_correctqq = QQuaternion() if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(rotation.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 elbow_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(slope_motion.frames[ "{0}ひじ".format(direction_name)][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() # ひじポーンの回転から親ボーンの回転を差し引いてbf.rotationに格納する。 # upper_body_rotation * left_shoulder_rotation * left_arm_rotation * bf.rotation = rotation なので、 elbow_rotation = elbow_correctqq * arm_rotation.inverted( ) * shoulder_rotation.inverted() * upper_body_rotation2.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation1.inverted() * rotation # bf.rotation = (upper_body_rotation * left_arm_rotation).inverted() * rotation # 別の表現 return shoulder_rotation, arm_rotation, elbow_rotation
def position_to_frame_upper_calc(frame, pos, is_upper2_body, slope_motion): if is_upper2_body == True: # 上半身2がある場合、分割して登録する # 上半身 direction = pos[7] - pos[0] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() upper_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) upper_body_rotation1 = upper_body_orientation * initial.inverted() # 傾き補正 upper_correctqq = QQuaternion() # 傾きデータがある場合、補正をかける if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(upper_body_rotation1.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する upper_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles( slope_motion.frames["上半身"][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() upper_body_rotation1 = upper_correctqq * upper_body_rotation1 # 上半身2 direction = pos[8] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() upper_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) upper_body_rotation2 = upper_body_orientation * initial.inverted() # 傾き補正 upper_correctqq = QQuaternion() # 傾きデータがある場合、補正をかける if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(upper_body_rotation1.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する upper_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles( slope_motion.frames["上半身2"][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() upper_body_rotation2 = upper_correctqq * upper_body_rotation1.inverted( ) * upper_body_rotation2 else: # 上半身2は初期クォータニオン upper_body_rotation2 = QQuaternion() """convert positions to bone frames""" # 上半身 direction = pos[8] - pos[7] up = QVector3D.crossProduct(direction, (pos[14] - pos[11])).normalized() upper_body_orientation = QQuaternion.fromDirection(direction, up) initial = QQuaternion.fromDirection(QVector3D(0, 1, 0), QVector3D(0, 0, 1)) upper_body_rotation1 = upper_body_orientation * initial.inverted() # 傾き補正 upper_correctqq = QQuaternion() # 傾きデータがある場合、補正をかける if slope_motion is not None: # Y軸の回転具合を求める y_degree = (180 - abs(upper_body_rotation1.toEulerAngles().y())) / 180 # 一旦オイラー角に変換して、角度のかかり具合を補正し、再度クォータニオンに変換する upper_correctqq = QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles( slope_motion.frames["上半身"][0].rotation.toEulerAngles() * y_degree).inverted() upper_body_rotation1 = upper_correctqq * upper_body_rotation1 return upper_body_rotation1, upper_body_rotation2, upper_correctqq