def msg(self): #后面四个数字的作用依次是 初始值 最小值 最大值 小数点后位数 doubleNum,ok1 = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "标题","计数:", 37.56, -10000, 10000, 2) #后面四个数字的作用依次是 初始值 最小值 最大值 步幅 intNum,ok2 = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "标题","计数:", 37, -10000, 10000, 2) #第三个参数可选 有一般显示 (QLineEdit.Normal)、密碼显示( QLineEdit. Password)与不回应文字输入( QLineEdit. NoEcho) stringNum,ok3 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题","姓名:",QLineEdit.Normal, "王尼玛") #1为默认选中选项目,True/False 列表框是否可编辑。 items = ["Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"] item, ok4 = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "标题","Season:", items, 1, True) text, ok5 = QInputDialog.getMultiLineText(self, "标题", "Address:", "John Doe\nFreedom Street")
def askPenWidth(self) -> None: # noinspection PyCallByClass, PyTypeChecker res = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, 'Change pen width', 'Enter new pen width:', self.precision, -10000, 10000, 3) if res[1]: self.precision = res[0]
def on_bTest_clicked(self): """ Private method to test the selected options. """ if self.rText.isChecked(): if self.rEchoNormal.isChecked(): echomode = QLineEdit.Normal elif self.rEchoNoEcho.isChecked(): echomode = QLineEdit.NoEcho else: echomode = QLineEdit.Password QInputDialog.getText( None, self.eCaption.text(), self.eLabel.text(), echomode, self.eTextDefault.text()) elif self.rInteger.isChecked(): QInputDialog.getInt( None, self.eCaption.text(), self.eLabel.text(), self.sIntDefault.value(), self.sIntFrom.value(), self.sIntTo.value(), self.sIntStep.value()) elif self.rDouble.isChecked(): try: doubleDefault = float(self.eDoubleDefault.text()) except ValueError: doubleDefault = 0 try: doubleFrom = float(self.eDoubleFrom.text()) except ValueError: doubleFrom = -2147483647 try: doubleTo = float(self.eDoubleTo.text()) except ValueError: doubleTo = 2147483647 QInputDialog.getDouble( None, self.eCaption.text(), self.eLabel.text(), doubleDefault, doubleFrom, doubleTo, self.sDoubleDecimals.value())
def new_item_edit_options(self, new): """Edit the selected item option with custom dialog.""" if new: selected = ItemOptionWidget("", None) else: selected = self.ui.variant.currentItem() # TODO: need a better way to lay this out. it's going to get big and messy fast # this is for the qinputdialog stuff. can't set signals on them generic = False if new: # needs to be here or new opts get detected as string (?) dialog = ItemEditOptions(self.dialog, selected.option[0], selected.option[1]) def get_option(): data = dialog.ui.options.toPlainText() return, json.loads(data) #elif selected.option[0] in ["inventoryIcon", "image", "largeImage"]: # dialog = ImageBrowser(self.dialog, self.assets) # def get_option(): # return selected.option[0], dialog.get_key() elif type(self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]]) is str: generic = True text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.dialog, "Edit Text", selected.option[0], text=self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]]) if ok: self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]] = text elif type(self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]]) is int: generic = True num, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self.dialog, "Edit Integer", selected.option[0], self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]]) if ok: self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]] = num elif type(self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]]) is float: generic = True num, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self.dialog, "Edit Double", selected.option[0], self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]], decimals=2) if ok: self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]] = num elif type(self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]]) is bool: generic = True self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]] = not self.item["parameters"][selected.option[0]] else: dialog = ItemEditOptions(self.dialog, selected.option[0], selected.option[1]) def get_option(): data = dialog.ui.options.toPlainText() return, json.loads(data) def save(): new_option = get_option() self.item["parameters"][new_option[0]] = new_option[1] if not generic: dialog.dialog.accepted.connect(save) dialog.dialog.exec() self.populate_options() self.update_item_info(self.item["name"], self.item["parameters"])
def mean_blur(self): if self.image.checkIfEmpty(): ratio, pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Set filter strength", "Value(1,10):", 1, 1, 10, 2) if pressed: self.image.mean_blur(ratio) self.refresh()
def linearContrastOwn(self): if self.image.checkIfEmpty(): ratio, pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Set contrast procentage", "Value(-255 to 255):", 0, -255, 255, 2) if pressed: self.image.linearcontrastOwn(ratio) self.refresh()
def logContrastOwn(self): if self.image.checkIfEmpty(): ratio, pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Set contrast procentage", "Value(0 to 255):", 128, 0, 255, 0) if pressed: self.image.logcontrastOwn(1 + ratio / 3) self.refresh()
def powerContrastOwn(self): if self.image.checkIfEmpty(): ratio, pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Set contrast procentage", "Value(0 to 200):", 100, 0, 200, 0) if pressed: self.image.powercontrastOwn(ratio) self.refresh()
def lightOwn(self): if self.image.checkIfEmpty(): ratio, pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Set light procentage", "Value(0 to 200):", 100, 0, 200, 0) if pressed: self.image.lightOwn(ratio / 100) self.refresh()
def ifThresh(self, mini, maxi): buttonReply = QMessageBox.question( self, '', "Use {0:.3} and {1:.3} as min and max threshold?\n Cancel to not use threshold" .format(mini, maxi), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel, QMessageBox.Yes) if buttonReply == QMessageBox.Yes: return mini, maxi, True if buttonReply == QMessageBox.No: d, okPressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "", "Minimun value:", mini, 0, 100, 3) e, okPressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "", "Maximun value:", maxi, 0, 100, 3) if okPressed: return d, e, True if buttonReply == QMessageBox.Cancel: return mini, maxi, False
def ts_change_width(): global ts_line_width value, accepted = QInputDialog.getDouble(mw, "Touch Screen", "Enter the width:", ts_line_width) if accepted: ts_line_width = value execute_js("line_width = '" + str(ts_line_width) + "'; update_pen_settings()") ts_refresh()
def AddPoint(self,x,y): self.Main.iface.mapCanvas().unsetMapTool(self.AddPointMapTool) Point = QgsPointXY(x,y) pos = self.player.position() if self.player.state() == QMediaPlayer.PlayingState: self.player.pause() a = last_desc = '///' LayerName =str(a) last_desc2 = LayerName + ' Point N ' directory = str(self.DB.split('.')[0])+'_Image/' if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) fc = int(self.DBLayer.featureCount()) self.ExtractSingleFrameOnTime(pos,directory+LayerName+'_'+str(fc)+'_.jpg') fields = self.DBLayer.fields() attributes = [] lat,lon = Point.y(), Point.x() for field in fields: a = str( b = str(field.typeName()) if a == 'id': fcnr = fc attributes.append(fcnr) elif a == 'Lon(WGS84)': attributes.append(str(lon)) elif a == 'Lat(WGS84)': attributes.append(str(lat)) elif a == 'Image link': attributes.append(str(directory+LayerName+'_'+str(fc)+'_.jpg')) else: if b == 'String': (a,ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self.Main.iface.mainWindow(), "Attributes", a + ' = String', QLineEdit.Normal) attributes.append(a) elif b == 'Real': (a,ok) = QInputDialog.getDouble( self.Main.iface.mainWindow(), "Attributes", a + ' = Real', decimals = 10) attributes.append(a) elif b == 'Integer64': (a,ok) = QInputDialog.getInt( self.Main.iface.mainWindow(), "Attributes", a + ' = Integer') attributes.append(a) feature = QgsFeature() feature.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPoint(Point)) feature.setAttributes(attributes) self.DBLayer.startEditing() self.DBLayer.addFeature(feature) self.DBLayer.commitChanges() self.DBLayer.triggerRepaint()
def ts_change_opacity(): global ts_opacity value, accepted = QInputDialog.getDouble( mw, "Touch Screen", "Enter the opacity (100 = transparent, 0 = opaque):", 100 * ts_opacity, 0, 100, 2) if accepted: ts_opacity = value / 100 execute_js(" = " + str(ts_opacity)) ts_refresh()
def complete(self): if isinstance(self.new_data, dict): new_data = self.new_data elif self.new_data is None: new_data = {} ok = False while not ok: N, ok = QInputDialog.getInt( self.parent(), 'Parameters', 'How many items in task data? (int)') for i in range(N): ok = False while not ok: label, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self.parent(), 'Parameters', 'Enter the name of item {}'.format(i)) ok = False while not ok: val, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble( self.parent(), 'Parameters', "Enter the values for key '{}'".format(label)) new_data[label] = val elif isinstance(self.new_data, list) and all( [isinstance(el, str) for el in self.new_data]): new_data = {} for label in self.new_data: ok = False while not ok: val, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble( self.parent(), 'Parameters', "Enter the values for key '{}'".format(label)) new_data[label] = val else: # print(self.new_data) # print(type(self.new_data)) print('error: taskData is not a dict') return print(new_data) self.setData(new_data)
def set_temperature(self): nowTemp = self.qtab.qclayers.temperature newTemp, buttonResponse = QInputDialog.getDouble( self, 'ErwinJr2 Input Temperature', 'Set Temperature', value=nowTemp, min=0) if buttonResponse: self.qtab.set_temperature(newTemp)
def ReadSeconds(self): seconds, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble( self, 'Seconds Between Readings', "Enter the seconds between readings", 4, 0.1, 20, 1) if ok: self.readings = seconds self.btn_seconds.setText("Seconds Between Readings: " + str(self.readings)) self.statusBar.showMessage("Seconds Between Readings Changed to " + str(self.readings))
def callback(): d, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, self.instr_params[ii].gui_name, self.instr_params[ii].gui_name, self.instr_params[ii].value) if ok: self.instr_params[ii].update(d) self.param_labels[ii].setText("%s" % str(self.instr_params[ii])) self.send_params()
def msg(self): doublenum, ok1 = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "", "", 37.56, -1000, 1000, 2) print(doublenum, ok1) stringnum, ok3 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题", "姓名", QLineEdit.Normal, "王尼玛") print(stringnum, ok3) items = ['春', '夏', '秋', '冬'] item, ok4 = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "标题", "season", items, 1, True) print(item, ok4)
def gaussian_filter_clicked(self): sigma, _ = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Select sigma (standard deviation)", "sigma", 1) img_cpy = self.image.copy() channels = img_cpy.image_element.split() for channel in channels: op.channel_gaussian_window(channel, sigma) img_cpy.set_pillow_image(Image.merge(img_cpy.image_element.mode, channels)) self.show_result(img_cpy)
def c_PEcu_ore(self): nPE = len(PuntoExtraccion._registry) - 1 sPE, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Gopher Underground", "Seleccione el Punto de Extraccion: ", 0, 0, nPE, 1) if ok: string = "Nuevo valor de ley de cobre (%):" new, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Gopher Underground", string, 0.5, 0, 100, 2) self.PEdict[sPE].cu_ore = new
def update_weight(self): new_weight, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(, "Update weight", "Enter your new weight", 65, 60, 80) if ok: self._user_model.update_weight(self._user, new_weight) self._basic_goal_progress_model.addBasicProgress(self._user, new_weight, self.parent.update() display_message('Weight added successfully', f'Good work! You are now {new_weight} kg', False)
def add_trip(self): current_date ="%d.%m.%Y") trip, ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Lisää matka", "Anna matka kilometreinä", 0, 0.1, 1000, 1) if ok_pressed: trip_to_file(trip, current_date) self.update_goalinfo() QMessageBox.information( self, "Lisääminen onnistui", f"Lisättiin matka: {current_date}: {trip} km", QMessageBox.Ok)
def changeExp(self): exposure,ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Input dialog","Enter exposure (s)", self._imager._exposure, 0, 10, 3) liveState=self._live_checkbox.checkState if ok: self._imager._exposure = exposure if(liveState == Qt.Checked): self._imager.disable() self._imager._client.set_exposure_time(exposure) if(liveState == Qt.Checked): self._imager.enable()
def msg(self): # 后面四个数字的作用依次是 初始值 最小值 最大值 小数点后位数 doubleNum, ok1 = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "标题", "计数:", 37.56, -10000, 10000, 2) # 后面四个数字的作用依次是 初始值 最小值 最大值 步幅 intNum, ok2 = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "标题", "计数:", 37, -10000, 10000, 2) # 第三个参数可选 有一般显示 (QLineEdit.Normal)、密碼显示( QLineEdit. Password)与不回应文字输入( QLineEdit. NoEcho) stringNum, ok3 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题", "姓名:", QLineEdit.Normal, "王尼玛") # 1为默认选中选项目,True/False 列表框是否可编辑。 items = ["Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"] item, ok4 = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "标题", "Season:", items, 1, True) text, ok5 = QInputDialog.getMultiLineText(self, "标题", "Address:", "John Doe\nFreedom Street")
def on_qPushButton16_clicked(self): dlgTitle = "输入浮点数对话框" txtLabel = "输入一个浮点数" defaultValue = 3.65 minValue = 0 maxValue = 10000 decimals = 2 inputValue, OK = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, dlgTitle, txtLabel, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, decimals) if OK: text = "输入了一个浮点数:%.2f" % inputValue self.ui.qPlainTextEdit.appendPlainText(text)
def on_actBar_ChangeValue_triggered(self): position = self.series.selectedBar() if position.x() < 0 or position.y() < 0: return #必须加此判断 bar = self.dataProxy.itemAt(position) #QBarDataItem value = bar.value() newValue, OK = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "输入数值", "更改棒柱数值", value, 0, 50, 1) if OK: bar.setValue(newValue) self.dataProxy.setItem(position, bar)
def setTimeOffset(self): offset, okpressed = QInputDialog.getDouble( self, 'Video time offset', 'Offset video time position (seconds)', value=self.video_time_offset) if okpressed: self.video_time_offset = offset current_position = self.current_time_range[ 0] + self.last_position / 1000 self.setGlobalPosition(0) self.setGlobalPosition(current_position)
def on_setMaxYAction_triggered(self): (graphY, ok) = QInputDialog.getDouble( self,'Set Origin - Y'),'Set the maximal value of Y'), self.DEFAULT_VALUE, self.MIN_VALUE, self.MAX_VALUE, self.DIGITS) if ok: (x, y) = self.pos self.setMaxY(y, graphY)
def set_Tth(self): mca = self.mca calibration = copy.deepcopy(mca.get_calibration()[0]) tth = calibration.two_theta val, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble( self.widget, "Manual 2theta setting", "Current 2theta = " + '%.4f' % (tth) + "\nEnter new 2theta: \n(Note: calibrated 2theta value will be updated)", tth, 0, 180, 4) if ok: calibration.two_theta = val mca.set_calibration([calibration])
def hough_transform_circunference_clicked(self): img = self.image.copy() h, w = img.channels[0].shape xLowerBound = 0 xUpperBound = w xStep = 20 yLowerBound = 0 yUpperBound = h yStep = 20 rLowerBound = 10 rUpperBound = min(w, h) rStep = 20 winnerCount = 5 epsilon = 10.0 xLowerBound, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "X lower bound", "Input value", xLowerBound) xUpperBound, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "X upper bound", "Input value", xUpperBound) xStep, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "X interval count", "Input value", xStep) yLowerBound, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Y lower bound", "Input value", yLowerBound) yUpperBound, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Y upper bound", "Input value", yUpperBound) yStep, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Y interval count", "Input value", yStep) rLowerBound, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "R lower bound", "Input value", rLowerBound) rUpperBound, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "R upper bound", "Input value", rUpperBound) rStep, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "R interval count", "Input value", rStep) winnerCount, _ = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Winner number", "Input value", winnerCount) epsilon, _ = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Epsilon", "Input value", epsilon) img = self.image.copy() # 30 30 30 11 / 8 (solo) winners = bd.hough_transform_circunference(img.channels[0], xLowerBound, xUpperBound, xStep, yLowerBound, yUpperBound, yStep, rLowerBound, rUpperBound, rStep, epsilon=epsilon, winner_number=winnerCount) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() for (x, y, r) in winners: circle1 = plt.Circle((x, y), r, color='r', fill=False) ax.add_artist(circle1) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(img.channels[0], cmap='Greys')
def f(e): if e.inaxes is not None: ind = self.index_actuator(e.xdata, e.ydata) if ind != -1: val, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble( parent, f'Actuator {ind}', f'Actuator {ind}; Range [-1, 1]', u[ind], -1., 1., 4) if ok: u[ind] = val self.update(u) if write: write(u)
def getDouble(self): d, okPressed = QInputDialog.getDouble( self, "Get double", "Value:", 10.05, 0, 100, 10, ) if okPressed: print(d)
def on_setMinXAction_triggered(self): (graphX, ok) = QInputDialog.getDouble( self,'Set Min X'),'Set the minimal value of X'), self.DEFAULT_VALUE, self.MIN_VALUE, self.MAX_VALUE, self.DIGITS) if ok: (x, y) = self.pos self.setMinX(x, graphX)
def askValue(self, ques='Input', isInteger=True): inputDlg = QInputDialog() if (isInteger): i, okPressed = inputDlg.getInt( self, 'EnterValue', f"<html style='font-size:16pt;'>{ques}</html>", 0, 0, 1000, 1) else: i, okPressed = inputDlg.getDouble( self, 'EnterValue', f"<html style='font-size:16pt;'>{ques}</html>", 0.001, 0, 1000, 5) return i
def ROI_Spectrum_Saving(self): '''Saving the roi pulses and their respective timing to later perform an integration to find the MDM''' if not self.calibration: self.calibration_browse() list_time=np.asarray(self.list_time) list_channel=np.asarray(self.list_channel) calibration=np.asarray(self.calibration_data) sync_time=np.asarray(self.sync_time) lower,ok=QInputDialog.getDouble(self, 'Lower ROI', 'Lower Bound (MeV)',9.6,0,14,4) upper,ok2=QInputDialog.getDouble(self, 'Upper ROI', 'Upper Bound (MeV)',10.9,0,14,4) if ok and ok2: # #outputs the pulses and associated times to save and integrate to # #calculate the detection probability at integrated time windows s=time.time() print('Begin processing data') pulses,times=Timing.ROI_Timing(sync_time,int(len(sync_time)), list_time,list_channel, self.delta_time,8192, calibration,upper,lower) print('Done processing in {:.2f}s'.format(time.time()-s)) return pulses,times
def add_custom_line(self): wl = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Custom Line", "Enter line wavelength in Å", self.fits_spectrum.spectrum.wavelengths[0],self.fits_spectrum.spectrum.wavelengths[0],self.fits_spectrum.spectrum.wavelengths[-1],3) if not wl[1]: return self.add_lines([{'name': 'Custom Line', 'lambda': wl[0]}])
def edit_variant(parent): selected = parent.ui.variant.currentItem() current_row = parent.ui.variant.currentRow() new_variant = None if selected.variant_type == 2: # double dialog = QInputDialog.getDouble(parent.dialog, "Edit Value", selected.variant_name, selected.variant_value[0], decimals=2) if dialog[1]: # didn't realise i was writing lisp new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, (dialog[0],)))) elif selected.variant_type == 3: # bool if selected.variant_value[0] == 1: text = "True" else: text = "False" dialog = QInputDialog.getText(parent.dialog, "Edit Value (True/False)", selected.variant_name, QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, text) if dialog[1]: if dialog[0] == "True": val = (1,) else: val = (0,) new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, val))) elif selected.variant_type == 4: # int (vlq) dialog = QInputDialog.getInt(parent.dialog, "Edit Value", selected.variant_name, selected.variant_value) if dialog[1]: new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, dialog[0]))) elif selected.variant_type == 5: # string dialog = QInputDialog.getText(parent.dialog, "Edit Value", selected.variant_name, QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, selected.variant_value) if dialog[1]: new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, dialog[0]))) elif selected.variant_type == 6: # variant list variant_edit = VariantEdit(parent.dialog, selected) new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, variant_edit.get_variant()))) elif selected.variant_type == 7: # variant dicts variant_edit = VariantEdit(parent.dialog, selected) new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, variant_edit.get_variant()))) if new_variant != None: parent.ui.variant.setItem(current_row, 0, new_variant)
def setDouble(self): d, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "QInputDialog.getDouble()", "Amount:", 3333.00, -10000, 1000000, 1) if ok: self.doubleLabel.setText("$%g" % d) self.effectValue = d
def blackbody_dialog(self): ok = False kelvin = QInputDialog.getDouble(None, "Black Body Radiation", "Enter temperature for black body radiation (°K)", 0, 0) if(not kelvin[1]): return self.on_triggered( BlackBody(kelvin[0]) )
def new_item_edit_options(self, new=False, raw=False): """Edit the selected item option with custom dialog.""" if new: selected = ItemOptionWidget("", None) else: selected = self.ui.variant.currentItem() dialog = None name, value = selected.option # TODO: drawable images # TODO: status effects # TODO: color editing if new or raw: dialog = ItemEditOptions(self.dialog, name, value) def save(): name, value = dialog.get_option() self.item["parameters"][name] = value dialog.dialog.accepted.connect(save) dialog.dialog.exec() elif name in ["inventoryIcon", "image", "largeImage"] and type(value) is str: dialog = ImageBrowser(self.dialog, self.assets, False) def save(): value = dialog.get_key() self.item["parameters"][name] = value dialog.dialog.accepted.connect(save) dialog.dialog.exec() elif type(value) is str: text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.dialog, "Edit Text", name, text=value) if ok: value = text self.item["parameters"][name] = value elif type(value) is int: num, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self.dialog, "Edit Integer", name, value) if ok: value = num self.item["parameters"][name] = value elif type(value) is float: num, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self.dialog, "Edit Double", name, value, decimals=2) if ok: value = num self.item["parameters"][name] = value elif type(value) is bool: value = not value self.item["parameters"][name] = value else: dialog = ItemEditOptions(self.dialog, name, value) def save(): name, value = dialog.get_option() self.item["parameters"][name] = value dialog.dialog.accepted.connect(save) dialog.dialog.exec() self.update()
def edit_variant(self): selected = self.ui.variant.currentItem() current_row = self.ui.variant.currentRow() new_variant = None if selected.variant_type == 2: # double dialog = QInputDialog.getDouble(self.dialog, "Edit Value", selected.variant_name, selected.variant_value[0], decimals=2) if dialog[1]: # didn't realise i was writing lisp new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, (dialog[0],)))) elif selected.variant_type == 3: # bool if selected.variant_value[0] == 1: text = "True" else: text = "False" dialog = QInputDialog.getText(self.dialog, "Edit Value (True/False)", selected.variant_name, QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, text) if dialog[1]: if dialog[0] == "True": val = (1,) else: val = (0,) new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, val))) elif selected.variant_type == 4: # int (vlq) dialog = QInputDialog.getInt(self.dialog, "Edit Value", selected.variant_name, selected.variant_value) if dialog[1]: new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, dialog[0]))) elif selected.variant_type == 5: # string dialog = QInputDialog.getText(self.dialog, "Edit Value", selected.variant_name, QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, selected.variant_value) if dialog[1]: new_variant = ItemVariant((selected.variant_name, (selected.variant_type, dialog[0]))) elif selected.variant_type == 6: # TODO: both of these will require a fair bit of work # i'd like a recurive variant table # variant list pass elif selected.variant_type == 7: # variant dicts pass if new_variant != None: self.ui.variant.setItem(current_row, 0, new_variant)
def setDouble(self): d, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "QInputDialog.getDouble()", "Amount:", 37.56, -10000, 10000, 2) if ok: self.doubleLabel.setText("$%g" % d)
def on_get_double_click(self): d, ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, 'Get Double', 'Double:', 10.5, 0, 100, 10) if ok_pressed: print(d)