class Example(QWidget): def __init__(self): super( Example,self ).__init__() self.initUI() lib = pj.Lib() current_call = None my_ua_cfg = pj.UAConfig() my_ua_cfg.nameserver = ['', ''] my_ua_cfg.user_agent = "hanxiaotian_bupt" # my_media_cfg = pj.MediaConfig() my_media_cfg.enable_ice = True # # Procedure: Initialize > Create Transpot > Start > Handle calls > Shutdown # # # Initialize the Library lib.init(ua_cfg=my_ua_cfg, media_cfg=my_media_cfg, log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=3, callback=log_cb)) # Create One or More Transports transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.TCP, pj.TransportConfig()) #transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, pj.TransportConfig(0)) #transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.TLS, pj.TransportConfig(port=5060)) # SSL lib.set_null_snd_dev() # Starting the Library lib.start() lib.handle_events() # # Registration # acc_cfg = pj.AccountConfig() succeed = 0 while (succeed == 0): print "---------------------------------------------------------------------" = "sip:[email protected]" # acc_cfg.reg_uri = "sip:;transport=tcp" # acc_cfg.proxy = [] server = "" acc_cfg.proxy = [ "sip:;transport=tcp;lr" ] # realm = "han" # username = "******" # passwd = "101" print "---------------------------------------------------------------------" acc_cfg.auth_cred = [pj.AuthCred(realm, username ,passwd)] self.acc_cb = MyAccountCallback() self.acc = lib.create_account(acc_cfg, cb=self.acc_cb) self.acc_cb.wait() # Conditions are not correct, because when "IP address change detected for account", all other accounts is Forbidden if ((str( == "200") or (str( == "403")): succeed = 1 else: print "" print "Registration failed, status=",, \ "(" + + ")" print "" print "Please try again !" def initUI(self): self.number = QLCDNumber( self ) #grid = QVBoxLayout() grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget( self.number,1,0,1,3 ) button_list = [] names = ['7', '8', '9', '4', '5', '6', '1', '2', '3', 'cls','0', 'call' ] positions = [(i,j) for i in range(2,6) for j in range(3)] for position, name in zip(positions, names): button = QPushButton(name) button.clicked.connect( self.buttonClicked ) button_list.append( button ) grid.addWidget(button, *position) #grid.addLayout( grid_2 ) self.setLayout( grid ) #self.set self.setGeometry( 600,300,200,300 ) self.setWindowTitle('Phone') def buttonClicked(self): sender = self.sender() #self.statusBar().showMessage( sender.text() ) if len( sender.text() ) < 2: print self.number.value() self.number.display( self.number.value() * 10 + int( sender.text() ) ) if sender.text() == "cls": self.number.display( 0 ) if sender.text() == "call": server = "" uri = "sip:" + str( int( self.number.value() ) ) + "@" + server try: print "Making call to", uri return self.acc.make_call(uri, cb=MyCallCallback()) except pj.Error, e: print "Exception: " + str(e) QMessageBox.information(self, u"ti", u"calling:" + str( int( self.number.value() ) ), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) print ( sender.text() )
class Example(QWidget): def __init__(self): # инициализация всех переменных для дальнейшей работы super().__init__() self.letters_coords = ['А', 'Б', 'В', 'Г', 'Д', 'Е', 'Ж', 'З', 'И', 'К'] self.left_buttons = [] self.open_ships = [] self.check_our = [] self.all = [] self.wrong = [] self.IQ = [(1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 6), (1, 8), (1, 10), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 5), (2, 7), (2, 9), (3, 2), (3, 4), (3, 6), (3, 8), (3, 10), (4, 1), (4, 3), (4, 5), (4, 7), (4, 9), (5, 2), (5, 4), (5, 6), (5, 8), (5, 10), (6, 1), (6, 3), (6, 5), (6, 7), (6, 9), (7, 2), (7, 4), (7, 6), (7, 8), (7, 10), (8, 1), (8, 3), (8, 5), (8, 7), (8, 9), (9, 2), (9, 4), (9, 6), (9, 8), (9, 10), (10, 1), (10, 3), (10, 5), (10, 7), (10, 9)] self.open_our_ships = [] self.computer_buttons = [] self.color_buttons = [] self.user_color_buttons = [] self.dict_left = {} self.check_ship = [] self.local = {} self.count = 0 self.us_open = [] self.local_comp = {} self.dict_right = {} self.all_btn_coords = [] self.color_and_open_comp = [] self.color_computer_buttons = [] self.con = sqlite3.connect("sea_battle_game.db") self.check = False self.ships = {1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: []} self.k = [[False] * 10 for i in range(10)] self.copy_k = [[False] * 10 for i in range(10)], ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Введите имя", # получение никнэйма игрока "<p style='color: #2C5545;' style='font: italic bold 30px;'> " "Введите своё " "имя.") while not ok_pressed or == '':, ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Введите имя", "<p style='color: #2C5545;' style='font: italic bold 30px;'> Введите " "своё имя.") else: self.initUI() def initUI(self): # Дизайн нашего приложения. Поля компьютера и игрока, другие виджеты self.setGeometry(400, 150, 1000, 800) self.setWindowTitle('Морской бой') for i in range(1, 11): # генерирование полей for j in range(1, 11): self.btn = QPushButton('', self) self.btn.setStyleSheet("background-color: #5096AF") self.btn.resize(40, 40) self.btn.move(40 * i, 40 * j + 110) self.left_buttons.append(self.btn) self.dict_left[i, j] = self.btn self.local[self.btn] = (i, j) self.btn.clicked.connect( self.btn = QPushButton('', self) self.btn.setStyleSheet("background-color: #5096AF") self.btn.resize(40, 40) self.btn.move(40 * i + 510, 40 * j + 110) self.computer_buttons.append(self.btn) self.dict_right[i, j] = self.btn self.local_comp[self.btn] = (i, j) self.btn.clicked.connect( self.btn.setEnabled(False) self.btn = QPushButton('Выйти из игры', self) self.btn.setStyleSheet("background-color: #F0E891") self.btn.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 11, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn.move(425, 700) self.btn.resize(150, 50) self.btn.clicked.connect(self.quit) self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.setInterval(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.displayTime) self.u = [] for i in self.IQ: self.u.append(self.dict_left[i]) self.copy_dict_right = self.dict_right.copy() self.copy_dict_left = self.dict_left.copy() for i in range(1, 11): self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setText(str(i)) self.label.move(13, 40 * i + 115) self.label.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.label_computer = QLabel(self) self.label_computer.setText(str(i)) self.label_computer.move(523, 40 * i + 115) self.label_computer.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.label_letters = QLabel(self) self.label_letters.setStyleSheet("color: red") self.label_letters.setText(self.letters_coords[i - 1]) self.label_letters.move(40 * i + 10, 122) self.label_letters.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.label_computer_letters = QLabel(self) self.label_computer_letters.setStyleSheet("color: red") self.label_computer_letters.setText(self.letters_coords[i - 1]) self.label_computer_letters.move(40 * i + 520, 122) self.label_computer_letters.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setText("Ваше поле:") self.label.move(150, 70) self.label.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.label_time = QLabel(self) self.label_time.setStyleSheet("color: #E59E1F;") self.label_time.setText("") self.label_time.move(315, 15) self.label_time.resize(500, 50) self.label_time.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setText("Поле компьютера:") self.label.move(630, 70) self.label.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_start_game = QPushButton('Начинаем игру!', self) self.btn_start_game.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 10, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_start_game.resize(150, 50) self.btn_start_game.move(420, 50) self.btn_start_game.clicked.connect(self.start_game) self.btn_start_game.hide() self.btn_clear = QPushButton('Очистить поле', self) self.btn_clear.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 11, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_clear.resize(150, 50) self.btn_clear.move(200, 700) self.btn_clear.clicked.connect(self.clear_polygon) self.btn_clear.setStyleSheet('background-color: #FCB4D5;') self.remaining_cells = QLCDNumber(self) self.remaining_cells.resize(150, 50) self.remaining_cells.move(500, 600) self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet('background-color: #F0AA00;') self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setText("Закрашено клеток(из 20): ") self.label.move(180, 610) self.label.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 15, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_generation_ships = QPushButton('Сгенерировать корабли', self) self.btn_generation_ships.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 10, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_generation_ships.resize(230, 50) self.btn_generation_ships.move(120, 20) self.btn_generation_ships.clicked.connect(self.generate) self.btn_miss_motion = QPushButton('Пропустить ход', self) self.btn_miss_motion.setStyleSheet('background-color: #FCB4D5;') self.btn_miss_motion.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 11, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_miss_motion.move(200, 700) self.btn_miss_motion.resize(170, 50) self.btn_miss_motion.clicked.connect(self.miss_move) self.btn_miss_motion.hide() self.btn_show_sql = QPushButton('Показать все результаты', self) self.btn_show_sql.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 10, QtGui.QFont.Bold)) self.btn_show_sql.setStyleSheet('background-color: #BEF574;') # EEDC82 self.btn_show_sql.resize(230, 50) self.btn_show_sql.move(650, 700) self.btn_show_sql.clicked.connect(self.show_sql_table) def show_sql_table(self): # функция вызова новой формы dialog = Show_results() dialog.exec() def quit(self): # функция выхода из программы sys.exit(0) def generate(self): self.ships = {1: 4, 2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 1} self.dict_left = self.copy_dict_left.copy() self.dict_right = self.copy_dict_right.copy() self.color_buttons = [] self.user_color_buttons = [] self.remaining_cells.display(20) for i in self.left_buttons: i.setStyleSheet("background-color: #5096AF") generation_ships(self, self.dict_left) self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet("background-color: #CEFF1D") self.btn_start_game.setStyleSheet("background-color: #CEFF1D") def clear_polygon(self): # Очистка поля игрока for i in self.user_color_buttons: self.copy_dict_left[i].setStyleSheet("background-color: #5096AF") self.user_color_buttons.clear() self.color_buttons.clear() self.remaining_cells.display(0) self.ships = {1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: []} self.k = [[False] * 10 for i in range(10)] self.copy_k = [[False] * 10 for i in range(10)] self.btn_start_game.hide() self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet('background-color: #F0AA00;') def displayTime(self): # Таймер, отображающий время партии now = QDateTime.currentDateTime().toString() time = now.split()[3].split(':') hour = int(time[0]) minutes = int(time[1]) seconds = int(time[2]) self.now_seconds = hour * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds self.res_time = self.now_seconds - self.all_seconds if len(str(self.res_time)) == 1: self.label_time.setText('С начала игры прошло: 0:0' + str(self.res_time)) else: if self.res_time <= 59: self.label_time.setText('С начала игры прошло: 0:' + str(self.res_time)) else: if len(str(self.res_time % 60)) == 1: self.label_time.setText(f'С начала игры прошло: {self.res_time // 60}:0{self.res_time % 60}') else: self.label_time.setText(f'С начала игры прошло: {self.res_time // 60}:{self.res_time % 60}') def start_game(self): # начало игры self.count_ship = [] if len(self.user_color_buttons) == 20: count_ships(self, self.k) count_ships(self, self.copy_k) self.ships[1] = self.count_ship.count(1) self.ships[2] = self.count_ship.count(2) self.ships[3] = self.count_ship.count(3) self.ships[4] = self.count_ship.count(4) if self.ships == {1: 4, 2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 1} or not self.fl: self.btn_show_sql.move(280, 620) = QDateTime.currentDateTime().toString() time =[3].split(':') hour = int(time[0]) minutes = int(time[1]) seconds = int(time[2]) self.all_seconds = hour * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds self.timer.start() self.btn_clear.hide() self.btn_start_game.hide() for i in range(len(self.left_buttons)): self.left_buttons[i].setEnabled(False) self.remaining_cells.hide() self.label.move(550, 551) self.label.resize(400, 200) self.computer_ships = {1: 4, 2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 1} self.label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.label.setText( f"У компьютера осталось:\n{self.computer_ships[4]} линкор\n" f"{self.computer_ships[3]} " f"эсминца\n" f"{self.computer_ships[2]} крейсера\n{self.computer_ships[1]} катера") generation_ships(self, self.dict_right) self.btn_generation_ships.hide() for i in self.computer_buttons: i.setEnabled(True) else: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error...", f"<p style='color: red;' style='font: italic bold 16px;'> " f"Неправильное количество " f"нужных кораблей! Должно быть: " f"1 - 4-клеточный, 2 - 3-клеточных, 3 - 2-клеточных, " f"4 - 1-клеточных", QMessageBox.Ok) else: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error...", f"<p style='color: red;' style='font: italic bold 16px;'> " f"Невозможно " f"начать игру! Количество " f"закрашенных клеток не " f"соответствует нужному — " f"20. У Вас " f"закрашено: {len(self.color_buttons)}", QMessageBox.Ok) def miss_move(self): # функция пропустить ход comp_motion(self, True) def run(self): # основная функция программы, отвечающая за выстрелы игрока и компьютера self.fl = True if self.sender() in self.left_buttons: n = self.left_buttons.index(self.sender()) self.coord = self.local[self.sender()] self.flag = False if n in self.color_buttons: self.flag = True self.color_buttons.remove(n) self.user_color_buttons.remove(self.local[self.left_buttons[n]]) self.left_buttons[n].setStyleSheet("background-color: #5096AF") self.k[self.coord[0] - 1][self.coord[1] - 1] = False self.copy_k[self.coord[1] - 1][self.coord[0] - 1] = False self.remaining_cells.display(len(self.color_buttons)) if self.remaining_cells.value() == 20: self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet("background-color: #CEFF1D") self.btn_start_game.setStyleSheet("background-color: #CEFF1D") else: self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet('background-color: #F0AA00;') self.btn_start_game.hide() if len(self.color_buttons) == 0 and not self.flag: self.color_buttons.append(n) self.user_color_buttons.append(self.local[self.left_buttons[n]]) self.k[self.coord[0] - 1][self.coord[1] - 1] = True self.copy_k[self.coord[1] - 1][self.coord[0] - 1] = True self.left_buttons[n].setStyleSheet("background-color: black") self.remaining_cells.display(len(self.color_buttons)) elif len(self.color_buttons) >= 1 and not self.flag: self.color_buttons.sort() self.check = False if n % 10 != 0 and n % 10 != 9: for i in self.color_buttons: if n == i + 11 or n == i - 11 or n == i - 9 or n == i + 9: self.check = True break elif n % 10 == 0: for i in self.color_buttons: if n == i - 11 or n == i + 9: self.check = True break elif n % 10 == 9: for i in self.color_buttons: if n == i + 11 or n == i - 9: self.check = True break if not self.check: if n not in self.color_buttons: = False self.k[self.coord[0] - 1][self.coord[1] - 1] = True self.copy_k[self.coord[1] - 1][self.coord[0] - 1] = True check_ships(self, self.k) check_ships(self, self.copy_k) if not self.all_btn_coords.append(self.coord) self.color_buttons.append(n) self.user_color_buttons.append(self.local[self.left_buttons[n]]) self.left_buttons[n].setStyleSheet("background-color: black") self.remaining_cells.display(len(self.color_buttons)) if self.remaining_cells.value() == 20: self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet("background-color: #CEFF1D") self.btn_start_game.setStyleSheet("background-color: #CEFF1D") else: self.remaining_cells.setStyleSheet('background-color: #F0AA00;') self.btn_start_game.hide() = False elif self.sender() in self.computer_buttons: buttonReply = '' cell = self.local_comp[self.sender()] if cell in self.color_computer_buttons: if cell in self.check_ship: a = self.check_ship.index(cell) del self.check_ship[a] self.sender().setStyleSheet('background-color: red') self.sender().setEnabled(False) self.open_ships.append(cell) self.color_and_open_comp.append(cell) if (cell[0] - 1, cell[1]) in self.color_computer_buttons and ( cell[0] - 1, cell[1]) not in self.open_ships: self.check_ship.append((cell[0] - 1, cell[1])) if (cell[0] + 1, cell[1]) in self.color_computer_buttons and ( cell[0] + 1, cell[1]) not in self.open_ships: self.check_ship.append((cell[0] + 1, cell[1])) if (cell[0], cell[1] - 1) in self.color_computer_buttons and ( cell[0], cell[1] - 1) not in self.open_ships: self.check_ship.append((cell[0], cell[1] - 1)) if (cell[0], cell[1] + 1) in self.color_computer_buttons and ( cell[0], cell[1] + 1) not in self.open_ships: self.check_ship.append((cell[0], cell[1] + 1)) if len(self.check_ship) == 0: self.count = 0 for i in self.open_ships: self.count += 1 check_neighbour(self, i, self.copy_dict_right, 'paint') self.computer_ships[self.count] -= 1 if self.computer_ships[4] == 1: link = f'{self.computer_ships[4]} линкор' else: link = f'{self.computer_ships[4]} линкоров ✅' if self.computer_ships[3] == 2: esm = f'{self.computer_ships[3]} эсминца' elif self.computer_ships[3] == 1: esm = f'{self.computer_ships[3]} эсминец' else: esm = f'{self.computer_ships[3]} эсминцев ✅' if self.computer_ships[2] == 3 or self.computer_ships[2] == 2: kreis = f'{self.computer_ships[2]} крейсера' elif self.computer_ships[2] == 1: kreis = f'{self.computer_ships[2]} крейсер' else: kreis = f'{self.computer_ships[2]} крейсеров ✅' if self.computer_ships[1] == 4 or self.computer_ships[1] == 3 or self.computer_ships[1] == 2: kater = f'{self.computer_ships[1]} катера' elif self.computer_ships[1] == 1: kater = f'{self.computer_ships[1]} катер' else: kater = f'{self.computer_ships[1]} катеров ✅' self.label.setText( f"У компьютера осталось:\n{link}\n" f"{esm}" f"\n" f"{kreis}\n{kater}") self.open_ships = [] if len(self.color_and_open_comp) == 20: self.timer.stop() time = self.label_time.text().split()[4] buttonReply = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Победа!!!', "<p style='color: green;' style='font: " "italic bold 25px;'> Вы " "выиграли!!!😎\nХотите начать игру заново?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if buttonReply == QMessageBox.Yes: cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO all_games(nickname,result,time_game,world_time) VALUES('{}'," f"'Победа игрока', '{time}', '{}');") self.con.commit() clear_for_new_game(self) if buttonReply == QMessageBox.No: cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO all_games(nickname,result,time_game,world_time) VALUES('{}'," f"'Победа игрока', '{time}', '{}');") self.con.commit() clear_for_new_game(self) self.con.close() sys.exit(0) else: check = True self.sender().setStyleSheet('background-color: white') self.sender().setEnabled(False) comp_motion(self, check)