Exemple #1
 def amp(self, x, y, z):
     "Compute the amplitude of the PGBF at point x,y,z"
     i, j, k = self.powers
     x0, y0, z0 = self.origin
     return self.norm*self.coef*\
Exemple #2
 def amp(self,x,y,z):
     "Compute the amplitude of the PGBF at point x,y,z"
     i,j,k = self.powers
     x0,y0,z0 = self.origin
     return self.norm*self.coef*\
Exemple #3
 def amp(self,x,y,z):
     "Compute the amplitude of the PGBF at point x,y,z"
     i,j,k = self._powers
     x0,y0,z0 = self._origin
     return self._normalization*self._coefficient*\
Exemple #4
def test_distance(old,new):
    from PyQuante.cints import dist2
    points = old.points()
    s = 0
    for i in xrange(new.ng):
        x1,y1,z1,w1 = points[i].xyzw()
        x2,y2,z2,w2 = new[i]
        s += dist2((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2))
    return s<1e-5
Exemple #5
def test_distance(old,new):
    from PyQuante.cints import dist2
    points = old.points()
    s = 0
    for i in xrange(new.ng):
        x1,y1,z1,w1 = points[i].xyzw()
        x2,y2,z2,w2 = new[i]
        s += dist2((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2))
    return s<1e-5
Exemple #6
 def patch_atoms_naive(self,**opts):
     This was the original PyQuante patching scheme. It simply
     cuts off the grid at the voronai polyhedra. That is, if a
     grid point is closer to another nucleus than it is to its
     parent nucleus, its weight is set to zero.
     nat = len(self.atoms)
     for iat in range(nat):
         ati = self.atoms[iat]
         npts = len(self.atomgrids[iat])
         for i in range(npts):
             point = self.atomgrids[iat].points[i]
             xp,yp,zp,wp = point.xyzw()
             rip2 = dist2(ati.pos(),(xp,yp,zp))
             for jat in range(nat):
                 if jat == iat: continue
                 atj = self.atoms[jat]
                 rjp2 = dist2(atj.pos(),(xp,yp,zp))
                 if rjp2 < rip2: point._w = 0
Exemple #7
 def patch_atoms_naive(self, **kwargs):
     This was the original PyQuante patching scheme. It simply
     cuts off the grid at the voronai polyhedra. That is, if a
     grid point is closer to another nucleus than it is to its
     parent nucleus, its weight is set to zero.
     nat = len(self.atoms)
     for iat in xrange(nat):
         ati = self.atoms[iat]
         npts = len(self.atomgrids[iat])
         for i in xrange(npts):
             point = self.atomgrids[iat].points[i]
             xp, yp, zp, wp = point.xyzw()
             rip2 = dist2(ati.pos(), (xp, yp, zp))
             for jat in xrange(nat):
                 if jat == iat: continue
                 atj = self.atoms[jat]
                 rjp2 = dist2(atj.pos(), (xp, yp, zp))
                 if rjp2 < rip2: point._w = 0
Exemple #8
 def patch_atoms(self,**opts):
     This is Becke's patching algorithm. Attempting to implement
     the normalization that is in eq 22 of that reference.
     nat = len(self.atoms)
     for iat in range(nat):
         ati = self.atoms[iat]
         npts = len(self.atomgrids[iat])
         for i in xrange(npts):
             point = self.atomgrids[iat].points[i]
             xp,yp,zp,wp = point.xyzw()
             rip2 = dist2(ati.pos(),(xp,yp,zp))
             rip = sqrt(rip2)
             Pnum = 1
             Pdenom = 0
             for jat in xrange(nat):
                 bap = becke_atomic_grid_p(jat,(xp,yp,zp),self.atoms,**opts)
                 Pdenom += bap
                 if iat == jat: P_iat = bap
             Ptot = P_iat/Pdenom
             point._w *= Ptot
Exemple #9
 def patch_atoms(self,**opts):
     This is Becke's patching algorithm. Attempting to implement
     the normalization that is in eq 22 of that reference.
     nat = len(self.atoms)
     for iat in xrange(nat):
         ati = self.atoms[iat]
         npts = len(self.atomgrids[iat])
         for i in xrange(npts):
             point = self.atomgrids[iat].points[i]
             xp,yp,zp,wp = point.xyzw()
             rip2 = dist2(ati.pos(),(xp,yp,zp))
             rip = sqrt(rip2)
             Pnum = 1
             Pdenom = 0
             for jat in xrange(nat):
                 bap = becke_atomic_grid_p(jat,(xp,yp,zp),self.atoms,**opts)
                 Pdenom += bap
                 if iat == jat: P_iat = bap
             Ptot = P_iat/Pdenom
             point._w *= Ptot
Exemple #10
        bfs = reshape(bfs,(npts,nbf))
        return bfs

# These are the functions for the becke projection operator
def fbecke(x,n=3):
    for i in range(n): x = pbecke(x)
    return x
def pbecke(x): return 1.5*x-0.5*pow(x,3)
def sbecke(x,n=3): return 0.5*(1-fbecke(x,n))

def becke_atomic_grid_p(iat,(xp,yp,zp),atoms,**opts):
    do_becke_hetero = opts.get('do_becke_hetero',True)
    nat = len(atoms)
    sprod = 1
    ati = atoms[iat]
    rip2 = dist2(ati.pos(),(xp,yp,zp))
    rip = sqrt(rip2)
    for jat in range(nat):
        if jat == iat: continue
        atj = atoms[jat]
        rjp2 = dist2(atj.pos(),(xp,yp,zp))
        rjp = sqrt(rjp2)
        rij2 = dist2(ati.pos(),atj.pos())
        rij = sqrt(rij2)
        mu = (rip-rjp)/rij
        # Modify mu based on Becke hetero formulas (App A)
        if do_becke_hetero and ati.atno != atj.atno:
            chi = Bragg[ati.atno]/Bragg[atj.atno]
            u = (chi-1.)/(chi+1.)
            a = u/(u*u-1)
            a = min(a,0.5)
Exemple #11
 def dist2(self, atom):
     return dist2(self.pos(), atom.pos())
Exemple #12
 def dist2(self,atom): return dist2(self.pos(),atom.pos())
 def dist(self,atom): return dist(self.pos(),atom.pos())
Exemple #13

def pbecke(x):
    return 1.5 * x - 0.5 * pow(x, 3)

def sbecke(x, n=3):
    return 0.5 * (1 - fbecke(x, n))

def becke_atomic_grid_p(iat, (xp, yp, zp), atoms, **kwargs):
    do_becke_hetero = kwargs.get('do_becke_hetero', settings.DFTBeckeHetero)
    nat = len(atoms)
    sprod = 1
    ati = atoms[iat]
    rip2 = dist2(ati.pos(), (xp, yp, zp))
    rip = sqrt(rip2)
    for jat in xrange(nat):
        if jat == iat: continue
        atj = atoms[jat]
        rjp2 = dist2(atj.pos(), (xp, yp, zp))
        rjp = sqrt(rjp2)
        rij2 = dist2(ati.pos(), atj.pos())
        rij = sqrt(rij2)
        mu = (rip - rjp) / rij
        # Modify mu based on Becke hetero formulas (App A)
        if do_becke_hetero and ati.atno != atj.atno:
            chi = Bragg[ati.atno] / Bragg[atj.atno]
            u = (chi - 1.) / (chi + 1.)
            a = u / (u * u - 1)
            a = min(a, 0.5)