def __init__(self,prop):
     self._property = prop
     self.startFromCurrent = True
     self.relative = False
 def setDuration(self,value): # prevent setDuration from changing property's current value
     tmpval = self._property() # store the property's current value
     QVariantAnimation.setDuration(self,value) # undergo the normal process
     self._property.setTo(tmpval,update=False) # restore the property to the previous value
 def setEndValue(self,value): # prevent setEndValue from changing property's current value
     tmpval = self._property() # store the property's current value
     QVariantAnimation.setEndValue(self,self._property.conversions[value.__class__](value)) # undergo the normal process
     self._property.setTo(tmpval,update=False) # restore the property to the previous value
 def start(self, *args, **kwargs): # for debugging
     return QVariantAnimation.start(self, *args, **kwargs)