Exemple #1
def get_random_room():

    # --- Se elige en que lado del pasillo se va a insertar la habitación ---
    random_side = random.choice(list(dict_orientation_sides[orientation]))

    if dict_rooms_per_side[random_side] > max_rooms_per_side:
        print(f'side {random_side} has already the maximum of rooms')
        random_side = dict_opposite_side[random_side]

    print(f'side chosed = {random_side}')
    # --- Se escoge un punto aleatorio de ese lado ---
    random_point = random.choice(list(corridor_points[random_side]))
    print(f'point = {random_point}')

    # --. Se escogen un ancho y un alto para la habitacion teninedo en cuenta el lado del pasillo en el que estará la
    # habitacion si esta en la parte de abajo del pasillo la altura no puede ser positiva porque se comería el
    # pasillo---
    signed_width = random.choice(dict_side_sign[random_side][0])
    signed_height = random.choice(dict_side_sign[random_side][1])

    random_width = signed_width * (random.uniform(2.5, 5))
    random_height = signed_height * (random.uniform(2.5, 5))

        f'Creating room with width = {random_width} and height = {random_height}'

    # --- Se crea un rectangulo con el ancho y alto seleccionado
    random_room = QRectF(random_point.x(), random_point.y(), random_width,

    # Se comprueba que la habitación no interseccione con ninguna otra o no contenga a alguan otra
    valid_room = True

    for prev_room in random_qrect_list:
        intersected = random_room.intersects(prev_room)
        room_contained_in_prev = prev_room.contains(random_room)
        prev_contained_in_room = random_room.contains(prev_room)

        if intersected or room_contained_in_prev or prev_contained_in_room:
            print('room intersects with existing room')
            valid_room = False

    if valid_room:
        dict_rooms_per_side[random_side] += 1

    return valid_room
Exemple #2
def get_random_room():  # corridor_height, initial_corridor

    random_side = random.choice(['top', 'bottom'])

    if len(dict_rooms_per_side[random_side]) >= max_rooms_per_side:
        print(f'side {random_side} has already the maximum of rooms')
        random_side = dict_opposite_side[random_side]

    print(f'side chosed = {random_side}')

    corridor_locations = dict_corridors_per_side[random_side]
    new_corridor_width = initial_corridor.height()

    add_corridor = False
    # if corridor_location == len(dict_rooms_per_side[random_side]):
    if len(dict_rooms_per_side[random_side]) in corridor_locations:
        add_corridor = True

    if len(dict_rooms_per_side[random_side]) == 0:
        if add_corridor:
            if random_side == 'bottom':
                random_point = initial_corridor.topLeft()
                random_point = QPointF(random_point.x() + new_corridor_width,

                random_point = initial_corridor.bottomLeft()
                random_point = QPointF(random_point.x() + new_corridor_width,

            if random_side == 'bottom':
                random_point = initial_corridor.topLeft()
                random_point = initial_corridor.bottomLeft()

        # random_point = random.choice(list(dict_corridor_points[random_side]))

        if add_corridor:
            prev = dict_rooms_per_side[random_side][-1].topRight()
            random_point = QPointF(prev.x() + new_corridor_width, prev.y())
            random_point = dict_rooms_per_side[random_side][-1].topRight()

    print(f'random point = {random_point}')

    # --. Se escogen un ancho y un alto para la habitacion teninedo en cuenta el lado del pasillo en el que estará la
    # habitacion si esta en la parte de abajo del pasillo la altura no puede ser positiva porque se comería el
    # pasillo---
    signed_width = dict_side_sign[random_side][0]
    signed_height = dict_side_sign[random_side][1]

    random_width = signed_width * (random.uniform(3, 6))
    random_height = signed_height * fixed_w_h_room

        f'Creating room with width = {random_width} and height = {random_height}'

    # --- Se crea un rectangulo con el ancho y alto seleccionado
    random_room = QRectF(random_point.x(), random_point.y(), random_width,

    # Se comprueba que la habitación no interseccione con ninguna otra o no contenga a alguan otra
    valid_room = True

    for prev_room in random_qrect_list:
        intersected = random_room.intersects(prev_room)
        room_contained_in_prev = prev_room.contains(random_room)
        prev_contained_in_room = random_room.contains(prev_room)

        if intersected or room_contained_in_prev or prev_contained_in_room:
            print('room intersects with existing room')
            valid_room = False

    if valid_room:

    return valid_room