def __init__(self, starCount=1, maxStarCount=5): self.starCount = starCount self.maxStarCount = maxStarCount # Create the star shape we'll be drawing. self.starPolygon = QPolygonF() self.starPolygon.append(QPointF(1.0, 0.5)) for i in range(1, 5): self.starPolygon.append(QPointF(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(0.8 * i * pi), 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(0.8 * i * pi))) # Create the diamond shape we'll show in the editor self.diamondPolygon = QPolygonF() diamondPoints = [QPointF(0.4, 0.5), QPointF(0.5, 0.4), QPointF(0.6, 0.5), QPointF(0.5, 0.6), QPointF(0.4, 0.5)] for point in diamondPoints: self.diamondPolygon.append(point)
class StarRating(object): """ Handle the actual painting of the stars themselves. """ def __init__(self, starCount=1, maxStarCount=5): self.starCount = starCount self.maxStarCount = maxStarCount # Create the star shape we'll be drawing. self.starPolygon = QPolygonF() self.starPolygon.append(QPointF(1.0, 0.5)) for i in range(1, 5): self.starPolygon.append(QPointF(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(0.8 * i * pi), 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(0.8 * i * pi))) # Create the diamond shape we'll show in the editor self.diamondPolygon = QPolygonF() diamondPoints = [QPointF(0.4, 0.5), QPointF(0.5, 0.4), QPointF(0.6, 0.5), QPointF(0.5, 0.6), QPointF(0.4, 0.5)] for point in diamondPoints: self.diamondPolygon.append(point) def sizeHint(self): """ Tell the caller how big we are. """ return PAINTING_SCALE_FACTOR * QSize(self.maxStarCount, 1) def paint(self, painter, rect, palette, isEditable=False): """ Paint the stars (and/or diamonds if we're in editing mode). """ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) if isEditable: painter.setBrush(palette.highlight()) else: painter.setBrush(palette.windowText()) yOffset = (rect.height() - PAINTING_SCALE_FACTOR) / 2 painter.translate(rect.x(), rect.y() + yOffset) painter.scale(PAINTING_SCALE_FACTOR, PAINTING_SCALE_FACTOR) for i in range(self.maxStarCount): if i < self.starCount: painter.drawPolygon(self.starPolygon, Qt.WindingFill) elif isEditable: painter.drawPolygon(self.diamondPolygon, Qt.WindingFill) painter.translate(1.0, 0.0) painter.restore()
def SocialNavigationGaussian_getObjectInteraction(self, persons, objects, interaction, d): # print("getObjectInteration") plt.close('all') polylines_object = [] polylines_interacting = [] for o in objects: obj = Object(o.x, o.z, o.angle, # print("OBJETO") ##para dibujarlo if d: plt.figure('ObjectSpace') rect = plt.Rectangle((obj.x - 0.25, obj.y - 0.25), 0.5, 0.5, fill=False) plt.gca().add_patch(rect) x_aux = obj.x + 0.25 * cos(pi / 2 - y_aux = obj.y + 0.25 * sin(pi / 2 - heading = plt.Line2D((obj.x, x_aux), (obj.y, y_aux), lw=1, color='k') plt.gca().add_line(heading) w = 1.0 # print (obj.x,obj.y) ##para calcular el rectangulo s = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(w, obj.sp)) # if (d): # plt.plot (s.bottomLeft().x(),s.bottomLeft().y(),"go") # plt.plot(s.bottomRight().x(), s.bottomRight().y(), "ro") # plt.plot(s.topRight().x(), s.topRight().y(), "yo") # plt.plot(s.topLeft().x(), s.topLeft().y(), "bo") space = QPolygonF() space.append(s.topLeft()) space.append(s.topRight()) space.append(QPointF(s.bottomRight().x() + obj.sp / 4, s.bottomRight().y())) space.append(QPointF(s.bottomLeft().x() - obj.sp / 4, s.bottomLeft().y())) t = QTransform() t.translate(-w / 2, 0) space = t = QTransform() t.rotateRadians( space = t = QTransform() t.translate(obj.x, obj.y) space = # points = [] # for x in xrange(space.count()-1): # point = space.value(x) # print ("valor", point) # points.append([point.x(),point.y()]) # plt.plot(point.x(),point.y(),"go") polyline = [] for x in xrange(space.count()): point = space.value(x) if (d): plt.plot(point.x(), point.y(), "go") p = SNGPoint2D() p.x = point.x() p.z = point.y() polyline.append(p) polylines_object.append(polyline) for p in persons: pn = Person(p.x, p.z, p.angle) # print("PERSONA", persons.index(p)+1) if d: body = plt.Circle((pn.x, pn.y), radius=0.3, fill=False) plt.gca().add_patch(body) x_aux = pn.x + 0.30 * cos(pi / 2 - y_aux = pn.y + 0.30 * sin(pi / 2 - heading = plt.Line2D((pn.x, x_aux), (pn.y, y_aux), lw=1, color='k') plt.gca().add_line(heading) plt.axis('equal') ##CHECKING THE ORIENTATION a = abs( - abs( - math.pi)) if a < math.radians(45): checkangle = True else: checkangle = False ##CHECKING IF THE PERSON IS INSIDE THE POLYGON if space.containsPoint(QPointF(pn.x, pn.y), Qt.OddEvenFill) and checkangle: # print("DENTROOOOO Y MIRANDO") if not polyline in polylines_interacting: polylines_interacting.append(polyline) if d: for ps in polylines_interacting: # plt.figure() for p in ps: plt.plot(p.x, p.z, "ro") plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') if (interaction): return polylines_interacting else: return polylines_object
def _pointsToPath(self, points: List[QtCore.QPointF]) -> QPainterPath: """Converts list of `QtCore.QPointF` objects to a `QPainterPath`.""" path = QPainterPath() path.addPolygon(QPolygonF(points)) return path
def add_Polygon(self, arr, xoffset=0, yoffset=0): polygon = QPolygonF() for p in arr: x,y=p[0] polygon.append(QPointF(x+xoffset,y+yoffset)) self.imgArea.scene.addPolygon(polygon, pen=QPen(, 3))
def testquadToQuad(self): q1 = QPolygonF() q1.append(QPointF(10.0, 10.0)) q1.append(QPointF(20.0, 10.0)) q1.append(QPointF(10.0, -10.0)) q1.append(QPointF(20.0, -10.0)) q2 = QPolygonF() q2.append(QPointF(20.0, 20.0)) q2.append(QPointF(30.0, 20.0)) q2.append(QPointF(20.0, -20.0)) q2.append(QPointF(30.0, -20.0)) t1 = QTransform() r1 = QTransform.quadToQuad(q1, q2, t1) r2 = QTransform.quadToQuad(q1, q2) self.assertTrue(r1) self.assertTrue(r2) self.assertEqual(t1, r2)
class activeMarker(QGraphicsPolygonItem): size = 10 triangle = QPolygonF() triangle.append(QPointF(-size, size)) triangle.append(QPointF(0, 0)) triangle.append(QPointF(size, size)) cross = QPolygonF() cross.append(QPointF(-size/2, -size/2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) cross.append(QPointF(size / 2, size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) cross.append(QPointF(-size / 2, size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) cross.append(QPointF(size / 2, -size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) @classmethod def fromTriangle(cls, parent=None): color = QColor(255, 255, 255) item = activeMarker(parent=parent) item.setPolygon(cls.triangle) item.setPen(QPen(color)) item.setBrush(QBrush(color)) # set move range to parent bounding rect item.moveRange = item.parentItem().boundingRect().bottomRight() return item @classmethod def fromCross(cls, parent=None): color = QColor(0, 0, 0) item = activeMarker(parent=parent) item.setPolygon(cls.cross) item.setPen(QPen(color)) item.setBrush(QBrush(color)) # set move range to parent bounding rect item.moveRange = item.parentItem().boundingRect().bottomRight() return item def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.onMouseMove, self.onMouseRelease = lambda e, x, y: 0, lambda e, x, y: 0 self.moveRange = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def setMoveRange(self, rect): self.moveRange = rect def mousePressEvent(self, e): pass def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): # position relative to parent pos = e.scenePos() - self.parentItem().scenePos() x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() # limit move to moveRange xmin, ymin = self.moveRange.left(), xmax, ymax = self.moveRange.right(), self.moveRange.bottom() x, y = xmin if x < xmin else xmax if x > xmax else x, ymin if y < ymin else ymax if y > ymax else y self.setPos(x, y) self.onMouseMove(e, x, y) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): # position relative to parent pos = e.scenePos() - self.parentItem().scenePos() x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() # limit move to (0,0) and moveRange xmin, ymin = self.moveRange.left(), xmax, ymax = self.moveRange.right(), self.moveRange.bottom() x, y = xmin if x < xmin else xmax if x > xmax else x, ymin if y < ymin else ymax if y > ymax else y self.onMouseRelease(e, x, y)
def polygonf_to_array(polygon: QtGui.QPolygonF) -> np.ndarray: """Converts a Qt polygon to a numpy array of shape (n, 2).""" buf = (ctypes.c_double * 2 * polygon.length()).from_address( shiboken2.getCppPointer([0] # type: ignore ) return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float64).reshape(-1, 2)
def _create_line_indicator(self, addr, item_map, color=Qt.yellow, show_frontier=False, z=None, z_frontier=None): """ Generate a cursor at a given address. """ pos_x = self._get_pos_from_addr(addr) if pos_x is None: return pen = QPen(color) brush = QBrush(color) height = self.height tri_width = 7 tri_height = 4 pos_x = int(pos_x - tri_width / 2) # Center drawing center = pos_x + int(tri_width / 2) pos_y = 0 frontier_width = int(0.15 * max(self.width, self.height)) if show_frontier: # Draw frontier gradients r = QRectF(center - frontier_width, pos_y, frontier_width, height) bg = QLinearGradient(r.topLeft(), r.topRight()) color = top_color = QColor(color) top_color.setAlpha(0) bg.setColorAt(0, top_color) bottom_color = QColor(color) bottom_color.setAlpha(180) bg.setColorAt(1, bottom_color) i = QGraphicsRectItem(r, parent=self) i.setPen(Qt.NoPen) i.setBrush(bg) if z_frontier is not None: i.setZValue(z_frontier) item_map.append(i) r = QRectF(center, pos_y, frontier_width, height) bg = QLinearGradient(r.topLeft(), r.topRight()) color = top_color = QColor(color) bg.setColorAt(0, top_color) bottom_color = QColor(color) bottom_color.setAlpha(0) bg.setColorAt(1, bottom_color) i = QGraphicsRectItem(r, parent=self) i.setPen(Qt.NoPen) i.setBrush(bg) if z_frontier is not None: i.setZValue(z_frontier) item_map.append(i) # Draw line i = QGraphicsLineItem(center, 0, center, height, parent=self) i.setPen(pen) if z is not None: i.setZValue(z) item_map.append(i) # Draw top and bottom triangles t = QPolygonF() t.append(QPointF(pos_x, pos_y)) t.append(QPointF(pos_x + tri_width - 1, pos_y)) t.append(QPointF(center, pos_y + tri_height - 1)) t.append(QPointF(pos_x, pos_y)) pos_y += height - 1 b = QPolygonF() b.append(QPointF(pos_x, pos_y)) b.append(QPointF(center, pos_y - tri_height + 1)) b.append(QPointF(pos_x + tri_width - 1, pos_y)) b.append(QPointF(pos_x, pos_y)) for i in [QGraphicsPolygonItem(t, parent=self), QGraphicsPolygonItem(b, parent=self)]: i.setPen(pen) i.setBrush(brush) if z is not None: i.setZValue(z) item_map.append(i)
def testPolygon(self): #QGraphicsScene.addPolygon points = [QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(100, 100), QPointF(0, 100)] item = self.scene.addPolygon(QPolygonF(points)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsPolygonItem))
class AutoScrollDrawer: def __init__(self, auto_scroll_row: int, level: Level): self.auto_scroll_row = auto_scroll_row self.level = level self.current_pos = QPointF() self.horizontal_speed = 0 self.vertical_speed = 0 self.rom = ROM() self.pixel_length = 1 self.acceleration_pen = Qt.NoPen self.acceleration_brush = Qt.NoBrush self.scroll_pen = Qt.NoPen self.scroll_brush = Qt.NoBrush self.screen_polygon = QPolygonF() def draw(self, painter: QPainter, block_length: int): self.pixel_length = block_length / Block.WIDTH self.scroll_brush = QBrush( self.scroll_pen = QPen(self.scroll_brush, 2 * self.pixel_length) self.acceleration_brush = QBrush( self.acceleration_pen = QPen(self.acceleration_brush, 2 * self.pixel_length) painter.setPen(self.scroll_pen) painter.setBrush(self.scroll_brush) auto_scroll_type_index = self.auto_scroll_row >> 4 auto_scroll_routine_index = self.auto_scroll_row & 0b0001_1111 if auto_scroll_type_index in [ SPIKE_CEILING_SCROLL, UP_TIL_DOOR_SCROLL, WATER_LEVEL_SCROLL, UP_RIGHT_DIAG_SCROLL, ]: # not visualized return elif auto_scroll_type_index not in [ HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_0, HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_1 ]: # illegal value, those appear in the vanilla ROM, though; so error out return first_movement_command_index = ( AScroll_HorizontalInitMove + auto_scroll_routine_index) + 1) % 256 last_movement_command_index = ( AScroll_HorizontalInitMove + auto_scroll_routine_index + 1)) % 256 self.horizontal_speed = 0 self.vertical_speed = 0 self.current_pos = self._determine_auto_scroll_start(block_length) for movement_command_index in range(first_movement_command_index, last_movement_command_index + 1): movement_command = + movement_command_index) movement_repeat = + movement_command_index) self._execute_movement_command(painter, movement_command, movement_repeat) stop_marker = QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), QSizeF(10, 10) * self.pixel_length) stop_marker.moveCenter(self.current_pos) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.drawRect(stop_marker) painter.setPen(self.scroll_pen) painter.setBrush(self.scroll_brush) painter.setOpacity(0.2) painter.drawPolygon(self.screen_polygon) def _execute_movement_command(self, painter: QPainter, command: int, repeat: int): h_updates_per_tick = 4 # got those by reading the auto scroll routine v_updates_per_tick = 2 is_acceleration_command = (command >> 4) == 0 if is_acceleration_command: # set speed h_acceleration_index = (command & 0b00001100) >> 2 v_acceleration_index = command & 0b00000011 assert h_acceleration_index != 3 assert v_acceleration_index != 3 h_acceleration = + h_acceleration_index) v_acceleration = + v_acceleration_index) if h_acceleration == 0xFF: h_acceleration = -0x01 if v_acceleration == 0xFF: v_acceleration = -0x01 h_acceleration <<= 4 v_acceleration <<= 4 movement_ticks = repeat repeat = 1 else: auto_scroll_loop_selector = command >> 4 loop_start_offset = AScroll_MovementLoopStart - 2 + auto_scroll_loop_selector if auto_scroll_loop_selector in [0, 1]: # normal movement command movement_ticks = h_acceleration = 0 v_acceleration = 0 else: # loop command movement_loop_start_index = movement_loop_end_index = + 1) number_of_commands = movement_loop_end_index - movement_loop_start_index movement_loop_commands = AScroll_MovementLoop + movement_loop_start_index, number_of_commands) movement_loop_repeats = AScroll_MovementLoopTicks + movement_loop_start_index, number_of_commands) for _ in range(repeat): for sub_command, sub_repeat in zip(movement_loop_commands, movement_loop_repeats): self._execute_movement_command(painter, sub_command, sub_repeat) return if is_acceleration_command and (h_acceleration or v_acceleration): painter.setPen(self.acceleration_pen) painter.setBrush(self.acceleration_brush) else: painter.setPen(self.scroll_pen) painter.setBrush(self.scroll_brush) # circle at start of new command painter.drawEllipse(self.current_pos, 4 * self.pixel_length, 4 * self.pixel_length) self._add_points_for_position(self.current_pos) if is_acceleration_command and (h_acceleration or v_acceleration): for _ in range(movement_ticks): self.horizontal_speed += h_acceleration self.vertical_speed += v_acceleration old_pos = self.current_pos self.current_pos += ( QPointF(h_updates_per_tick * self.horizontal_speed / 256, v_updates_per_tick * self.vertical_speed / 256) * self.pixel_length) painter.drawLine(old_pos, self.current_pos) self._add_points_for_position(self.current_pos) else: old_pos = QPointF(self.current_pos) h_movement = h_updates_per_tick * self.horizontal_speed / 256 * movement_ticks * repeat v_movement = v_updates_per_tick * self.vertical_speed / 256 * movement_ticks * repeat self.current_pos += QPointF(h_movement, v_movement) * self.pixel_length painter.drawLine(old_pos, self.current_pos) self._add_points_for_line(old_pos, self.current_pos) def _add_points_for_position(self, pos: QPointF): self.screen_polygon = self.screen_polygon.united( QPolygonF.fromList(self._rect_for_point(pos))) def _add_points_for_line(self, start: QPointF, stop: QPointF): start_points = self._rect_for_point(start) stop_points = self._rect_for_point(stop) point_list = [] if start.y() == stop.y(): point_list.extend([ start_points[0], stop_points[1], stop_points[2], start_points[3] ]) elif start.y() < stop.y(): point_list.extend(start_points[0:2]) point_list.extend(stop_points[1:4]) point_list.append(start_points[3]) else: point_list.append(start_points[0]) point_list.extend(stop_points[0:3]) point_list.extend(start_points[2:4]) self.screen_polygon = self.screen_polygon.united( QPolygonF.fromList(point_list)) def _rect_for_point(self, pos: QPointF): top_right = pos + QPointF(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, -_ASCROLL_SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2) * self.pixel_length * Block.WIDTH bottom_right = pos + QPoint(SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, _ASCROLL_SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2) * self.pixel_length * Block.WIDTH top_left = top_right - QPointF(SCREEN_WIDTH, 0) * self.pixel_length * Block.WIDTH bottom_left = bottom_right - QPointF( SCREEN_WIDTH, 0) * self.pixel_length * Block.WIDTH return top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left def _determine_auto_scroll_start(self, block_length: int) -> QPointF: # only support horizontal levels for now _, mario_y = self.level.header.mario_position() scroll_x, scroll_y = SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, min( mario_y + 2, GROUND - _ASCROLL_SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2) return QPointF(scroll_x, scroll_y) * block_length
def _add_points_for_position(self, pos: QPointF): self.screen_polygon = self.screen_polygon.united( QPolygonF.fromList(self._rect_for_point(pos)))
if new_corridor_location not in dict_corridors_per_side['top']: dict_corridors_per_side['top'].append(new_corridor_location) else: print('Not modifying last corridor') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------- Cambiamos la dimensión de la habitación de forma aleatoria ---------------------- # ----------------------------------------y añadimos puertas ------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print('posicion pasillo parte superior', dict_corridors_per_side['top']) print('posicion pasillo parte inferior', dict_corridors_per_side['bottom']) union_polygon = QPolygonF() result_polygon_list = [] for side, rooms_list in dict_rooms_per_side.items(): for i, room in enumerate(rooms_list): # #Cambio el ancho de la habitación de forma aleatoria (para no quedarme sin pasillo como maximo la muevo un tercio de este) # random_sign = [1,-1] # random_mov = list(np.arange(0, corridor_height/3, 0.05)) # room.setTopLeft(QPointF(room.topLeft().x(),room.topLeft().y() + random.choice(random_sign)*random.choice(random_mov))) # Selecciono dónde va a estar la puerta possibles_door_locations = ['center'] if i in dict_corridors_per_side[side]: # Pasillo a la izquierda possibles_door_locations.append('left')
class activeMarker(QGraphicsPolygonItem): """ Movable marker """ size = 10 triangle = QPolygonF() triangle.append(QPointF(-size, size)) triangle.append(QPointF(0, 0)) triangle.append(QPointF(size, size)) cross = QPolygonF() cross.append(QPointF(-size / 2, -size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) cross.append(QPointF(size / 2, size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) cross.append(QPointF(-size / 2, size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) cross.append(QPointF(size / 2, -size / 2)) cross.append(QPointF(0, 0)) @classmethod def fromTriangle(cls, *args, **kwargs): color = QColor(255, 255, 255) item = cls(*args, **kwargs) item.setPolygon(cls.triangle) item.setPen(QPen(color)) item.setBrush(QBrush(color)) # set move range to parent bounding rect item.moveRange = item.parentItem().boundingRect() return item @classmethod def fromCross(cls, *args, **kwargs): color = QColor(0, 0, 0) item = cls(*args, **kwargs) item.setPolygon(cls.cross) item.setPen(QPen(color)) item.setBrush(QBrush(color)) # set move range to parent bounding rect item.moveRange = item.parentItem().boundingRect() return item def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.onMouseMove, self.onMouseRelease = lambda e, x, y: 0, lambda e, x, y: 0 self.moveRange = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) @property # read only def currentColor(self): return self.scene().slider2D.QImg.pixelColor( (self.pos() - self.parentItem().offset()).toPoint()) def setMoveRange(self, rect): self.moveRange = rect def mousePressEvent(self, e): pass def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): # event position relative to parent pos = e.pos() + self.pos( ) # e.scenePos() - self.parentItem().scenePos() # TODO modified 16/02/20 validate x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() # limit move to moveRange xmin, ymin = self.moveRange.left(), xmax, ymax = self.moveRange.right(), self.moveRange.bottom() x, y = xmin if x < xmin else xmax if x > xmax else x, ymin if y < ymin else ymax if y > ymax else y self.setPos(x, y) self.onMouseMove(e, x, y) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): # event position relative to parent pos = e.pos() + self.pos( ) # e.scenePos() - self.parentItem().scenePos() x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() # limit move to (0,0) and moveRange xmin, ymin = self.moveRange.left(), xmax, ymax = self.moveRange.right(), self.moveRange.bottom() x, y = xmin if x < xmin else xmax if x > xmax else x, ymin if y < ymin else ymax if y > ymax else y self.onMouseRelease(e, x, y)
def _test_pipedimagerpq(): # vertices of a pentagon (roughly) centered in a 1000 x 1000 square pentagonpts = ( (504.5, 100.0), (100.0, 393.9), (254.5, 869.4), (754.5, 869.4), (909.0, 393.9), ) linepts = ((350, 50), (200, 150), (400, 250), (300, 350), (150, 250), (100, 450)) # start PyQt testapp = QApplication(["PipedImagerPQ"]) # create the list of commands to submit drawcmnds = [] drawcmnds.append({"action": "setTitle", "title": "Tester"}) drawcmnds.append({"action": "show"}) drawcmnds.append({"action": "clear", "color": "black"}) drawcmnds.append({"action": "screenInfo"}) # create the image to be displayed testimage = QImage(500, 500, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) # initialize a black background testimage.fill(0xFF000000) # draw some things in the image testpainter = QPainter(testimage) testpainter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 255, 0, 128), Qt.SolidPattern)) testpainter.setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0, 255), Qt.SolidPattern), 5.0, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.SquareCap, Qt.MiterJoin)) testpainter.drawRect(QRectF(5.0, 255.0, 240.0, 240.0)) testpainter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255, 255), Qt.SolidPattern)) testpainter.setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255), Qt.SolidPattern), 5.0, Qt.DashLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin)) testpainter.drawPolygon( QPolygonF([ QPointF(.25 * ptx, .25 * pty + 250) for (ptx, pty) in pentagonpts ])) testpainter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) testpainter.setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255), Qt.SolidPattern), 3.0, Qt.DashLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin)) testpainter.drawPolyline( QPolygonF([QPointF(pts, pty) for (pts, pty) in linepts])) testpainter.end() # add the image command testimgwidth = testimage.width() testimgheight = testimage.height() testimgstride = testimage.bytesPerLine() # not a good way to get the pixel data testimgdata = bytearray(testimgheight * testimgstride) k = 0 for pty in range(testimgheight): for ptx in range(testimgwidth): pixval = testimage.pixel(ptx, pty) (aval, rgbval) = divmod(pixval, 256 * 256 * 256) (rval, gbval) = divmod(rgbval, 256 * 256) (gval, bval) = divmod(gbval, 256) testimgdata[k] = bval k += 1 testimgdata[k] = gval k += 1 testimgdata[k] = rval k += 1 testimgdata[k] = aval k += 1 testblocksize = 4000 testnumblocks = (testimgheight * testimgstride + testblocksize - 1) // testblocksize drawcmnds.append({ "action": "newImage", "width": testimgwidth, "height": testimgheight, "stride": testimgstride }) for k in range(testnumblocks): if k < (testnumblocks - 1): blkdata = testimgdata[k * testblocksize:(k + 1) * testblocksize] else: blkdata = testimgdata[k * testblocksize:] drawcmnds.append({ "action": "newImage", "blocknum": k + 1, "numblocks": testnumblocks, "startindex": k * testblocksize, "blockdata": blkdata }) # finish the command list drawcmnds.append({"action": "show"}) drawcmnds.append({"action": "exit"}) # create a PipedImagerPQ in this process (cmndrecvpipe, cmndsendpipe) = multiprocessing.Pipe(False) (rspdrecvpipe, rspdsendpipe) = multiprocessing.Pipe(False) testviewer = PipedImagerPQ(cmndrecvpipe, rspdsendpipe) # create a command submitter dialog tester = _CommandSubmitterPQ(testviewer, cmndsendpipe, rspdrecvpipe, drawcmnds) # let it all run testresult = testapp.exec_() if testresult != 0: sys.exit(testresult)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PolyLineItem, self).__init__() self.points = [get_point(p) for p in args] self.closed = kwargs.pop('closed') self._polygon = QPolygonF(QPolygonF.fromList(self.points))
def addBackground(self): scene = self.scene() if not DisplayOptions.map_poly: bg = QPixmap("./resources/" + scene.addPixmap(bg) # Apply graphical effects to simulate current daytime if == TimeOfDay.Day: pass elif == TimeOfDay.Night: ov = QPixmap(bg.width(), bg.height()) ov.fill(CONST.COLORS["night_overlay"]) overlay = scene.addPixmap(ov) effect = QGraphicsOpacityEffect() effect.setOpacity(0.7) overlay.setGraphicsEffect(effect) else: ov = QPixmap(bg.width(), bg.height()) ov.fill(CONST.COLORS["dawn_dust_overlay"]) overlay = scene.addPixmap(ov) effect = QGraphicsOpacityEffect() effect.setOpacity(0.3) overlay.setGraphicsEffect(effect) if DisplayOptions.map_poly or self.reference_point_setup_mode: # Polygon display mode if is not None: for sea_zone in print(sea_zone) poly = QPolygonF( [ QPointF(*self._transform_point(Point(point[0], point[1]))) for point in sea_zone.exterior.coords ] ) if self.reference_point_setup_mode: color = "sea_blue_transparent" else: color = "sea_blue" scene.addPolygon(poly, CONST.COLORS[color], CONST.COLORS[color]) for inclusion_zone in poly = QPolygonF( [ QPointF(*self._transform_point(Point(point[0], point[1]))) for point in inclusion_zone.exterior.coords ] ) if self.reference_point_setup_mode: scene.addPolygon( poly, CONST.COLORS["grey_transparent"], CONST.COLORS["dark_grey_transparent"], ) else: scene.addPolygon( poly, CONST.COLORS["grey"], CONST.COLORS["dark_grey"] ) for exclusion_zone in poly = QPolygonF( [ QPointF(*self._transform_point(Point(point[0], point[1]))) for point in exclusion_zone.exterior.coords ] ) if self.reference_point_setup_mode: scene.addPolygon( poly, CONST.COLORS["grey_transparent"], CONST.COLORS["dark_dark_grey_transparent"], ) else: scene.addPolygon( poly, CONST.COLORS["grey"], CONST.COLORS["dark_dark_grey"] ) # Uncomment to display plan projection test # self.projection_test() self.draw_scale() if self.reference_point_setup_mode: for i, point in enumerate( self.scene().addRect( QRectF( point.image_coordinates.x, point.image_coordinates.y, 25, 25 ), pen=CONST.COLORS["red"], brush=CONST.COLORS["red"], ) text = self.scene().addText( f"P{i} = {point.image_coordinates}", font=QFont("Trebuchet MS", 14, weight=8, italic=False), ) text.setDefaultTextColor(CONST.COLORS["red"]) text.setPos(point.image_coordinates.x + 26, point.image_coordinates.y) # Set to True to visually debug _transform_point. draw_transformed = False if draw_transformed: x, y = self._transform_point(point.world_coordinates) self.scene().addRect( QRectF(x, y, 25, 25), pen=CONST.COLORS["red"], brush=CONST.COLORS["red"], ) text = self.scene().addText( f"P{i}' = {x}, {y}", font=QFont("Trebuchet MS", 14, weight=8, italic=False), ) text.setDefaultTextColor(CONST.COLORS["red"]) text.setPos(x + 26, y)
def drawOneStep(self, step): """ :type step: tuple """ if step[0] == ACTION_RECT: self.graphics_scene.addRect( QRectF(QPointF(step[1], step[2]), QPointF(step[3], step[4])), step[5]) elif step[0] == ACTION_ELLIPSE: self.graphics_scene.addEllipse( QRectF(QPointF(step[1], step[2]), QPointF(step[3], step[4])), step[5]) elif step[0] == ACTION_ARROW: arrow = QPolygonF() linex = float(step[1] - step[3]) liney = float(step[2] - step[4]) line = sqrt(pow(linex, 2) + pow(liney, 2)) # in case to divided by 0 if line == 0: return sinAngel = liney / line cosAngel = linex / line # sideLength is the length of bottom side of the body of an arrow # arrowSize is the size of the head of an arrow, left and right # sides' size is arrowSize, and the bottom side's size is arrowSize / 2 sideLength = step[5].width() arrowSize = 8 bottomSize = arrowSize / 2 tmpPoint = QPointF(step[3] + arrowSize * sideLength * cosAngel, step[4] + arrowSize * sideLength * sinAngel) point1 = QPointF(step[1] + sideLength * sinAngel, step[2] - sideLength * cosAngel) point2 = QPointF(step[1] - sideLength * sinAngel, step[2] + sideLength * cosAngel) point3 = QPointF(tmpPoint.x() - sideLength * sinAngel, tmpPoint.y() + sideLength * cosAngel) point4 = QPointF(tmpPoint.x() - bottomSize * sideLength * sinAngel, tmpPoint.y() + bottomSize * sideLength * cosAngel) point5 = QPointF(step[3], step[4]) point6 = QPointF(tmpPoint.x() + bottomSize * sideLength * sinAngel, tmpPoint.y() - bottomSize * sideLength * cosAngel) point7 = QPointF(tmpPoint.x() + sideLength * sinAngel, tmpPoint.y() - sideLength * cosAngel) arrow.append(point1) arrow.append(point2) arrow.append(point3) arrow.append(point4) arrow.append(point5) arrow.append(point6) arrow.append(point7) arrow.append(point1) self.graphics_scene.addPolygon(arrow, step[5], step[6]) elif step[0] == ACTION_LINE: self.graphics_scene.addLine( QLineF(QPointF(step[1], step[2]), QPointF(step[3], step[4])), step[5]) elif step[0] == ACTION_FREEPEN: self.graphics_scene.addPath(step[1], step[2]) elif step[0] == ACTION_TEXT: textAdd = self.graphics_scene.addSimpleText(step[1], step[2]) textAdd.setPos(step[3]) textAdd.setBrush(QBrush(step[4])) self.textRect = textAdd.boundingRect()