def __init__(self, fmt: QSurfaceFormat, parent=None, *args, **kwargs): QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) QOpenGLExtraFunctions.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.width, self.height = 1280, 720 self.program = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.vbo = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.VertexBuffer) self.ebo = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.IndexBuffer) self.vao = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self.model_loc = None self.projection_loc = None self.camera_loc = None self.attrib_loc = None self.shape = Cube() self.models = [] self.model = None self.projection = None = Camera() self.last_pos = QPoint(self.width / 2.0, self.height / 2.0) self.setFormat(fmt) self.context = QOpenGLContext(self) if not self.context.create(): raise RuntimeError("Unable to create GL context") self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.timer.start(1000.0/FPS)
def __init__(self, parent=None): QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) QOpenGLFunctions.__init__(self) self.core = "--coreprofile" in QCoreApplication.arguments() self.xRot = 0 self.yRot = 0 self.zRot = 0 self.lastPos = 0 self.logo = Logo() self.vao = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self.logoVbo = QOpenGLBuffer() self.program = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.projMatrixLoc = 0 self.mvMatrixLoc = 0 self.normalMatrixLoc = 0 self.lightPosLoc = 0 self.proj = QMatrix4x4() = QMatrix4x4() = QMatrix4x4() self.transparent = "--transparent" in QCoreApplication.arguments() if self.transparent: fmt = self.format() fmt.setAlphaBufferSize(8) self.setFormat(fmt)
def __init__(self, scene, updateFpsDisplay, renderSettings=Rendersettings(), parent=None): View.__init__(self, scene) QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.renderImage = QImage() self.renderSettings = renderSettings self.updateFpsDisplay = updateFpsDisplay self.shaderProgram = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.viewPortShaderProgram = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.lightShaderProgram = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.eyeLoc = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 5.0) self.pressLoc = QVector2D() self.isRendering = False self.viewportPlane = ViewportPlane() self.viewportTexture = None self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setSingleShot(True) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.checkRender) self.scene.registerView(self, [ UpdateType.MATERIAL_CHANGE, UpdateType.MATERIAL_CREATE, UpdateType.MATERIAL_DELETE, UpdateType.OBJECT_CREATE, UpdateType.OBJECT_DELETE, UpdateType.OBJECT_TRANSFORM, UpdateType.CAMERA_CHANGE, UpdateType.LIGHT_CHANGE, UpdateType.SCENE_LOAD ]) self.timestamps = None self.fpsWindow = 10 self.renderer = None self.renderStartTime = None
def __init__(self, parent=None): QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) QOpenGLFunctions.__init__(self) self.setMinimumSize(32, 32) = "" self._supported_images = [ "TGA", "PNG", "JPG", "JPEG", "TIF", "TIFF", "BMP", "DDS" ] # indices indices = [0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3] self._indices = array('I', indices) # vertices # 3 position | 2 texture coord vertex = [ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, # top right 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, # bottom right -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # bottom left -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 # top left ] self._vertex = array('f', vertex) # opengl data related self._program = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self._program_bg = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self._vao = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self._vbo = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.VertexBuffer) self._texture = None self._texture_size = (1, 1) self._location = () self._colors_default = (QColor.fromRgbF(0.65, 0.65, 0.65, 1.0), QColor.fromRgbF(0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 1.0)) self._u_colors = self._colors_default self._height = QVector4D(0, self.height(), 0, 0) self._u_channels = QMatrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def __init__(self, parent=None): "Constructor" QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) tutoTutoDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) tutoPardir = os.path.join(tutoTutoDir, os.pardir) tutoPardir = os.path.realpath(tutoPardir) mediaDir = os.path.join(tutoPardir, "media") shaderDir = os.path.join(mediaDir, "shaders") # availableShaders = ["rectangle", "triangle"] self.shaders = { name: { "fragment": os.path.join(shaderDir, name + ".frag"), "vertex": os.path.join(shaderDir, name + ".vert") } for name in availableShaders } self.core = "--coreprofile" in QCoreApplication.arguments() # opengl data related self.context = QOpenGLContext() self.program = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.vao = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self.vbo = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.VertexBuffer) self.indices = np.array( [ 0, 1, 3, # first triangle 1, 2, 3 # second triangle ], dtype=ctypes.c_uint) # vertex data of the panel that would hold the image self.vertexData = np.array( [ # viewport position || colors || texture coords 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, # top right 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, # bottom right -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, # bottom left -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, # top left ], dtype=ctypes.c_float) self.rectColor = QVector4D(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
def __init__(self, parent=None): QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.gl_format = QSurfaceFormat() self.gl_format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat.OpenGL) self.gl_format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat.CoreProfile) self.gl_format.setVersion(4, 1) self.setFormat(self.gl_format) self.mouse_x = 0 self.mouse_y = 0 self.mouse_init = False self.mouse_pressed = False
def create_gl_widget(): # QGLWidget Not currently available in pyside2. # It has actually been deprecated and we should use # QtGui.QGLFormat and other related classes instead. from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QOpenGLWidget from PyQt5.QtGui import QSurfaceFormat from PyQt5 import QtOpenGL QGLFormat = QtOpenGL.QGLFormat QGL = QtOpenGL.QGL open_gl_widget = QOpenGLWidget() fmt = QSurfaceFormat.defaultFormat() fmt.setSamples(8) open_gl_widget.setFormat(fmt) return open_gl_widget
def __init__(self, parent=None): QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) # shaders etc triangleTutoDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) trianglePardir = os.path.join(triangleTutoDir, os.pardir) mediaDir = os.path.join(trianglePardir, "media") shaderDir = os.path.join(mediaDir, "shaders") availableShaders = ["triangle", "triangle2"] self.shaders = { name: { "fragment": os.path.join(shaderDir, name + ".frag"), "vertex": os.path.join(shaderDir, name + ".vert") } for name in availableShaders } self.core = "--coreprofile" in QCoreApplication.arguments() # opengl data related self.context = QOpenGLContext() self.vao1 = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self.vbo1 = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.VertexBuffer) self.vao2 = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self.vbo2 = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.VertexBuffer) self.program1 = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.program2 = QOpenGLShaderProgram() # some vertex data for corners of triangle self.vertexData1 = np.array( [0.9, 0.9, 0.0, # x, y, z 0.9, 0.7, 0.0, # x, y, z 0.7, 0.9, 0.0], # x, y, z dtype=ctypes.c_float ) self.vertexData2 = np.array( [-0.9, -0.9, 0.0, # x, y, z -0.9, -0.7, 0.0, # x, y, z -0.7, -0.9, 0.0], # x, y, z dtype=ctypes.c_float ) # triangle color self.triangleColor1 = QVector4D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # yellow triangle self.triangleColor2 = QVector4D( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0) # not yellow triangle
def use_OpenGL(self): """ Use QOpenGLWidget as the viewer. """ # use QOpenGLWidget instead of the deprecated QGLWidget to avoid # problems with Wayland. import Qt if Qt.IsPySide2: from PySide2.QtWidgets import QOpenGLWidget elif Qt.IsPyQt5: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QOpenGLWidget self.setViewport(QOpenGLWidget())
def __init__(self): super(WorldView, self).__init__() self.setupViewport(QOpenGLWidget()) self._canvas = None self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self._drag = False self._start_x = -1 self._start_y = -1 self._last_x = -1 self._last_y = -1 self._mouse_direction = MD.NONE self._last_mouse_direction = MD.NONE self._erase = False self._paint = False self.setMouseTracking(True) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_Hover)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.ui_main = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui_main.setupUi(self) self.setWindowTitle("Sweep Measure System (SMS)") self.ui_serial = Ui_SerialWindow() self.ui_serial.setupUi( self.ui_main.tabSerial ) # register the serial page into tabwidget.tabSerial self.ui_main.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) # matplot setting self.fig = Figure(figsize=(8, 4.5), dpi=100) self.static_canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.static_canvas.setParent(self.ui_main.tabPlot) self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(211) self.axes_dynamic = self.fig.add_subplot(212) data = [random.random() for i in range(25)] self.axes.plot(data, '-r', linewidth=2.0) self.static_canvas.draw() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_figure) self.timer.start(20) # self.timer.stop() # shutdown # serial settings self.ser = serial.Serial() self.Com_Dict = {} # counting self.data_bytes_sent = 0 self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesSent.setText( str(self.data_bytes_sent)) self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesSent.setEnabled(False) self.data_bytes_received = 0 self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesReceived.setText( str(self.data_bytes_received)) self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesReceived.setEnabled(False) # ui_serial serial default settings default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.findText( "9600") # baudrate if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.setCurrentIndex(default_index) default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.findText( "8") # Databit if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.setCurrentIndex(default_index) default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.findText( "N") # Parity if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.setCurrentIndex(default_index) default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.findText( "1") # Stopbit if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.setCurrentIndex(default_index) self.ui_serial.btnSerialCLose.setEnabled(False) # Receive Timer self.receive_timer = QTimer(self) self.receive_timer.timeout.connect(self.receive_data) # ui_serial slot connection self.ui_serial.btnCheckSerialPort.clicked.connect( self.check_serial_port) self.ui_serial.btnSerialOpen.clicked.connect(self.open_serial_port) self.ui_serial.btnSerialCLose.clicked.connect(self.close_serial_port) self.ui_serial.btnSerialPortSend.clicked.connect(self.send_data) self.ui_serial.btnSerialPortSendClear.clicked.connect( self.clear_send_data) self.ui_serial.btnSerialPortReceiveClear.clicked.connect( self.clear_receive_data) # OpenGL setup self.openGL = QOpenGLWidget() self.openGL.setParent(self.ui_main.tabOpenGL) self.openGL.initializeGL = self.init_gl self.openGL.initializeGL() self.openGL.resizeGL(851, 651) self.openGL.paintGL = self.paint_gl self.update_times = 0 self.timer_gl = QTimer() self.timer_gl.timeout.connect(self.openGL.update) self.timer_gl.start(20) def init_gl(self): gluPerspective(45, 851 / 651, 0.1, 50.0) gluLookAt(8.0, 8.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1, -1, 1) def paint_gl(self): glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) line_length = 4 cur_line_size = 5 cube_length = 2.0 glPushMatrix() glPushMatrix() glRotatef(self.update_times * 10, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) glLineWidth(cur_line_size) glColor3f(1, 0, 0) glBegin(GL_LINES) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(line_length, 0.0, 0.0) glEnd() glColor3f(0, 1, 0) glBegin(GL_LINES) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(0.0, line_length, 0.0) glEnd() glColor3f(0, 0, 1) glBegin(GL_LINES) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, line_length) glEnd() glPopMatrix() glTranslate(-0.5 * cube_length, -0.5 * cube_length, -0.5 * cube_length) glColor3f(1, 1, 0) glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(0.0, cube_length, 0.0) glVertex3f(cube_length, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(cube_length, cube_length, 0.0) glVertex3f(cube_length, 0.0, -cube_length) glVertex3f(cube_length, cube_length, -cube_length) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, -cube_length) glVertex3f(0.0, cube_length, -cube_length) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(0.0, cube_length, 0.0) glEnd() glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(cube_length, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, -cube_length) glVertex3f(cube_length, 0.0, -cube_length) glVertex3f(0.0, cube_length, 0.0) glVertex3f(cube_length, cube_length, 0.0) glVertex3f(0.0, cube_length, -cube_length) glVertex3f(cube_length, cube_length, -cube_length) glEnd() glPopMatrix() self.update_times += 1 def check_serial_port(self): # check virtual seiral port for port, desc, hwid in sorted(comports()): print("%s: %s [%s]" % (port, desc, hwid)) port_list = list(sorted(comports())) self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPorts.clear() for port in port_list: self.Com_Dict["%s" % port[0]] = "%s" % port[1] # print(self.Com_Dict) self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPorts.addItem(port[0]) if len(port_list) == 0: print("No serial port found") def open_serial_port(self): data_bits = { '5': serial.FIVEBITS, '6': serial.SIXBITS, '7': serial.SEVENBITS, '8': serial.EIGHTBITS } parity = { 'N': serial.PARITY_NONE, 'Odd': serial.PARITY_ODD, 'Even': serial.PARITY_EVEN } stop_bits = { '1': serial.STOPBITS_ONE, '1.5': serial.STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE, '2': serial.STOPBITS_TWO } self.ser.port = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPorts.currentText() self.ser.baudrate = int( self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.currentText()) self.ser.bytesize = data_bits[ self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.currentText()] self.ser.parity = parity[ self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.currentText()] self.ser.stopbits = stop_bits[ self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.currentText()] print("Serial Port: {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(self.ser.port, self.ser.baudrate, self.ser.parity, self.ser.stopbits)) try: except: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Port Error", "Cannot open this port") if self.ser.isOpen(): self.receive_timer.start(100) print("{0} opened".format(self.ser.port)) self.ui_serial.btnSerialOpen.setEnabled(False) self.ui_serial.btnSerialCLose.setEnabled(True) pass def close_serial_port(self): if self.ser.is_open: try: self.receive_timer.stop() self.ser.close() self.ui_serial.btnSerialOpen.setEnabled(True) self.ui_serial.btnSerialCLose.setEnabled(False) print("{0} closed".format(self.ser.port)) except: pass def send_data(self): if self.ser.is_open: input_s = self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortInput.toPlainText() if input_s != '': if self.ui_serial.cbSerialPortSendHex.isChecked(): input_s = input_s.strip() send_list = [] while input_s != '': try: num = int(input_s[0:2], 16) except ValueError: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Wrong Data", "Please input Hex Number") return None input_s = input_s[2:].strip() send_list.append(num) input_s = bytes(send_list) else: input_s = (input_s + "\n").encode('utf-8') num = self.ser.write(input_s) self.data_bytes_sent += num self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesSent.setText( str(self.data_bytes_sent)) def receive_data(self): if not self.ser.is_open: return try: num = self.ser.in_waiting except: self.ser.close() return if num > 0: data = num = len(data) if self.ui_serial.cbSerialPortReceiveHex.isChecked(): out_s = '' for i in range(len(data)): out_s = out_s + '{:02X}'.format(data[i]) + ' ' self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortReceive.insertPlainText(out_s) else: self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortReceive.insertPlainText( data.decode('utf-8')) # unicode text_cursor = self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortReceive.textCursor() text_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfLine) self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortReceive.setTextCursor(text_cursor) self.data_bytes_received += num self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesReceived.setText( str(self.data_bytes_received)) else: pass def clear_send_data(self): self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortInput.setPlainText("") self.data_bytes_sent = 0 self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesSent.setText( str(self.data_bytes_sent)) def clear_receive_data(self): self.ui_serial.pteSerialPortReceive.setPlainText("") self.data_bytes_received = 0 self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesReceived.setText( str(self.data_bytes_received)) def update_figure(self): t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101) self.axes_dynamic.cla() self.axes_dynamic.plot(t, np.sin(t + time.time()), 'r', linewidth=2.0) self.static_canvas.draw()
from PySide2.QtGui import * from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QOpenGLWidget from game import Game from game_window import GameWindow if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication([]) palette = app.palette() color = QColor() palette.setColor(QPalette.Background, app.setPalette(palette) opengl_widget = QOpenGLWidget() game_widget = Game(opengl_widget) main_window = GameWindow(game_widget) exit(app.exec_())
def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.ui_main = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui_main.setupUi(self) self.setWindowTitle("Sweep Measure System (SMS)") self.ui_serial = Ui_SerialWindow() self.ui_serial.setupUi( self.ui_main.tabSerial ) # register the serial page into tabwidget.tabSerial self.ui_main.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) # matplot setting self.fig = Figure(figsize=(8, 4.5), dpi=100) self.static_canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.static_canvas.setParent(self.ui_main.tabPlot) self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(211) self.axes_dynamic = self.fig.add_subplot(212) data = [random.random() for i in range(25)] self.axes.plot(data, '-r', linewidth=2.0) self.static_canvas.draw() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_figure) self.timer.start(20) # self.timer.stop() # shutdown # serial settings self.ser = serial.Serial() self.Com_Dict = {} # counting self.data_bytes_sent = 0 self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesSent.setText( str(self.data_bytes_sent)) self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesSent.setEnabled(False) self.data_bytes_received = 0 self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesReceived.setText( str(self.data_bytes_received)) self.ui_serial.leSerialPortDataBytesReceived.setEnabled(False) # ui_serial serial default settings default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.findText( "9600") # baudrate if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortBaudrate.setCurrentIndex(default_index) default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.findText( "8") # Databit if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortDatabit.setCurrentIndex(default_index) default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.findText( "N") # Parity if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortParity.setCurrentIndex(default_index) default_index = self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.findText( "1") # Stopbit if default_index == -1: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.ui_serial.cbbSerialPortStopbit.setCurrentIndex(default_index) self.ui_serial.btnSerialCLose.setEnabled(False) # Receive Timer self.receive_timer = QTimer(self) self.receive_timer.timeout.connect(self.receive_data) # ui_serial slot connection self.ui_serial.btnCheckSerialPort.clicked.connect( self.check_serial_port) self.ui_serial.btnSerialOpen.clicked.connect(self.open_serial_port) self.ui_serial.btnSerialCLose.clicked.connect(self.close_serial_port) self.ui_serial.btnSerialPortSend.clicked.connect(self.send_data) self.ui_serial.btnSerialPortSendClear.clicked.connect( self.clear_send_data) self.ui_serial.btnSerialPortReceiveClear.clicked.connect( self.clear_receive_data) # OpenGL setup self.openGL = QOpenGLWidget() self.openGL.setParent(self.ui_main.tabOpenGL) self.openGL.initializeGL = self.init_gl self.openGL.initializeGL() self.openGL.resizeGL(851, 651) self.openGL.paintGL = self.paint_gl self.update_times = 0 self.timer_gl = QTimer() self.timer_gl.timeout.connect(self.openGL.update) self.timer_gl.start(20)
game_over("Você saiu da tela!") apples_counter -= 1 timeout -= 1 if (timeout == 0): game_over("O tempo acabou !") timeout_label.setText("Tempo restante: " + str(timeout)) game_widget.update() if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication([]) opengl_widget = QOpenGLWidget() opengl_widget.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) game_widget = GameWidget(opengl_widget) score_label = QLabel() score_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter) score_label.setStyleSheet('color: white') timeout_label = QLabel() timeout_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter) timeout_label.setStyleSheet('color: white') main_window = MainWindow(game_widget, score_label, timeout_label) timer = QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(update_scene) timer.start(100 / game_speed) exit(app.exec_())
def __init__(self): super(GalleryView, self).__init__() self.setupViewport(QOpenGLWidget()) self._gallery = None
def use_OpenGL(self): self.setViewport(QOpenGLWidget())
def __init__(self, parent=None): QOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, parent) # camera = QtCamera() = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 3.0) = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) = QVector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) = 0.05 # shaders etc tutoTutoDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) tutoPardir = os.path.join(tutoTutoDir, os.pardir) tutoPardir = os.path.realpath(tutoPardir) mediaDir = os.path.join(tutoPardir, "media") shaderDir = os.path.join(mediaDir, "shaders") availableShaders = ["cube"] self.shaders = { name: { "fragment": os.path.join(shaderDir, name + ".frag"), "vertex": os.path.join(shaderDir, name + ".vert") } for name in availableShaders } self.core = "--coreprofile" in QCoreApplication.arguments() imdir = os.path.join(mediaDir, "images") imFName = "im" imageFile1 = os.path.join(imdir, imFName + "0.png") self.image1 = QImage(imageFile1).mirrored() imageFile2 = os.path.join(imdir, imFName + "1.png") self.image2 = QImage(imageFile2).mirrored() # opengl data related self.context = QOpenGLContext() self.vao = QOpenGLVertexArrayObject() self.vbo = QOpenGLBuffer(QOpenGLBuffer.VertexBuffer) self.program = QOpenGLShaderProgram() self.texture1 = None self.texture2 = None self.texUnit1 = 0 self.texUnit2 = 1 # vertex data self.cubeVertices = np.array( [ # pos vec3 || texcoord vec2 -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ], dtype=ctypes.c_float) # cube worldSpace coordinates self.cubeCoords = [ QVector3D(0.2, 1.1, -1.0), QVector3D(2.0, 5.0, -15.0), QVector3D(-1.5, -2.2, -2.5), QVector3D(-3.8, -2.0, -12.3), QVector3D(2.4, -0.4, -3.5), QVector3D(-1.7, 3.0, -7.5), QVector3D(1.3, -2.0, -2.5), QVector3D(1.5, 2.0, -2.5), QVector3D(1.5, 0.2, -1.5), QVector3D(-1.3, 1.0, -1.5) ] self.rotateVector = QVector3D(0.7, 0.2, 0.5)