Exemple #1
def run():
    # We assume that Raiden is already started
    previous_receiver_info = (0, 0)
    camera = Camera('/dev/video0', 1024, 576)
    camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.CONTRAST, 10)
    camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.SATURATION, 10)
    while True:
        address_id, nonce = start_scanning(camera)
        if (address_id, nonce) == previous_receiver_info:
        address = RECEIVER_LIST[address_id]
        send_payment(address, nonce)
        previous_receiver_info = (address_id, nonce)
Exemple #2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from PyV4L2Camera.camera import Camera
from PyV4L2Camera.controls import ControlIDs

camera = Camera('/dev/video0', 1920, 1080)
controls = camera.get_controls()

for control in controls:

camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.BRIGHTNESS, 48)

for _ in range(2):
    frame = camera.get_frame()

    # Decode the image
    im = Image.frombytes('RGB', (camera.width, camera.height), frame, 'raw',

    # Convert the image to a numpy array and back to the pillow image
    arr = np.asarray(im)
    im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(arr))

    print(np.mean(arr[:, :, 0]))
    print(np.mean(arr[:, :, 1]))
    print(np.mean(arr[:, :, 2]))

    # Display the image to show that everything works fine
#     # rpi, ESC, STEER = setup_gpio()
# camera = Camera('/dev/video1', 360, 200)
os.system('v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video1 -c exposure_auto=1')
camera = Camera('/dev/video1', 1280, 720)
# controls = camera.get_controls()

# speed = 1500
# angle = 90
# DEFAULT_CMD = '00/1500/90'
# STOP_CMD = '11/1500/90'

# for control in controls:
#     print(control.name + ":" + str(control.id))
camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.BRIGHTNESS, 0)
camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.CONTRAST, 15)
# camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.BACKLIGHT_COMPENSATION, 50)
# camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.SATURATION, 0)
# camera.set_control_value(ControlIDs.SATURATION, 0)

# 360x200

img_size = [200, 360, 3]

src = np.float32([[0, 200], [360, 200], [295, 120], [65, 120]])

dst = np.float32([[0, img_size[0]], [img_size[1], img_size[0]],
                  [img_size[1], 0], [0, 0]])

robot = Robot()