Exemple #1
    def _query(self, **args):

        assert not self._pending
        assert 'query' in args
        self._running = True
        data = {
            'databaseID': 'WOS',
            'rspType': 'xml',
            'method': 'searchRetrieve',
            'firstRec': '1',
            'numRecs': self.MAX_PER_BATCH,
            'depth': '',
            'editions': '',
            'fields': '',


        self.log.debug('sending query %s' % repr(data))
        # ensure all arguments are utf8 encoded
        for k, v in data.items():
            if isinstance(v, unicode):
                data[k] = v.encode('utf-8')
        q = self.baseURL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(data)
        self._pending = HTTPRetrieve(q, method='GET')
        return self._pending.deferred
Exemple #2
class WOK(IExternal):
    """ I represent a query session on the Web of Knowledge.

    The session is connected to a database whose schema is


    schema = 'org.pybliographer/wok/0.1'

    # This base URL is for IP-based authentification. Don't know how
    # other systems work.
    baseURL = "http://estipub.isiknowledge.com/esti/cgi"

    # Maximal number of results one can ask in a single result set.
    MAX_PER_BATCH = 100

    log = logging.getLogger('pyblio.external.wok')
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.reader = Reader()
        self.db = db

        self._pending = None
        self._debug = False

    def _query(self, **args):

        assert not self._pending
        assert 'query' in args
        self._running = True
        data = {
            'databaseID': 'WOS',
            'rspType': 'xml',
            'method': 'searchRetrieve',
            'firstRec': '1',
            'numRecs': self.MAX_PER_BATCH,
            'depth': '',
            'editions': '',
            'fields': '',


        self.log.debug('sending query %s' % repr(data))
        # ensure all arguments are utf8 encoded
        for k, v in data.items():
            if isinstance(v, unicode):
                data[k] = v.encode('utf-8')
        q = self.baseURL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(data)
        self._pending = HTTPRetrieve(q, method='GET')
        return self._pending.deferred

    def _done(self, data):
        """ Called in any case to mark the end of a pending request to
        the WOK server."""
        self._pending = None
        return data

    def count(self, query):
        """ Ask WOK for the number of results of a given query."""

        d = self._query(query=query, numRecs=1, Logout='yes')

        def process(tree):
            return _r_info(tree)[0][0]
        if self._debug:
            def show(data):
                return data
            d = d.addCallback(show)

        return d.addBoth(self._done).\

    def search(self, query, maxhits=500):
        """ Start a query on the WOK, and fill in the database with
        the matches.

         @arg  query: the query, in Web of Science format
         @type query: unicode string
         @return: a deferred that will fire when the query is

        assert not self._pending
        assert maxhits > 0

        self._first = 1
        self._to_fetch = None
        # Limit our initial query to the max per batch amount.
        data = {'query': query,
                'firstRec': self._first,
                'numRecs': min(self.MAX_PER_BATCH, maxhits)}

        # We know we won't have to continue this session.
        if maxhits < self.MAX_PER_BATCH:
            data['Logout'] = 'yes'
        results = defer.Deferred()

        rs = self.db.rs.new()
        rs.name = _('Imported from Web of Knowledge')

        def failed(failure):

        # We retrieve a first result containing the total, which might
        # lead to more hits afterward.
        def received(tree):
            stats, sessionID = _r_info(tree)
            found, total = stats

            if self._to_fetch is None:
                # Now, we know how much records we are supposed to fetch
                self._to_fetch = min(found, maxhits)
            self.log.debug('session %s: received batch (%d pending)' % (
                repr(sessionID), self._to_fetch))

            self.reader.parse(tree.find('./records'), self.db, rs)

            parsed = len(rs)
            missing = self._to_fetch - parsed
            # Are we supposed to continue the current query?
            if missing <= 0:
                # If not, the main deferred returns the result set and
                # the stats, as the DB itself has been modified in the
                # meantime.

            # We can ajust the query more tightly
            data['firstRec'] = 1 + parsed
            data['numRecs'] = min(self.MAX_PER_BATCH, missing)
            data['SID'] = sessionID

            if missing < self.MAX_PER_BATCH:
                data['Logout'] = 'yes'

            d = self._query(**data).addBoth(self._done)
        # start the query process
        d = self._query(**data).addBoth(self._done)

        return results, rs

    def cancel(self):
        """ Cancel a running query. The database is not reverted to its
        original state."""
        if not self._pending:

        self._pending = None