def eddyCorrection(self,filename, ref=0): from PythonDiffusion import eddyCorrection print "Applying eddy current correction." eddyCorrection(self, filename, ref) print "Eddy current correction completed in %r seconds." %time.seconds
def eddyCorrection(self, filename=0, ref=0, protocol='eddy_v'): from PythonDiffusion import eddyCorrection starttime = print "Applying eddy current correction." if filename == 0: filename = + '_EC' eddyCorrection(self, filename=filename, ref=ref, protocol=protocol) time = - starttime print "Eddy current correction completed in %r seconds." % time.seconds
def processDiffusion(self,ec=False, bv=None): print "Processing diffusion, full pipeline." from PythonDiffusion import rescaleImage, eddyCorrection from datetime import datetime if self.nrep==1: print "Applying slope correction..." rescaleImage(self) if ec: print "ec=True. Applying eddy current correction." eddyCorrection(self,'_EC', protocol='eddy_v') self.tensorFit(bv=bv)
def processDiffusion(self, ec=False, bv=None, mode='dti', removea0=0, mask=True): print "Processing diffusion, full pipeline." from PythonDiffusion import rescaleImage, eddyCorrection from datetime import datetime if self.nrep == 1: print "Applying slope correction..." rescaleImage(self) if ec: print "ec=True. Applying eddy current correction." eddyCorrection(self, + '_EC', protocol='eddy_correct') if mode == 'dti' or mode == 'RESTORE': self.tensorFit(bv=bv, removea0=removea0, m=mode, mask=mask) elif mode == 'dki': self.processKurtosis()
os.path.join(filen, filen + "_nonselT1fit")) aslimg.save_output(os.path.join(filen, filen + '_Full')) pl.close() except ValueError: print "Image shape incorrect: ", aslimg.shape, "Not compatible with amount of inversion times provided." elif ("dti" in im.protocol.lower() or "dwi" in im.protocol.lower() or "dki" in im.protocol.lower() or 'trace' in im.protocol.lower()) and[-1] == '1': dtimg = DiffusionImg(filen) if not ((len(dtimg.bvals) - dtimg.nA0) / len(dtimg.dwdir) >= 1 and len(dtimg.dwdir) > 5): if EC: from PythonDiffusion import eddyCorrection eddyCorrection(dtimg, + '_EC', protocol='eddy_correct') if (len(dtimg.bvals) - dtimg.nA0) / len(dtimg.dwdir) == 1: print "Single b-value found, but not enough directions to fit a tensor. Calculating trace image." dtimg.trace_1b() nif = nib.Nifti1Image(dtimg.trace, dtimg.affine), filen + '_trace.nii') elif (len(dtimg.bvals) - dtimg.nA0) / len(dtimg.dwdir) > 1: print "Multiple b-values found, but not enough directions to fit a tensor. Fitting trace image." dtimg.trace_multib() nif = nib.Nifti1Image(dtimg.trace, dtimg.affine), filen + '_trace.nii') elif os.path.isfile( + '_EC.nii.gz') or os.path.isfile( + '_EC.nii'):