Exemple #1
    def helpButtonClicked(self):
        instructionsWidget = QtGui.QDialog(self)
        instructionsWidget.setWindowTitle("Plugin Manager Help")
        instructionsLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        instructionsTextEdit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
        instructionsWidget.resize(750, 500)
Welcome to Plugin Manager!

- Plugin manager is the client front-end for a enumeration of local plugins and retrieval of remote plugins
- Remote plugins on a server, in a location specified by a URL
- All plugin URLs of an organization are listed in a repository index file on a server, in a location indicated by a repo URL
- Repository URLs of different organization are listed in a repository list on a knossos server, in a location indicated by the repo list URL
- In addition to remote plugins, local plugins can be developed independently of any repository

- The plugin GUI includes a plugin table, metadata table, log table and options
- Upon startup of knossos, a default plugin directory is used. This can be reconfigured by "Plugin Dir"
- The default knossos repo list URL is used. Chnage it by editing "Repo List URL"
- Press "Refresh" to enumerate local plugins and retrieve remote repository indices
- Check "Offline" to avoid remote listing: local plugins would be enumerated, no remote plugins would be listed, hence no updates would be available
- Press "Update All" to to retrieve all updated remote plugins, or "Update Selected" for those plugins selected in the table
- Python files (.py extension) are defined as Knossos plugins by metadata lines of format
- Mandatory metadata fields are Version and Description. Absence of any disqualifies the file as plugin
- All metadata fields are shown at the metadata table when a plugin is clicked
- Double-click a plugin in the table to open the local version, if available
- Press "Defaults" to restore default plugin dir, repo list URL and other options
- Repo index and repo list file format is a header line of <First Field Name>\\t<Second Field Name>\\t<Third Field Name> etc.,
while the rest of the files is lines of <First Field>\\t<Second Field>\\t<Third Field> etc.
Mandatory fields for repo index - URL,Version,Description ; for repo list - Name,URL

- The plugin directory requires refreshing every time a local or remote plugin is added or removed,
in order for knossos to correctly reflect available local and remote plugins in the plugin menu
- Version numbers are compared from major to minor, using . as hierarchy separator: 3 > 2.2 > 2.1.9 > 1.10 > 1.9
Each version component has to be the pythonic string representation of a number. For example, 1.02 is not supported, use 1.2 instead.
- Check "Overwrite Same Version" to overwrite local with remote even when version number is identical
- Check "Quiet" to skip errors and make default choices for questions
- Press "Save Log" to save the current log into a tab-separated text file
- Press "Clear Log" to clear the log
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self):

        self.textEdit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
        self.textEdit.setWindowTitle('Output console')
        self.textEdit.readOnly = True
        self.scrollBar = self.textEdit.verticalScrollBar()