def make_ft_axis(length, dt, undersampling = 0, normalized_to_period = 0, zero_in_middle = False, flag_verbose = False):
    fourier transform the time axis
    20101204/RB: started
    20130131/RB: now uses speed of light value from Crocodile.Resources.Constants

    length: amount of samples
    dt: time between samples
    normalized_to_period: will normalize the spectrum to 1 for the specified period. If the number is 0, the spectrum will not be normalized.
    zero_in_middle: determines the frequency axes.

    A frequency axis.     

    DEBUG.verbose("make FT axis", flag_verbose)
    if normalized_to_period == 0:   
        resolution = 1 / ( CONST.wavenumberToInvFs * length * dt)
        resolution = normalized_to_period / (length * dt)

    array = numpy.arange((undersampling)*length/2, (undersampling+1)*length/2)*resolution

    if zero_in_middle == False:
        return numpy.concatenate((array,-numpy.flipud(array)))
        return numpy.concatenate((-numpy.flipud(array), array))
def execute(args):

    if args.skip1 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_setting_file_stuff)
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[0], True)
Exemple #3
def make_numpy_ndarray(val):
    make a numpy.ndarray out of val, used by make_coordinates()
    Types of val that are accepted:        
    int, float, string: make it a list and then numpy.ndarray.
    list: make it a numpy.ndarray
    tuple: convert to a list, then numpy.ndarray
    numpy.ndarray: return directly
    Not accepted:
    20130317/RB: started
    if type(val) == numpy.ndarray:
        return val
    elif type(val) == list:
        return numpy.array(val)
    elif type(val) == dict:
        DEBUG.printError("Value shouldn't be a dict or tuple", inspect.stack())
        return False
    elif type(val) == tuple:
        return numpy.array(list(val))
        return numpy.array([val])  
def execute(args):

    if args.skip1 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_find_axes)
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[0], True)

    if args.skip2 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_make_contours_2d)
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[1], True)   

    if args.skip3 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_find_axes_indices)
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[2], True)        

    if args.skip4 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_truncate_data)
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[3], True)  

    if args.skip5 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_find_subplots)
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[4], True)  
Exemple #5
def truncate_data(data, x_axis, y_axis, x_min_i, x_max_i, y_min_i, y_max_i, flag_verbose = False):
    Truncate data in a non-default way. 
    x_axis = [1,2,3,4,5]
    x_min_i = 0
    if x_max_i == 2: x_axis = [1,2]
    if x_max_i == 4: x_axis = [1,2,3,4]
    if x_max_i == -1: x_axis = [1,2,3,4,5]
    20130213: was in Plotting.contourplot function, moved to Functions module, now handles x_max_i == -1
    DEBUG.verbose("Truncate data", flag_verbose)

    if x_max_i == -1:
        DEBUG.verbose("  x_max == -1", flag_verbose)
        data = data[:,x_min_i:]
        x_axis = x_axis[x_min_i:]
        DEBUG.verbose("  x_max != -1", flag_verbose)
        data = data[:,x_min_i:x_max_i]
        x_axis = x_axis[x_min_i:x_max_i]        

    if y_max_i == -1:
        DEBUG.verbose("  y_max == -1", flag_verbose)
        data = data[y_min_i:,:]
        y_axis = y_axis[y_min_i:]   
        DEBUG.verbose("  y_max != -1", flag_verbose)
        data = data[y_min_i:y_max_i,:]
        y_axis = y_axis[y_min_i:y_max_i]         
    return data, x_axis, y_axis
 def test_time_stamp_False(self):
     This is correct
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.time_stamp = False
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.time_stamp, "False")
 def test_time_stamp_5_int(self):
     This is correct
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.time_stamp = 12345
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.time_stamp, "12345")
 def test_import_data_no_data(self):
     folder exists, LV_file_format.1 exists and is correct, but contains no other data
     self.mess.path = "Test_resources/petw_test_folder_2/"
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError about importing is intentional", True)
     res = self.mess.import_data(flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
 def test_phase_rad_nan(self):
     None sets phase_degrees to init value
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.phase_rad = None
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_degrees, None)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_rad, None)
 def test_2p_1m(self):
     mess[0].s = 1 + [1].s: 2 - [2].s: 3
     (1 + 2) / 2 - 3 = -1.5
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning about zeropad intentional", True)
     mer = PEME.pe_merge("Test", class_plus = [self.mess[0], self.mess[1]], class_min = [self.mess[2]], flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.all(mer.s == -1.5))
 def test_phase_rad_true(self):
     True should be interpreted as 1
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.phase_rad = True
     self.assertAlmostEqual(self.dc.phase_degrees, 1 * 180 / numpy.pi)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_rad, 1)
 def test_phase_rad_nan(self):
     numpy.nan should give error, no value is set
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.phase_rad = numpy.nan
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_degrees, None)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_rad, None)
 def test_phase_rad_false(self):
     False should be interpreted as 0
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.phase_rad = False
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_degrees, 0)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_rad, 0)
 def test_phase_degrees_none(self):
     None should will reset phase_degrees to init value
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     self.dc.phase_degrees = None
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_degrees, None)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.phase_rad, None)
Exemple #15
 def test_import_data_incorrect_path(self):
     Path is incorrect, no data imported. Returns False
     self.mess.path = "Test_resources/FolderDoesNotExist/"
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError that directory can't found is intentional", True)
     res = self.mess.import_data(flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
 def test_zeropad_to_r_uninit(self):
     without r set, it should give an error
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError is intentional", True)
     self.dc.zeropad_to = 40
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.zeropad_to, None)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.zeropad_by, 1.0)
Exemple #17
 def test_import_data_wrong_file_format(self):
     LV_file_format.666 should not be recognized.
     self.mess.path = "Test_resources/petw_test_folder_1/"
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError about unknown file format is intentional", True)
     res = self.mess.import_data(flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
Exemple #18
 def test_object_with_sub_type_unknown_sub_type(self):
     Test if objects with sub_type 'x' are found - there should be none. This raises a warning. The resulting array has length zero.
     sub_type = "x"
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True) 
     array = self.oa.list_objects_with_sub_type(sub_type = sub_type, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)       
     self.assertTrue(len(array) == 0)        
Exemple #19
 def test_add_array_with_objects_2(self):
     Add unique and a non-unique object to the array
     temp = [self.a, self.c]
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True) 
     self.oa.add_array_with_objects(temp, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose) 
     self.assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"] ==  self.oa.obj_id_array)        
 def test_rs_1(self):
     This should work correct
     r and s exist
     DEBUG.verbose("\nTwo intentional zeropad warnings", True)
     mer = PEME.pe_merge("Test", class_plus = [self.mess[0]], class_min = [self.mess[1]], flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
Exemple #21
 def test_add_object_with_same_obj_id(self):
     Add object with same obj_id
     a = OA.testobject("Boot", "a", "power", flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError is intentional", True)
     result = self.oa.add_object(a, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     self.assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"] ==  self.oa.obj_id_array and result == False) 
Exemple #22
 def test_add_object_without_obj_id(self):
     Add object without obj_id
     oa = OA.objectarray("test_new")
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError is intentional", True)
     result = oa.add_object(1, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
Exemple #23
def linear(data, x_axis, 
    x_range = [0, 0], 
    y_range = [0, 0], 
    ax = False, 
    x_label = "", 
    y_label = "", 
    title = "", 
    legend = "", 
    plot_real = True,
    flag_verbose = False):

    DEBUG.verbose("linear plot", flag_verbose)

    if plot_real:
        data = numpy.real(data)

    # make the x-axis
    if x_range == [0, 0]:
        x_min = x_axis[0]
        x_max = x_axis[-1]
        x_min = x_range[0]
        x_max = x_range[1]

    # select the appropriate data range
    x_min_i = numpy.where(x_axis > x_min)[0][0]
    x_max_i = numpy.where(x_axis < x_max)[0][-1] 

    x_axis = x_axis[x_min_i:x_max_i]
    data = data[x_min_i:x_max_i]     

    # make sure there is an axis-object
    if ax == False:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        flag_show = True
        flag_show = False

    # the actual plot
    ax.plot(x_axis, data, label = legend)

    ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
    if y_range != [0,-1]:
        ax.set_ylim(y_range[0], y_range[1])



    if legend != "":

    if flag_show:
    return True
Exemple #24
    def test_obj_id_str(self):

        oa = OA.objectarray("test")
        a = OA.testobject("Auto", "a", "power", flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)

        oa.add_object(a, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
        DEBUG.verbose("\nOverwrite warning is intentional", True)
        oa.save_objectarray(self.path_and_filename, flag_overwrite = True, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
 def test_reverse_edges(self):
     The function does no sanity-checking. 
     val_min = 27.0
     val_max = 22.0
     DEBUG.verbose("\nWarning is intentional", True)
     res = FU.find_axes_indices(self.axis, val_min, val_max)
     self.assertEqual(res, (7,4))
 def test_zeropad_to_nan(self):
     set zeropad_to to numpy.nan
     self.dc.r = [numpy.ones((10,20)), numpy.ones((10,20))]
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError is intentional", True)
     self.dc.zeropad_to = numpy.nan
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.zeropad_to, None)
     self.assertEqual(self.dc.zeropad_by, 1.0)
Exemple #27
def fourier(array, 
    zero_in_middle = False, 
    first_correction = False, 
    zeropad_to = None, 
    window_function = "none", 
    window_length = 0, 
    flag_plot = False, 
    flag_verbose = False):
    A Fourier transform for any dimension.

    - array (x-dimensions ndarray): to be FFT'd
    - zero_in_middle (BOOL): for FFT the zero-time should be the first element of the array. If the zero is in the middle, it will be shifted first
    - first_correction (BOOL): if the first element of the array has to be halved, check this as True
    - zeropad_to (number): Length of the transformed axis of the output. If n is smaller than the length of the input, the input is cropped. If it is larger, the input is padded with zeros. If n is None, the length of the input (along the axis specified by axis) is used.

    array (x-dimensions ndarray): Fourier transformed array

    20101204 RB: started
    20110909 RB: added zeropadding

    DEBUG.verbose("FFT", flag_verbose)
    # shift time = 0 to first element
    if zero_in_middle == True:
        array = numpy.fft.ifftshift(array)

    # half the first element
    if first_correction == True: 
        dim = len(numpy.shape(array))
        if dim == 1:
            array[0] /= 2
        elif dim == 2:
            array[0,:] /= 2
            array[:,0] /= 2
        elif dim > 2:
            DEBUG.printError("Correction of the first element is not done!", inspect.stack())

    # window function
    if window_function != "none": 
        array = window_functions(array, window_function, window_length, flag_plot = flag_plot)

    # the fft
    array = numpy.fft.fft(array, n = zeropad_to)

    # move the array back if it was shifted
    if zero_in_middle == True:
        array = numpy.fft.fftshift(array)

    return array 
 def test_phase_degrees_uninit_1(self):
     mess[0].phase_degrees = None
     s=[0] to suppress zeropad warning
     self.mess[0].s = [0]
     DEBUG.verbose("\nIntentional phase warning", True)
     self.mess[0].phase_degrees = None
     DEBUG.verbose("\nIntentional phase warning", True)
     mer = PEME.pe_merge("Test", class_plus = [self.mess[0]], class_min = [self.mess[1]], flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     self.assertEqual(mer.phase_degrees, None)  
Exemple #29
 def test_obj_id_unicode(self):
     This testcase may be unnecesary. If you use from __future__ import unicode_literals, then somes strings are suddenly unicode, giving problems when saving the database. However, in Python 3.3 they removed this. Without the __future__ thingy it also works fine in Python 2.7.
     oa = OA.objectarray("test")
     l = ["auto"]
     a = OA.testobject(l[0], "a", "power", flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     oa.add_object(a, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     DEBUG.verbose("\nOverwrite warning is intentional", True)
     oa.save_objectarray(self.path_and_filename, flag_overwrite = True, flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
 def test_phase_degrees_uninit_2(self):
     mess[1].phase_degrees = None
     s=[0] to suppress zeropad warning
     Tests if the order makes a difference. It shouldn't
     self.mess[0].s = [0]
     DEBUG.verbose("\nIntentional phase warning", True)
     self.mess[1].phase_degrees = None
     DEBUG.verbose("\nError is intentional", True)
     mer = PEME.pe_merge("Test", class_plus = [self.mess[0]], class_min = [self.mess[1]], flag_verbose = self.flag_verbose)
     self.assertEqual(mer.phase_degrees, None)  
Exemple #31
def execute(args):

    if args.skip1 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[0], True)

    if args.skip2 == False:
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(
        DEBUG.verbose("Skipping: " + suite_list[1], True)