Exemple #1
def _II (*strings):
  """_II(string): interpolates multiple strings. Does an implicit assign_templates call beforehand. Useful as
  the opening line of a function, as e.g. arg1,arg2 = _II(arg1,arg2);
  frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back;
  ret = [ x and interpolate(x,frame) for x in strings ];
  return ret[0] if len(strings)<2 else ret;
Exemple #2
def _II (*strings):
  """_II(string): interpolates multiple strings. Does an implicit assign_templates call beforehand. Useful as
  the opening line of a function, as e.g. arg1,arg2 = _II(arg1,arg2);
  frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back;
  ret = [ x and interpolate(x,frame) for x in strings ];
  return ret[0] if len(strings)<2 else ret;
Exemple #3
def _I (string,level=1):
  """_I(string): interpolates (i.e. replaces by value) $VAR and ${VAR} occurrences of local and 
  global variables. Local variables are interpreted as those in the context of the caller (i.e. 1 level away).
  _i(string,level): change the number of caller levels for lookup of locals, e.g. 2 means caller of caller
  _i(string,-1): interpolate across all callers
  frame = inspect.currentframe();
  for i in range(level):
    frame = frame and frame.f_back;
  return interpolate(string,frame);
Exemple #4
def _I (string,level=1):
  """_I(string): interpolates (i.e. replaces by value) $VAR and ${VAR} occurrences of local and 
  global variables. Local variables are interpreted as those in the context of the caller (i.e. 1 level away).
  _i(string,level): change the number of caller levels for lookup of locals, e.g. 2 means caller of caller
  _i(string,-1): interpolate across all callers
  frame = inspect.currentframe();
  for i in range(level):
    frame = frame and frame.f_back;
  return interpolate(string,frame);
Exemple #5
def makedir (dirname,no_interpolate=False):
  """Makes sure the supplied directory exists, by creating parents as necessary. Interpolates the dirname.""";
  if not no_interpolate:
    dirname = interpolate(dirname,inspect.currentframe().f_back);
  parent = dirname;
  # go back and accumulate list of dirs to be created
  parents = [];
  while parent and not os.path.exists(parent):
    parent = os.path.dirname(parent);
  # create in reverse
  for parent in parents[::-1]:
    verbose(1,"creating directory %s"%parent);
Exemple #6
def makedir (dirname,no_interpolate=False):
  """Makes sure the supplied directory exists, by creating parents as necessary. Interpolates the dirname.""";
  if not no_interpolate:
    dirname = interpolate(dirname,inspect.currentframe().f_back);
  parent = dirname;
  while parent and parent[-1] == '/':
    parent = parent[:-1]
  # go back and accumulate list of dirs to be created
  parents = [];
  while parent and not os.path.exists(parent):
    parent = os.path.dirname(parent);
  # create in reverse
  for parent in parents[::-1]:
    verbose(1,"creating directory %s"%parent);