def set_savings_multiply(self, value):
        **Save savings multiply to database**

        This value will be used to calculate robot savings. If set 0 (zero), robot has not
        done any actual savings.

        :param: value: Integer.
        | Set savings multiply      | 2
        | Set savings multiply      | 0

        if self.mongodbc == None:
            self.warning("Mongodb Server not available, cannot set custom trigger!")

        # Filter to find existing document
        filter = {"Runid": self.runid, "Robot": self.robotname}
        # Add or modify document
        update = [{ "$addFields": {"SavingsMultiply": int(value)}}]

        # Add/update to database. If 'filter' do not find any documents new will added
        # otherwise existing document will be updated
        self.mongodbc.robotData.robotSavedData.update_one(filter, update, upsert=True)
        DebugLog.log(f"* Updated robot savings multiply to: {value}")
    def setup_data(self, runid=None, robotname=None):
        **Setup robot data from database**

        :param runid:  Integer id of robot run
        :param robotname: String name of the robot that is running
        | Setup data      | runid=${RUNID} | robotname=${ROBOTNAME}
        | Setup data      | ${RUNID} | ${ROBOTNAME}


        # Set query parameters
        runid = runid if runid else self.runid
        robotname = robotname if robotname else self.robotname
        query = {"Runid": runid, "Robot": robotname}
        DebugLog.log("Query parameters: %s" % query)

        # Find robot data
        result = self.mongodbc.robotData.robotSavedData.find_one(query)
        # Add data to robot variables
        if result and "rpaData" in result:
            for key, value in result["rpaData"].items():
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    string_list = ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in value.items()]
                    value = BuiltIn().create_dictionary(*string_list)
                elif isinstance(value, list):
                    value = BuiltIn().create_list(*value)

                BuiltIn().set_suite_variable("${%s}" % key, value)
    def set_custom_post_trigger(self, condition=True):
        **Save custom post trigger to database**

        If set True, other robot can be triggered, regardless of current robots result.

        :param: condition: Boolean to set custom post trigger on/off. Default True.
        | Set custom post trigger      | True
        | Set custom post trigger      | ${TRUE}
        | Set custom post trigger      | ${FALSE}

        if self.mongodbc == None:
            self.warning("Mongodb Server not available, cannot set custom trigger!")

        # Filter to find existing document
        filter = {"Runid": self.runid, "Robot": self.robotname}
        # Add or modify document
        update = [{ "$addFields": {"CustomPostTrigger": str(condition).capitalize()}}]

        # Add/update to database. If 'filter' do not find any documents new will added
        # otherwise existing document will be updated
        self.mongodbc.robotData.robotSavedData.update_one(filter, update, upsert=True)
        DebugLog.log(f"* Set custom post trigger to: {str(condition).capitalize()}")
    def remove_resource_list_value(self, field_path, list_value, robotname=None):
        **Removes field from robot resources**

        :param field_path: String path to field to remove (dot presentation)
        :param list_value: Any  list value to remove
        :param robotname: String name of the robot (optional)
        | *Robot level example*
        | Remove resource list value      | field.list.remove    | list value
        | *Page model level example*
        | ``QAutoRobot.remove_resource_list_value("field.list.remove", "list value")``

        if self.mongodbc == None:
            self.warning("Mongodb Server not available, cannot remove resource data")
            return  None
        # Set query parameters
        robotname = robotname if robotname else self.robotname
        query = {"Robot": robotname}

        results = self.mongodbc.robotData.robotResources.update_one(query, {"$pull": {field_path: list_value}})
        if results.modified_count == 0:
            self.warning(f"Nothing removed from '{robotname}' resources. Maybe field '{field_path}' or list value '{list_value}' does not exists!")
            DebugLog.log(f"* '{robotname}' resources list value '{list_value}' removed from field '{field_path}'.")
    def remove_resource_document(self, robotname=None):
        **Removes whole document from robot resources**

        :param robotname: String name of the robot (optional)
        | *Robot level example*
        | Remove resource document
        | *Page model level example*
        | ``QAutoRobot.remove_resource_document()``

        if self.mongodbc == None:
            self.warning("Mongodb Server not available, cannot remove resource data")
            return  None
        # Set query parameters
        robotname = robotname if robotname else self.robotname
        query = {"Robot": robotname}

        results = self.mongodbc.robotData.robotResources.delete_one(query)
        if results.deleted_count == 0:
            self.warning(f"Nothing removed! Maybe resource document '{robotname}' does not exists!")
            DebugLog.log(f"* '{robotname}' document removed from resources")
    def save_resources(self, **kwargs):
        **Saves robot permanent data to database**

        :param \**kwargs: 1..n named arguments, if "robotname" in **kwargs it used to identify robot resource
        | *Robot level example*
        | Save resources      | MyDataName=MyDataValue | SecondDataName=SecondDataValue
        | *Page model level example*
        | ``QAutoRobot.save_resources(MyDataName=MyData)``

        if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0:
            self.warning("RPA data missing! Nothing to add database!")
        if self.mongodbc == None:
            self.warning("Mongodb Server not available, cannot save data!")

        # Filter to find existing document
        robotname = kwargs.pop("robotname") if "robotname" in kwargs else self.robotname
        filter = {"Robot": robotname}
        # Data to add or modify document
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            data_to_save.update({key: value})
        update = [{ "$addFields": data_to_save}]

        # Add to database. If 'filter' do not find any documents new will added
        # otherwise existing data will be updated
        self.mongodbc.robotData.robotResources.update_one(filter, update, upsert=True)
        DebugLog.log(f"* '{robotname}' data saved to robotResources: {data_to_save}")
Exemple #7
    def close_all(self):

        for current_driver in self.drivers_by_id.values():
            id_or_alias = current_driver.alias and current_driver.alias or
            DebugLog.log("* Closing browser '%s' with id or alias '%s'" %
                         (current_driver.browser, id_or_alias))
            if current_driver.browser == GlobalUtils.IE:

    def rpa_logger_init(self, filename=None, robotname=None, runid=1, mongodbIPPort="localhost:27017/", vmname="", username="",
                        password="", sslbool=True):
        :param filename: Path to the .json file where the information will be saved. Mandatory
        :param robotname: Name of the robot that generated the message to be saved Mandatory
        :param mongodbIPPort: ip and port: e.g localhost:27017/ Mandatory
        :param username: MongoDb username. Default empty. Optional
        :param password: MongoDb password. Default empty. Optional
        :param ssl: True or False. DefaultFalse. Optional

        if mongodbIPPort != "":
                if username == "":
                        username = os.environ["MONGODBUSER"]
                if password == "":
                        password = os.environ["MONGODBPASSWD"]
                if username != "":
                    self.mongodbc = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://" + mongodbIPPort, username=username, password=password, ssl=sslbool, ssl_cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE)
                    self.mongodbc = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://" + mongodbIPPort)
            except (ConnectionFailure, OperationFailure) as e:
                self.mongodbc = None
                DebugLog.log("Mongodb Server not available or authentication failed")
                    "RPA Mongodb Server not available or authentication failed. Please check connection parameters.")
        if filename:
            if os.path.isfile(os.getcwd() + os.sep + "test_reports" + os.sep + filename):
                DebugLog.log("RPA logger file exists")
                DebugLog.log("RPA logger file will be created")
                robot_list = [{"Robot": robotname, "Sections": []}]
                self.append_to_file(os.getcwd() + os.sep + "test_reports" + os.sep + filename, robot_list)
        self.filename = filename
        self.robotname = robotname.replace(" ", "_")
        self.runid = int(runid)
        self.vmname = vmname
    def log_data(self, **kwargs):
        :param \**kwargs:
        **state (string): Current robot state (optional)
        **title (string): Current message title (optional)
        **msg (string): Message to be saved to logs (optional)
        | Log data      | state=ReadyReading | title=excelRead  | msg=All reading completed
        | Log data      | state=ReadyOngoing |
        | Log data      | title=excelRead | msg=All reading failed | type=Warning
        | Log data      | title=excelRead | msg=Generic error | type=Error

        except AttributeError:
            self.warning("RPA logger file missing. Make sure that rpa logger init keyword is called in test setup.")
            return True

        if self.filename == None:
            DebugLog.log("RPA logger file missing. Make sure that rpa logger init keyword is called in test setup.")
  "RPA logger file missing. Make sure that rpa logger init keyword is called in test setup.")

        message = ""
        sectionname = ""
        state = ""
        type = "Normal"
        if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0:
  "Log rpa Keyword arguments missing state or title or msg.")
        for kwarg in kwargs.keys():
            if kwarg == "title":
                sectionname = kwargs["title"]
            if kwarg == "msg":
                message = kwargs["msg"]
            if kwarg == "state":
                state = kwargs["state"]
            if kwarg == "type":
                type = kwargs["type"]

        timestamp =".")[0]
        entry = None
        messages = None
        value = re.sub("[^0-9.,-]", "", message).strip()
        entry_message = {"Timestamp": timestamp, "Type": type, "Text": message, "Value": str(value)}
        entry_section = {"Messages": [{"Timestamp": timestamp, "Type": type, "Text": message, "Value": str(value)}],
                         "Title": sectionname}
        if self.mongodbc != None:
            mydb = self.mongodbc["robotData"]
            mycol = mydb["robotInfo"]
            entry_message_db = {"Timestamp": timestamp, "Type": type, "Text": message, "Value": str(value),
                                "Title": sectionname, "Robot": self.robotname, "Runid": self.runid, "State": state,
                                "VMname": self.vmname}
            x = mycol.insert_one(entry_message_db)
            DebugLog.log(f"Title: {sectionname}, Message: {message}")

        #DebugLog.log("Appending to json...", entry_message)
        with open(os.getcwd() + os.sep + "test_reports" + os.sep + self.filename) as feedsjson:
            feeds = json.load(feedsjson)

        already_added = False
        for section in feeds:
            messages = section["Sections"]
            for message in messages:
                    title = message["Title"]
                    if title == sectionname:
                        messa = message["Messages"]
                        already_added = True
                        secto = section["Sections"]
                except Exception as e:
                    DebugLog.log("Error in adding")
                    secto = section["Sections"]
            if already_added == False:
                #DebugLog.log("Already added")
                secto = section["Sections"]
        with open(os.getcwd() + os.sep + "test_reports" + os.sep + self.filename, mode='w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(feeds, indent=4))