Exemple #1
    def closure(self):
        Generate the closure the graph. This is the real 'core'.

        The processing rules store new triples via the L{separate method<store_triple>} which stores
        them in the L{added_triples<added_triples>} array. If that array is emtpy at the end of a cycle,
        it means that the whole process can be stopped.

        If required, the relevant axiomatic triples are added to the graph before processing in cycles. Similarly
        the exchange of literals against bnodes is also done in this step (and restored after all cycles are over).

        # Handling the axiomatic triples. In general, this means adding all tuples in the list that
        # forwarded, and those include RDF or RDFS. In both cases the relevant parts of the container axioms should also
        # be added.
        if self.axioms:

        # Create the bnode proxy structure for literals
        self.literal_proxies = LiteralProxies(self.graph, self)

        # Add the datatype axioms, if needed (note that this makes use of the literal proxies, the order of the call
        # is important!
        if self.daxioms:


        # Get first the 'one-time rules', ie, those that do not need an extra round in cycles down the line

        # Go cyclically through all rules until no change happens
        new_cycle = True
        cycle_num = 0
        while new_cycle:
            # yes, there was a change, let us go again
            cycle_num += 1

            # DEBUG: print the cycle number out
            if self._debug:
                print("----- Cycle #:%d" % cycle_num)

            # go through all rules, and collect the replies (to see whether any change has been done)
            # the new triples to be added are collected separately not to interfere with
            # the current graph yet

            # Execute all the rules; these might fill up the added triples array
            for t in self.graph:
                self.rules(t, cycle_num)

            # Add the tuples to the graph (if necessary, that is). If any new triple has been generated, a new cycle
            # will be necessary...
            new_cycle = len(self.added_triples) > 0

            for t in self.added_triples:

        # All done, but we should restore the literals from their proxies


        # Add possible error messages
        if self.error_messages:
            # I am not sure this is the right vocabulary to use for this purpose, but I haven't found anything!
            # I could, of course, come up with my own, but I am not sure that would be kosher...
            ERRNS = Namespace("http://www.daml.org/2002/03/agents/agent-ont#")
            for m in self.error_messages:
                message = BNode()
                self.graph.add((message, type, ERRNS['ErrorMessage']))
                self.graph.add((message, ERRNS['error'], rdflibLiteral(m)))