def make_pdf_with_sixTH2Fs(h2_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps, h2_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps, h2_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps_perc, h2_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps_perc, h2_norm_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps_perc, h2_norm_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps_perc): """Make a PDF with all 6 two-D hists. Args: h2_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps (ROOT.TH2): First TH2. h2_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps (ROOT.TH2): [description] h2_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps_perc (ROOT.TH2): [description] h2_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps_perc (ROOT.TH2): [description] h2_norm_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps_perc (ROOT.TH2): [description] h2_norm_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps_perc (ROOT.TH2): [description] """ markersize = 0.8 # 0.1, 0.01 style = setTDRStyle() style.SetPadRightMargin(0.15) canv = TCanvas() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) canv.Print(outpdf_path + "[") for h in (h2_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps, h2_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps): gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2g") h.UseCurrentStyle() h.SetMarkerSize(markersize) h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 5.5E6) h.Draw("colz text") pave = make_pave_with_stats(h, xmin=0.15, ymin=0.8, xmax=0.4, ymax=0.9) pave.Draw("same") canv.Print(outpdf_path) for h in (h2_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps_perc, h2_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps_perc): gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2g%%") h.SetMarkerSize(markersize) h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 85.0) h.Draw("colz text") pave = make_pave_with_stats(h, xmin=0.15, ymin=0.8, xmax=0.4, ymax=0.9) pave.Draw("same") canv.Print(outpdf_path) for h in (h2_norm_ntightleps_vs_ntotleps_perc, h2_norm_ntightandIsoleps_vs_ntotleps_perc): gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2g%%") h.SetMarkerSize(markersize) h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 100.0) h.Draw("colz text") pave = make_pave_with_stats(h, xmin=0.15, ymin=0.8, xmax=0.4, ymax=0.9) pave.Draw("same") canv.Print(outpdf_path) canv.Print(outpdf_path + "]")
def plot2D(year, tagger, wp, tipo = 'B'): c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 10, 10, 1600, 1200) fname = path[year] if isinstance(year, int): year = "%i"%year hnameN = "BtagSF%s_%s%s_%s"%(tipo, tagger, wp, year); hnameD = "BtagSF%s_%s%s_%s"%(tipo, tagger, 'D', year); hnum = Get2D(fname, hnameN) hden = Get2D(fname, hnameD) h = hnum.Clone() h.Divide(hden) h.Draw("colz,text") h.SetTitle('') h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Jet p_{T} (GeV)") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Jet |#eta|") gStyle.SetOptStat(0); gStyle.SetPalette(1); gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("1.2f"); #mg = TMultiGraph() #mg.Add() t = GetTLatex("%s %s b tag MC efficiencies for %s jets, %s"%(tagger, wp, tipo, year), 0.12, 0.93) c.SaveAs(outpath+hnameN+'.png') c.SaveAs(outpath+hnameN+'.pdf') h.SetDirectory(0) return h
def make_pdf_with_twoTH2Fs(th2_first, th2_sec, outpdf_path): hist_ls = [th2_first, th2_sec] canv = TCanvas() style = setTDRStyle(pad_right_margin=0.15) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".3g") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) canv.Print(outpdf_path + "[") for h2 in hist_ls: h2.GetXaxis().CenterLabels() h2.GetYaxis().CenterLabels() h2.UseCurrentStyle() h2.Draw("colz text") gPad.Update() pave = make_pave_with_stats(h2, xmin=0.15, ymin=0.8, xmax=0.4, ymax=0.9) pave.Draw("same") # statsbox = h2.FindObject("stats") # statsbox.SetX1NDC(0.55) # statsbox.SetX2NDC(0.8) # statsbox.SetY1NDC(0.8) # statsbox.SetY2NDC(0.9) canv.Print(outpdf_path) canv.Print(outpdf_path + "]")
def dm_migration(tree, tau_decayMode_string=None, labels=None, gen_cut='tau_gen_pt>20 && abs(tau_gen_eta)<2.3', title='', formats=[]): '''Creates a decay mode migration plot. Parameters: tree (ROOT TTree): input tree tau_decayMode_string (str): draw expression that maps the decay modes onto ints (-2: undefined, used only for reco axis) (-1 and following: regular decay modes) labels (list of str): labels for title (str): title used for output plot formats (list of str): picture formats used for output plot ''' if not tau_decayMode_string: tau_decayMode_string = ('-2' '+ (tau_pt>20 && tau_decayMode>=0 && tau_decayMode <200)*(1 ' # will contain reco DM 5 and 6 and other gen DMs '+ (tau_decayMode==0)' '+ 2*(tau_decayMode==1||tau_decayMode==2)' '+ 3*(tau_decayMode==10)' '+ 4*(tau_decayMode==11))' ) if not labels: labels = ['None', 'Other', '#pi', '#pi#pi^{0}s', '#pi#pi#pi', '#pi#pi#pi#pi^{0}s'] canvas = TCanvas('decay_mode_matrix') n_l = len(labels) h_migration = TH2F('migration{}'.format(title), '', n_l-1, -1., n_l-2., n_l, -2, n_l-2.) tree.Project(h_migration.GetName(), tau_decayMode_string+':'+tau_decayMode_string.replace('tau_', 'tau_gen_'), gen_cut) for y_bin in range(1, h_migration.GetYaxis().GetNbins()+1): h_migration.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(y_bin, labels[y_bin-1]) for x_bin in range(1, h_migration.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1): h_migration.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(x_bin, labels[x_bin]) h_migration.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Offline DM') h_migration.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Generated DM') for x_bin in range(1, h_migration.GetNbinsX()+1): int_y = sum(h_migration.GetBinContent(x_bin, y_bin) for y_bin in range(1, h_migration.GetNbinsY()+1)) if int_y == 0.: int_y = 1. for y_bin in range(1, h_migration.GetNbinsY()+1): h_migration.SetBinContent(x_bin, y_bin, h_migration.GetBinContent(x_bin, y_bin)/int_y) h_migration.Draw('TEXT') h_migration.SetMarkerColor(1) h_migration.SetMarkerSize(2.2) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("1.2f") for f in formats: canvas.Print(f'dm_migration_{title}.{f}') canvas.keeper = h_migration return canvas
def plot2D(histname, hist, log=False, year=''): """Plot efficiency.""" dir = ensureDirectory('plots/Efficiency') name = "%s/%s" % (dir, histname) if log: name += "_log" xtitle = 'jet p_{T} [GeV]' ytitle = 'jet #eta' ztitle = 'b tag efficiencies' if '_b_' in histname else 'b miss-tag rate' name = name + "_" + str(year) canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 100, 100, 800, 700) canvas.SetFillColor(0) canvas.SetBorderMode(0) canvas.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvas.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.07) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.13) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.12) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.17) canvas.SetTickx(0) canvas.SetTicky(0) canvas.SetGrid() if log: canvas.SetLogz() hist.Draw('COLZTEXT77') hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitle(ztitle) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.058) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.058) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.056) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.03) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.04) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.03) hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelOffset(-0.005 if log else 0.005) hist.SetMinimum(0.01 if log else 0.0) hist.SetMaximum(1.0) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('.2f') hist.SetMarkerSize(1.0) hist.SetMarkerColor(kRed) hist.SetMarkerSize(1) canvas.SaveAs(name + '.pdf') canvas.SaveAs(name + '.png') canvas.Close()
def initStyle(config): from ROOT import gROOT, gStyle, TStyle, TGaxis gROOT.SetBatch(True) gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPalette(1) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2g") TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3) pageSize = config.get("styleDefaults","pageSize") if pageSize.lower() == "a4": gStyle.SetPaperSize(TStyle.kA4) elif pageSize.lower() == "letter": gStyle.SetPaperSize(TStyle.kUSLetter) else: pageSize = [int(i) for i in pageSize.split("x")] gStyle.SetPaperSize(pageSize[0],pageSize[1])
def pretty_up_hist(self): """Set other hist configurations for nice format. """ # self.h2d.SetMarkerColor(kGray+1) self.h2d.SetContour(200) # Number of color divisions. self.h2d.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(0) self.h2d.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(0) self.h2d.GetXaxis().CenterLabels(kTRUE) self.h2d.GetYaxis().CenterLabels(kTRUE) self.h2d.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(*color_bar_lim) # Change color bar limits. # gStyle.SetPalette(55) # The color map. Apparently Rainbow is frowned upon. kBird is default. gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) # Do not show plots to screen. gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(r"6.4g%%") # Pad 6 spaces, use 4 sig figs. gStyle.SetOptStat(0) # Do not show hist stats.
def draw_histos(sigvar,bkgvar,signifvar, signifvarsq, foldm, varbin, drawerr=False, sigerr=None, sigerrsq=None, sigrelerr=None): c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'Dynamic Filling Example', 200,10, 1200, 900 ) os.system('mkdir -p '+foldm) plot_nm=varbin+"-PtmissvsMT2"#+reg+'-'+dm+'.png' sigvar.Draw('colz text') sigvar.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); sigvar.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+"/"+plot_nm+'_signal.png') signifvar.Draw('colz text') signifvar.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); signifvar.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+'/'+plot_nm+'_signif.png') if drawerr is False: bkgvar.Draw('colz text') bkgvar.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); bkgvar.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+"/"+plot_nm+'_bkg.png') signifvarsq.Draw('colz text') signifvarsq.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); signifvarsq.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+'/'+plot_nm+'_signifsq.png') if drawerr is True: sigerr.Draw('colz text') sigerr.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); sigerr.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+'/'+plot_nm+'_sigerr.png') sigrelerr.Draw('colz text') sigrelerr.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); sigrelerr.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+'/'+plot_nm+'_sigrelerr.png') paintsq=False if paintsq is True: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("2.3g"); sigerrsq.Draw('colz text') sigerrsq.GetYaxis().SetRange(0,400); sigerrsq.GetXaxis().SetRange(0,800); c1.SaveAs(foldm+'/'+plot_nm+'_sigerrsq.png') os.system("cp "+wloc+'/index.php '+foldm)
def setStyle(): gROOT.Reset() icol = 0 # WHITE font = 42 # Helvetica tsize = 0.05 gStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(icol) gStyle.SetFrameFillColor(icol) gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(icol) gStyle.SetCanvasColor(icol) gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(icol) gStyle.SetPadColor(icol) gStyle.SetStatColor(icol) gStyle.SetPaperSize(20, 26) gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.08) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.15) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.12) gStyle.SetTitleXOffset(1.05) gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.95) gStyle.SetTextFont(font) gStyle.SetTextSize(tsize) gStyle.SetLabelFont(font, "x") gStyle.SetTitleFont(font, "x") gStyle.SetLabelFont(font, "y") gStyle.SetTitleFont(font, "y") gStyle.SetLabelFont(font, "z") gStyle.SetTitleFont(font, "z") gStyle.SetLabelSize(tsize * 0.85, "x") gStyle.SetTitleSize(tsize * 1.10, "x") gStyle.SetLabelSize(tsize * 0.85, "y") gStyle.SetTitleSize(tsize * 1.10, "y") gStyle.SetLabelSize(tsize * 0.85, "z") gStyle.SetTitleSize(tsize * 1.10, "z") gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) gStyle.SetMarkerSize(1.) gStyle.SetHistLineWidth(2) gStyle.SetLineStyleString(2, "[12 12]") # postscript dashes gStyle.SetEndErrorSize(0.) # gStyle.SetOptTitle(0); gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptFit(0) gStyle.SetPadTickX(1) gStyle.SetPadTickY(1) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("4.1f")
def DrawPlot(fname, hname, outname, outpath="./SFplots/", inpath='InputFiles/', doErrors=True): if not outpath.endswith('/'): outpath += '/' if not inpath.endswith('/'): inpath += '/' if not fname.endswith('.root'): fname += '.root' f = TFile.Open(inpath + fname) h = f.Get(hname) c = TCanvas("c", "c", 10, 10, 1600, 1200) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPalette(1) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("1.2f") if doErrors: h.Draw("colz, text, errors") else: h.Draw("colz, text") if not os.path.isdir(outpath): gSystem.mkdir(outpath, 1) c.Print(outpath + outname + '.pdf', 'pdf') c.Print(outpath + outname + '.png', 'png')
# exclusion2.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(sizefactor*exclusion2.GetXaxis().GetTitleSize()) # exclusion2.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(sizefactor*exclusion2.GetYaxis().GetTitleSize()) # exclusion2.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(sizefactor*exclusion2.GetZaxis().GetTitleSize()) # exclusion2.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(sizefactor*exclusion2.GetXaxis().GetLabelSize()) # exclusion2.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(sizefactor*exclusion2.GetYaxis().GetLabelSize()) # exclusion2.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(sizefactor*exclusion2.GetZaxis().GetLabelSize()) # exclusion2.GetZaxis().SetNoExponent(1) # exclusion2.GetZaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(1) # #offset=1.2 # exclusion2.SetStats(0) # exclusion2.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(offset*exclusion2.GetXaxis().GetTitleOffset()) # exclusion2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(offset*exclusion2.GetYaxis().GetTitleOffset()) # exclusion2.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4*exclusion2.GetZaxis().GetTitleOffset()) exclusion2.Draw() gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('4.2f') p.SetMarkerSize(0.4) #p.SetMarkerColor(14) #p.Draw('atext45 same') c.SetLogz(1) #p.GetZaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(1) CMS_lumi.writeExtraText=False if tipo=='exp': CMS_lumi.writeExtraText=True CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, 4, 33) latex=TLatex(0.2 ,0.1,signalWB_legendnames[masspoint]) if tipo=='obs': latex=TLatex(0.2 ,0.1,signalWB_legendnames_obs[masspoint]) latex.SetTextFont(42) #latex.SetTextSize(latex.GetTextSize()*0.85) #latex.SetTextAlign(11)
from ROOT import TFile, TF1, TUnfold, TUnfoldDensity from ROOT import gDirectory, TH1F, TH1D, TH2D, TGraph, TSpline3, TH2F from ROOT import gROOT, TCanvas, gStyle, TPad, TLine, TLegend from ROOT import TMath, TText, TLatex, gApplication, gPad from array import * import math,sys import ROOT import subprocess gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("5.1f") ### RESPONSE matrix #### label = sys.argv[1] print label if (label=='MC'): toyMC = TFile("output-MC-PtHat-1.root") elif (label=='MCherwig'): toyMC = TFile('TTbar-Events-Herwig.root') elif (label=='MCfxfx'): toyMC = TFile('TTbar-Events-CUEP8M2T4-FxFx.root') elif (label=='MCcuetm2'): toyMC = TFile('TTbar-Events-CUETP8M2-UpJER-CentralBTagging.root') else: print 'Allowed arguments are MCcuetm1, MCherwig, MCfxfx, MCcuetm2' quit() dataFile = TFile("hist.root") global bineta bineta = ["0.0", "0.5", "1.0", "1.5", "2.0", "2.5"] numberBinsGen = [16, 16, 15, 14, 13]
def plotCorrelation(channel,var,DM,year,*parameters,**kwargs): """Calculate and plot correlation between parameters.""" if DM=='DM0' and 'm_2' in var: return print green("\n>>> plotCorrelation %s, %s"%(DM, var)) if len(parameters)==1 and isinstance(parameters[0],list): parameters = parameters[0] parameters = [p.replace('$CAT',DM).replace('$CHANNEL',channel) for p in list(parameters)] title = kwargs.get('title', "" ) name = kwargs.get('name', "" ) indir = kwargs.get('indir', "output_%d"%year ) outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', "postfit_%d"%year ) tag = kwargs.get('tag', "" ) plotlabel = kwargs.get('plotlabel', "" ) order = kwargs.get('order', False ) era = "%d-13TeV"%year filename = '%s/higgsCombine.%s_%s-%s%s-%s.MultiDimFit.mH90.root'%(indir,channel,var,DM,tag,era) ensureDirectory(outdir) print '>>> file "%s"'%(filename) # HISTOGRAM parlist = getParameters(filename,parameters) if order: parlist.sort(key=lambda x: -x.sigma) N = len(parlist) hist = TH2F("corr","corr",N,0,N,N,0,N) for i in xrange(N): # diagonal hist.SetBinContent(i+1,N-i,1.0) hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1+i,parlist[i].title) hist.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(N-i,parlist[i].title) for xi, yi in combinations(range(N),2): # off-diagonal r = parlist[xi].corr(parlist[yi]) hist.SetBinContent(1+xi,N-yi,r) hist.SetBinContent(1+yi,N-xi,r) #print "%20s - %20s: %5.3f"%(par1,par2,r) #hist.Fill(par1.title,par2.title,r) #hist.Fill(par2.title,par1.title,r) # SCALE canvasH = 160+64*max(10,N) canvasW = 300+70*max(10,N) scaleH = 800./canvasH scaleW = 1000./canvasW scaleF = 640./(canvasH-160) tmargin = 0.06 bmargin = 0.14 lmargin = 0.22 rmargin = 0.12 canvas = TCanvas('canvas','canvas',100,100,canvasW,canvasH) canvas.SetFillColor(0) canvas.SetBorderMode(0) canvas.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvas.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvas.SetTopMargin( tmargin ); canvas.SetBottomMargin( bmargin ) canvas.SetLeftMargin( lmargin ); canvas.SetRightMargin( rmargin ) canvas.SetTickx(0) canvas.SetTicky(0) canvas.SetGrid() frame = hist frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.054*scaleF) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.072*scaleF) frame.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.034) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.005) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.003) frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) #gStyle.SetPalette(kBlackBody) #frame.SetContour(3); gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2f") frame.SetMarkerSize(1.5*scaleF) #frame.SetMarkerColor(kRed) hist.Draw('COLZ TEXT') # TEXT if title: latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextSize(0.045) latex.SetTextAlign(33) latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.96*lmargin,0.80*bmargin,title) CMS_lumi.relPosX = 0.14 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas,13,0) gPad.SetTicks(1,1) gPad.Modified() frame.Draw('SAMEAXIS') canvasname = "%s/postfit-correlation_%s_%s%s%s"%(outdir,var,DM,tag,plotlabel) canvas.SaveAs(canvasname+".png") if args.pdf: canvas.SaveAs(canvasname+".pdf") canvas.Close()
def plot(self): """ ROOT plotting. """ # Masses name = 'm_gluino' title = 'm_{#tilde{g}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_gluino) name = 'm_neutralino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{1}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_neutralino1) name = 'm_neutralino2' title = 'm_{#chi_{2}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_neutralino2) name = 'm_neutralino3' title = 'm_{#chi_{3}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_neutralino3) name = 'm_neutralino4' title = 'm_{#chi_{4}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_neutralino4) name = 'm_chargino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{1}^{#pm}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_chargino1) name = 'm_chargino2' title = 'm_{#chi_{2}^{#pm}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_chargino2) name = 'm_stop1' title = 'm_{#tilde{t_{1}}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_stop1) name = 'm_stop2' title = 'm_{#tilde{t_{2}}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_stop2) name = 'm_smhiggs' title = 'm_{h^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_smhiggs) name = 'm_sdown_l' title = 'm_{#tilde{d}_{L}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_sdown_l) name = 'm_sdown_r' title = 'm_{#tilde{d}_{R}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_sdown_r) name = 'm_sup_l' title = 'm_{#tilde{u}_{L}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_sup_l) name = 'm_sup_r' title = 'm_{#tilde{u}_{R}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_sup_r) name = 'm_sstrange_l' title = 'm_{#tilde{s}_{L}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_sstrange_l) name = 'm_sstrange_r' title = 'm_{#tilde{s}_{R}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_sstrange_r) name = 'm_scharm_l' title = 'm_{#tilde{c}_{L}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_scharm_l) name = 'm_scharm_r' title = 'm_{#tilde{c}_{R}} [GeV]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.m_scharm_r) # Lifetimes gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('3.2g') name = 'ct_gluino' title = 'c#tau_{#tilde{g}} [mm]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.ct_gluino, decimals=99) name = 'ct_chargino1' title = 'c#tau_{#tilde{#chi}_{1}^{#pm}} [mm]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.ct_chargino1, decimals=99) name = 'ct_neutralino2' title = 'c#tau_{#tilde{#chi}_{2}^{0}} [mm]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.ct_neutralino2, decimals=99) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('g') # Mass differences name = 'm_gluino-m_chargino1' title = 'm_{#tilde{g}} - m_{#chi_{1}^{#pm}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_gluino, self.m_chargino1)]) name = 'm_chargino1-m_neutralino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{1}^{#pm}} - m_{#chi_{1}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_chargino1, self.m_neutralino1)]) name = 'm_neutralino3-m_neutralino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{3}^{0}} - m_{#chi_{1}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_neutralino3, self.m_neutralino1)]) name = 'm_neutralino3-m_neutralino2' title = 'm_{#chi_{3}^{0}} - m_{#chi_{2}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_neutralino3, self.m_neutralino2)]) name = 'm_neutralino2-m_neutralino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{2}^{0}} - m_{#chi_{1}^{0}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_neutralino2, self.m_neutralino1)]) name = 'm_neutralino3-m_chargino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{3}^{0}} - m_{#chi_{1}^{#pm}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_neutralino3, self.m_chargino1)]) name = 'm_neutralino2-m_chargino1' title = 'm_{#chi_{2}^{0}} - m_{#chi_{1}^{#pm}} [GeV]' self._make_plot( name, title, [a - b for a, b in zip(self.m_neutralino2, self.m_chargino1)]) # Cross-sections name = 'xs13_incl' title = '#sigma_{inclusive} (13 TeV) [fb]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.xs13_incl) name = 'xs13_strong' title = '#sigma_{strong}/#sigma_{inclusive} (13 TeV)' self._make_plot(name, title, self.xs13_strong, True) name = 'xs13_gluino_gluino' title = '#sigma (pp #rightarrow #tilde{g}#tilde{g})/' \ '#sigma_{inclusive} (13 TeV)' self._make_plot(name, title, self.xs13_gluinos, True) name = 'xs8_incl' title = '#sigma_{inclusive} (8 TeV) [fb]' self._make_plot(name, title, self.xs8_incl) name = 'xs8_strong' title = '#sigma_{strong}/#sigma_{inclusive} (8 TeV)' self._make_plot(name, title, self.xs8_strong, True) name = 'xs13_xs8' title = '#sigma_{incl} (13 TeV)/#sigma_{incl} (8 TeV)' self._make_plot( name, title, [safe_divide(a, b) for a, b in zip(self.xs13_incl, self.xs8_incl)]) # Dominant cross section particles gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('7.0f') name = 'dom1' title = 'Dominant cross section particle 1' self._make_plot(name, title, self.dom_id1) name = 'dom2' title = 'Dominant cross section particle 2' self._make_plot(name, title, self.dom_id2) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('g') # Decay channels name = 'dc_gluino' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{g}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_gluino) name = 'dc_chargino1' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{#chi}_{1}^{#pm}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_chargino1) name = 'dc_chargino2' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{#chi}_{2}^{#pm}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_chargino2) name = 'dc_neutralino2' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{#chi}_{2}^{0}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_neutralino2) name = 'dc_neutralino3' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{#chi}_{3}^{0}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_neutralino3) name = 'dc_neutralino4' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{#chi}_{4}^{0}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_neutralino4) name = 'dc_sdown_l' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{d}_{L}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_sdown_l) name = 'dc_sdown_r' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{d}_{R}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_sdown_r) name = 'dc_sup_l' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{u}_{L}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_sup_l) name = 'dc_sup_r' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{u}_{R}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_sup_r) name = 'dc_sstrange_l' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{s}_{L}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_sstrange_l) name = 'dc_sstrange_r' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{s}_{R}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_sstrange_r) name = 'dc_scharm_l' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{c}_{L}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_scharm_l) name = 'dc_scharm_r' title = 'Relative decay channels of #tilde{c}_{R}' self._make_plot_dc(name, title, self.dc_scharm_r) # Branching ratios for no_leptons in range(len(self.br_leptons)): name = 'br_{}_leptons'.format(no_leptons) title = 'BR into {} leptons'.format(no_leptons) self._make_plot(name, title, self.br_leptons[no_leptons], True) for no_leptons in range(len(self.br_leptons)): name = 'br_{}_leptons_incl'.format(no_leptons) title = 'BR into {}+ leptons'.format(no_leptons) self._make_plot( name, title, [sum(i) for i in zip(*self.br_leptons[no_leptons:])], True) for no_jets in range(len(self.br_jets)): name = 'br_{}_jets'.format(no_jets) title = 'BR into {} jets'.format(no_jets) self._make_plot(name, title, self.br_jets[no_jets], True) for no_jets in range(len(self.br_jets)): name = 'br_{}_jets_incl'.format(no_jets) title = 'BR into {}+ jets'.format(no_jets) self._make_plot(name, title, [sum(i) for i in zip(*self.br_jets[no_jets:])], True) for no_photons in range(len(self.br_photons)): name = 'br_{}_photons'.format(no_photons) title = 'BR into {} photons'.format(no_photons) self._make_plot(name, title, self.br_photons[no_photons], True) for no_photons in range(len(self.br_photons)): name = 'br_{}_photons_incl'.format(no_photons) title = 'BR into {}+ photons'.format(no_photons) self._make_plot( name, title, [sum(i) for i in zip(*self.br_photons[no_photons:])], True) # Cross-sections times branching ratio for no_leptons in range(len(self.br_leptons)): name = 'xs13_x_br_{}_leptons'.format(no_leptons) title = '#sigma #times BR(#tilde{{g}}#tilde{{g}} #rightarrow {} ' \ 'leptons) [fb]'.format(no_leptons) self._make_plot(name, title, [ a * b for a, b in zip(self.br_leptons[no_leptons], self.xs13_incl) ]) # Signal strength name = 'mu' title = '#mu' self._make_plot(name, title,, decimals=2) # Close root file if self._toolbox.rootfile.IsOpen(): self._toolbox.rootfile.Close() # Move used SLHA template to output folder system('cp suspect2_lha.template {}'.format( system('mv susyhit_slha_*.out {}'.format( system('mv suspect2_*.out {}'.format( # Move SModelS output to output folder system('mv smodels_summary_*.txt {} 2>/dev/null'.format(
def coverlay(hists, xtitle, ytitle, name, runtype, tlabel, xlabel, xlabel_eta, sellabel, comparePerReleaseSuffix="", norm="", ndim=1): gStyle.SetOptStat(111110) c = TCanvas() if ndim == 1: c.SetRightMargin(0.10) elif ndim == 2: c.SetRightMargin(0.15) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) c.SetBottomMargin(0.10) # Upper plot will be in pad1 # pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0) # pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.03) # Upper and lower plot are joined # pad1.Draw() # Draw the upper pad: pad1 # # pad1 becomes the current pad # c.SetLogy(0) # if any(subname in name for subname in ['isoPt', 'outOfConePt', 'IsoRaw', 'deepTau']): # c.SetLogy() if ndim == 1: c.SetLogy() if ndim == 2: c.SetLogz() ymax = max([hist.GetMaximum() for hist in hists]) # leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.65, 0.85, 0.9) # configureLegend(leg, 1) hratios = [] for i_hist, hist in enumerate(hists): hist.SetMaximum(ymax * 1.2) hist.SetMinimum(0.) # if c.GetLogy > 0: if c.GetLogy > 0: hist.SetMinimum(0.001) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) if i_hist == 0: if ndim == 1: hist.SetMarkerSize(0.) hist.Draw('h') # gPad.Update() hist.SetStats(1) # st = hist.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("stats") # # st.SetOptStat(1110) # # st = c.GetPrimitive("stats") # # st.SetNDC() # st.SetX1NDC(0.7) # st.SetX2NDC(0.85) elif ndim == 2: hist.SetMarkerSize(1.2) min_bincontent = 0.005 if norm == "abs": gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("g") else: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("4.2f") hist.SetMaximum(100) hist.SetMinimum(0.0049) if norm == "global": integral = hist.Integral(1, hist.GetNbinsX(), 1, hist.GetNbinsY()) for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): for j in range(1, hist.GetNbinsY() + 1): bincontent = hist.GetBinContent( i, j) / integral * 100 if integral > 0 else 0 bincontent = min_bincontent if ( bincontent > 0 and bincontent < min_bincontent) else bincontent hist.SetBinContent(i, j, bincontent) elif norm == "col": for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): integral = hist.Integral(i, i, 1, hist.GetNbinsY()) for j in range(1, hist.GetNbinsY() + 1): bincontent = hist.GetBinContent( i, j) / integral * 100 if integral > 0 else 0 bincontent = min_bincontent if ( bincontent > 0 and bincontent < min_bincontent) else bincontent hist.SetBinContent(i, j, bincontent) elif norm == "row": for j in range(1, hist.GetNbinsY() + 1): integral = hist.Integral(1, hist.GetNbinsX(), j, j) for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): bincontent = hist.GetBinContent( i, j) / integral * 100 if integral > 0 else 0 bincontent = min_bincontent if ( bincontent > 0 and bincontent < min_bincontent) else bincontent hist.SetBinContent(i, j, bincontent) hist.Draw("COLZ TEXT") gPad.RedrawAxis() # hist_TAR = hist.Clone() else: if ndim == 1: hist.Draw('hsame') elif ndim == 2: hist.Draw("TEXTCOLZsame") # # ihr = hist.Clone() # # ihr.Sumw2() # #ihr.Divide(hists[0]) # # # ihr = hist_TAR.Clone() # # ihr.Divide(hist) # ihr = hist.Clone() # ihr.Divide(hist_TAR) # # ihr.SetStats(0) # ihr.SetLineColor(hist.GetLineColor()) # ihr.SetMarkerColor(hist.GetMarkerColor()) # ihr.SetMarkerStyle(hist.GetMarkerStyle()) # hratios.append(ihr) # # leg.AddEntry(hist, hist.GetName(), "l") # leg.Draw() # # xshift = 0.0 # yshift = ymax*1.4 # if tlabel.find('QCD') != -1: # # pad1.SetTopMargin(0.1) # xshift = 0.0 # # yshift = ymax*1.45 # if runtype.find('TTbarTau') != -1: # xshift = 0.78 tex2 = TLatex(0.95, 0.96, tlabel) tex2.SetNDC() tex2.SetTextAlign(32) tex2.SetTextFont(42) tex2.SetTextSize(0.043) tex2.Draw() seltex = TLatex(0.02, 0.96, sellabel) seltex.SetNDC() seltex.SetTextAlign(12) seltex.SetTextFont(42) seltex.SetTextSize(0.023) seltex.Draw() # # # lower plot will be in pad # # Go back to the main canvas before defining pad2 # pad2 = TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.0, 1, 0.27) # pad2.SetTopMargin(0.03) # pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.35) # pad2.Draw() # # for ii, hist in enumerate(hratios): # hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) # hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.83) # hist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(507) # hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('ratio') # hist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(503) # hist.SetMinimum(0.75) # hist.SetMaximum(1.25) # hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.45) # hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.16) # hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.16) # hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.16) # hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.16) # if ii == 0: # hist.Draw('ep') # else: # hist.Draw('epsame') # Go back to the main canvas save( c, ('compare_' + runtype + comparePerReleaseSuffix + '/taumatching/hist_' + name + '_' + norm + 'norm_' + str(ndim) + 'D')) c = None gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
def main(): ##Both conservative and not conservative will give same efficiency shapes for SM get_tot_eff() #get_tot_eff_alternate_model(scenario, model_indx, conservative) if __name__ == '__main__': scenario = sys.argv[1] model_indx = sys.argv[2] variation_range = sys.argv[3] conservative = None if variation_range == 'large': conservative = True elif variation_range == 'one_sigma': conservative = False else: raise Exception( "The value of variation_range not recognised, only 'large' or 'one_sigma' allowed!" ) print(scenario, model_indx, variation_range, conservative) scenarios = ['CVR', 'CSR', 'CSL', 'CT', 'SM'] if scenario not in scenarios: raise Exception('Scenario not in Scenarios') gROOT.ProcessLine(".x lhcbStyle2D.C") gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("1.3f") main()
def plot2D(histname, hist, year, channel, log=False): """Plot 2D efficiency.""" dir = ensureDirectory('plots/%d' % year) name = "%s/%s_%s" % (dir, histname, channel) if log: name += "_log" xtitle = 'jet p_{T} [GeV]' ytitle = 'jet #eta' ztitle = 'b tag efficiencies' if '_b_' in histname else 'b mistag rate' xmin, xmax = 20, hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() zmin, zmax = 5e-3 if log else 0.0, 1.0 angle = 22 if log else 77 canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 100, 100, 800, 700) canvas.SetFillColor(0) canvas.SetBorderMode(0) canvas.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvas.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.07) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.13) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.12) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.17) canvas.SetTickx(0) canvas.SetTicky(0) canvas.SetGrid() gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) #FontSize(0.04) if log: canvas.SetLogx() canvas.SetLogz() hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitle(ztitle) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.058) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.058) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.056) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.03) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.04) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.03) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(-0.004 if log else 0.005) hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelOffset(-0.005 if log else 0.005) hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax) hist.SetMinimum(zmin) hist.SetMaximum(zmax) hist.Draw('COLZTEXT%d' % angle) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('.2f') hist.SetMarkerColor(kRed) hist.SetMarkerSize(1.8 if log else 1) #gPad.Update() #gPad.RedrawAxis() latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextSize(0.048) latex.SetTextAlign(23) latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetNDC(True) latex.DrawLatex(0.475, 0.99, hist.GetTitle()) # to prevent typesetting issues canvas.SaveAs(name + '.pdf') canvas.SaveAs(name + '.png') canvas.Close()
def eff_2D(cutlist, labellist=[], zmax=30, pal=109): basecut = BASECUT print "basecut considered: ", basecut signame = "" ncuts = len(cutlist) if labellist == []: labellist = cutlist gStyle.SetPalette( 87 ) #87:light temperature #104 temperature map #69:beach(!) #70:black body #86:lake #109:cool(!) else: gStyle.SetPalette( pal ) #87:light temperature #104 temperature map #69:beach(!) #70:black body #86:lake #109:cool(!) file = {} nevt = {} tree = {} effs = {} eff_dict = {k: {} for k in cutlist} #print eff_dict sign = sign_ctau XSEC = 0 for i, s in enumerate(sign): if 'WplusH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "WplusH" XSEC = WpluslnuHXSEC elif 'WminusH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "WminusH" XSEC = WminuslnuHXSEC elif 'ZH' in samples[s]['files'][ 0] and not 'ggZH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "ZH" XSEC = ZllHXSEC elif 'ggZH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "ggZH" XSEC = ggZHXSEC elif 'VBF' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "VBFH" XSEC = VBFXSEC file[s] = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + samples[s]['files'][0] + ".root", "READ") # Read TFile if EFFICIENCY or FIDUCIAL_ONLY or TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: XSEC = 100. / LUMI #print file[s] ##nevt[s] = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) tree[s] = file[s].Get("reconstruction/tree") # Read TTree nevt[s] = file[s].Get("reconstruction/tree").GetEntriesFast() if verbose: print "nevt: ", tree[s].GetEntries() print "nevt after basecut: ", tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) effs[s] = [0] * (ncuts + 1) for j, c in enumerate(cutlist): br = 1. if FIDUCIAL_ONLY: tot_gen = tree[s].GetEntries() n = tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tot_gen print "num: ", n elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: tot_gen = tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) n = tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) print "evt passing trigger: ", tree[s].GetEntries( cutlist[j]) print "num: ", tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) else: tot_gen = tree[s].GetEntries() n = tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tot_gen print "num: ", n #exit() #d = tree[s].GetEntries(basecut)#nevt[s]#d = sample[samples[s]['files'][0]]['nevents']# effs[s][j] = (float(n) / (tot_gen)) * XSEC * LUMI #ctau_ind = samples[s]['ctau'] #m_ind = samples[s]['mass'] #eff_dict[c][s] = {'mass' : samples[s]['mass'], 'ctau' : samples[s]['ctau'], 'eff' :effs[s][j]*100} ##print "WARNING! USING MASS + CTAU AS INDEX IS DANGEROUS BECAUSE THEY ARE OVERWRITTEN!" #print "c_tau: ", ctau_ind #print "mass: ", m_ind #print s #print effs[s][j] ##print ctau_ind + m_ind eff_dict[c][s] = { 'mass': samples[s]['mass'], 'ctau': samples[s]['ctau'], 'eff': effs[s][j] } ########### ############################# ####################### ### WARNING! USING MASS + CTAU AS INDEX IS DANGEROUS! ############################# ####################### #exit() #print "Filled eff_dict:" #print eff_dict x_array = [50000] y_array = [10] for j, c in enumerate(cutlist): for i, s in enumerate(sign): x_val = (samples[s]['ctau']) y_val = float(samples[s]['mass']) if x_val not in x_array: x_array.append(x_val) if y_val not in y_array: y_array.append(y_val) #print x_array np_x_array = np.array(x_array) np_y_array = np.array(y_array) np_x_array.sort() np_y_array.sort() #print np_x_array #print np_y_array ###hist = TH1F("try", "try", len(np_x_array)-1, min(np_x_array), max(np_x_array)) ###hist = hist.Rebin(len(np_x_array)-1,"try",np_x_array) h = TH2F("try", labellist[j], len(np_x_array) - 1, np_x_array, len(np_y_array) - 1, np_y_array + 2.5) for b in np_y_array: #[1:]: for a in np_x_array: #print "ctau looping on: ", a #print "mass looping on: ", b #print "bin with those ctau and mass: ", h.FindBin(a,b) la = str(a) lb = str(int(b)) if la == "0.001": st = signame + "_M" + str(lb) + "_ctau0" elif la == "0.05" or la == "0.1": st = signame + "_M" + str(lb) + "_ctau" + str( la.replace("0.", "0p")) else: st = signame + "_M" + str(lb) + "_ctau" + str(int(a)) if st in eff_dict[c].keys(): h.SetBinContent( h.FindBin(a, b), float("{0:.4f}".format(eff_dict[c][st]['eff']))) if eff_dict[c][st]['eff'] == 0: h.SetBinContent(h.FindBin(a, b), float("{0:.4f}".format(0.0001))) else: h.SetBinContent(h.FindBin(a, b), float(0.)) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("c #tau (mm)") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("m_{#pi} (GeV)") h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) h.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(len(np_y_array)) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signals", 1200, 600) c1.SetLogx() #c1.GetPad(0).SetTopMargin(0.06) #c1.GetPad(0).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(0).SetTicks(1, 1) ###TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(2) h.SetMarkerColor(10) if EFFICIENCY: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 32) h.SetMarkerSize(1.7) elif FIDUCIAL_ONLY: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 60) h.SetMarkerSize(1.7) elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 70) h.SetMarkerSize(1.7) else: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., zmax) h.SetMarkerSize(1.35) #RATE: max 16500 #print h.GetZaxis().GetLabelOffset() #print h.GetZaxis().GetLabelSize() #print h.GetZaxis().SetLabelOffset(1) if EFFICIENCY or FIDUCIAL_ONLY or TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".1f") #(".1e") else: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".0f") stri = h.GetTitle() if EFFICIENCY: h.SetTitle( signame + " trigger efficiency times fiducial cut efficiency in " + options.dataera + ": " + stri) elif FIDUCIAL_ONLY: h.SetTitle(signame + " fiducial cut efficiency in " + options.dataera + ": " + stri) elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: h.SetTitle( signame + " trigger efficiency on top of fiducial cut efficiency in " + options.dataera + ": " + stri) else: h.SetTitle(signame + " number of events in " + options.dataera + ": " + stri) h.Draw("COLZTEXT") if EFFICIENCY: c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/Eff_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + str(labellist[j]) + "_" + signame + "_v8.pdf") c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/Eff_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + str(labellist[j]) + "_" + signame + "_v8.png") elif FIDUCIAL_ONLY: c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/FiducialEff_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + signame + "_v8.pdf") c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/FiducialEff_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + signame + "_v8.png") elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/TriggerTopFiducialEff_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + str(labellist[j]) + "_" + signame + "_v8.pdf") c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/TriggerTopFiducialEff_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + str(labellist[j]) + "_" + signame + "_v8.png") else: c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/Rate_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + str(labellist[j]) + "_" + signame + "_v8.pdf") c1.Print( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LongLivedReco/macro/Efficiency/Rate_2D_" + options.dataera + "_" + str(labellist[j]) + "_" + signame + "_v8.png") c1.Close() h.Clear()
def main(): ## print "hello" gROOT.SetBatch(1) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('1.1f') output = TFile('diffratio.root', 'recreate') c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'c1', 1600, 1200) h_MhpassProfile = [] h_MhfailProfile = [] h_MhdifProfile = [] h_MZppassProfile = [] h_MZpfailProfile = [] h_MZpdifProfile = [] for i in range(4): h_MhpassProfile.append( TH1F('h_MhpassProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MhpassProfile_' + str(i), 25, 100, 150)) h_MhfailProfile.append( TH1F('h_MhfailProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MhfailProfile_' + str(i), 25, 100, 150)) h_MhdifProfile.append( TH1F('h_MhdifProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MhdifProfile_' + str(i), 25, 100, 150)) h_MhpassProfile[i].Sumw2() h_MhfailProfile[i].Sumw2() h_MZppassProfile.append( TH1F('h_MZppassProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MZppassProfile_' + str(i), 20, 500, 2500)) h_MZpfailProfile.append( TH1F('h_MZpfailProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MZpfailProfile_' + str(i), 20, 500, 2500)) h_MZpdifProfile.append( TH1F('h_MZpdifProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MZpdifProfile_' + str(i), 20, 500, 2500)) h_MZppassProfile[i].Sumw2() h_MZpfailProfile[i].Sumw2() h_pass = TH2F('h_MhMZp_pass', 'h_MhMZp_pass', 25, 100, 150, 20, 500, 2500) h_pass.Sumw2() h_alphabet = TH2F('h_MhMZp_alphabet', 'h_MhMZp_alphabet', 25, 100, 150, 20, 500, 2500) h_alphabet.Sumw2() h_dif_alphabet = TH2F('h_dif_alphabet', 'h_dif_alphabet', 25, 100, 150, 20, 500, 2500) h_dif_alphabet.Sumw2() h_SB = TH2F('h_MA0hPt_SB', 'h_MA0hPt_SB', 20, 200, 1000, 25, 0, 500) ## MA0 vs hPt h_SB.Sumw2() h_bk = TH2F('h_MA0hPt_bk', 'h_MA0hPt_bk', 20, 200, 1000, 25, 0, 500) h_bk.Sumw2() h_dif = TH2F('h_dif', 'h_dif', 20, 200, 1000, 25, 0, 500) h_dif.Sumw2() h_SB_MhPt = TH2F('h_SB_MhPt', 'h_SB_MhPt', 25, 100, 150, 25, 0, 500) h_SB_MhPt.Sumw2() h_bk_MhPt = TH2F('h_bk_MhPt', 'h_bk_MhPt', 25, 100, 150, 25, 0, 500) h_bk_MhPt.Sumw2() h_dif_MhPt = TH2F('h_dif_MhPt', 'h_dif_MhPt', 25, 100, 150, 25, 0, 500) h_dif_MhPt.Sumw2() h_SB_MhMA0 = TH2F('h_SB_MhMA0', 'h_SB_MhMA0', 25, 100, 150, 20, 200, 1000) h_SB_MhMA0.Sumw2() h_bk_MhMA0 = TH2F('h_bk_MhMA0', 'h_bk_MhMA0', 25, 100, 150, 20, 200, 1000) h_bk_MhMA0.Sumw2() h_dif_MhMA0 = TH2F('h_dif_MhMA0', 'h_dif_MhMA0', 25, 100, 150, 20, 200, 1000) h_dif_MhMA0.Sumw2() h_SB_Mh = TH1F('h_SB_Mh', 'h_SB_Mh', 25, 100, 150) h_SB_Mh.Sumw2() h_bk_Mh = TH1F('h_bk_Mh', 'h_bk_Mh', 25, 100, 150) h_bk_Mh.Sumw2() h_SB_MA0 = TH1F('h_SB_MA0', 'h_SB_MA0', 40, 200, 1000) h_SB_MA0.Sumw2() h_bk_MA0 = TH1F('h_bk_MA0', 'h_bk_MA0', 40, 200, 1000) h_bk_MA0.Sumw2() h_SB_MZp = TH1F('h_SB_MZp', 'h_SB_MZp', 20, 500, 2500) h_SB_MZp.Sumw2() h_bk_MZp = TH1F('h_bk_MZp', 'h_bk_MZp', 20, 500, 2500) h_bk_MZp.Sumw2() h_SB_hPt = TH1F('h_SB_hPt', 'h_SB_hPt', 50, 0, 500) h_SB_hPt.Sumw2() h_bk_hPt = TH1F('h_bk_hPt', 'h_bk_hPt', 50, 0, 500) h_bk_hPt.Sumw2() h_dif_MA0 = TH1F('h_dif_MA0', 'h_dif_MA0', 40, 200, 1000) h_dif_MA0.Sumw2() h_dif_Mh = TH1F('h_dif_Mh', 'h_dif_Mh', 25, 100, 150) h_dif_Mh.Sumw2() h_dif_MZp = TH1F('h_dif_MZp', 'h_dif_MZp', 20, 500, 2500) h_dif_MZp.Sumw2() h_dif_hPt = TH1F('h_dif_hPt', 'h_dif_hPt', 50, 0, 500) h_dif_hPt.Sumw2() f = TFile('../data/ALLBTagCSV-Run2016_tree.root') myTree = f.tree # print myTree.GetEntries() for en in range(myTree.GetEntries()): if (not en % 10000): print en, 'of ', myTree.GetEntries() myTree.GetEntry(en) # print en, myTree.Mh, myTree.MZp #print en, myTree.isTag, myTree.isAntiTag if (en >= 1000 and len(sys.argv) >= 2): break ## skip signal np = int((myTree.MZp - 500) // 500) if (myTree.Mh > 136): nq = 3 elif (myTree.Mh < 114): nq = 0 if (myTree.isTag and myTree.Mh < 136 and myTree.Mh > 114): continue elif (myTree.isTag): h_SB.Fill(myTree.MZp, myTree.hPt) h_pass.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MZp) h_SB_MhPt.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.hPt) h_SB_MhMA0.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MA0) h_SB_MA0.Fill(myTree.MA0) h_SB_hPt.Fill(myTree.hPt) h_SB_Mh.Fill(myTree.Mh) h_SB_MZp.Fill(myTree.MZp) if (np < 4 and np >= 0): h_MhpassProfile[np].Fill(myTree.Mh) if (nq < 4 and nq >= 0): h_MZppassProfile[nq].Fill(myTree.MZp) elif (myTree.isAntiTag): weight = R_pass_fail(MhTrans(myTree.Mh), ZpTrans(myTree.MZp)) if (weight < 0): print 'error', en, weight h_bk.Fill(myTree.MZp, myTree.hPt, weight) h_alphabet.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MZp, weight) h_bk_MhPt.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.hPt, weight) h_bk_MhMA0.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MA0, weight) h_bk_MA0.Fill(myTree.MA0, weight) h_bk_Mh.Fill(myTree.Mh, weight) h_bk_MZp.Fill(myTree.MZp, weight) h_bk_hPt.Fill(myTree.hPt, weight) if (np < 4 and np >= 0): h_MhfailProfile[np].Fill(myTree.Mh, weight) if (nq < 4 and nq >= 0): h_MZpfailProfile[nq].Fill(myTree.MZp, weight) h_dif_alphabet.Divide(h_alphabet, h_pass) h_dif.Divide(h_bk, h_SB) h_dif_MA0.Divide(h_bk_MA0, h_SB_MA0) h_dif_Mh.Divide(h_bk_Mh, h_SB_Mh) h_dif_MZp.Divide(h_bk_MZp, h_SB_MZp) h_dif_hPt.Divide(h_bk_hPt, h_SB_hPt) h_dif_MhPt.Divide(h_bk_MhPt, h_SB_MhPt) h_dif_MhMA0.Divide(h_bk_MhMA0, h_SB_MhMA0) for i in range(4): h_MhdifProfile[i].Divide(h_MhpassProfile[i], h_MhfailProfile[i]) for i in range(4): h_MZpdifProfile[i].Divide(h_MZppassProfile[i], h_MZpfailProfile[i]) pdfName = 'diff.pdf' c1.Print(pdfName + '[') ## gPad.SetLogz() h_dif_alphabet.SetMaximum(5.) h_dif_alphabet.SetMinimum(0.1) h_dif_alphabet.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0.1, 10) h_dif_alphabet.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_alphabet.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhPt.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhPt.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhMA0.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhMA0.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) gPad.SetLogz(0) h_dif_Mh.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_SB_MA0.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_bk_MA0.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MA0.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_SB_MZp.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_bk_MZp.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MZp.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_SB_hPt.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_bk_hPt.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_hPt.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) for i in range(4): h_MhdifProfile[i].Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) for i in range(4): h_MZpdifProfile[i].Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) output.Write() c1.Print(pdfName + ']') print "event", h_bk_Mh.Integral(), h_SB_Mh.Integral() print "Mh event ratio: ", h_bk_Mh.Integral() / h_SB_Mh.Integral()
def eff_2D(cutlist, labellist=[], zmax=30, pal=109): print "Ntuples:\n" print NTUPLEDIR basecut = BASECUT if not EFFICIENCY: print "basecut considered: ", basecut signame = "" ncuts = len(cutlist) if labellist == []: labellist=cutlist gStyle.SetPalette(87)#87:light temperature #104 temperature map #69:beach(!) #70:black body #86:lake #109:cool(!) else: gStyle.SetPalette(pal)#87:light temperature #104 temperature map #69:beach(!) #70:black body #86:lake #109:cool(!) file = {} nevt = {} tree = {} effs = {} eff_dict = { k:{} for k in cutlist} #print eff_dict sign = sign_ctau XSEC = 0 for i, s in enumerate(sign): if 'WplusH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "WplusH" XSEC = WpluslnuHXSEC elif 'WminusH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "WminusH" XSEC = WminuslnuHXSEC elif 'ZH' in samples[s]['files'][0] and not 'ggZH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "ZH" XSEC = ZllHXSEC elif 'ggZH' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "ggZH" XSEC = ggZHXSEC elif 'VBF' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "VBFH" XSEC = VBFXSEC elif 'QCD' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "QCD" XSEC = samples[s]['xsec'] #print s, samples[s]['xsec'] elif 'GluGlu' in samples[s]['files'][0]: signame = "ggH" XSEC = 1. #print s, samples[s]['xsec'] file[s] = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + samples[s]['files'][0] + ".root", "READ") # Read TFile if EFFICIENCY or FIDUCIAL_ONLY or TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL or TRIGGER_TIMES_FIDUCIAL: XSEC = 100./LUMI #print file[s] ##nevt[s] = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) #tree[s] = file[s].Get("reconstruction/tree") # Read TTree #nevt[s] = file[s].Get("reconstruction/tree").GetEntriesFast() tree[s] = file[s].Get("ntuple/tree") # Read TTree nevt[s] = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) if verbose: print "nevt: ", tree[s].GetEntries() print "nevt after basecut: ", tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) effs[s] = [0]*(ncuts+1) for j, c in enumerate(cutlist): br = 1. if FIDUCIAL_ONLY: tot_gen = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) n = tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tot_gen print "num: ", n elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: tot_gen = tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) n = tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tree[s].GetEntries(basecut) print "evt passing trigger: ", tree[s].GetEntries(cutlist[j]) print "num: ", tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) elif TRIGGER_TIMES_FIDUCIAL: tot_gen = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) n = tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tot_gen print "num: ", n elif EFFICIENCY: tot_gen = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) n = tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")") if verbose: print "den: ", tot_gen print "num: ", n else: tot_gen = (file[s].Get('counter/c_nEvents')).GetBinContent(1) n = tree[s].GetEntries("(" + cutlist[j] + ")" + " && " + basecut) if verbose: print "den: ", tot_gen print "num: ", n #exit() #d = tree[s].GetEntries(basecut)#nevt[s]#d = sample[samples[s]['files'][0]]['nevents']# effs[s][j] = (float(n)/(tot_gen)) * XSEC * LUMI eff_dict[c][s] = {'mass' : samples[s]['mass'], 'ctau' : samples[s]['ctau'], 'eff' :effs[s][j]} ########### x_array = [50000] y_array = [10] if options.mode == "QCD": y_array=[300] for j, c in enumerate(cutlist): for i, s in enumerate(sign): x_val = (samples[s]['ctau']) y_val = float(samples[s]['mass']) if x_val not in x_array: x_array.append(x_val) if y_val not in y_array: y_array.append(y_val) #if 35 not in y_array: # print "FIXME! Just because we have few mass points!!!" # y_array.append(35) #print x_array np_x_array = np.array(x_array) np_y_array = np.array(y_array) np_x_array.sort() np_y_array.sort() if options.mode == "VBFH": h = TH2F("try", labellist[j], len(np_x_array)-1,np_x_array, len(np_y_array)-1,np_y_array+2.5) elif options.mode == "ggH": h = TH2F("try", labellist[j], len(np_x_array)-1,np_x_array, len(np_y_array)-1,np_y_array+2.5) else: h = TH2F("try", labellist[j], len(np_x_array)-1,np_x_array, len(np_y_array)-1,np_y_array) for b in np_y_array:#[1:]: for a in np_x_array: #print "ctau looping on: ", a #print "mass looping on: ", b #print "bin with those ctau and mass: ", h.FindBin(a,b) la=str(a) lb=str(int(b)) if signame=="VBFH": if la== "0.001": st = signame+"_M"+str(lb)+"_ctau0" elif la=="0.05" or la=="0.1": st = signame+"_M"+str(lb)+"_ctau"+str(la.replace("0.","0p")) else: st = signame+"_M"+str(lb)+"_ctau"+str(int(a)) elif signame=="ggH": if la== "0.001": st = signame+"_M"+str(lb)+"_ctau0" elif la=="0.05" or la=="0.1": st = signame+"_M"+str(lb)+"_ctau"+str(la.replace("0.","0p")) else: st = signame+"_M"+str(lb)+"_ctau"+str(int(a)) elif signame=="QCD": if b==50: st = "QCD_HT50to100" elif b==100: st = "QCD_HT100to200" elif b==200: st = "QCD_HT200to300" if st in eff_dict[c].keys(): h.SetBinContent(h.FindBin(a,b),float("{0:.4f}".format(eff_dict[c][st]['eff']))) if eff_dict[c][st]['eff'] == 0: h.SetBinContent(h.FindBin(a,b),float("{0:.4f}".format(0.0001))) else: h.SetBinContent(h.FindBin(a,b),float(0.)) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("c #tau (mm)") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("m_{#pi} (GeV)") h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) if not options.mode=="QCD": h.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(len(np_y_array)); if options.mode=="QCD": h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("H_{T} (GeV)") h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) h.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(50,300) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signals", 1200, 600) if not options.mode=="QCD": c1.SetLogx() #c1.GetPad(0).SetTopMargin(0.06) #c1.GetPad(0).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(0).SetTicks(1, 1) ###TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(2) h.SetMarkerColor(10) if EFFICIENCY or TRIGGER_TIMES_FIDUCIAL: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 32) h.SetMarkerSize(1.7) elif FIDUCIAL_ONLY: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 60) h.SetMarkerSize(1.7) elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 70) h.SetMarkerSize(1.7) else: h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., zmax) h.SetMarkerSize(1.35) #RATE: max 16500 #print h.GetZaxis().GetLabelOffset() #print h.GetZaxis().GetLabelSize() #print h.GetZaxis().SetLabelOffset(1) if EFFICIENCY or FIDUCIAL_ONLY or TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL or TRIGGER_TIMES_FIDUCIAL: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".1f")#(".1e") if options.mode == "QCD": gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".3f")#(".1e") else: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".0f") stri = h.GetTitle() if EFFICIENCY: h.SetTitle(signame+" trigger efficiency in " +options.dataera+ ": "+stri) elif TRIGGER_TIMES_FIDUCIAL: h.SetTitle(signame+" trigger efficiency times fiducial cut efficiency in " +options.dataera+ ": "+stri) elif FIDUCIAL_ONLY: h.SetTitle(signame+" fiducial cut efficiency in " +options.dataera+ ": "+stri) elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: h.SetTitle(signame+" trigger efficiency on top of fiducial cut efficiency in " +options.dataera+ ": "+stri) else: h.SetTitle(signame+" number of events in " +options.dataera+ ": "+stri) h.Draw("COLZTEXT") if EFFICIENCY: c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/EffStandalone_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/EffStandalone_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") elif TRIGGER_TIMES_FIDUCIAL: c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/Eff_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/Eff_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") elif FIDUCIAL_ONLY: c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/FiducialEff_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/FiducialEff_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") elif TRIGGER_TOP_FIDUCIAL: c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/TriggerTopFiducialEff_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/TriggerTopFiducialEff_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") else: if BASECUT == "isMC": c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/RateNoFiducial_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/RateNoFiducial_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") else: if "isVBF" in BASECUT: c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/RateVBF_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/RateVBF_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") else: c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/Rate_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.pdf") c1.Print("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analyzer/LLP/macro/Efficiency/Rate_2D_"+options.dataera+"_"+str(labellist[j])+"_"+plot_label+"_v5.png") c1.Close() h.Clear()
def plot_2D(): myfile = TFile(args.inputFile) mytree = gDirectory.Get("physics") mytree_weight = mytree.GetWeight()/1e3 trig_dec = "( passHLT == 1 )" lep_tag_trigmatch = "( lep_tag_isTrigMatched[0] == 1 && ( ( lep_tag_flavour[0] == 11 && lep_tag_pt[0] > 25e3 ) || ( lep_tag_flavour[0] == 13 && lep_tag_pt[0] > 22e3 ) ) )" lep_probe_trigmatch = "( lep_probe_isTrigMatched[0] == 1 && ( ( lep_probe_flavour[0] == 11 && lep_probe_pt[0] > 25e3 ) || ( lep_probe_flavour[0] == 13 && lep_probe_pt[0] > 22e3 ) ) )" el_tag_eta = "( TMath::Abs(el_tag_eta[0]) < 1.37 )" nbjets = "( njets_mv2c20_Fix77 > 0 )" njets = "( njets > 0 && njets < 4 )" nleptons = "( nlep == 2 && ( lep_pt[0] > 20e3 && lep_pt[1] > 20e3 ) )" same_sign = "( isSS01 == 1 )" # veto charge flips # ch_flip_veto = "( 1 )" if args.doChFlipVeto: ch_flip_veto = "( lep_isChFlip[0] == 0 && lep_isChFlip[1] == 0 )" # require at least 1 !prompt lepton # non_prompt = "( ( lep_truthType[0] != 6 && lep_truthType[0] != 2 ) || ( lep_truthType[1] != 6 && lep_truthType[1] != 2 ) )" # require at least one T lepton in the event # is_tight_event = "1" #"( isNonTightEvent == 0 )" # require tag lepton to be T # tight_tag = "( lep_tag_isTightSelected[0] == 1 )" hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT = {} hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT = {} set_fancy_2D_style() gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("2.1f") # ----------------------------------------------------- dirname = "OutputPlots_TRUTH" if args.outdirname: dirname += ( "_" + args.outdirname ) try: os.makedirs(dirname) except: pass # ----------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- # Muon probe # ---------------- sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T = None # look only at OF region if == "OF": sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T = "(" + trig_dec + " && " + lep_tag_trigmatch + " && " + lep_probe_trigmatch + " && " + nleptons + " && " + same_sign + " && " + is_tight_event + " && " + tight_tag + " && " + "( (nmuon == 1 && nel == 1) && ( isProbeMuEvent == 1 ) && ( muon_probe_isTightSelected[0] == 1 ) )" + " && " + el_tag_eta + " && " + nbjets + " && " + njets + " && " + ch_flip_veto + " && " + non_prompt + ")" # look only at SF region elif == "SF": sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T = "(" + trig_dec + " && " + lep_tag_trigmatch + " && " + lep_probe_trigmatch + " && " + nleptons + " && " + same_sign + " && " + is_tight_event + " && " + tight_tag + " && " + "( ( nmuon == 2 ) && ( isProbeMuEvent == 1 ) && ( muon_probe_isTightSelected[0] == 1 ) )" + " && " + nbjets + " && " + njets + " && " + ch_flip_veto + " && " + non_prompt + ")" print "sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T: \n", sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T # histograms for tag (passing T: default) # h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt", "taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt", 30, 20.0, 200.0, 30, 20.0, 200.0) hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt] = ["T","pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", "taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", 20, 0.0, 0.1, 20, 0.0, 0.1) hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt] = ["T","ptvarcone30_over_pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", "taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", 20, 0.0, 0.1, 20, 0.0, 0.1) hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt] = ["T","ptvarcone20_over_pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", "taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", 20, -0.1, 0.1, 20, -0.1, 0.1) hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt] = ["T","topoetcone20_over_pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt.GetXaxis().SetTitle("REAL pT [GeV]") h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt.GetXaxis().SetTitle("REAL ptvarcone30/pT") h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt.GetXaxis().SetTitle("REAL topoetcone20/pT") h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FAKE pT [GeV]") h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FAKE ptvarcone30/pT") h_taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FAKE topoetcone20/pT") if == "OF": # probe is muon, tag is electron # mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt", "muon_probe_pt[0]/1e3:el_tag_pt[0]/1e3", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", "muon_probe_ptvarcone30[0]/muon_probe_pt[0]:el_tag_ptvarcone30[0]/el_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", "muon_probe_ptvarcone20[0]/muon_probe_pt[0]:el_tag_ptvarcone20[0]/el_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", "muon_probe_topoetcone20[0]/muon_probe_pt[0]:el_tag_topoetcone20[0]/el_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) elif == "SF": # probe is muon, tag is muon # mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_pt", "muon_probe_pt[0]/1e3:muon_tag_pt[0]/1e3", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", "muon_probe_ptvarcone30[0]/muon_probe_pt[0]:muon_tag_ptvarcone30[0]/muon_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) # mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", "muon_probe_ptvarcone20[0]/muon_probe_pt[0]:muon_tag_ptvarcone20[0]/muon_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", "muon_probe_topoetcone20[0]/muon_probe_pt[0]:muon_tag_topoetcone20[0]/muon_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_T), "" ) # Normalise to unity if args.doNorm: for hist in hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT.keys(): if hist.Integral() == 0: continue hist.Scale(1/hist.Integral()) # now plot # print "\tLooking at events where the PROBE is: {0} and the channel is {1}\n".format("MUON", for hist_tag in hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT.keys(): c = TCanvas("c","Temp",50,50,900,900) legend_T = TLegend(0.4,0.8,0.6,0.85); # (x1,y1 (--> bottom left corner), x2, y2 (--> top right corner) ) legend_T.SetHeader("2 Lep SS Fake CR - T probe") legend_T.SetBorderSize(0) # no border legend_T.SetFillColor(0) # Legend background should be white legend_T.SetTextSize(0.04) # Increase entry font size! legend_T.SetTextFont(42) # Helvetica var_tag = hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT[hist_tag][1] type_tag = hist_list_tag_MUPROBEEVT[hist_tag][0] print "\tPlotting variable: {0}\n".format(var_tag) print "\ttag histogram name: {0}\n".format(hist_tag.GetName()) hist_tag.Draw("colz") legend_T.Draw() plotname = dirname + "/FAKE_MUPROBEEVT_" + var_tag c.SaveAs(plotname+".png") del c # ----------------------------------------------------- # --------------------- # Electron probe # --------------------- sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T = None # look only at OF region if == "OF": sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T = "(" + trig_dec + " && " + lep_tag_trigmatch + " && " + lep_probe_trigmatch + " && " + nleptons + " && " + same_sign + " && " + is_tight_event + " && " + tight_tag + " && " + "( (nmuon == 1 && nel == 1) && ( isProbeElEvent == 1 ) && ( el_probe_isTightSelected[0] == 1 ) )" + " && " + nbjets + " && " + njets + " && " + ch_flip_veto + " && " + non_prompt + ")" # look only at SF region elif == "SF": sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T = "(" + trig_dec + " && " + lep_tag_trigmatch + " && " + lep_probe_trigmatch + " && " + nleptons + " && " + same_sign + " && " + is_tight_event + " && " + tight_tag + " && " + "( ( nel == 2 ) && ( isProbeElEvent == 1 ) && ( el_probe_isTightSelected[0] == 1 ) )" + " && " + el_tag_eta + " && " + nbjets + " && " + njets + " && " + ch_flip_veto + " && " + non_prompt + ")" print "sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T: \n", sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T # histograms for tag (passing T: default) # h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt", "taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt", 30, 20.0, 200.0, 30, 20.0, 200.0) hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt] = ["T","pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", "taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", 20, 0.0, 0.1, 20, 0.0, 0.1) hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt] = ["T","ptvarcone30_over_pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", "taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", 20, 0.0, 0.1, 20, 0.0, 0.1) hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt] = ["T","ptvarcone20_over_pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt = TH2D("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", "taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", 20, -0.1, 0.1, 20, -0.1, 0.1) hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT[h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt] = ["T","topoetcone20_over_pt"] h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt.GetXaxis().SetTitle("REAL pT [GeV]") h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt.GetXaxis().SetTitle("REAL ptvarcone20/pT") h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt.GetXaxis().SetTitle("REAL topoetcone20/pT") h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FAKE pT [GeV]") h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FAKE ptvarcone20/pT") h_taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FAKE topoetcone20/pT") if == "OF": # probe is el, tag is muon # mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt", "el_probe_pt[0]/1e3:muon_tag_pt[0]/1e3", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", "el_probe_ptvarcone30[0]/el_probe_pt[0]:muon_tag_ptvarcone30[0]/muon_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", "el_probe_ptvarcone20[0]/el_probe_pt[0]:muon_tag_ptvarcone20[0]/muon_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", "el_probe_topoetcone20[0]/el_probe_pt[0]:muon_tag_topoetcone20[0]/muon_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) elif == "SF": # probe is el, tag is el # mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_pt", "el_probe_pt[0]/1e3:el_tag_pt[0]/1e3", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) #mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone30_over_pt", "el_probe_ptvarcone30[0]/el_probe_pt[0]:el_tag_ptvarcone30[0]/el_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_ptvarcone20_over_pt", "el_probe_ptvarcone20[0]/el_probe_pt[0]:el_tag_ptvarcone20[0]/el_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) mytree.Project("taglep_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T_topoetcone20_over_pt", "el_probe_topoetcone20[0]/el_probe_pt[0]:el_tag_topoetcone20[0]/el_tag_pt[0]", "%s * (%s)" %(mytree_weight, sel_FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_T), "" ) # Normalise to unity if args.doNorm: for hist in hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT.keys(): if hist.Integral() == 0: continue hist.Scale(1/hist.Integral()) # now plot # print "\tLooking at events where the PROBE is: {0} and the channel is {1}\n".format("ELECTRON", for hist_tag in hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT.keys(): c = TCanvas("c","Temp",50,50,900,900) legend_T = TLegend(0.4,0.8,0.6,0.85); # (x1,y1 (--> bottom left corner), x2, y2 (--> top right corner) ) legend_T.SetHeader("2 Lep SS Fake CR - T probe") legend_T.SetBorderSize(0) # no border legend_T.SetFillColor(0) # Legend background should be white legend_T.SetTextSize(0.04) # Increase entry font size! legend_T.SetTextFont(42) # Helvetica var_tag = hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT[hist_tag][1] type_tag = hist_list_tag_ELPROBEEVT[hist_tag][0] print "\tPlotting variable: {0}\n".format(var_tag) print "\ttag histogram name: {0}\n".format(hist_tag.GetName()) hist_tag.Draw("colz") legend_T.Draw() plotname = dirname + "/FAKE_ELPROBEEVT_" + var_tag c.SaveAs(plotname+".png") del c
def plot_2D(sign, var, nbins=50, minimum=0, maximum=2000, bins=np.array([]), filename="", string="", part_var="GenBquarks", particle="#pi", norm=False): chain = {} hist = {} r_ecal = 129 r_hcal = 179 r_magnet = 295 r_mb1 = 402 r_mb4 = 738 z_ecal = 300 z_hcal = 376 z_magnet = 0 z_mb1 = 560 if var == "radius2D": v_ecal = TLine(r_ecal, minimum, r_ecal, maximum) v_hcal = TLine(r_hcal, minimum, r_hcal, maximum) v_magnet = TLine(r_magnet, minimum, r_magnet, maximum) v_mb1 = TLine(r_mb1, minimum, r_mb1, maximum) v_mb4 = TLine(r_mb4, minimum, r_mb4, maximum) h_ecal = TLine(minimum, r_ecal, maximum, r_ecal) h_hcal = TLine(minimum, r_hcal, maximum, r_hcal) h_magnet = TLine(minimum, r_magnet, maximum, r_magnet) h_mb1 = TLine(minimum, r_mb1, maximum, r_mb1) h_mb4 = TLine(minimum, r_mb4, maximum, r_mb4) elif var == "z": v_ecal = TLine(z_ecal, minimum, z_ecal, maximum) v_hcal = TLine(z_hcal, minimum, z_hcal, maximum) v_magnet = TLine(z_magnet, minimum, z_magnet, maximum) v_mb1 = TLine(z_mb1, minimum, z_mb1, maximum) h_ecal = TLine(minimum, z_ecal, maximum, z_ecal) h_hcal = TLine(minimum, z_hcal, maximum, z_hcal) h_magnet = TLine(minimum, z_magnet, maximum, z_magnet) h_mb1 = TLine(minimum, z_mb1, maximum, z_mb1) else: v_ecal = TLine(r_ecal, minimum, r_ecal, maximum) v_hcal = TLine(r_hcal, minimum, r_hcal, maximum) v_magnet = TLine(r_magnet, minimum, r_magnet, maximum) v_mb1 = TLine(r_mb1, minimum, r_mb1, maximum) v_mb4 = TLine(r_mb4, minimum, r_mb4, maximum) h_ecal = TLine(minimum, r_ecal, maximum, r_ecal) h_hcal = TLine(minimum, r_hcal, maximum, r_hcal) h_magnet = TLine(minimum, r_magnet, maximum, r_magnet) h_mb1 = TLine(minimum, r_mb1, maximum, r_mb1) h_mb4 = TLine(minimum, r_mb4, maximum, r_mb4) v_ecal.SetLineColor(2) h_ecal.SetLineColor(2) v_hcal.SetLineColor(881) h_hcal.SetLineColor(881) v_magnet.SetLineColor(1) h_magnet.SetLineColor(1) v_mb1.SetLineColor(801) v_mb4.SetLineColor(4) h_mb1.SetLineColor(801) h_mb4.SetLineColor(4) v_ecal.SetLineWidth(4) h_ecal.SetLineWidth(4) v_hcal.SetLineWidth(4) h_hcal.SetLineWidth(4) v_magnet.SetLineWidth(4) h_magnet.SetLineWidth(4) v_mb1.SetLineWidth(4) h_mb1.SetLineWidth(4) v_mb4.SetLineWidth(3) h_mb4.SetLineWidth(3) v_ecal.SetLineStyle(3) h_ecal.SetLineStyle(3) v_hcal.SetLineStyle(2) h_hcal.SetLineStyle(2) v_magnet.SetLineStyle(4) h_magnet.SetLineStyle(4) v_mb1.SetLineStyle(8) h_mb1.SetLineStyle(8) v_mb4.SetLineStyle(9) h_mb4.SetLineStyle(9) leg = TLegend(1 - 0.9, 0.75, 1 - 0.75, 0.9) leg.AddEntry(v_ecal, "ECAL", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_hcal, "HCAL", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_magnet, "solenoid", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_mb1, "MB1", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_mb4, "MB4", "L") #pal= 68 #kAvocado #pal= 64 #kAquamarine, very readable #pal= 75 #kCherry 75, awful #pal= 85 #kIsland 85, not beautiful but readable #pal= 86 #kLake 86, too violet #pal= 87 #kLightTemperature 87, used for trigger #pal= 91 #kPastel 91, too purple #pal= 100 #kSolar 100, very red and orange pal = 98 #kSandyTerrain 98, quite fine #pal= 99 #kSienna 99, a bit hard to read gStyle.SetPalette(pal) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".f") if part_var == "GenBquarks": cutstring = "isMC" cutstring = "(EventWeight * PUReWeight) * ( (HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v) && nMuonsPassing==0 && nElectronsPassing==0 && nPhotonsPassing==0 && nTausPassing==0 &&>200 )" #cutstring = "(EventWeight * PUReWeight) * (HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v &&>200 && nMuonsPassing==0 && nElectronsPassing==0 && nPhotonsPassing==0 && nTausPassing==0)" #cutstring = "(EventWeight * PUReWeight)" #else: # cutstring = "(EventWeight * PUReWeight) * ( (HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v && Flag2_globalSuperTightHalo2016Filter && Flag2_goodVertices && Flag2_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter && Flag2_HBHENoiseFilter && Flag2_HBHEIsoNoiseFilter && Flag2_ecalBadCalibFilter && Flag2_eeBadScFilter && Flag2_BadPFMuonFilter) && nMuonsPassing==0 && nElectronsPassing==0 && nPhotonsPassing==0 && nTausPassing==0 &&>200 )" for i, s in enumerate(sign): chain[s] = TChain("tree") if filename == "": for p, ss in enumerate(samples[s]['files']): chain[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") else: chain[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + filename + ".root") print "Entries: ", chain[s].GetEntries() #filename[s] = TFile("VBFH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-30_ctauS-1000.root", "READ") if len(bins) == 0: hist[s] = TH2F(s, "", nbins, minimum, maximum, nbins, minimum, maximum) else: hist[s] = TH2F(s, "", len(bins) - 1, bins, len(bins) - 1, bins) hist[s].Sumw2() if var == "z": #sign of eta for getting the right z value! chain[s].Project( s, "sqrt(pow(" + part_var + "[0].radius,2) - pow(" + part_var + "[0].radius2D,2)):sqrt(pow(" + part_var + "[2].radius,2) - pow(" + part_var + "[2].radius2D,2))", cutstring) else: if part_var == "GenBquarks": chain[s].Project( s, "" + part_var + "[0]." + var + ":" + part_var + "[2]." + var + "", cutstring) else: chain[s].Project( s, "" + part_var + "[0]." + var + ":" + part_var + "[1]." + var + "", cutstring) hist[s].SetOption("%s" % chain[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) if norm: hist[s].Scale(100. / hist[s].Integral()) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('5.1f') c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 1000) #c1.SetGrid() #c1.SetLogz() c1.SetLogx() c1.SetLogy() hist[s].GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Leading " + particle + " transverse decay length (cm)") #(""+part_var+"[0] "+var+" (cm)") hist[s].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) hist[s].GetXaxis().SetTitle( "Sub-leading " + particle + " transverse decay length (cm)") #(""+part_var+"[2] "+var+" (cm)") hist[s].SetTitle(samples[s]['label'] if filename == "" else filename) hist[s].SetMarkerColor(0) #(2)# hist[s].Draw("colz") #()# v_ecal.Draw("sames") h_ecal.Draw("sames") v_hcal.Draw("sames") h_hcal.Draw("sames") v_magnet.Draw("sames") h_magnet.Draw("sames") v_mb1.Draw("sames") h_mb1.Draw("sames") v_mb4.Draw("sames") h_mb4.Draw("sames") hist[s].SetMarkerSize(1.2) #(2)# hist[s].Draw("text,sames") #()# leg.Draw("sames") c1.Print(OUTPUTDIR + "2D_gen_b_quark_" + var + "_" + (s if filename == "" else filename) + string + ".png") c1.Print(OUTPUTDIR + "2D_gen_b_quark_" + var + "_" + (s if filename == "" else filename) + string + ".pdf") if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") c1.Close()
for i in range(1, maxNumber + 1): Names1.append(names[h] + "_{" + str(i) + "}") Names2 = [] for i in range(len(Names1)): Names2.append(Names1[i]) Names1 = Names1[::-1] print Names1 for h in range(mSize): for w in range(mSize): i1 = h i2 = w hhD.Fill(Names2[i1], Names1[i2], 0) hhD.SetTitle("") hhD.SetStats(0) hhD.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(ZSmin, ZSmax) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".0e") for event in rfile[IND].inputNN: NN = (event.proj).size() a = event.proj inx1 = event.proj_index1 inx2 = event.proj_index2 data = [] emptyMatrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(mSize, mSize)) for i3 in range(NN): d1 = inx1[i3] d2 = inx2[i3] emptyMatrix[d1][d2] = float(a[i3]) # remove energy related mass cell # flattern
def _makeup(self): self.hist.Draw("COLZ TEXT") gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".3f")
def GeneralSettings(paintformat="4.2f"): gROOT.SetBatch(True) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) tdr.setTDRStyle() gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(paintformat) gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001;")
def make_histos(signal, com, cutflows, stage): N2s = [] N1s = [] N2mN1s = [] nTots = [] nTotErrs = [] nEnds = [] nEndErrs = [] paveTitle = '?' paveTitle2 = '' for cutflow in glob(cutflows): N2 = cutflow.split('_')[7] N1 = cutflow.split('_')[8] with open(cutflow, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.split()[0] == 'entry' and line.split()[1] == 'point': nTot = line.split()[2] nTotErr = line.split()[3] elif line.split()[0] == 'dR-Lep1-Lep2-smaller-2': nEnd = line.split()[1] nEndErr = line.split()[2] N2s.append(float(N2)) N1s.append(float(N1)) N2mN1s.append(float(N2) - float(N1)) nTots.append(float(nTot)) nTotErrs.append(float(nTotErr)) nEnds.append(float(nEnd)) nEndErrs.append(float(nEndErr)) if signal == 'N2N1' and com == '13': N2bins = [90., 110., 130., 150., 170., 190., 210., 230., 250.] N2mN1bins = [6.5, 8.5, 12.5, 17.5, 25., 35., 45.] elif signal == 'N2C1' and com == '13': N2bins = [ 87.5, 112.5, 137.5, 162.5, 187.5, 212.5, 237.5, 262.5, 287.5, 312.5 ] N2mN1bins = [6.5, 8.5, 12.5, 17.5, 25., 35., 45.] elif signal == 'N2C1' and com == '14': N2bins = [75., 125., 175., 225., 275., 325., 375., 425.] N2mN1bins = [2.5, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, 32.5, 37.5, 42.5] N2bina = array('d', sorted(set(N2bins))) N2mN1bina = array('d', sorted(set(N2mN1bins))) # Histogram h = TH2D('', '', len(N2bina) - 1, N2bina, len(N2mN1bina) - 1, N2mN1bina) for idx in range(0, len(N2s)): N2 = N2s[idx] N1 = N1s[idx] N2mN1 = N2mN1s[idx] nTot = nTots[idx] nTotErr = nTotErrs[idx] nEnd = nEnds[idx] nEndErr = nEndErrs[idx] #print 'Foo01', N2, N2mN1, nEnd if stage == 'nTot': paveTitle = 'Total events' h.Fill(N2, N2mN1, nTot) elif stage == 'nEnd': paveTitle = 'Events in SR' h.Fill(N2, N2mN1, nEnd) elif stage == 'Acc': paveTitle = 'Acceptance' paveTitle2 = '(*1000)' try: h.Fill(N2, N2mN1, 1000. * nEnd / nTot) except ZeroDivisionError: pass # Style gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('.2f') h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('N2') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('dM') set_palette() # Pave Text t1 = TPaveText(.1, .906, .2, 1., 'NDC') t1.SetTextSize(.039) t1.SetFillColor(0) t1.SetFillStyle(0) t1.SetLineWidth(0) t1.SetTextAlign(12) t1.AddText('CMS') t2 = TPaveText(.13, .9, .9, 1., 'NDC') t2.SetTextSize(.033) t2.SetFillColor(0) t2.SetFillStyle(0) t2.SetLineWidth(0) t2.SetTextAlign(12) t2.SetTextFont(42) t2.AddText('Phase-2 Simulation Preliminary {} {} at {}TeV {}'.format( signal, paveTitle, com, paveTitle2)) # Plot c = TCanvas() #c.SetLogy() h.Draw('colz|text') t1.Draw('same') t2.Draw('same') c.Print('{}_{}_{}TeV.pdf'.format(stage, signal, com)) c.Print('{}_{}_{}TeV.png'.format(stage, signal, com))
gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.045, "X") gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.045, "Y") gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.4, "X") gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.4, "Y") gStyle.SetTextSize(0.055) gStyle.SetTextFont(42) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) setStyle() gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("3g") gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.20) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.22) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.10) def printSeparations(infilename, option="twiki"): separations = {} fileNameMatch = re.match("TMVA_(.+)_(.+).root", infilename) infile = root.TFile(infilename) for fileKey in infile.GetListOfKeys(): fileKeyName = fileKey.GetName() #match = re.match("Method_(.+)",fileKeyName) match = re.match("Method_BDT", fileKeyName) if match: folder1 = fileKey.ReadObj()
def plot_2D(var, nbins=50, minimum=0, maximum=2000, filename=""): chain = {} hist = {} r_ecal = 129 r_hcal = 179 r_magnet = 295 r_mb1 = 402 z_ecal = 300 z_hcal = 376 z_magnet = 0 z_mb1 = 560 if var == "radius2D": v_ecal = TLine(r_ecal, minimum, r_ecal, maximum) v_hcal = TLine(r_hcal, minimum, r_hcal, maximum) v_magnet = TLine(r_magnet, minimum, r_magnet, maximum) v_mb1 = TLine(r_mb1, minimum, r_mb1, maximum) h_ecal = TLine(minimum, r_ecal, maximum, r_ecal) h_hcal = TLine(minimum, r_hcal, maximum, r_hcal) h_magnet = TLine(minimum, r_magnet, maximum, r_magnet) h_mb1 = TLine(minimum, r_mb1, maximum, r_mb1) elif var == "z": v_ecal = TLine(z_ecal, minimum, z_ecal, maximum) v_hcal = TLine(z_hcal, minimum, z_hcal, maximum) v_magnet = TLine(z_magnet, minimum, z_magnet, maximum) v_mb1 = TLine(z_mb1, minimum, z_mb1, maximum) h_ecal = TLine(minimum, z_ecal, maximum, z_ecal) h_hcal = TLine(minimum, z_hcal, maximum, z_hcal) h_magnet = TLine(minimum, z_magnet, maximum, z_magnet) h_mb1 = TLine(minimum, z_mb1, maximum, z_mb1) else: v_ecal = TLine(r_ecal, minimum, r_ecal, maximum) v_hcal = TLine(r_hcal, minimum, r_hcal, maximum) v_magnet = TLine(r_magnet, minimum, r_magnet, maximum) v_mb1 = TLine(r_mb1, minimum, r_mb1, maximum) h_ecal = TLine(minimum, r_ecal, maximum, r_ecal) h_hcal = TLine(minimum, r_hcal, maximum, r_hcal) h_magnet = TLine(minimum, r_magnet, maximum, r_magnet) h_mb1 = TLine(minimum, r_mb1, maximum, r_mb1) v_ecal.SetLineColor(2) h_ecal.SetLineColor(2) v_hcal.SetLineColor(881) h_hcal.SetLineColor(881) v_magnet.SetLineColor(1) h_magnet.SetLineColor(1) v_mb1.SetLineColor(801) h_mb1.SetLineColor(801) v_ecal.SetLineWidth(4) h_ecal.SetLineWidth(4) v_hcal.SetLineWidth(4) h_hcal.SetLineWidth(4) v_magnet.SetLineWidth(4) h_magnet.SetLineWidth(4) v_mb1.SetLineWidth(4) h_mb1.SetLineWidth(4) v_ecal.SetLineStyle(3) h_ecal.SetLineStyle(3) v_hcal.SetLineStyle(2) h_hcal.SetLineStyle(2) v_magnet.SetLineStyle(4) h_magnet.SetLineStyle(4) v_mb1.SetLineStyle(8) h_mb1.SetLineStyle(8) leg = TLegend(0.75, 0.75, 0.9, 0.9) leg.AddEntry(v_ecal, "ECAL", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_hcal, "HCAL", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_magnet, "solenoid", "L") leg.AddEntry(v_mb1, "MB1", "L") #pal= 68 #kAvocado #pal= 64 #kAquamarine, very readable #pal= 75 #kCherry 75, awful #pal= 85 #kIsland 85, not beautiful but readable #pal= 86 #kLake 86, too violet #pal= 87 #kLightTemperature 87, used for trigger #pal= 91 #kPastel 91, too purple #pal= 100 #kSolar 100, very red and orange pal = 98 #kSandyTerrain 98, quite fine #pal= 99 #kSienna 99, a bit hard to read gStyle.SetPalette(pal) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".0f") for i, s in enumerate(sign): chain[s] = TChain("ntuple/tree") if filename == "": for p, ss in enumerate(samples[s]['files']): chain[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") else: chain[s].Add(filename + ".root") #filename[s] = TFile("VBFH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-30_ctauS-1000.root", "READ") hist[s] = TH2F(s, "", nbins, minimum, maximum, nbins, minimum, maximum) hist[s].Sumw2() cutstring = "(fabs(GenBquarks[0].eta)<2.4 && fabs(GenBquarks[3].eta)<2.4)*(EventWeight)" cutstring = "(fabs(GenBquarks[0].eta)<2.4 && fabs(GenBquarks[3].eta)<2.4 && HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v)*(EventWeight)" #cutstring = "(fabs(GenBquarks[0].eta)<2.4 && fabs(GenBquarks[3].eta)<2.4 && HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v &&>200)*(EventWeight)" #cutstring = "(fabs(GenBquarks[0].eta)<2.4 && fabs(GenBquarks[3].eta)<2.4 && HLT_VBF_DisplacedJet40_VTightID_Hadronic_v)*(EventWeight)" #cutstring = "(fabs(GenBquarks[0].eta)<2.4 && fabs(GenBquarks[3].eta)<2.4 && HLT_HT350_DisplacedDijet80_Tight_DisplacedTrack_v)*(EventWeight)" if var == "z": #chain[s].Project(s, "sqrt(pow(GenBquarks[0].radius,2) - pow(GenBquarks[0].radius2D,2)) * GenBquarks[0].eta/abs(GenBquarks[0].eta):sqrt(pow(GenBquarks[3].radius,2) - pow(GenBquarks[3].radius2D,2)) * GenBquarks[0].eta/abs(GenBquarks[0].eta)", cutstring) #sign of eta for getting the right z value! chain[s].Project( s, "sqrt(pow(GenBquarks[0].radius,2) - pow(GenBquarks[0].radius2D,2)):sqrt(pow(GenBquarks[3].radius,2) - pow(GenBquarks[3].radius2D,2))", cutstring) else: chain[s].Project( s, "GenBquarks[0]." + var + ":GenBquarks[3]." + var + "", cutstring) hist[s].SetOption("%s" % chain[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 1000) c1.SetGrid() #c1.SetLogx() #c1.SetLogy() hist[s].GetYaxis().SetTitle("GenBquarks[0] " + var + " (cm)") hist[s].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) hist[s].GetXaxis().SetTitle("GenBquarks[3] " + var + " (cm)") hist[s].SetTitle(samples[s]['label'] if filename == "" else filename) hist[s].SetMarkerColor(0) hist[s].Draw("colztext") v_ecal.Draw("sames") h_ecal.Draw("sames") v_hcal.Draw("sames") h_hcal.Draw("sames") v_magnet.Draw("sames") h_magnet.Draw("sames") v_mb1.Draw("sames") h_mb1.Draw("sames") leg.Draw("sames") c1.Print("macro/2D_gen_b_quark_" + var + "_" + (s if filename == "" else filename) + ".png") c1.Print("macro/2D_gen_b_quark_" + var + "_" + (s if filename == "" else filename) + ".pdf") raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") c1.Close()
from ROOT import TH1F, TH2F, TFile, TTree from ROOT import gROOT, gStyle from ROOT import TCanvas gROOT.SetBatch(1) gROOT.Reset() gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetTitleX(0.5) # title X location gStyle.SetTitleY(0.96) # title Y location gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2f") def draw_underflow_overflow(h1): h1.GetXaxis().SetRange(0, h1.GetNbinsX() + 1) h1.Draw() return h1 def fill_underflow_overflow(h1): nbin = h1.GetNbinsX() h1.Fill(h1.GetBinCenter(1),h1.GetBinContent(0)) h1.Fill(h1.GetBinCenter(nbin),h1.GetBinContent(nbin+1)) h1.Draw() return h1 Canv = TCanvas("c1","c1",0,0,800,600) f_out = TFile(filename,"recreate") for sample in sampleName:
def fit(infile="", label="", output=""): tfout = TFile.Open("%s.root" % output, "RECREATE") ## read data and fill a histogram hist = read_data(infile) xoffset = 0.5 xmin = 0 + xoffset xmax = 45 + xoffset ymin = 0 ymax = hist.GetMaximum() ## do fit fun1 = TF1("fun1", "expo", xmin, xmax) fun1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) hist.Fit("fun1") fun2 = TF1("fun2", "[0]*exp([1]*x+[2]*1./x)", xmin, xmax) #fun2=TF1("fun2", "[0]*exp([1]*x+[2]*1./x+[3]*x*x)", xmin, xmax) fun2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) fun2.SetParameter(0, fun1.GetParameter(0)) fun2.SetParameter(1, fun1.GetParameter(1)) hist.Fit("fun2") fun2.SetParameter(0, fun2.GetParameter(0)) fun2.SetParameter(1, fun2.GetParameter(1)) fun2.SetParameter(2, fun2.GetParameter(2)) #fun2.SetParameter(3, fun2.GetParameter(3)) hist.Fit("fun2") prob = fun2.GetProb() chi2 = fun2.GetChisquare() print "prob:", prob print "chi2:", chi2 gROOT.SetStyle("ATLAS") yscale = 2.5 doRatio = 1 # compare and plot the observed and predicted ## plot canvas_w, canvas_h = 800, 600 fraction = 1. ratio = 0.2 if doRatio: canvas_w, canvas_h = 800, int(600 * (1 + ratio)) fraction = ratio + 0.2 gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.15) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.10) gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.15) MyC = TCanvas('MyC', 'MyC', canvas_w, canvas_h) MyC.SetTicks(1, 1) ymax *= yscale if doRatio: Pad1 = TPad("p1", "p1", 0, fraction * 1.0 / (fraction + 1), 1, 1, 0, 0) # x1,y1,x2,y2 Pad1.SetMargin(0.15, 0.10, 0.03, 0.05) Pad2 = TPad("p2", "p2", 0, 0, 1, fraction * 1.0 / (fraction + 1), 0, 0) Pad2.SetMargin(0.15, 0.10, 0.15 / fraction, 0.08) Pad1.Draw() Pad2.Draw() ## draw data and fitted lines hist.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist.SetMarkerSize(1.8) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Days") hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Cases") hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1 * hist.GetYaxis().GetTitleOffset()) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1 * hist.GetXaxis().GetTitleOffset()) hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax) hist.SetMaximum(ymax) if doRatio: else: gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(" g") hist.Draw("petext") fun1.Draw("same") fun2.Draw("same") ## plot predictions hpred = get_pred(hist, fun2) hpred.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) hpred.Draw("petextsame") hist.Draw("petextsame") ## Legend l = TLegend(0.20, 0.67, 0.35, 0.92) l.SetFillColor(10) l.SetBorderSize(0) l.SetTextSize(0.04) l.AddEntry(hist, label, "p") l.AddEntry(hpred, "Predicted", "p") flabel1 = "Fit: %.2fexp( %.2f*t)" % (fun1.GetParameter(0), fun1.GetParameter(1)) l.AddEntry(fun1, flabel1, "l") flabel2 = "Fit: %.2fexp( %.2f*t + %.2f/t)" % ( fun2.GetParameter(0), fun2.GetParameter(1), fun2.GetParameter(2)) #flabel2="Fit: %.2fexp( %.2f*t + %.2f/t + %.2f/t^{2})" % (fun2.GetParameter(0), fun2.GetParameter(1), fun2.GetParameter(2), fun2.GetParameter(3)) l.AddEntry(fun2, flabel2, "l") l.Draw() ## show fit quality """ tl=TPaveText(0.30, 0.57, 0.50, 0.62, "NDC") tl.SetFillColor(10) tl.SetBorderSize(0) tl.SetTextSize(0.04) tl.AddText("p-value: %.3f" % prob) tl.Draw() """ ## compare predicted and observed if doRatio: hres = get_diff(hist, fun2) hres.GetXaxis().SetTitle(hist.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) hres.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data-Pred.") hres.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.0) hres.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.4) hres.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(hres.GetXaxis().GetLabelOffset() * 2.0) hres.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(hist.GetXaxis().GetTitleSize() * 2.5) hres.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(hist.GetYaxis().GetTitleSize() * 2.5) hres.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(hist.GetXaxis().GetLabelSize() * 2.5) hres.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(hist.GetYaxis().GetLabelSize() * 2) hres.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(2. * hist.GetXaxis().GetTitleOffset()) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) hres.GetFunction("fun2").SetBit(ROOT.TF1.kNotDraw) dymin = hres.GetMinimum() dymax = hres.GetMaximum() dy = max(fabs(dymin), fabs(dymax)) * 1.1 dy = min(dy, 2000) hres.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-dy, dy) hres.Draw() MyC.SaveAs("%s_linear.png" % output) hist.SetMinimum(11) hist.SetMaximum(hist.GetMaximum() * 2.) if doRatio: Pad1.SetLogy(1) else: MyC.SetLogy(1) MyC.SaveAs("%s_log.png" % output) hist.Write() fun1.Write() fun2.Write() tfout.Close()