def test_dAlgo():

    debug(BLUE +
          "Precision Being Required to Consider Two numbers Equal: {0:.2e}".
          format(_epsilon) + ENDC)

    # number of times to test each function
    tests = 10000

    # import Distance Algo
    dAlgo = geoalgo.GeoAlgo()


        # test distance from point to infinite line
        info('Testing Point & Infinite Line Distance')
        totSuccess = 0
        sqdistT = 0
        closestT = 0
        for y in range(tests):
            success = 1
            # generate a random point (will be point on line closest to external point
            p1 = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random(), random())
            # second point on line
            p2 = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random(), random())
            # generate random line
            l = geoalgo.Line(p1, p2)
            # generate a point in a direction transverse to the line
            transX = random()
            transY = random()
            # now ensure perpendicularity by having dot product be == 0
            dirct = l.Pt2() - l.Pt1()
            transZ = (-transX * dirct[0] - transY * dirct[1]) / dirct[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(transX, transY, transZ)
            # generate point away starting from p1
            pt = geoalgo.Vector(p1 + vectTranslate)
            # answer will be vectTranslate sq. length
            answer = vectTranslate.SqLength()
            # closest point will be p1
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(pt, l)
            sqdistT += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l, pt)
            tim = time()
            pAnswer1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pt, l)
            closestT += (time() - tim)
            pAnswer2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(l, pt)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (abs(p1[x] - pAnswer1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not (abs(p1[x] - pAnswer2[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
            totSuccess += success
        if (float(totSuccess) / tests < 1):
            info(NO + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
            info(OK + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist                       : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt                    : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT / tests))

        # test distance from point to segment
        info('Testing Point & LineSegment Distance')
        totSuccess = 0
        sqdistT_out = 0.
        closestT_out = 0.
        sqdistT_in = 0.
        closestT_in = 0.
        for y in range(tests):
            success = 1
            # generate a random segment
            l = geoalgo.LineSegment(random(), random(), random(), random(),
                                    random(), random())
            # get the segment length
            lLen = l.Dir().Length()
            # get the segment direction
            d = l.Dir()
            # generate a segment parallel to it
            # to get a line parallel to the first,
            # translate the Start and End points
            # by some amount in a direction perpendicular
            # to that of the original line
            transX = random()
            transY = random()
            # now ensure perpendicularity by having dot product be == 0
            transZ = (-transX * d[0] - transY * d[1]) / d[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(transX, transY, transZ)
            p1 = l.Start() + vectTranslate
            p2 = l.End() + vectTranslate
            # parallel segment:
            lPar = geoalgo.LineSegment(p1, p2)

            # first, test a point that is "before start point"
            # distance to this point should be distance between lines
            # in quadrature with how much further from start point we go
            dist = random()
            # direction vector outwards from line
            dirOut = lPar.Dir() * (-1 * dist / lPar.Dir().Length())
            pTest = p1 + dirOut
            answer = dirOut.SqLength() + vectTranslate.SqLength()
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(pTest, l)
            sqdistT_out += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l, pTest)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
            tim = time()
            point1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pTest, l)
            closestT_out += (time() - tim)
            point2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(l, pTest)
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not ((l.Start()[x] - point1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not ((l.Start()[x] - point2[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0

            # now, test a point inside the segment.
            # distance between point & segment should be
            # pre-determined distance between the two segments
            dist = random()
            dirIn = lPar.Dir() * dist  #dist ensures < distance of full segment
            pTest = p1 + dirIn
            answer = vectTranslate.SqLength()
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(pTest, l)
            sqdistT_in += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l, pTest)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
            pAns = l.Start() + dirIn
            tim = time()
            point1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pTest, l)
            closestT_in += (time() - tim)
            point2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(l, pTest)
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not ((pAns[x] - point1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not ((pAns[x] - point2[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0

            # now test a point beyond the segment
            dist = random()
            dirOut = lPar.Dir() * (dist / lPar.Dir().Length())
            pTest = p2 + dirOut
            answer = dirOut.SqLength() + vectTranslate.SqLength()
            if not (abs(answer - dAlgo.SqDist(pTest, l)) < _epsilon):
                success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - dAlgo.SqDist(l, pTest)) < _epsilon):
                success = 0
            point1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pTest, l)
            point2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pTest, l)
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not ((l.End()[x] - point1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not ((l.End()[x] - point2[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0

            if (success == 1): totSuccess += 1
        if (float(totSuccess) / tests < 1):
            info(NO + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
            info(OK + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Pt Out of Segment)   : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT_out / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt (Pt Out of Segment): {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT_out / tests))
        info("Time for SqDist (Pt In Segment)       : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT_in / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt (Pt In Segment)    : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT_in / tests))

        # test Point to HalfLine distance
        debug('Testing Point & HalfLine Distance')
        success = 1
        totSuccess = 0
        sqdistT_out = 0.
        closestT_out = 0.
        sqdistT_in = 0.
        closestT_in = 0.
        for x in range(tests):
            # generate a random segment
            l = geoalgo.HalfLine(random(), random(), random(), random(),
                                 random(), random())
            # generate a segment parallel to it
            # to get a line parallel to the first,
            # translate the Start and End points
            # by some amount in a direction perpendicular
            # to that of the original line
            transX = random()
            transY = random()
            # now ensure perpendicularity by having dot product be == 0
            transZ = (-transX * l.Dir()[0] - transY * l.Dir()[1]) / l.Dir()[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(transX, transY, transZ)
            # create the new translated & parallel hal-fline
            lPar = geoalgo.HalfLine(l.Start() + vectTranslate, l.Dir())
            # first, test a point that is "before start point"
            # distance to this point should be distance between lines
            # in quadrature with how much further from start point we go
            dist = random()
            # direction vector outwards from line
            dirOut = lPar.Dir() * (-1 * dist)
            pTest = lPar.Start() + dirOut
            answer = dirOut.SqLength() + vectTranslate.SqLength()
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(pTest, l)
            tim = time() - tim
            sqdistT_out += tim
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l, pTest)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
            tim = time()
            point1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pTest, l)
            tim = time() - tim
            closestT_out += tim
            point2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(l, pTest)
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not ((l.Start()[x] - point1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not ((l.Start()[x] - point2[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0

            # now, test a point inside the segment.
            # distance between point & segment should be
            # pre-determined distance between the two segments
            dist = random()
            dirIn = lPar.Dir() * dist  #dist ensures < distance of full segment
            pTest = lPar.Start() + dirIn
            answer = vectTranslate.SqLength()
            pAns = l.Start() + dirIn
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(pTest, l)
            tim = time() - tim
            sqdistT_in += tim
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l, pTest)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
            tim = time()
            point1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(pTest, l)
            tim = time() - tim
            closestT_in += tim
            point2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(l, pTest)
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not ((pAns[x] - point1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not ((pAns[x] - point2[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0

            if (success == 1): totSuccess += 1
        if (float(totSuccess) / tests < 1):
            info(NO + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
            info(OK + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Pt Out of Segment)   : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT_out / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt (Pt Out of Segment): {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT_out / tests))
        info("Time for SqDist (Pt In Segment)       : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT_in / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt (Pt In Segment)    : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT_in / tests))

        # test Distance between two Infinite Lines
        debug('Testing Inf Line & Inf Line Distance')
        totSuccess = 0
        sqdistT = 0.
        closestT = 0.
        for y in range(tests):
            success = 1
            l1 = geoalgo.Line(random(), random(), random(), random(), random(),
            # take a point a fixed distance away
            # generate a random direction in the plane
            # perpendicular to the plane connecting
            # the point and the line
            # the distance between the two lines
            # should be the fixed amount selected previously
            # use half-way point to do calculations
            p1 = (l1.Pt2() + l1.Pt1()) / 2
            # get line direction
            d1 = (l1.Pt2() - l1.Pt1())
            # move in a random direction perpendicular to line
            dirx = random()
            diry = random()
            dirz = (-dirx * d1[0] - diry * d1[1]) / d1[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(dirx, diry, dirz)
            # need to re-orient in some random direction on this plane
            # this direction has to be perpendicular to both
            # the line's direction as well as to the direction
            # of the segment uniting the two lines
            # use cross-product
            vectRotate = vectTranslate.Cross(d1)
            l2 = geoalgo.Line(p1 + vectTranslate,
                              p1 + vectTranslate + vectRotate)
            # now calculate distance. Should be vectTranslate.Length()
            answer = vectTranslate.SqLength()
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, l2)
            tim = time() - tim
            sqdistT += tim
            # expect the closest points on both lines to be p1 & l2.Pt1()
            ptL1 = geoalgo.Vector()
            ptL2 = geoalgo.Vector()
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, l2, ptL1, ptL2)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (abs(ptL1[x] - p1[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not (abs(ptL2[x] - l2.Pt1()[x]) < _epsilon): success = 0

            if (success == 1): totSuccess += 1
        if (float(totSuccess) / tests < 1):
            info(NO + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
            info(OK + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist                       : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT / tests))

        # test Distance between two Half-Infinite Lines
        debug('Testing Half-Inf Line & Half-Inf Line Distance')
        totSuccess = 0
        sqdistT_in = 0
        timesIN = 0
        sqdistT_out = 0
        timesOUT = 0
        for y in range(tests):
            success = 1
            l1 = geoalgo.HalfLine(random(), random(), random(), random(),
                                  random(), random())
            # take a point a fixed distance away
            # then generate a new half-line starting
            # at the same point (translated) and with
            # the same (or opposite) direction.
            # But rotated outward a bit
            p1 = l1.Start()
            # get line direction
            d1 = l1.Dir()
            # move in a random direction perpendicular to line
            dirx = random()
            diry = random()
            dirz = (-dirx * d1[0] - diry * d1[1]) / d1[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(dirx, diry, dirz)
            # pick some random direction (aligned with 1st or not)
            aligned = -1
            if (random() < 0.5): aligned = 1
            l2 = geoalgo.HalfLine(p1 + vectTranslate,
                                  d1 + vectTranslate * aligned)
            # now calculate distance.
            # if aligned == -1 distance should be == 0 (lines intersect)
            # if aligned == 1 then the two start points are the closest points
            if (aligned == -1):
                timesIN += 1
                answer = 0.
                tim = time()
                a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, l2)
                tim = time() - tim
                L1 = geoalgo.Vector()
                L2 = geoalgo.Vector()
                a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, l2, L1, L2)
                sqdistT_in += tim
                if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
                for x in xrange(3):
                    if not (L1[x] - L2[x] < _epsilon): success = 0
            if (aligned == 1):
                timesOUT += 1
                answer = vectTranslate.SqLength()
                tim = time()
                a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, l2)
                tim = time() - tim
                L1 = geoalgo.Vector()
                L2 = geoalgo.Vector()
                a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, l2, L1, L2)
                sqdistT_out += tim
                if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success = 0
                if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success = 0
                for x in xrange(3):
                    if not (L1[x] - l1.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success = 0
                    if not (L2[x] - l2.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success = 0

            if (success == 1): totSuccess += 1
        if (float(totSuccess) / tests < 1):
            info(NO + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
            info(OK + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (OUT)                 : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT_out / timesOUT))
        info("Time for SqDist (IN)                  : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT_in / timesIN))

        # test Distance between Half-Line and Line Segment
        debug('Testing Half Line & Line Segment Distance')
        totSuccess1 = 0
        sqdistT1 = 0
        totSuccess2 = 0
        sqdistT2 = 0
        totSuccess3 = 0
        sqdistT3 = 0
        totSuccess4 = 0
        sqdistT4 = 0
        for y in range(tests):
            success1 = 1
            success2 = 1
            success3 = 1
            success4 = 1
            l1 = geoalgo.HalfLine(random(), random(), random(), random(),
                                  random(), random())
            # take a point a fixed distance away
            # test multiple scenarios:
            # 1) segment "away" from half-line but same direction
            # -> closest points are half-line start and segment end
            # 2) segment "away" from half-line and rotated
            # -> closest points are half-line start and segment rotation pivot
            # 3) segment "close to" half-line and tilted outwards
            # -> closest points are point on half-line and segment start
            # 4) segment "close to" half-line and rotated
            # -> closest points are point on half-line and segment rotation pivot
            p1 = l1.Start()
            # get line direction
            d1 = l1.Dir()
            # move in a random direction perpendicular to line
            dirx = random()
            diry = random()
            dirz = (-dirx * d1[0] - diry * d1[1]) / d1[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(dirx, diry, dirz)
            # 1) generate line-segment "behind" half-line
            # use unit-vector nature of Dir() to go back slightly more
            dist = random()
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(p1 + vectTranslate - d1 * dist,
                                      p1 + vectTranslate - d1 * dist - d1)
            # distance should be dist
            # closest points should be seg.Start() and l1.Start()
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate + dist * dist
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, seg)
            tim = time() - tim
            sqdistT1 += tim
            L1 = geoalgo.Vector()
            L2 = geoalgo.Vector()
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, seg, L1, L2)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - l1.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success1 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - seg.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            if (success1 == 1): totSuccess1 += 1
            # 2) generate line segment away but rotated
            # rotate in a direction perpendicular to both line direction and translation direction
            vectRotate = vectTranslate.Cross(d1)
            # choose pivot point
            pivot = p1 + vectTranslate - d1 * dist
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(pivot - vectRotate * random(),
                                      pivot + vectRotate * random())
            # distance should be pivot distance to half-line start
            # closest points should be pivot and line start point
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate + dist * dist
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, seg, L1, L2)
            sqdistT2 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg, l1)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - l1.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success2 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - pivot[x] < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            if (success2 == 1): totSuccess2 += 1
            # 3) generate line segment next to but tilted outwards
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(
                p1 + vectTranslate + d1 * dist,
                p1 + vectTranslate + d1 * dist + vectTranslate * random())
            # distance should be vectTranslate
            # closest point should be segment start and point on line "d1*dist" away from line-start
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, seg, L1, L2)
            sqdistT3 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg, l1)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success3 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success3 = 0
            ptLine = l1.Start() + d1 * dist
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - ptLine[x] < _epsilon): success3 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - seg.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success3 = 0
            if (success3 == 1): totSuccess3 += 1
            # 4) generate line segment next to line but rotated
            pivot = p1 + vectTranslate + d1 * dist
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(pivot - vectRotate * random(),
                                      pivot + vectRotate * random())
            # distance should be vectTranslate
            # closest point should be pivot on segment and d1*dist away from start for line
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(l1, seg, L1, L2)
            sqdistT4 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg, l1)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success4 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success4 = 0
            ptLine = l1.Start() + d1 * dist
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - ptLine[x] < _epsilon): success4 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - pivot[x] < _epsilon): success4 = 0
            if (success4 == 1): totSuccess4 += 1

        if (float(totSuccess1) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess1) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess1) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 1)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT1 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess2) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess2) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess2) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 2)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT2 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess3) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess3) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess3) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 3)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT3 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess4) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess4) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess4) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 4)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT4 / tests))

        # test Distance between Half-Line and Line Segment
        debug('Testing Line Segment & Line Segment Distance')
        totSuccess1 = 0.
        sqdistT1 = 0
        totSuccess2 = 0.
        sqdistT2 = 0
        totSuccess3 = 0.
        sqdistT3 = 0
        totSuccess4 = 0.
        sqdistT4 = 0
        for y in range(tests):
            success1 = 1
            success2 = 1
            success3 = 1
            success4 = 1
            seg1 = geoalgo.LineSegment(random(), random(), random(), random(),
                                       random(), random())
            # take a point a fixed distance away
            # test multiple scenarios:
            # 1) segment "away" from half-line but same direction
            # -> closest points are half-line start and segment end
            # 2) segment "away" from half-line and rotated
            # -> closest points are half-line start and segment rotation pivot
            # 3) segment "close to" half-line and tilted outwards
            # -> closest points are point on half-line and segment start
            # 4) segment "close to" half-line and rotated
            # -> closest points are point on half-line and segment rotation pivot
            p1 = seg1.Start()
            # get line direction
            p2 = seg1.End()
            d = p2 - p1
            length = d.Length()
            # move in a random direction perpendicular to line
            dirx = random()
            diry = random()
            dirz = (-dirx * d[0] - diry * d[1]) / d[2]
            vectTranslate = geoalgo.Vector(dirx, diry, dirz)
            # 1) generate line-segment "behind" half-line
            # use unit-vector nature of Dir() to go back slightly more
            dist = random()
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(p1 + vectTranslate - d * dist,
                                      p1 + vectTranslate - d * dist - d)
            #seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(p1+vectTranslate,p1+vectTranslate-d)
            # distance should be dist
            # closest points should be seg.Start() and seg1.Start()
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate + dist * dist * d.SqLength()
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg1, seg)
            tim = time() - tim
            sqdistT1 += tim
            L1 = geoalgo.Vector()
            L2 = geoalgo.Vector()
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg1, seg, L1, L2)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - seg1.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success1 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - seg.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            if (success1 == 1): totSuccess1 += 1
            # 2) generate line segment away but rotated
            # rotate in a direction perpendicular to both line direction and translation direction
            vectRotate = vectTranslate.Cross(d)
            # choose pivot point
            pivot = p1 + vectTranslate - d * dist
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(pivot - vectRotate * random(),
                                      pivot + vectRotate * random())
            # distance should be pivot distance to half-line start
            # closest points should be pivot and line start point
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate + dist * dist * d.SqLength()
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg1, seg, L1, L2)
            sqdistT2 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg, seg1)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - seg1.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success2 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - pivot[x] < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            if (success2 == 1): totSuccess2 += 1
            # 3) generate line segment next to but tilted outwards
            distin = length * random(
            )  # ensures that we do not pass the segment
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(
                p1 + vectTranslate + d * distin,
                p1 + vectTranslate + d * distin + vectTranslate * random())
            # distance should be vectTranslate
            # closest point should be segment start and point on line "d*distin" away from line-start
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg1, seg, L1, L2)
            sqdistT3 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg, seg1)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success3 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success3 = 0
            ptLine = seg1.Start() + d * distin
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - ptLine[x] < _epsilon): success3 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - seg.Start()[x] < _epsilon): success3 = 0
            if (success3 == 1): totSuccess3 += 1
            # 4) generate line segment next to line but rotated
            pivot = p1 + vectTranslate + d * distin
            seg = geoalgo.LineSegment(pivot - vectRotate * random(),
                                      pivot + vectRotate * random())
            # distance should be vectTranslate
            # closest point should be pivot on segment and d*distin away from start for line
            answer = vectTranslate * vectTranslate
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg1, seg, L1, L2)
            sqdistT4 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(seg, seg1)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success4 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success4 = 0
            ptLine = seg1.Start() + d * distin
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (L1[x] - ptLine[x] < _epsilon): success4 = 0
                if not (L2[x] - pivot[x] < _epsilon): success4 = 0
            if (success4 == 1): totSuccess4 += 1

        if (float(totSuccess1) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess1) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess1) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 1)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT1 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess2) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess2) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess2) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 2)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT2 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess3) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess3) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess3) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 3)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT3 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess4) / tests < 1):
            info(NO + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess4) /
                                             float(tests)) + ENDC)
            info(OK + "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess4) /
                                             float(tests)) + ENDC)
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 4)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT4 / tests))

        # test Distance between Point and AABox
        debug('Testing Point and AABox Distance/Closest Point')
        success1 = 1
        totSuccess1 = 0.
        sqdistT1 = 0
        closestT1 = 0
        success2 = 1
        totSuccess2 = 0.
        sqdistT2 = 0
        closestT2 = 0
        success3 = 1
        totSuccess3 = 0.
        sqdistT3 = 0
        closestT3 = 0
        success4 = 1
        totSuccess4 = 0.
        sqdistT4 = 0
        closestT4 = 0
        for y in xrange(tests):
            success1 = 1
            success2 = 1
            success3 = 1
            success4 = 1
            # create a simple cubic box from 0,0,0 to 1,1,1
            b = geoalgo.AABox(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            # various cases to test:
            # case 1) Point inside box
            # case 2) Point outside box
            # 1) POINT INSIDE BOX
            p = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random(), random())
            # if point not recognized as inside -> error!
            if not (b.Contain(p)): success1 = 0
            dTop = 1 - p[2]
            dBot = p[2]
            dLeft = p[0]
            dRight = 1 - p[0]
            dFront = p[1]
            dBack = 1 - p[1]
            # find smallest of these
            dMin = dTop
            if (dBot < dMin): dMin = dBot
            if (dLeft < dMin): dMin = dLeft
            if (dRight < dMin): dMin = dRight
            if (dFront < dMin): dMin = dFront
            if (dBack < dMin): dMin = dBack
            answer = dMin * dMin
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(p, b)
            sqdistT1 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(b, p)
            # closest point
            tim = time()
            pt1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(b, p)
            closestT1 += (time() - tim)
            pt2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(p, b)
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (pt1[x] - p[x] < _epsilon): success1 = 0
                if not (pt2[x] - p[x] < _epsilon): success1 = 0
            if (success1 == 1): totSuccess1 += 1
            # 2) POINT OUT OF BOX
            # pick a side that is should exit on at random
            pick = random()
            side = 0
            if ((pick > 0.33) and (pick < 0.67)): side = 1
            if (pick > 0.67): side = 2
            # pick a direction to overflow the box by (-1 = back or +1 = front)
            direction = 1
            if (random() < 0.5): direction = -1
            if (side == 0):
                p = geoalgo.Vector(random() + direction, random(), random())
            elif (side == 1):
                p = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random() + direction, random())
                p = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random(), random() + direction)
            # if point not recognized as outside -> error!
            if (b.Contain(p)): success1 = 0
            # go through cases and find min distance
            if ((side == 0) and (direction == 1)):
                #overflow on +x direction
                dMin = p[0] - 1
                pMin = geoalgo.Vector(1, p[1], p[2])
            if ((side == 0) and (direction == -1)):
                #overflow on -x direction
                dMin = -p[0]
                pMin = geoalgo.Vector(0, p[1], p[2])
            if ((side == 1) and (direction == 1)):
                #overflow on +y direction
                dMin = p[1] - 1
                pMin = geoalgo.Vector(p[0], 1, p[2])
            if ((side == 1) and (direction == -1)):
                #overflow on -y direction
                dMin = -p[1]
                pMin = geoalgo.Vector(p[0], 0, p[2])
            if ((side == 2) and (direction == 1)):
                #overflow on +z direction
                dMin = p[2] - 1
                pMin = geoalgo.Vector(p[0], p[1], 1)
            if ((side == 2) and (direction == -1)):
                #overflow on -z direction
                dMin = -p[2]
                pMin = geoalgo.Vector(p[0], p[1], 0)
            answer = dMin * dMin
            tim = time()
            a1 = dAlgo.SqDist(p, b)
            sqdistT2 += (time() - tim)
            a2 = dAlgo.SqDist(b, p)
            # closest point
            tim = time()
            pt1 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(b, p)
            closestT2 += (time() - tim)
            pt2 = dAlgo.ClosestPt(p, b)
            #info("Point: [{0}, {1}, {2}]".format(p[0],p[1],p[2]))
            #info("Expected: {0}. Got: {1}".format(answer,a1))
            #info("Expected: {0}. Got: {1}".format(answer,a2))
            if not (abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            if not (abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                #info("\tExpected: {0}. Got: {1}".format(p[x],pt1[x]))
                #info("\tExpected: {0}. Got: {1}".format(p[x],pt2[x]))
                if not (pt1[x] - pMin[x] < _epsilon): success2 = 0
                if not (pt2[x] - pMin[x] < _epsilon): success2 = 0
            #info("Success: {0}".format(success2))
            if (success2 == 1): totSuccess2 += 1

        if (float(totSuccess1) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess1) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess1) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 1)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT1 / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt (Case 1)           : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT1 / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess2) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess2) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess2) / tests) +
        info("Time for SqDist (Case 2)              : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * sqdistT2 / tests))
        info("Time for ClosestPt (Case 2)           : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * closestT2 / tests))

    except Exception:
        error('geoalgo::DistanceAlgo unit test failed.')
        print traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())[2]
        return 1

    info('geoalgo::DistanceAlgo unit test complete.')
    return 0
Exemple #2
def test_dAlgo():

    debug(BLUE +
          "Precision Being Required to Consider Two numbers Equal: {0:.2e}".
          format(_epsilon) + ENDC)

    # number of times to test each function
    tests = 10000

    # import Distance Algo
    iAlgo = geoalgo.GeoAlgo()


        # test distance to and back from wall
        info('Testing Intersection Between Half-Line & AABox')
        totSuccess_f = 0
        intersectT_f = 0
        totSuccess_b = 0
        intersectT_b = 0
        for y in range(tests):
            success_f = 1
            success_b = 1
            # generate a unit cubic box from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1)
            box = geoalgo.AABox(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            # generate random point inside box
            # half-line will start from this point
            p = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random(), random())
            # now find random intersection point
            # pick a side of the box that the point is on
            pick = random()
            side = 0
            if ((pick > 0.33) and (pick < 0.67)): side = 1
            if (pick > 0.67): side = 2
            # pick a direction (Left/Right), (Top/Bottom), (Front/Back) that the point should be on
            # given the direction & side, find the intersection point on the relevant face of the cube. That will be our intersection point. Make the half-line pass through there
            direction = 1
            if (random() < 0.5): direction = -1
            # pl is a parameter to know numerical value of coordinate for the face we are on
            # if direction = 1  -> pl = +1 (box.Max())
            # if direction = -1 -> pl = -1 (box.Min())
            pl = 1
            if (direction == -1):
                pl = 0
            if (side == 0):
                i = geoalgo.Vector(pl, random(), random())
            elif (side == 1):
                i = geoalgo.Vector(random(), pl, random())
                i = geoalgo.Vector(random(), random(), pl)
            # now generate half-line passing thorugh p and i & starting from p
            d = i - p
            lin = geoalgo.HalfLine(p, d)
            # answer should be distance between p & i
            # point should be i
            answer = i.SqDist(p)
            pt1 = geoalgo.Vector(3)
            pt2 = geoalgo.Vector(3)
            tim = time()
            pt1_v = iAlgo.Intersection(box, lin)
            intersectT_f += (time() - tim)
            pt2_v = iAlgo.Intersection(lin, box)
            if pt1_v.size(): pt1 = pt1_v[0]
            if pt2_v.size(): pt2 = pt2_v[0]
            a1 = pt1.SqDist(p)
            a2 = pt2.SqDist(p)
            if not (np.abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success_f = 0
            if not (np.abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success_f = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (np.abs(pt1[x] - i[x]) < _epsilon): success_f = 0
                if not (np.abs(pt1[x] - i[x]) < _epsilon): success_f = 0
            totSuccess_f += success_f
            # now backwards:
            # make line go in opposite direction -> intersection point should be the same
            d = p - i
            lin = geoalgo.HalfLine(p, d)
            pt1 = geoalgo.Vector(3)
            pt2 = geoalgo.Vector(3)
            tim = time()
            pt1_v = iAlgo.Intersection(box, lin, 1)
            intersectT_b += (time() - tim)
            pt2_v = iAlgo.Intersection(lin, box, 1)
            if pt1_v.size(): pt1 = pt1_v[0]
            if pt2_v.size(): pt2 = pt2_v[0]
            a1 = pt1.SqDist(p)
            a2 = pt2.SqDist(p)
            if not (np.abs(answer - a1) < _epsilon): success_b = 0
            if not (np.abs(answer - a2) < _epsilon): success_b = 0
            for x in xrange(3):
                if not (np.abs(pt1[x] - i[x]) < _epsilon): success_b = 0
                if not (np.abs(pt1[x] - i[x]) < _epsilon): success_b = 0
            if (success_b == 1): totSuccess_b += 1

        if (float(totSuccess_f) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess_f) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess_f) / tests) +
        info("Time for Intersection                    : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * intersectT_f / tests))
        if (float(totSuccess_b) / tests < 1):
            info(NO +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess_b) / tests) +
            info(OK +
                 "Success: {0}%".format(100 * float(totSuccess_b) / tests) +
        info("Time for Intersection                    : {0:.3f} us".format(
            1E6 * intersectT_b / tests))

    except Exception:
        error('geoalgo::IntersectAlgo unit test failed.')
        print traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())[2]
        return 1

    info('geoalgo::IntersectAlgo unit test complete.')
    return 0
Exemple #3
from basictool import GeoViewer
from ROOT import geoalgo

k = GeoViewer()
xs_alg = geoalgo.GeoAlgo()
pt = geoalgo.Vector(3)
trj = geoalgo.Trajectory()

for x in xrange(12):
    for y in xrange(pt.size()):
        if x < 5 or not y:
            pt[y] = x - 2
        elif y >= 1:
            pt[y] = 5
    print 'Adding trajectory point:', x, ' ... ', pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]
    trj += pt

box = geoalgo.AABox(0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7)

k.add(box, 'Test Box')
k.add(trj, 'Test Trajectory')

xs_pts = xs_alg.Intersection(trj, box)

for x in xrange(xs_pts.size()):
    k.add(xs_pts[x], 'XS Point')
Exemple #4
    viewer._ax._axis3don = False
    #box = geoalgo.AABox(viewer.get_ax_range())
    pt = viewer.get_ax_range()
    pt1x = pt[0][0]
    pt1y = pt[0][1]
    pt1z = pt[0][2]
    pt2x = pt[1][0]
    pt2y = pt[1][1]
    pt2z = pt[1][2]
    distx = pt2x - pt1x
    disty = pt2y - pt1y
    distz = pt2z - pt1z
    if distx > disty and distx > disty:
        box = geoalgo.AABox(pt1x, pt1y, pt1z, pt1x + distx, pt1y + distx,
                            pt1z + distx)
    if disty > distx and disty > distz:
        box = geoalgo.AABox(pt1x, pt1y, pt1z, pt1x + disty, pt1y + disty,
                            pt1z + disty)
    if distz > distx and distz > disty:
        box = geoalgo.AABox(pt1x, pt1y, pt1z, pt1x + distz, pt1y + distz,
                            pt1z + distz)
    viewer.add(box, " ", "w")
    ratio_pl_g4 = plsum / g4sum
    print plsum
    print g4sum
    print 'normalization ratio PL/G4 for event is ', ratio_pl_g4, ' !??!'