def extract_par_limits(pars, model_name, mass, cl=0.05): par_limits = {} mystruct = "struct Entry{ float quantileExpected; " for m in pars: mystruct += "float %s;" % m par_limits[m] = [0., 99999., -99999.] mystruct += "};" ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(mystruct) from ROOT import Entry entry = Entry() tin = ROOT.TFile.Open("higgsCombine%s_single.MultiDimFit.mH%s.root" % (model_name, mass)) limit = tin.Get("limit") limit.SetBranchAddress("quantileExpected", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, "quantileExpected")) for p in pars: limit.SetBranchAddress(p, ROOT.AddressOf(entry, p)) for i in range(limit.GetEntries()): limit.GetEntry(i) for p in pars: val = getattr(entry, p) qt = getattr(entry, "quantileExpected") if qt == 1.: par_limits[p][0] = val elif qt >= cl: par_limits[p][1] = min(val, par_limits[p][1]) par_limits[p][2] = max(val, par_limits[p][2]) tin.Close() return par_limits
def getMass(file): try: tree = file.Get("limit") except: return -1 br = tree.GetBranch("mh") c = Entry() br.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c,'mh')) tree.GetEntry(0) return
def getOBSERVED(file,entry=0): try: tree = file.Get("limit") except: return -1 br = tree.GetBranch("limit") c = Entry() br.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c,'r')) tree.GetEntry(entry) return c.r
def getENTRY(tree, entry=0): br = tree.GetBranch("limit") m = tree.GetBranch("mh") t = tree.GetBranch("iToy") c = Entry() br.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'r')) m.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'mh')) t.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'iToy')) tree.GetEntry(entry) return c.r,, c.iToy
def getOBSERVED(file, entry=0): try: tree = file.Get("limit") if ROOT.AddressOf(tree) == 0: return -1, -1 except: return -1, -1 br = tree.GetBranch("limit") m = tree.GetBranch("mh") c = Entry() br.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'r')) m.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'mh')) tree.GetEntry(entry) return c.r,
def getTreeEntry(fileName,treeName,branchName): try: ROOT.gROOT except NameError: import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine( \ "struct Entry{ \ int r; \ };" ) from ROOT import Entry newFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(fileName) tree = newFile.Get(treeName) brnch= tree.GetBranch(branchName) valueStruct = Entry(); brnch.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(valueStruct,'r')) tree.GetEntry(0) newFile.Close() return int(valueStruct.r)
def getOBSERVED(file, entry=0, ispval=False): try: tree = file.Get("limit") br = tree.GetBranch("limit") m = tree.GetBranch("mh") c = Entry() br.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'r')) m.SetAddress(ROOT.AddressOf(c, 'mh')) tree.GetEntry(entry) except: return -1, -1 r = c.r if ispval: print r, if r > 0: r = ROOT.RooStats.PValueToSignificance(r) else: r = 0. print r, return r,
def Get_rootfile(filename): if ".txt" in filename or ".root" in filename: raise "Exception filename should have no extension" txt = open(filename + ".txt") if txt == None: raise "Exceptions file", filename, "does not exist" fROOT = ROOT.TFile(filename + ".root", "RECREATE", filename + ".root", 9) ped = Entry() event = Entry() pedTree = ROOT.TTree("ped", "pedestal taken from the file " + filename) pedTree.Branch( "Ped", ROOT.AddressOf(ped, "x"), "ch0/S:ch1/S:ch2/S:ch3/S:ch4/S:ch5/S:ch6/S:ch7/S:ch8/S:ch9/S:ch10/S:ch11/S" ) dataTree = ROOT.TTree("data", "data taken from file " + filename) dataTree.Branch( "Events", ROOT.AddressOf(event, "x"), "ch0/S:ch1/S:ch2/S:ch3/S:ch4/S:ch5/S:ch6/S:ch7/S:ch8/S:ch9/S:ch10/S:ch11/S" ) pedSection = True dataSection = False for line in txt: if "data" in line: pedSection = False dataSection = True continue parts = line.split() for i in range(0, 12): ped.x[i] = int(parts[i]) event.x[i] = int(parts[i]) if dataSection: dataTree.Fill() if pedSection: pedTree.Fill() dataTree.Print() pedTree.Print() txt.close() fROOT.Write() fROOT.Close() print "here"
def Loop(t, PtCuts=[0, 100, 200, 2000], EtaCuts=[0, 1.5], nBins=30, mass=91, mw=30, maxentries=-1, Extra=""): if DEBUG > 0: print "PtCuts" print PtCuts print "EtaCuts" print EtaCuts entry = Entry() photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonPt = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonEta = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonPhi = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonE = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonid_sieie = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonid_r9 = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonid_hadronicOverEm = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonhcalTowerSumEtConeDR03 = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photontrkSumPtHollowConeDR03 = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonIsoFPRPhoton = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonPfIsoCharged02ForCicVtx0 = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonPassConversionVeto = ROOT.std.vector(float)() TriMatchF4Path_photon = ROOT.std.vector(int)() t.SetBranchAddress("isRealData", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'isRealData')) t.GetEntry(0) #update isRealData t.SetBranchAddress("photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton", ROOT.AddressOf(photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonPt", ROOT.AddressOf(photonPt)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonEta", ROOT.AddressOf(photonEta)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonPhi", ROOT.AddressOf(photonPhi)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonE", ROOT.AddressOf(photonE)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonhcalTowerSumEtConeDR03", ROOT.AddressOf(photonhcalTowerSumEtConeDR03)) t.SetBranchAddress("photontrkSumPtHollowConeDR03", ROOT.AddressOf(photontrkSumPtHollowConeDR03)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonPfIsoCharged02ForCicVtx0", ROOT.AddressOf(photonPfIsoCharged02ForCicVtx0)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonIsoFPRPhoton", ROOT.AddressOf(photonIsoFPRPhoton)) t.SetBranchAddress("rho", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'rho')) t.SetBranchAddress("nVtx", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'nVtx')) t.SetBranchAddress("photonid_sieie", ROOT.AddressOf(photonid_sieie)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonid_r9", ROOT.AddressOf(photonid_r9)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonid_hadronicOverEm", ROOT.AddressOf(photonid_hadronicOverEm)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonPassConversionVeto", ROOT.AddressOf(photonPassConversionVeto)) t.SetBranchAddress("TriMatchF4Path_photon", ROOT.AddressOf(TriMatchF4Path_photon)) #electrons lepPt = ROOT.std.vector(float)() lepEta = ROOT.std.vector(float)() lepPhi = ROOT.std.vector(float)() lepE = ROOT.std.vector(float)() t.SetBranchAddress("lepPt", ROOT.AddressOf(lepPt)) t.SetBranchAddress("lepEta", ROOT.AddressOf(lepEta)) t.SetBranchAddress("lepPhi", ROOT.AddressOf(lepPhi)) t.SetBranchAddress("lepE", ROOT.AddressOf(lepE)) if not entry.isRealData: t.SetBranchAddress("PUWeight", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'PUWeight')) H = {},ROOT.TH2D))() if maxentries < 0: ment = t.GetEntries() else: print "Max Entries Set to " + str(maxentries) ment = maxentries for iEntry in range(0, ment): t.GetEntry(iEntry) if lepPt.size() <= 0: continue #No Electron electron = ROOT.TLorentzVector() electron.SetPtEtaPhiE(lepPt[0], lepEta[0], lepPhi[0], lepE[0]) #G PreSelection #ETA #G GammaIdx = -1 gamma = ROOT.TLorentzVector() for iGamma in range(0, photonPt.size()): gamma.SetPtEtaPhiE(photonPt[iGamma], photonEta[iGamma], photonPhi[iGamma], photonE[iGamma]) if math.fabs(gamma.Eta()) >= 1.4: continue ## if photonid_sieie[iGamma] > 0.014: continue if photonid_r9[iGamma] >= 0.9: if photonid_hadronicOverEm[iGamma] > 0.082: continue if photonhcalTowerSumEtConeDR03[ iGamma] > 50 + 0.005 * photonPt[iGamma]: continue if photontrkSumPtHollowConeDR03[ iGamma] > 50 + 0.002 * photonPt[iGamma]: continue else: if photonid_hadronicOverEm[iGamma] > 0.075: continue if photonhcalTowerSumEtConeDR03[ iGamma] > 4 + 0.005 * photonPt[iGamma]: continue if photontrkSumPtHollowConeDR03[ iGamma] > 4 + 0.002 * photonPt[iGamma]: continue if photonPfIsoCharged02ForCicVtx0[iGamma] > 4: continue if photonIsoFPRPhoton[iGamma] > 10: continue trigger = TriMatchF4Path_photon[iGamma] ## Select the right trigger if entry.isRealData and len(PtTriggers) > 0: #### j = -1 for i in range(0, len(PtTriggers)): if gamma.Pt() >= PtTriggers[i][0] and gamma.Pt( ) < PtTriggers[i][1]: j = 1 if j < 0: continue #no trigger if TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon20_CaloIdVL_v*" and not ( trigger & 1): continue elif TriggerMenus[ j] == "HLT_Photon20_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v*" and not (trigger & 2): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon30_v*" and not (trigger & 4): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon30_CaloIdVL_v*" and not ( trigger & 8): continue elif TriggerMenus[ j] == "HLT_Photon30_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v*" and not (trigger & 16): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon50_CaloIdVL_v*" and not ( trigger & 32): continue elif TriggerMenus[ j] == "HLT_Photon50_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v*" and not (trigger & 64): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon75_CaloIdVL_v*" and not ( trigger & 128): continue elif TriggerMenus[ j] == "HLT_Photon75_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v*" and not (trigger & 256): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon90_CaloIdVL_v*" and not ( trigger & 512): continue elif TriggerMenus[ j] == "HLT_Photon90_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v*" and not (trigger & 1024): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon135_v*" and not (trigger & 2048): continue elif TriggerMenus[j] == "HLT_Photon150_v*" and not (trigger & 4096): continue GammaIdx = iGamma break if GammaIdx < 0: isEG = True #NO GAMMA else: isEG = False # ELECTRON - GAMMA if isEG: eg = electron + gamma if DEBUG > 1: print "EG Mass=" + str(eg.M()) if eg.M() < mass - mw or eg.M() > mass + mw: continue if DEBUG > 1: print "Mass Pass" p = -1 e = -1 for pp in range(0, len(PtCuts) - 1): if gamma.Pt() >= PtCuts[pp] and gamma.Pt() < PtCuts[pp + 1]: p = pp break for ee in range(0, len(EtaCuts) - 1): if math.fabs(gamma.Eta()) >= EtaCuts[ee] and math.fabs( gamma.Eta()) < EtaCuts[ee + 1]: e = ee break if DEBUG > 1: print "Pt=" + str(gamma.Pt()) + " bin = " + str(p) if p < 0: continue if DEBUG > 1: print "Eta=" + str(gamma.Eta()) + " bin = " + str(e) if DEBUG > 1: print "PT Pass" if e < 0: continue if DEBUG > 1: print "Eta Pass" Name = Extra + "Mass_EG_" + "Pt_" + str(PtCuts[p]) + "_" + str( PtCuts[p + 1]) + "_Eta_" + str(EtaCuts[e]) + "_" + str( EtaCuts[e + 1]) try: H[Name].Integral() except KeyError, TypeError: if DEBUG > 0: print "Creating histo with Name " + Name H[Name] = ROOT.TH1F(Name, Name, nBins, mass - mw, mass + mw) if entry.isRealData: weight = 1 else: weight = PUWeight H[Name].Fill(eg.M(), weight)
def Loop(t, nBins=100, xMin=40, xMax=120, PtBins=[0, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 1000], EtaBins=[0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5], maxentries=-1): entry = Entry() photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonPt = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonEta = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonid_sieie = ROOT.std.vector(float)() photonPassConversionVeto = ROOT.std.vector(float)() t.SetBranchAddress("isRealData", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'isRealData')) t.GetEntry(0) #update isRealData t.SetBranchAddress("photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton", ROOT.AddressOf(photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonPt", ROOT.AddressOf(photonPt)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonEta", ROOT.AddressOf(photonEta)) t.SetBranchAddress("rho", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'rho')) t.SetBranchAddress("nVtx", ROOT.AddressOf(entry, 'nVtx')) t.SetBranchAddress("photonid_sieie", ROOT.AddressOf(photonid_sieie)) t.SetBranchAddress("photonPassConversionVeto", ROOT.AddressOf(photonPassConversionVeto)),ROOT.TH2D))() H = {} for iPt in range(0, len(PtBins) - 1): for iEta in range(0, len(EtaBins) - 1): name = "rho_vs_nvtx" + UniqName(PtBins, iPt, EtaBins, iEta) if (DEBUG > 1): print "Going to create:" + name H[name] = ROOT.TH2D(name, name, nBins, xMin, xMax, 1000, 0, 50) name = "iso_vs_nvtx" + UniqName(PtBins, iPt, EtaBins, iEta) if (DEBUG > 1): print "Going to create:" + name H[name] = ROOT.TH2D(name, name, nBins, xMin, xMax, 1000, 0, 50) #loop if (DEBUG > 1): for name in H: print "HISTO " + name + " is present in the database" if (maxentries < 0): maxentries = t.GetEntries() else: print "Running on partial tree: MaxEntry=" + str( maxentries) + "/" + str(t.GetEntries()) for iEntry in range(0, maxentries): #if(iEntry>10000): # print "Exiting, too many entries" # break t.GetEntry(iEntry) iPt = -1 iEta = -1 if (photonPt.size() < 1): continue GammaIdx = -1 for iGamma in range(0, photonPt.size()): for i in range(0, len(PtBins) - 1): if (photonPt[iGamma] >= PtBins[i] and photonPt[iGamma] <= PtBins[i + 1]): iPt = i for i in range(0, len(EtaBins) - 1): if (abs(photonEta[iGamma]) >= EtaBins[i] and abs(photonEta[iGamma]) <= EtaBins[i + 1]): iEta = i if iPt < 0 or iEta < 0: continue if photonid_sieie[iGamma] > 0.011: continue if photonPassConversionVeto[iGamma] < 0.001: continue GammaIdx = iGamma break if GammaIdx < 0: continue name = "rho_vs_nvtx" + UniqName(PtBins, iPt, EtaBins, iEta) if (DEBUG > 1): print "Going to Fill:" + name H[name].Fill(entry.nVtx, entry.rho) name = "iso_vs_nvtx" + UniqName(PtBins, iPt, EtaBins, iEta) if (DEBUG > 1): print "Going to Fill:" + name H[name].Fill(entry.nVtx, photonIsoFPRRandomConePhoton[GammaIdx]) return H