Exemple #1
        ## model was constructed and then in each bin set the created
        ## split parameter to: (mean_in_bin - overall_mean.

        ## Set the value to the mean sigmat already here, even if it is changed
        ## later.
        placeholder = sig_tres.sfPlaceHolder()

        ## Customize the PDF to be split using the placeholder and any other
        ## pars which need to be split.
        from ROOT import RooCustomizer
        customizer = RooCustomizer(time_pdf._target_(), split_cat, splitLeaves)
        to_split = RooArgSet(*(split_pars[0]))
        ## CAREFULL: when do we need this?
        ## to_split.add(placeholder._target_())
        customizer.splitArgs(to_split, split_cat)
        states = dict([(s.GetName(), customizer.build(s.GetName())) for s in split_cat])
        time_pdf = SimultaneousPdf(time_pdf.GetName() + '_simul',
                                   SplitCategory = split_cat, ExternalConstraints = time_pdf.ExternalConstraints(),
                                   States = states, ConditionalObservables = time_pdf.ConditionalObservables())
        ## Set the split parameters to their calculated value and make
        ## them constant.
        st_mean = lambda st: 0.04921 + st * 1.220
        st_sigma = lambda st: 0.012 + st * 0.165

        pars = time_pdf.getParameters(RooArgSet())

        for m, s in zip(means, split_cat):
            for n, f in (('timeResSFMean', st_mean), ('timeResSFSigma', st_sigma)):
               p = pars.find(n + '_' + s.GetName())