Exemple #1
class file_output:
    #output from the generator
    def __init__(self, parse):

        #create the individual outputs
        self.set_write_tx = False
        if parse.has_option("main", "write_tx"):
            self.set_write_tx = parse.getboolean("main", "write_tx")

        self.set_write_root = True
        if parse.has_option("main", "write_root"):
            self.set_write_root = parse.getboolean("main", "write_root")

        self.set_write_hepmc = False
        if parse.has_option("main", "write_hepmc"):
            self.set_write_hepmc = parse.getboolean("main", "write_hepmc")

        if self.set_write_tx: self.make_tx(parse)

        self.ltree = None
        if self.set_write_root: self.make_root(parse)

        self.hepmc_attrib = {}
        if self.set_write_hepmc: self.make_hepmc(parse)

    def make_tx(self, parse):

        #TX output

        nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".tx"
        print("TX output name:", nam)

        self.tx_out = open(nam, "w")
        self.tx_ievt = 1

    def make_root(self, parse):

        #ROOT output

        nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".root"
        print("ROOT output name:", nam)

        self.out_root = TFile(nam, "recreate")
        #tree variables, all Double_t
        tlist = ["phot_en", "phot_theta", "phot_phi"]
        tlist += ["el_en", "el_theta", "el_phi"]
        #C structure holding the variables
        struct = "struct tree_out { Double_t "
        for i in tlist:
            struct += i + ", "
        struct = struct[:-2] + ";};"
        #create the output tree
        self.tree_out = rt.tree_out()  # instance of the C structure
        self.ltree = TTree("ltree", "ltree")
        for i in tlist:
            exec("self.tree_out." + i + "=0")
            self.ltree.Branch(i, addressof(self.tree_out, i), i + "/D")

        #particles array
        self.particles_out = TClonesArray("TParticle")
        self.ltree.Branch("particles", self.particles_out)


    def make_hepmc(self, parse):

        #HepMC3 output

        global hepmc
        from pyHepMC3 import HepMC3 as hepmc

        nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".hepmc"
        print("HepMC3 output name:", nam)

        self.hepmc_out = hepmc.WriterAscii(nam, hepmc.GenRunInfo())
        self.hepmc_ievt = 0

    def write_tx(self, tracks):

        #TX Starlight format

        if not self.set_write_tx: return

        #tracks and vertex position in cm
        tracks_tx = []
        vx = 0.
        vy = 0.
        vz = 0.
        #tracks loop
        for t in tracks:
            #only final particles
            if t.stat != 1: continue

            vx = t.vx / 10.
            vy = t.vy / 10.
            vz = t.vz / 10.


        #number of tracks for event and vertex lines
        ntrk = str(len(tracks_tx))

        #event line
        evtlin = "EVENT: " + str(self.tx_ievt) + " " + ntrk + " 1"
        self.tx_out.write(evtlin + "\n")

        #vertex line
        vtxlin = "VERTEX:"
        vtx_prec = 9
        if abs(vx) < 1e-9 and abs(vy) < 1e-9 and abs(vz) < 1e-9:
            vtx_prec = 0
        vtx_form = " {0:." + str(vtx_prec) + "f}"
        vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vx)
        vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vy)
        vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vz)
        vtxlin += " 0 1 0 0 " + ntrk
        self.tx_out.write(vtxlin + "\n")

        #track lines
        for tlin in tracks_tx:
            self.tx_out.write(tlin + "\n")

        self.tx_ievt += 1

    def write_root(self, tracks):

        #ROOT output

        if not self.set_write_root: return

        #initialize the particles array
        ipos = 0

        t = self.tree_out

        for i in tracks:
            #select the final photon and electron
            if i.stat != 1: continue

            #put the particles to TParticles clones array
            i.write_tparticle(self.particles_out, ipos)
            ipos += 1

            #final photon
            if i.pdg == 22:

                t.phot_en = i.vec.Energy()
                t.phot_theta = i.vec.Theta()
                t.phot_phi = i.vec.Phi()

            #final electron
            if i.pdg == 11:

                t.el_en = i.vec.Energy()
                t.el_theta = i.vec.Theta()
                t.el_phi = i.vec.Phi()

        #fill the tree

    def write_hepmc(self, tracks):

        #HepMC3 format

        if not self.set_write_hepmc: return

        #hepmc event
        evt = hepmc.GenEvent(hepmc.Units.GEV, hepmc.Units.MM)

        #event attributes
        for i in self.hepmc_attrib:
            attr = hepmc.DoubleAttribute(self.hepmc_attrib[i])
            evt.add_attribute(i, attr)

        #vertex position
        if len(tracks) > 0:
                hepmc.FourVector(tracks[0].vx, tracks[0].vy, tracks[0].vz, 0))

        #tracks loop
        for t in tracks:
            #only final particles
            if t.stat != 1: continue



        self.hepmc_ievt += 1

    def close_root(self):

Exemple #2
class file_io:
    #output from lgen
    def __init__(self, parse):

        #create the individual outputs
        self.set_write_dat = False
        if parse.has_option("lgen", "write_dat"):
            self.set_write_dat = parse.getboolean("lgen", "write_dat")

        self.set_write_tx = False
        if parse.has_option("lgen", "write_tx"):
            self.set_write_tx = parse.getboolean("lgen", "write_tx")

        self.set_write_root = True
        if parse.has_option("lgen", "write_root"):
            self.set_write_root = parse.getboolean("lgen", "write_root")

        if self.set_write_dat: self.make_dat(parse)
        if self.set_write_tx: self.make_tx(parse)

        self.ltree = None
        if self.set_write_root: self.make_root(parse)

    def make_dat(self, parse):

        #dat output, Pythia6 format

        #name for the output file
        nam = parse.get("lgen", "nam").strip("\"'") + "_evt.dat"
        print "Dat output name:", nam

        #lgen ascii output
        self.out = open(nam, "w")
        #event counter
        self.ievt = 1
        #header for the ascii output
        header = []
        header.append("  LGEN EVENT FILE ")  # LGEN
        header.append(" ============================================")
            "I, ievent, IChannel, process, subprocess, nucleon, struckparton, partontrck, Y, Q2, X, W2, NU, trueY, trueQ2, trueX, trueW2,trueNu, SIGtot, errSIGtot, D, F1NC, F3NC, G1NC,G3NC, A1NC, F1CC, F3CC, G1CC, G5CC, nrTracks"
        header.append(" ============================================")
            "  I  K(I,1)  K(I,2)  K(I,3)  K(I,4)  K(I,5) P(I,1)  P(I,2)  P(I,3)  P(I,4)  P(I,5)  V(I,1)  V(I,2)  V(I,3)"
        header.append(" ============================================")
        for i in header:
            self.out.write(i + "\n")

    def make_tx(self, parse):

        #TX output

        nam = parse.get("lgen", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".tx"
        print "TX output name:", nam

        self.tx_out = open(nam, "w")
        self.tx_ievt = 1

    def make_root(self, parse):

        #ROOT output

        nam = parse.get("lgen", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".root"
        print "ROOT output name:", nam

        self.out_root = TFile(nam, "recreate")
        #tree variables, all Double_t
        tlist = ["phot_en", "phot_theta", "phot_phi"]
        tlist += ["el_en", "el_theta", "el_phi"]
        #C structure holding the variables
        struct = "struct tree_out { Double_t "
        for i in tlist:
            struct += i + ", "
        struct = struct[:-2] + ";};"
        #create the output tree
        self.tree_out = rt.tree_out()  # instance of the C structure
        self.ltree = TTree("ltree", "ltree")
        for i in tlist:
            exec("self.tree_out." + i + "=0")
            self.ltree.Branch(i, AddressOf(self.tree_out, i), i + "/D")

        #particles array
        self.particles_out = TClonesArray("TParticle")
        self.ltree.Branch("particles", self.particles_out)


    def write_dat(self, tracks):
        #ascii output for the event, pythia6 format

        if not self.set_write_dat: return

        #write event header to the output
        self.out.write("   0")
        #event number
        #placeholder for integer variables
        self.out.write("     15      4      2      1      0      0")
        #placeholder for event kinematics and cross section, 22 parameters, 10 decimal digits, 19 characters
        for ii in xrange(22):
        #number of tracks in the event
        self.out.write(" ============================================\n")

        #put tracks in the event
        for i in tracks:

        #place event footer to the output
        self.out.write(" =============== Event finished ===============\n")
        #increment event count after writing the event
        self.ievt += 1

    def write_tx(self, tracks):

        #TX Starlight format

        if not self.set_write_tx: return

        #tracks and vertex position in cm
        tracks_tx = []
        vx = 0.
        vy = 0.
        vz = 0.
        #tracks loop
        for t in tracks:
            #only final particles
            if t.stat != 1: continue

            vx = t.vx / 10.
            vy = t.vy / 10.
            vz = t.vz / 10.


        #number of tracks for event and vertex lines
        ntrk = str(len(tracks_tx))

        #event line
        evtlin = "EVENT: " + str(self.tx_ievt) + " " + ntrk + " 1"
        self.tx_out.write(evtlin + "\n")

        #vertex line
        vtxlin = "VERTEX:"
        vtx_prec = 9
        if abs(vx) < 1e-9 and abs(vy) < 1e-9 and abs(vz) < 1e-9:
            vtx_prec = 0
        vtx_form = " {0:." + str(vtx_prec) + "f}"
        vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vx)
        vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vy)
        vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vz)
        vtxlin += " 0 1 0 0 " + ntrk
        self.tx_out.write(vtxlin + "\n")

        #track lines
        for tlin in tracks_tx:
            self.tx_out.write(tlin + "\n")

        self.tx_ievt += 1

    def write_root(self, tracks):

        #ROOT output

        if not self.set_write_root: return

        #initialize the particles array
        ipos = 0

        t = self.tree_out

        for i in tracks:
            #select the final photon and electron
            if i.stat != 1: continue

            #put the particles to TParticles clones array
            i.write_tparticle(self.particles_out, ipos)
            ipos += 1

            #final photon
            if i.pdg == 22:

                t.phot_en = i.vec.Energy()
                t.phot_theta = i.vec.Theta()
                t.phot_phi = i.vec.Phi()

            #final electron
            if i.pdg == 11:

                t.el_en = i.vec.Energy()
                t.el_theta = i.vec.Theta()
                t.el_phi = i.vec.Phi()

        #fill the tree

    def close_root(self):
