def tau_from_L_curve(unfoldingObject): ''' Get best tau via l curve method Not tested ''' lCurve = TGraph() logTauX = TSpline3() logTauY = TSpline3() iBest = unfoldingObject.ScanLcurve(500, 0., 0., lCurve, logTauX, logTauY) # Additional info, plots t = Double(0) x = Double(0) y = Double(0) logTauX.GetKnot(iBest, t, x) logTauY.GetKnot(iBest, t, y) bestLcurve = Graph(1) bestLcurve.SetPoint(1, x, y) lCurve.SetMarkerColor(600) lCurve.SetMarkerSize(1) lCurve.SetMarkerStyle(5) # lCurve.Draw("AP"); bestLcurve.markercolor = 'red' # bestLcurve.Draw("*"); return unfoldingObject.GetTau()
def setSpline(self, x, y, title='attenuation'): """ Initialize a spline that is multiplied to the intrinsic spectrum (e.g. for EBL absorption) Parameters ---------- x: n-dim np.array with energies in TeV y: n-dim np.array with values of Spline (e.g. EBL attenuation) kwargs ------ title: str, title of spline """ self._spline = TSpline3(title, x, y, x.shape[0]) self._useSpline = True self._xMin = np.min(x) self._xMax = np.max(x) return
def __init__(self, irf, **kwargs): """ Init the observation simulation class Parameters ---------- irf: str full path to CTA IRF root file kwargs ------ threshold: float energy threshold in TeV (default: 0.1) eMin: float minimum energy in TeV (default: 0.05) eMin: float maximum energy in TeV (default: 30.) """ kwargs.setdefault('threshold', 0.1) #kwargs.setdefault('specBinningOut',100) kwargs.setdefault('eMin', 0.05) kwargs.setdefault('eMax', 30.) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) if not exists(irf): raise IOError('IRF file not found at {0:s}'.format(irf)) self._threshold = Double(self.threshold) self._irf = irf self._irfFile = TFile(irf) self._useSpline = False self._xMin = 1e16 # dummy, very big self._xMax = 1e-16 # dummy, very small self._spline = TSpline3() return
y_points[x_points.index( graph.GetX()[i_point])] += graph.GetY()[i_point] samples_counter_points[x_points.index( graph.GetX()[i_point])] += 1 for i_point in range(len(y_points)): y_points[i_point] /= float(samples_counter_points[i_point]) x_points, y_points = zip(*sorted(zip(x_points, y_points))) x_points_array = array("d", x_points) y_points_array = array("d", y_points) averaged_graphs[graphs_name] = TGraph(len(x_points), x_points_array, y_points_array) averaged_graphs[graphs_name].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0, max(x_points_array) * 1.10) # err_function = TF1("err_function","[0]*TMath::Erf((x-[1])/[2])", 0, max(x_points_array)) # sigmoid_function = TF1("sigmoid_function","([0]/(1+ TMath::Exp(-[1]*(x-[2]))", 0, max(x_points_array)) sigmoid_function = TF1("sigmoid_function", "(1/(1+ TMath::Exp(-[0]*(x-[1]))))", 0, max(x_points_array)) pol_function = TF1("pol_function", "pol6", 0, max(x_points_array)) averaged_graphs[graphs_name].Fit(pol_function) spline = TSpline3("spline", averaged_graphs[graphs_name]) averaged_graphs[graphs_name].SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotLarge) averaged_graphs[graphs_name].SetMarkerSize(1) averaged_graphs[graphs_name].SetTitle(graphs_name) averaged_graphs[graphs_name].Draw("AP") spline.Draw("LSAME") debug_canvas.Update() input("PRESS")
hPtGenAcc = infileAcc.Get('hPtGenAcc') hPtGenLimAcc = infileAcc.Get('hPtGenLimAcc') FONLL = ReadFONLL(inputCfg['filenameFONLL']) TAMU = ReadTAMU(inputCfg['filenameRaaPredTAMU']) PHSD = ReadPHSD(inputCfg['filenameRaaPredPHSD']) Gossiaux = ReadGossiaux(inputCfg['filenameRaaPredGossiaux']) Catania = ReadCatania(inputCfg['filenameRaaPredCatania']) outfile = TFile('%s.root' % outFileName, 'recreate') sTAMU, sGossiaux, sPHSD, sCatania = ({} for iDic in range(4)) for iRaaTAMU in TAMU: if iRaaTAMU != 'PtCent': sTAMU[iRaaTAMU] = TSpline3('sTAMU%s' % iRaaTAMU, array.array('d', TAMU['PtCent']), array.array('d', TAMU[iRaaTAMU]), len(TAMU['PtCent'])) for iRaaPHSD in PHSD: if iRaaPHSD != 'PtCent': sPHSD[iRaaPHSD] = TSpline3('sPHSD%s' % iRaaPHSD, array.array('d', PHSD['PtCent']), array.array('d', PHSD[iRaaPHSD]), len(PHSD['PtCent'])) for iRaaGossiaux in Gossiaux: if iRaaGossiaux != 'PtCent': sGossiaux[iRaaGossiaux] = TSpline3( 'sGossiaux%s' % iRaaGossiaux, array.array('d', Gossiaux['PtCent']), array.array('d', Gossiaux[iRaaGossiaux]), len(Gossiaux['PtCent'])) for iRaaCatania in Catania: if iRaaCatania != 'PtCent': sCatania[iRaaCatania] = TSpline3(
def test_evaluate(): # create functions and histograms f1 = TF1("f1", "x") f2 = TF2("f2", "x*y") f3 = TF3("f3", "x*y*z") h1 = TH1D("h1", "", 10, 0, 1) h1.FillRandom("f1") h2 = TH2D("h2", "", 10, 0, 1, 10, 0, 1) h2.FillRandom("f2") h3 = TH3D("h3", "", 10, 0, 1, 10, 0, 1, 10, 0, 1) h3.FillRandom("f3") # generate random arrays arr_1d = np.random.rand(5) arr_2d = np.random.rand(5, 2) arr_3d = np.random.rand(5, 3) arr_4d = np.random.rand(5, 4) # evaluate the functions assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f1, arr_1d), map(f1.Eval, arr_1d)) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f1.GetTitle(), arr_1d), map(f1.Eval, arr_1d)) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f2, arr_2d), [f2.Eval(*x) for x in arr_2d]) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f2.GetTitle(), arr_2d), [f2.Eval(*x) for x in arr_2d]) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f3, arr_3d), [f3.Eval(*x) for x in arr_3d]) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f3.GetTitle(), arr_3d), [f3.Eval(*x) for x in arr_3d]) # 4d formula f4 = TFormula('test', 'x*y+z*t') assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(f4, arr_4d), [f4.Eval(*x) for x in arr_4d]) # evaluate the histograms assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(h1, arr_1d), [h1.GetBinContent(h1.FindBin(x)) for x in arr_1d]) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(h2, arr_2d), [h2.GetBinContent(h2.FindBin(*x)) for x in arr_2d]) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(h3, arr_3d), [h3.GetBinContent(h3.FindBin(*x)) for x in arr_3d]) # create a graph g = TGraph(2) g.SetPoint(0, 0, 1) g.SetPoint(1, 1, 2) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(g, [0, .5, 1]), [1, 1.5, 2]) from ROOT import TSpline3 s = TSpline3("spline", g) assert_array_equal(rnp.evaluate(s, [0, .5, 1]), map(s.Eval, [0, .5, 1])) # test exceptions assert_raises(TypeError, rnp.evaluate, object(), [1, 2, 3]) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, h1, arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, h2, arr_3d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, h2, arr_1d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, h3, arr_1d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, h3, arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, f1, arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, f2, arr_3d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, f2, arr_1d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, f3, arr_1d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, f3, arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, g, arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, s, arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, "f", arr_1d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, "x*y", arr_1d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, "x", arr_2d) assert_raises(ValueError, rnp.evaluate, "x*y", arr_3d)
break if (rec / gen >= required_eff and count == 0): #conservative estimation cospa_bin_list.append(cospa_bin) ct_array = ct_bins + ct_step_size / 2 cospa_array = cospa_bins[cospa_bin_list - 1] + cospa_step_size[cospa_bin_list - 1] / 2 graph_eff = TGraph(len(cospa_array), ct_array, cospa_array) graph_eff.SetName(f"{required_eff}") graph_eff.SetMarkerColor(kRed) graph_eff.SetMarkerStyle(8) graph_eff.SetMarkerSize(0.5) tcanvas_list.append(TCanvas(f"eff{required_eff}")) graph_list.append(graph_eff) #write histo file tfile = TFile('splines.root', 'recreate') for eff, graph, cv in zip(required_eff_list, graph_list, tcanvas_list): spl = TSpline3(f"spline_{eff}", graph) spl.SetLineColor(kOrange) spl.SetLineWidth(3) hist_cosPA.Draw("colz") graph.Draw("p") spl.Draw("same") cv.Write() cv.Close() spl.Write(f"spline_{eff}") tfile.Close()
reguScan= False fixedTau = False noReg = True if reguScan: ##Regularize Curvature (it is done when the spectrum is rapidly falling) for b in range(2,nbinsGen): fnlbins = b down = dLevelMC.GetBinContent(fnlbins-1) up = dLevelMC.GetBinContent(fnlbins+1) unfold.RegularizeCurvature(b-1, b, b+1, 1.00/down,1.00/up) nScan=30; logTauX = TSpline3() logTauY = TSpline3() lCurve = TGraph() iBest=unfold.ScanLcurve(nScan,1e-04,1e-03,lCurve,logTauX,logTauY); print "( " + str(unfold.GetChi2A()) + "+" + str(unfold.GetChi2L()) + ") / " + str(unfold.GetNdf()) print "Tau : ", unfold.GetTau() folderName = "ReguScan_"+str(unfold.GetTau())+"y-fineGEN"+label["mkdir",folderName]) l =[0.00,0.00] x=array('d', l) y=array('d', l) t=array('d', l)
Nexp = inputCfg['nExpectedEvents'] Taa = inputCfg['Taa'] BR = inputCfg['BR'] fractoD = inputCfg['fractoD'] if inputCfg['PredForFprompt']['estimateFprompt']: infilePred = TFile.Open(inputCfg['PredForFprompt']['filename']) hPredPrompt = infilePred.Get(inputCfg['PredForFprompt']['histonamePrompt']) hPredFD = infilePred.Get(inputCfg['PredForFprompt']['histonameFD']) RatioRaaFDPrompt = inputCfg['PredForFprompt']['RatioRaaFDPrompt'] FONLL = ReadFONLL(inputCfg['filenameFONLL']) TAMU = ReadTAMU( inputCfg['filenameRaaPredTAMU']) #optimisation performed using TAMU sTAMUmin = TSpline3('sTAMUmin', array.array('d', TAMU['PtCent']), array.array('d', TAMU['Min']), len(TAMU['PtCent'])) sTAMUmax = TSpline3('sTAMUmax', array.array('d', TAMU['PtCent']), array.array('d', TAMU['Max']), len(TAMU['PtCent'])) infileAcc = TFile(inputCfg['filenameAcc']) hPtGenAcc = infileAcc.Get('hPtGenAcc') hPtGenLimAcc = infileAcc.Get('hPtGenLimAcc') cutVars = inputCfg['cutvars'] PtMin = inputCfg['PtMin'] PtMax = inputCfg['PtMax'] ranges = [] axesnum = [] upperlowercuts = [] steps = []
def tau_from_scan(unfoldingObject, regularisation_settings): variable = regularisation_settings.variable # Plots that get outputted by the scan lCurve = TGraph() scanResult = TSpline3() d = 'signal' a = '' # Parameters of scan # Number of points to scan, and min/max tau nScan = 200 minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-0 if variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': minTau = 1.E-8 maxTau = 1.E-3 elif variable == 'lepton_pt': minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-2 elif variable == 'NJets': minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-2 # Scan is performed here iBest = unfoldingObject.ScanTau(nScan, minTau, maxTau, scanResult, TUnfoldDensity.kEScanTauRhoSquareAvg) # Plot the scan result # Correlation as function of log tau canvas = TCanvas() # Add point corresponding to optimum tau t = Double(0) x = Double(0) scanResult.GetKnot(iBest, t, x) bestTau = Graph(1) bestTau.SetPoint(1, t, x) bestTau.markercolor = 'red' bestTau.SetMarkerSize(1.5) bestTau.SetMarkerStyle(34) bestTau.GetXaxis().SetTitle('log(#tau)') bestTau.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Average global correlation coefficient squared') bestTau.SetTitle('{0} {1}'.format(variable, bestTau.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(x * 0.8, 0.95) bestTau.GetXaxis().SetLimits(log(minTau, 10), log(maxTau, 10)) bestTau.Draw('AP') scanResult.SetMarkerColor(600) scanResult.SetMarkerSize(0.5) scanResult.SetMarkerStyle(20) scanResult.Draw('LPSAME') # Redraw to get it to appear on top of TSpline3... bestTau.Draw('PSAME') # Write to file output_dir = regularisation_settings.output_folder make_folder_if_not_exists(output_dir) canvas.SaveAs( output_dir + '/{0}_{1}.png'.format(variable, return unfoldingObject.GetTau()
def draw(mode, patch): if mode == 'total': xmin = 4.17 xmax = 4.71 step = (xmax - xmin) / 100 # N = 19 + 6 + 6 + 6# 19: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 N = 19 + 6 + 6 # 19: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 if mode == 'psipp': xmin = 4.17 xmax = 4.71 step = (xmax - xmin) / 100 # N = 19 + 6 + 6 + 6# 19: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 N = 19 + 6 + 6 # 19: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 if mode == 'DDPIPI': xmin = 4.17 xmax = 4.71 step = (xmax - xmin) / 100 # N = 19 + 6 + 6 + 6# 19: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 N = 19 + 6 + 6 # 19: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 if mode == 'D1_2420': # N = 19 + 6 + 6 + 6# 18: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 N = 19 + 6 + 6 # 18: 703p01, 6: 705, 4: 705 above 4600 sys_err = array('f', N * [0]) ecms = array('f', N * [0]) ecms_err = array('f', N * [0]) xs = array('f', N * [0]) xs_err = array('f', N * [0]) path = './txts/xs_' + mode + '_' + patch + '_plot.txt' mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) hr = mbc.DrawFrame(4.17, -0.1, 4.71, 100) f = open(path, 'r') lines = f.readlines() count = 0 for line in lines: rs = line.rstrip('\n') rs = filter(None, rs.split(' ')) ecms[count] = ECMS(int(float(rs[0]) * 1000)) ecms_err[count] = 0.0022 xs[count] = round(float(rs[1]), 2) xs_err[count] = round(float(rs[2]), 2) count += 1 grerr = TGraphErrors(N, ecms, xs, ecms_err, xs_err) # grerr = TGraph(N, ecms, xs) xtitle = '#sqrt{s}(GeV)' if mode == 'D1_2420': ytitle = '#sigma(e^{+}e^{-}#rightarrowD_{1}(2420)D)(pb)' if mode == 'psipp': ytitle = '#sigma(e^{+}e^{-}#rightarrow#psi(3770)#pi^{+}#pi^{-})(pb)' if mode == 'DDPIPI': ytitle = '#sigma(e^{+}e^{-}#rightarrowD^{+}D^{-}#pi^{+}#pi^{-})(PHSP)(pb)' if mode == 'total': ytitle = '#sigma(e^{+}e^{-}#rightarrow#pi^{+}#pi^{-}D^{+}D^{-})(pb)' hr.SetXTitle(xtitle) hr.SetYTitle(ytitle) set_graph_style(grerr, xtitle, ytitle) grerr.Draw('AP') spline = TSpline3('tspline', grerr) spline.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) spline.Draw('same') with open('./txts/xs_user_spline_' + str(mode) + '.txt', 'w') as f: for i in xrange(100): val = xmin + step * i f.write(str(val) + '\t' + str(spline.Eval(val)) + '\n') mbc.Update() if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') mbc.SaveAs('./figs/xs_' + mode + '_' + patch + '.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')
for i in range(len(xlist) / smoothF) ] grSmooth = TGraph(len(xlistSmooth), array("d", xlistSmooth), array("d", pulseShapeSmooth)) c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 700, 500) h1.SetMinimum(-0.2) h1.SetMaximum(1.1) h1.DrawCopy("") line = TLine(-30, 0, 100, 0) line.SetLineColor(4) line.Draw("same") gr.Draw("same") spline = TSpline3("spline", grSmooth) spline.SetLineColor(2) spline.Draw("same") c2.Modified() c2.Update() ## LOAD the old shape Tprev = [ 3.22188688e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05, 3.22145863e-05,
hDiff_tmp = TH1F("diff_bin" + str(ibin), "; unfolded-truth; number of events", 100, -1, 1) hDiff_bin.append(hDiff_tmp) lowedge = 399. highedge = 1199. for itoy in xrange(0, ntoys): unfold_tmp = TUnfoldDensity(Hres, TUnfold.kHistMapOutputVert, TUnfold.kRegModeCurvature, TUnfold.kEConstraintNone, TUnfoldDensity.kDensityModeBinWidth) unfold_tmp.SetInput(hToy_i[itoy]) if options.regType == "LCurve": logTauX_tmp = TSpline3() logTauY_tmp = TSpline3() lCurve_tmp = TGraph() unfold_tmp.ScanLcurve(30, 0., 0., lCurve_tmp, logTauX_tmp, logTauY_tmp) else: scanResult = TSpline3() unfold_tmp.ScanTau(100, 0.0001, 0.1, scanResult, TUnfoldDensity.kEScanTauRhoAvg) hReco_tmp = unfold_tmp.GetOutput("tmp_output") for ibin in range(0, nbinsTrue): if thisTrue.GetBinLowEdge( ibin + 1) > lowedge and thisTrue.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) < highedge: hDiff_bin[ibin].Fill((thisTrue.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) -