Exemple #1
    def ROSCO_Test_lite(self, more_case_inputs={}, U=[]):
        DLC 1.1 - 5 wind speeds, 60s

        more_case_inputs: dict
            Additional case inputs
        U: list
            List of wind inputs

        # Check for time and wind inputs
        if ('Fst', 'TMax') in more_case_inputs.keys():
            self.TMax = np.max(more_case_inputs[('Fst', 'TMax')]['vals'])
            self.TMax = 330

        if len(U) > 0:
            WindSpeeds = U
            WindSpeeds = [5, 8, 11, 14, 17]

        fastRead = InputReader_OpenFAST(FAST_ver=self.FAST_ver,
        fastRead.FAST_InputFile = self.FAST_InputFile  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        # Path to fst directory files
        fastRead.FAST_directory = self.FAST_directory

        # Read FAST inputs for generating cases

        # Start near the steady state, controller should be able to handle startup transients.
        iec = CaseGen_IEC()
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")] = {'U': [2, 30]}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")]['val'] = np.ones(
            [2]) * fastRead.fst_vt['ElastoDyn']['RotSpeed'] * .75
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")] = {'U': [2, 30]}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")]['val'] = np.ones([2]) * 0
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch2")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch3")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
        iec.Turbine_Class = self.Turbine_Class
        iec.Turbulence_Class = self.Turbulence_Class
        iec.D = fastRead.fst_vt['ElastoDyn']['TipRad'] * 2.
        iec.z_hub = fastRead.fst_vt['InflowWind']['RefHt']
        iec.TMax = self.TMax

        iec.dlc_inputs = {}
        iec.dlc_inputs['DLC'] = [1.1]  # ,6.1,6.3]
        iec.dlc_inputs['U'] = [WindSpeeds]
        iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [[971231]]
        iec.dlc_inputs['Yaw'] = [[]]
        iec.transient_dir_change = '-'  # '+','-','both': sign for transient events in EDC, EWS
        iec.transient_shear_orientation = 'v'  # 'v','h','both': vertical or horizontal shear for EWS

        if self.wind_dir:
            iec.wind_dir = self.wind_dir
            iec.wind_dir = os.path.join(self.runDir, 'wind')

        iec.case_name_base = self.namebase
        iec.Turbsim_exe = self.Turbsim_exe
        iec.debug_level = self.debug_level
        iec.cores = self.cores
        iec.run_dir = self.runDir
        iec.overwrite = self.overwrite
        # iec.overwrite       = False
        if self.cores > 1:
            iec.parallel_windfile_gen = True
            iec.parallel_windfile_gen = False

        # mpi_run = False
        if self.mpi_run:
            iec.mpi_run = mpi_run
            iec.comm_map_down = mpi_comm_map_down

        case_inputs = {}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "TMax")] = {'vals': [self.TMax], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "OutFileFmt")] = {
            'vals': [self.outfile_fmt],
            'group': 0

        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'GenTiStr')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'GenTiStp')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'SpdGenOn')] = {'vals': [0.], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'TimGenOn')] = {'vals': [0.], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'DLL_FileName')] = {
            'vals': [self.rosco_path],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'DLL_DT')] = {
            'vals': ['"default"'],
            'group': 0

        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "WakeMod")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "AFAeroMod")] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrPotent")] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrShadow")] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrAero")] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "SkewMod")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TipLoss")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "HubLoss")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TanInd")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "AIDrag")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TIDrag")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "IndToler")] = {'vals': [1.e-5], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "MaxIter")] = {'vals': [5000], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "UseBlCm")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}

        if more_case_inputs:

        # generate cases
        case_list, case_name_list, _ = iec.execute(case_inputs=case_inputs)

        # Ensure proper output channels
        var_out = self.var_out

        channels = {}
        for var in var_out:
            channels[var] = True

        # Set up FAST Sims
        fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch()
        fastBatch.FAST_ver = self.FAST_ver
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = self.FAST_exe  # Path to executable
        fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = self.runDir
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = self.FAST_InputFile  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = self.FAST_directory  # Path to fst directory files
        fastBatch.debug_level = self.debug_level
        fastBatch.dev_branch = self.dev_branch

        fastBatch.case_list = case_list
        fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list
        fastBatch.channels = channels

        # Check if simulation has been run
        if self.outfile_fmt == 1:
            outfile_ext = '.out'
        elif self.outfile_fmt == 2:
            outfile_ext = '.outb'
        elif self.outfile_fmt == 3:
            outfile_ext = '.outb'
                'Warning, outfile format may be invalid. Attempting to read binary outputs.'
            outfile_ext = 'outb'
        outFileNames = [
            os.path.join(fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory, case_name + outfile_ext)
            for case_name in case_name_list
        outFileThere = [
            os.path.exists(outFileName) for outFileName in outFileNames

        # Run simulations if they're not all there or if you want to overwrite
        if not all(outFileThere) or self.overwrite:
            if self.cores > 1:

Exemple #2
    def generate_rotperf_fast(self,
        Use openfast to generate Cp surface data. Will be slow, especially if using BeamDyn,
        but may be necessary if cc-blade is not sufficient.

        openfast_path: str
            path to openfast
        FAST_runDirectory: str
            directory to run openfast simulations in
        run_BeamDyn: bool
            Flag to run beamdyn - does not exist yet
        debug_level: float
            0 - no outputs, 1 - simple outputs, 2 - all outputs
        run_type: str
            'serial' - run in serial, 'multi' - run using python multiprocessing tools, 
            'mpi' - run using mpi tools
        from ROSCO_toolbox.ofTools.case_gen import runFAST_pywrapper, CaseGen_General
        from ROSCO_toolbox.ofTools.util import FileTools
        # Load pCrunch tools
        from pCrunch import pdTools, Processing

        # setup values for surface
        v0 = self.v_rated + 2
        TSR_initial = np.arange(3, 15, 1)
        pitch_initial = np.arange(-1, 25, 1)
        rotspeed_initial = TSR_initial * v0 / self.rotor_radius * RadSec2rpm  # rpms

        # Specify Case Inputs
        case_inputs = {}

        # ------- Setup OpenFAST inputs --------
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'TMax')] = {'vals': [330], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'Compinflow')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompAero')] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompServo')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompHydro')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        if run_BeamDyn:
            case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompElast')] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
            case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompElast')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'OutFileFmt')] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}

        # AeroDyn15
        case_inputs[('AeroDyn15', 'WakeMod')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('AeroDyn15', 'AfAeroMod')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('AeroDyn15', 'TwrPotent')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}

        # ElastoDyn
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'FlapDOF1')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'FlapDOF2')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'EdgeDOF')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TeetDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'DrTrDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'GenDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'YawDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwFADOF1')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwFADOF2')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwSSDOF1')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwSSDOF2')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmSgDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmSwDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmHvDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmRDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmPDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmYDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0

        # BeamDyn
        # NEEDED

        # InflowWind
        case_inputs[('InflowWind', 'WindType')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('InflowWind', 'HWindSpeed')] = {'vals': [v0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('InflowWind', 'PLexp')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}

        # ServoDyn
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'PCMode')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'VSContrl')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'HSSBrMode')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'YCMode')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}

        # ------- Setup sweep values inputs --------
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'BlPitch1')] = {
            'vals': list(pitch_initial),
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'BlPitch2')] = {
            'vals': list(pitch_initial),
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'BlPitch3')] = {
            'vals': list(pitch_initial),
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'RotSpeed')] = {
            'vals': list(rotspeed_initial),
            'group': 2

        # FAST details
        fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper.runFAST_pywrapper_batch(
            FAST_ver='OpenFAST', dev_branch=True)
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = openfast_path  # Path to executable
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = self.fast.FAST_InputFile
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = self.fast.FAST_directory
        if not FAST_runDirectory:
            FAST_runDirectory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'RotPerf_OpenFAST')
        fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = FAST_runDirectory
        fastBatch.debug_level = debug_level

        # Generate cases
        case_name_base = self.TurbineName + '_rotperf'
        case_list, case_name_list = CaseGen_General.CaseGen_General(
        fastBatch.case_list = case_list
        fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list

        # Make sure proper outputs exist
        var_out = [
            # ElastoDyn (this is probably overkill on the outputs)
            # ServoDyn
            # AeroDyn15
            'RtTSR',  # NECESSARY
            # InflowWind
        channels = {}
        for var in var_out:
            channels[var] = True
        fastBatch.channels = channels

        # Run OpenFAST
        if run_type.lower() == 'multi':
        elif run_type.lower() == 'mpi':
        elif run_type.lower() == 'serial':

        # ========== Post Processing ==========
        # Save statistics
        fp = Processing.FAST_Processing()

        # Find all outfiles
        fname_case_matrix = os.path.join(FAST_runDirectory, 'case_matrix.yaml')
        case_matrix = FileTools.load_yaml(fname_case_matrix, package=1)
        cm = pd.DataFrame(case_matrix)
        # Parse case matrix and find outfiles names
        outfiles = []
        case_names = cm['Case_Name']
        outfiles = []
        for name in case_names:
            outfiles.append(os.path.join(FAST_runDirectory, name + '.outb'))

        # Set some processing parameters
        fp.OpenFAST_outfile_list = outfiles
        fp.namebase = case_name_base
        fp.t0 = 270
        fp.parallel_analysis = True
        fp.results_dir = os.path.join(FAST_runDirectory, 'stats')
        fp.verbose = True
        # Save for debug!
        fp.save_LoadRanking = False
        fp.save_SummaryStats = False

        print('Processing openfast data on {} cores.'.format(

        # Load and save statistics and load rankings
        stats, load_rankings = fp.batch_processing()

        # Get means of last 30 seconds of 300 second simulation
        CP = stats[0]['RtAeroCp']['mean']
        CT = stats[0]['RtAeroCt']['mean']
        CQ = stats[0]['RtAeroCq']['mean']

        # Reshape Cp, Ct and Cq
        Cp = np.transpose(
            np.reshape(CP, (len(pitch_initial), len(TSR_initial))))
        Ct = np.transpose(
            np.reshape(CT, (len(pitch_initial), len(TSR_initial))))
        Cq = np.transpose(
            np.reshape(CQ, (len(pitch_initial), len(TSR_initial))))

        # Store necessary metrics for analysis
        self.pitch_initial_rad = pitch_initial * deg2rad
        self.TSR_initial = TSR_initial
        self.Cp_table = Cp
        self.Ct_table = Ct
        self.Cq_table = Cq
Exemple #3
    def ROSCO_Test_heavy(self, more_case_inputs={}, U=[]):
        Run extensive DLCs for ROSCO
            - DLC 1.3 - Cutin-Cutout, 2 seeds
            - DLC 1.4 - 2 wind speeds

        more_case_inputs: dict
            Additional case inputs
        U: list-like
            List like with two lists of wind speeds, first entry for DLC 1.3 and second entry for DLC 1.4

        # Check for time and wind inputs
        if ('Fst', 'TMax') in more_case_inputs.keys():
            self.TMax = np.max(more_case_inputs[('Fst', 'TMax')]['vals'])
            self.TMax = 630

        if len(U) > 0:
            WindSpeeds = U
            if len(U) != 2:
                    'For a user defined input, U, two sets of wind speeds must be defined.'
            WindSpeeds = [[4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24],
                          [8.88, 12.88]]

        fastRead = InputReader_OpenFAST(FAST_ver=self.FAST_ver,
        fastRead.FAST_InputFile = self.FAST_InputFile  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        # Path to fst directory files
        fastRead.FAST_directory = self.FAST_directory

        # Read FAST inputs for generating cases

        # Start near the steady state, controller should be able to handle startup transients.
        iec = CaseGen_IEC()
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")] = {'U': [2, 30]}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")]['val'] = np.ones(
            [2]) * fastRead.fst_vt['ElastoDyn']['RotSpeed'] * .75
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")] = {'U': [2, 30]}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")]['val'] = np.ones([2]) * 0
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch2")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch3")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",

        # waves
        if self.FAST_InputFile == 'IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi.fst':
            iec.init_cond[('HydroDyn', 'WaveHs')] = {
                'U': [4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 22., 24.]
            iec.init_cond[('HydroDyn', 'WaveHs')]['val'] = [
                1.102, 1.179, 1.316, 1.537, 1.836, 2.188, 2.598, 3.061, 3.617,
                4.027, 4.516
            iec.init_cond[('HydroDyn', 'WaveTp')] = {
                'U': [4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 22., 24.]
            iec.init_cond[('HydroDyn', 'WaveTp')]['val'] = [
                8.515, 8.310, 8.006, 7.651, 7.441, 7.461, 7.643, 8.047, 8.521,
                8.987, 9.452

        iec.Turbine_Class = self.Turbine_Class
        iec.Turbulence_Class = self.Turbulence_Class
        iec.D = fastRead.fst_vt['ElastoDyn']['TipRad'] * 2.
        iec.z_hub = fastRead.fst_vt['InflowWind']['RefHt']
        iec.TMax = self.TMax

        iec.dlc_inputs = {}
        iec.dlc_inputs['DLC'] = [1.3, 1.4]
        iec.dlc_inputs['U'] = WindSpeeds
        iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [[991235, 5123], []]
        iec.dlc_inputs['Yaw'] = [[], []]
        iec.transient_dir_change = '-'  # '+','-','both': sign for transient events in EDC, EWS
        iec.transient_shear_orientation = 'v'  # 'v','h','both': vertical or horizontal shear for EWS
        iec.uniqueSeeds = True
        iec.uniqueWaveSeeds = True

        if self.wind_dir:
            iec.wind_dir = self.wind_dir
            iec.wind_dir = os.path.join(self.runDir, 'wind')
        iec.case_name_base = self.namebase
        iec.Turbsim_exe = self.Turbsim_exe
        iec.debug_level = self.debug_level
        iec.cores = self.cores
        iec.run_dir = os.path.join(self.runDir)
        iec.overwrite = self.overwrite
        # iec.overwrite       = False
        if self.cores > 1:
            iec.parallel_windfile_gen = True
            iec.parallel_windfile_gen = False

        # mpi_run = False
        if self.mpi_run:
            iec.mpi_run = mpi_run
            iec.comm_map_down = mpi_comm_map_down

        case_inputs = {}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "TMax")] = {'vals': [self.TMax], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "OutFileFmt")] = {
            'vals': [self.outfile_fmt],
            'group': 0

        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'GenTiStr')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'GenTiStp')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'SpdGenOn')] = {'vals': [0.], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'DLL_FileName')] = {
            'vals': [self.rosco_path],
            'group': 0

        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "WakeMod")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "AFAeroMod")] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrPotent")] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrShadow")] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrAero")] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "SkewMod")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TipLoss")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "HubLoss")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TanInd")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "AIDrag")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TIDrag")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "IndToler")] = {'vals': [1.e-5], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "MaxIter")] = {'vals': [5000], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "UseBlCm")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}

        if self.FAST_InputFile == 'IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi.fst':
            case_inputs[("HydroDyn", "WaveMod")] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}

        if more_case_inputs:

        case_list, case_name_list, _ = iec.execute(case_inputs=case_inputs)

        # Ensure proper output channels
        var_out = self.var_out

        channels = {}
        for var in var_out:
            channels[var] = True

        # Set up FAST Sims, move setup up
        fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch()
        fastBatch.FAST_ver = self.FAST_ver
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = self.FAST_exe  # Path to executable
        fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = self.runDir
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = self.FAST_InputFile  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = self.FAST_directory  # Path to fst directory files
        fastBatch.debug_level = self.debug_level
        fastBatch.dev_branch = self.dev_branch

        fastBatch.case_list = case_list
        fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list
        fastBatch.channels = channels

        # Check if simulation has been run
        if self.outfile_fmt == 1:
            outfile_ext = '.out'
        elif self.outfile_fmt == 2:
            outfile_ext = '.outb'
        elif self.outfile_fmt == 3:
            outfile_ext = '.outb'
                'Warning, outfile format may be invalid. Attempting to read binary outputs.'
            outfile_ext = 'outb'
        outFileNames = [
            os.path.join(fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory, case_name + outfile_ext)
            for case_name in case_name_list
        outFileThere = [
            os.path.exists(outFileName) for outFileName in outFileNames

        # Run simulations if they're not all there or if you want to overwrite
        if not all(outFileThere) or self.overwrite:
            if self.cores > 1:
