Exemple #1
def savegifti(arr, filename, giftiobj, intent=2005):
    savegifti(arr, filename, giftiobj, intent=2005)::

    save 1D or 2D <array> into a full gifti filename using <filename>. We used
    the affine and header information from <giftiobj>.

    Note that the file name should have '.gii'. nibabel cannot read '.gii.gz' file

    This is different from readgifti, we must supply an reference <giftiobj> to save the data

    <intent> is a list of integers with intent numbers for each column of arr. Typically
    we can treat it as a normal morph data, so default is 2005. For multiple columns
    in <arr>, you should input a list such as [2005, 2005, 2005]. For full list intent code.
    check the website below:


    20190409 RZ created it


    from nibabel import save
    from nibabel.gifti import GiftiDataArray
    from numpy import ndarray
    from RZutilpy.system import makedirs, Path
    from nibabel.gifti.giftiio import write as giftiwrite

    # check input
    assert isinstance(
        ndarray) and (1 <= arr.ndim <= 2), 'Please input 1d or 2d an ndarray!'

    # make the dir if it does not exist
    filename = Path(filename) if ~isinstance(filename, Path) else filename
    # add .gii suffix if not supplied
    filename = Path(filename.str +
                    '.gii') if filename.suffix != '.gii' else filename

    makedirs(filename)  # note here we add a os.sep

    # make darrays for each column
    if arr.ndim == 1:
        giftiobj.darrays[0].data = arr
        giftiobj.darrays[0].intent = intent
        assert len(intent) == arr.shape[
            1], 'data column number not equal to intent number!'
        darray_list = [giftiobj.darrays[0] for _ in range(arr.shape[1])]
        for i in range(arr.shape[1]):
            darray_list[i].data = arr[:, i]
            darray_list[i].intent = intent[i]
        giftiobj.darrays = darray_list

    save(giftiobj, filename.str)
Exemple #2
def alignT2toT1alt(subjectid, wantmi=True):
    alignT2toT1alt(subjectid, wantmi=True):

    <subjectid> is like 'C0001'
    <wantmi> is whether to use mutual information as the metric

    Load T2 volume from T2average.nii.gz. Register to the FreeSurfer T1.nii.gz volume.
    To perform the registration, we use flirt, using a rigid-body transformation and
    sinc interpolation.  The output is a file called T2alignedtoT1.nii.gz written to
    the FreeSurfer mri directory.

    See code for assumptions.
    from RZutilpy.cvnpy import cvnpath
    from RZutilpy.system import unix_wrapper
    from RZutilpy.imageprocess import makeimagestack3dfiles
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    dir0 = (Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid).str
    fsdir = (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')) / subjectid).str
    pp0 = (Path(cvnpath('ppresult')) / subjectid).str

    # find T2 NIFTI
    t2nifti = (Path(dir0) / 'T2average.nii.gz').str

    # find T1 NIFTI
    t1nifti = (Path(fsdir) / 'mri' / 'T1.nii.gz').str

    # define output file
    t2tot1nifti = (Path(fsdir) / 'mri' / 'T2alignedtoT1.nii.gz').str

    # call flirt to perform the alignment
    if wantmi:
        extrastr = ['-cost', 'mutualinfo', '-searchcost', 'mutualinfo']
        extrastr = []

    cmd = ['flirt', '-v',\
    '-in', t2nifti,\
    '-ref', t1nifti,\
    '-out', t2tot1nifti,\
    ' -interp', 'sinc',\
    '-dof', '6',\
    ] + extrastr  # note that we add extrastr here
    # do it

    # inspect the results
    makeimagestack3dfiles(t1nifti, (Path(pp0) / 'T1T2alinment' / 'T1').str,
                          skips=(5, 5, 5),
                          k=[1, 1, 0],
    makeimagestack3dfiles(t2tot1nifti, (Path(pp0) / 'T1T2alinment' / 'T2').str,
                          skips=(5, 5, 5),
                          k=[1, 1, 0],
Exemple #3
def loadmath5py(filename):
    Similar to loadmat function, except that this function import h5py package to read v7.3 mat file

    can only supply the <filename>, <filename> can be a string or a Path object

    Return, example see loadmat function

    To do:
        1. consider to selective read in?

    from h5py import File
    import numpy as np
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    filename = Path(filename) if ~isinstance(filename, Path) else filename

    print('read the file' + filename.str)
    Fileobject = File(filename.str, 'r')
    keys = []
    values = []
    mat_contend = {}

    for k, v in Fileobject.items():
        mat_contend[k] = np.array(v)

    #del keys[0:3]  # remove first 3 information keys.
    #del values[0:3]  # delete first 3 values
    return mat_contend, keys, values
Exemple #4
def savepkl(filename, varsdict):
    savepkl(filename, varsnamelist):

    Equivalent function as save in matlab. Save function save multiple variables
    into a .pkl file. This function save several variables into a pickle file.

    <filename>: a string 'test.pkl', or 'test'
        with .pkl extension, filename of the pickle file, variable should be saved as 'filename.pkl'
    <varsdict>: a dict to save

    # to do
        create the folder if it does not exists


    from dill import dump
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    filename = Path(filename) if ~isinstance(filename, Path) else filename

    # open a file
    f = open(f'{filename.strnosuffix}.pkl', 'wb')
    dump(varsdict, f)
Exemple #5
def getmultifilename(pattern, N):
    getmultifilename(patterns, N)

    create multiple file names into a list <filenames>. <filenames> are labeled by numbers
    Useful when saving multiple files,e.g., multiple images

    <pattern>: a file pattern, e.g., 'image%02d'
    <N>: is :
        (1) int, 100.
        (2) a int array, like [1,2,3,4,5]

        files = rz.rzio.getmultifilename('image%02d', N=10)

    from RZutilpy.system import Path
    from numpy import arange, ndarray

    pattern = Path(pattern).str  # replace '~' to home directory

    if isinstance(N, int):
        N = arange(N) + 1
    assert isinstance(N, ndarray), 'Input N is wrong, double check'

        filenames = [(pattern % i) for i in N]
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('The pattern seems wrong...check it')

    return filenames
Exemple #6
def savejson(filename, varsdict):
    def savejson(filename, varsdict):

    <filename>: a string 'test.json', or 'test', can have full path
    <varsdict>: a dict to save


    from json import dump
    from RZutilpy.system import Path, makedirs

    filename = Path(filename)
    if filename.suffix != 'json':
        filename = Path(filename.str + '.json')

    # open a file
    f = open('{}.json'.format(filename.strnosuffix), 'w')
    dump(varsdict, f, indent=4)
Exemple #7
def getsampleimage(imgnum):
    Get a sample image for image processing
    <imgnum>: int
    from cv2 import imread
    from RZutilpy.system import Path
    from RZutilpy import imageprocess

    # get the image path
    pic = Path(imageprocess.__file__)
    pic = pic.parent / 'imageprocessutils' / f'getsampleimage{imgnum}.png'
    return imread(pic.str)
Exemple #8
def jupyter2pdf(jupyterFile, outputDir=None):
    convert jupyter2pdf using pdfkit.

    <jupyterFile>: a string or a Path-lib object

    <outputDir>: outputDir, default:cwd

    from RZutilpy.system import Path, makedirs
    import pdfkit

    jupyterFile = Path(jupyterFile)
    outputDir = Path.cwd() if outputDir is None else Path(outputDir)
    makedirs(outputDir) # create the dir if no exists

    name = jupyterFile.pstem

    !jupyter nbconvert --to html {name}

    htmlFile = Path(jupyterFile.strnosuffix+'.html')
    pdfkit.from_file(htmlFile.str, (outputDir/(name+'.pdf')).str)
    !rm -f {name}.html
def splitafniname(filename):
    Extract afni dataset prefix. Afni dataset typically contains '+', we extract
    the name before '+' file. Assume only one '+' exists in the filename
    assert isinstance(filename, str), 'filename should be a string'
    import re
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    p = re.compile(r'(.*)\+')
    matchgroup = p.match(filename)
    assert matchgroup is not None, 'no match!'
    fullprefix = matchgroup.group(1)
    # strip path information
    shortprefix = Path(fullprefix).pstem

    return shortprefix, fullprefix
def splitniftiname(file):
    get nift file names. Assume nifti files is
    xxx.nii.gz or xxx.nii, we want to extract xxx
    <file> is a string of nifti file.

    We return ('xxx', '.nii') or ('xxx', '.nii.gz')
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    suffix = Path(file).suffixes
    if suffix[-1] == '.gz':  #.nii.gz format
        return file[:-7], '.nii.gz'
    elif suffix[-1] == '.nii':
        return file[:-4], '.nii'
        return None
Exemple #11
def loadjson(filename, varname=None):
    loadjson(filename, varname=None)

    load jsonfile

    from json import load
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    # convert to path-like object
    filename = Path(filename) if not isinstance(filename, Path) else filename

    # open a file
    with open(filename.str) as f:
        data = load(f)

    return data[varname] if varname is not None else data
Exemple #12
def loadmat(filename, **kwargs):
    loadmat(filename, **kwargs):

    load .mat file, a wrapper of scipy.io.loadmat.

    This function is mainly used to load in matlab matfile, we remove some
    redundant information, i.e. _header_ and only keep valid saved data.

        <filename>: a string of filename to read, e.g., 'read'
        **kwargs: kwargs for scipy.io.loadmat function, can check it
            using help(scipy.io.loadmat)

    Returns: a tuple (mat_contend, )
        <mat_contend>: a dict that scipy.io.loadmat produces to load the matfile
        <keys>: a list of keys in <mat_contend>
        <values>: a list of values in <mat_contend>

        mat,keys,values = loadmat('data01.mat')

    History and Notes:
        20180720 <filename> can accept Path object
        20170802 RZ add more input
        20170326 RZ created it

    import scipy.io as spio
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    # convert str to path-like object
    filename = Path(filename) if not isinstance(filename, Path) else filename

    print('read in' + filename.str + '...')
    mat_contend = spio.loadmat(filename.str, **kwargs)
    keys = list(mat_contend.keys())  # we read keys as a list
    values = list(mat_contend.values())
    del keys[0:3]  # remove first 3 information keys.
    del values[0:3]  # delete first 3 values
    return mat_contend, keys, values
Exemple #13
def loadpkl(filename, varname=None):

    Equivalent function as load in matlab. Return a dict load from pkl file

    20180814 add only load one varname
    20180714 <filename> accept path-like obj, use dill replace pickle
    from dill import load
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    # convert to path-like object
    filename = Path(filename) if not isinstance(filename, Path) else filename

    # open a file
    f = open(filename.str, 'rb')
    data = load(f)
    return data[varname] if varname is not None else data
Exemple #14
def savenifti(arr, filename, niftiobj=None, affine=None, header=None):
    savenifti(arr, filename, niftiobj=None, affine=None, header=None):

    save 3D or 4D <array> into a full nifti filename using <filename>. We used
    the affine and header information from <niftiobj>.

    Note that the file name can have either the ext as '.nii' or '.nii.gz'. nibabel
    can take care of it.

    If <affine> or <header> is supplied, they will overwrite information from the <niftiobj>

    20180622 RZ add support for affine and header

    from nibabel import save, Nifti1Image
    from numpy import ndarray
    from RZutilpy.system import makedirs, Path

    # check input
    assert isinstance(
        ndarray) and (3 <= arr.ndim <= 4), 'Please input 3d or 4d an ndarray!'

    # make the dir if it does not exist
    filename = Path(filename) if ~isinstance(filename, Path) else filename
    makedirs(filename)  # note here we add a os.sep

    if affine is None or header is None:
        assert isinstance(
            Nifti1Image), 'affine or header is none, you must supply niftiobj'

    # get affine and header information
    affine = niftiobj.affine.copy() if affine is None else affine.copy()
    header = niftiobj.header.copy() if header is None else header.copy()

    save(Nifti1Image(arr, affine, header), filename.str)
Exemple #15
def savemat(filename, dict, exist_ok=False, **kwargs):
    savemat(filename, **kwargs):

    load .mat file, a wrapper of scipy.io.savemat.

    This function is mainly used to save a dict into matlab matfile.

        <filename>: a string of filename to read, e.g., 'read'
        **kwargs: kwargs for scipy.io.loadmat function, can check it
            using help(scipy.io.loadmat)

    Returns: a tuple (mat_contend, )
        <mat_contend>: a dict that scipy.io.loadmat produces to load the matfile
        <keys>: a list of keys in <mat_contend>
        <values>: a list of values in <mat_contend>

        savemat('data01.mat', '')

    History and Notes:

    from scipy.io import savemat
    from RZutilpy.system import Path,makedirs

    # convert str to path-like object
    filename = Path(filename) if not isinstance(filename, Path) else filename

        savemat(filename.str, **kwargs)
        return True
        raise IOError('can not save the file!')
Exemple #16
def convertxfm(xfm, prefix=None):
    convert an affine transform between lps+ space and ras+ space

    Note that AFNI uses lps+ space, but FSL, Freesurfer, nibabel use ras+ space. This
    function is thus useful to convert and xfm obtained from on space to another

    nibabel team is trying to make an uniform platform for convert xfm obtained from differet
    software. It seems that

    <xfm>: can be
        (1). ndarray, 12 or 16 elements, can be (12,),(16,)(3,4)(4,4) format
        (2). a string file name, use np.loadtxt to load xfm from the file
    <prefix>: if not None, save the result xfm to the txt file.
    from numpy import ndarray, hstack, loadtxt, savetxt
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    if isinstance(xfm, ndarray):
        assert xfm.size == 12 or xfm.size == 16, 'xfm matrix should be 12 or 16 elements'
    elif isinstance(xfm, str):  # read xfm from file
        xfm = loadtxt(xfm)
        assert xfm.size == 12 or xfm.size == 16, 'xfm matrix should be 12 or 16 elements'

    xfm = xfm.flatten()
    xfm = hstack((xfm, [0, 0, 0, 1])) if xfm.size == 12 else xfm

    xfm[[2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9]] = -1 * xfm[[2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9]]

    xfm = xfm.reshape(4, 4)

    if prefix is not None:
        savetxt(Path(prefix).strnosuffix + '.txt', xfm)

    return xfm
def runfreesurfer2(subjectid,extraflags=''):
    def runfreesurfer2(subjectid,extraflags):

    <subjectid> is like 'C0001'
    <extraflags> (optional) is a string with extra flags to pass to recon-all.
     Default: ''

    This is part 2/2 for pushing anatomical data through FreeSurfer.
    see code for assumptions.
    from RZutilpy.cvnpy import cvnpath, writemgz, fstoint
    from RZutilpy.system import makedirs,Path
    from RZutilpy.rzio import savepkl, loadpkl
    import nibabel.freesurfer.io as fsio
    import nibabel as nib
    import re
    from numpy import stack
    from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

    # calc
    dir0 = (Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid).str
    fsdir = (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')) / subjectid).str

    # make subject anatomical directory

    # convert some miscellaneous files

    # convert .thickness files to ASCII
    # no need for python since nibabel can directly read the file
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/lh.thickness {0}/surf/lh.white {0}/surf/lh.thickness.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/rh.thickness {0}/surf/rh.white {0}/surf/rh.thickness.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))

    # # convert .curv files to ASCII
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/lh.curv {0}/surf/lh.white {0}/surf/lh.curv.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/rh.curv {0}/surf/rh.white {0}/surf/rh.curv.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))

    #### make mid-gray surface

    unix_wrapper('mris_expand -thickness {0}/surf/lh.white 0.5 {0}/surf/lh.graymid'.format(fsdir))
    unix_wrapper('mris_expand -thickness {0}/surf/rh.white 0.5 {0}/surf/rh.graymid'.format(fsdir))

    #### consolidate mid-gray surface stuff into a .mat file
    for hemi in ['lh' 'rh']:
        # read .graymid surface
        vertices,faces = fsio.read_geometry((Path(fsdir) / 'surf'/ f'{hemi}.graymid').str)

        # construct vertices (4 x V), becareful here, numpy and matlab index might be different!!!
        vertices = vertices.T + np.array([128, 129, 128]).reshape(-1,1)
        vertices = np.vstack((vertices, np.ones(vertices.shape[1]).reshape(1,-1)))

        # construct faces (F x 3)
        faces = faces[:,[0, 2, 1]]  # necessary to convert freesurfer to matlab

        # load auxiliary info (V x 1)
        thickness = fsio.read_morph_data((Path(fsdir) / 'surf' / f'{hemi}.thickness').str)
        curvature = fsio.read_morph_data((Path(fsdir) / 'surf' / f'{hemi}.curv').str)

        # get freesurfer labels (fslabels is V x 1)
        fslabels, _, _ = fsio.read_annot((Path(fsdir) / 'label' / f'{hemi}.aparc.annot').str)

        # save
        savepkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid / f'{hemi}midgray.pkl'.format(hemi)).str,
          {'vertices':vertices, 'faces':faces, 'thickness':thickness, \
          'curvature':curvature, 'fslabels': fslabels})

    #### calculate gray-matter information

    if isempty(regexp(extraflags,'hires')):
        # load ribbon
        ribmgz = nib.load((Path(fsdir)/ 'mri' / 'ribbon.mgz').str)
        rib = fstoint(ribmgz.get_data())

        # load coordinates of surface vertices
        coord0 = stack(\
          (loadpkl(Path((cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid / 'lhmidgray.mat').str)['vertices'],\
            loadpkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid / 'rhmidgray.mat').str)['vertices']),\

        #### use nearestNeighour, need to double check this
        nbrs = NearestNeighbors(1, metric='l2')
        dist, mnix = nbrs.kneighbors(rib, 1) # do I need to reshape dist and mnix?

        # compute distances to vertices [i.e. create a volume where gray matter voxels have certain informative values]
        #[dist,mnix] = surfaceslice2(ismember(rib,[3 42]),coord0, 3, 4)  # NOTICE HARD-CODED VALUES HERE

        # save
          # 1-mm volume with, for each gray matter voxel, distance to closest vertex (of mid-gray surface)
        nib.save(inttofs(dist), (Path(fsdir) / 'mri'/ 'ribbonsurfdist.mgz').str, ribmgz)
          # 1-mm volume with, for each gray matter voxel, index of closest vertex (of mid-gray surface)
        nib.save(inttofs(mnix),(Path(fsdir) / 'mri'/ 'ribbonsurfindex.mgz').str, ribmgz)

    #### calculate transfer functions

    # calc
    [tfunFSSSlh,tfunFSSSrh,tfunSSFSlh,tfunSSFSrh] = \
      calctransferfunctions((Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath('fsaverage', 'surf','lh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                            (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath('fsaverage', 'surf','rh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                               (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath(subjectid, 'surf','lh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                               (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath(subjectid, 'surf','rh.sphere.reg')).str)

    # save
    savepkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid /'tfun.mat').str,\
      {'tfunFSSSlh': tfunFSSSlh,\
      'tfunFSSSrh': tfunFSSSrh,\
      'tfunSSFSlh': tfunSSFSlh\
      'tfunSSFSrh': tfunSSFSrh})
Exemple #18
def t1warp(t1,
    Nonlinear (or linear warping) warping t1 file to a template. In afni_proc, they use
    @SSwarper by default. For a standard human T1 file, @SSwarper produce similar warping files
    as this script. But this script might be useful for like unusual cases, for example, Monkey data

        <t1>: t1 file, a string or a pathlib object
        <outputDir>: output directory, we first copy t1 file into this outputDir. if None,
            use cwd.
        <template>: the template t1 file,a string or a pathlib object. if None, we use
            afni MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz file
        <maskvol>: mask volume, a str or a pathlib object. You can supply an maskvol file
            here so the skullstrip step will be skipped. This is useful when you want to
            manually edit the mask volume and supply it to skullstrip
        <skullstrip_kw>, <affine_kw>: lists, extra options supply to '3dSkullstrip' and 'align_epi_anat.py'
            commands. This is useful for like monkey data. Default: [] (empty list)
        <affonly>: boolean (default: False), only need affine transform, no nonlinear warping.

    Output: this will produce several files in <outputDir>, they are generated in order
        **.nii.gz: copy of t1 file
        **_ss.nii.gz: skullstriped(ss) T1
        **_ssmask.nii.gz: skullstriped(ss) brain mask
        **_ssiu.nii.gz: intenstivity unifize(iu) t1 after ss
        **_ssiu_shft: shift to center of mass of the template after iu
        **_ssiu_shft_aff: affine tranformed T1 in the template space
        **_ssiu_shft_aff_mat.aff12.1D: affine transformation matrix
        **_ssui_shft_aff_matINV.aff12.1D: inverse affine transformation
        **_ssiu_shft_aff_nl.nii.gz: nonlinear warp to the template in the template space
        WARP.nii.gz: nonlinear warp file

        1. Here we do three transform, shift-affine-nlwarp. The later two can be concatenated but
            it is not recommended to concatenate all three because combining shift into affine and nlwarp
            will make the "3dNwarpapply" take a lot of memory and very long time (and might fail).
            If you want to inversely warp an atlas from template space into native T1 space. You can do like

            # first do inverse (affine+nlwarp)
            cmd = ['3dNwarpApply', '-prefix', f'{template.strnosuffix}_nl2t1.nii.gz', \
               '-nwarp', f'inv({(outputDir/"WARP.nii.gz").str} {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff2NMT_mat.aff12.1D)', \
               '-source', template.str, '-master', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft.nii.gz', '-overwrite']
            # then inverse the shift
            # Note that here do not use 3dAllineate as it will resample the data one more time
            # Use 3drefit, it will not resample data
            cmd = f'3drefit -duporigin {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu.nii.gz {template.strnosuffix}_nl2t1.nii.gz}'

        2. Be very CAREFUL about the order when concatenating affine and nlwarp!

    To do:
        1. automatically perform inversed warp atlas??

        20190413 RZ create

    from RZutilpy.system import Path, unix_wrapper, makedirs

    t1 = Path(t1)
    if template:
        template = Path(template) if ~isinstance(template, Path) else template
    else:  # default template is mni template
        afnipath = unix_wrapper(f'which afni')  # get the afni install Path
        template = Path(afnipath).parent / 'MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz'

    outputDir = Path.cwd() if outputDir is None else Path(outputDir)
    makedirs(outputDir)  # create outputdir if not exist
    unix_wrapper(f'cp {t1} {outputDir}')  # copy t1 file to outputdir
    t1 = outputDir / f'{t1.name}'  # switch to new t1

    # ======= step 1, skull strip =====================
    if maskvol is None:
        # make brain mask, this step typically is good for a human brain, but tricky for a monkey brain
        cmd = ['3dSkullStrip', \
            '-input', t1.str, \
            '-prefix', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssmask.nii.gz', \
        cmd = cmd + skullstrip_kw
        maskvol = Path(f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssmask.nii.gz')
    # skullstrip-based on mask
    cmd=['3dcalc', '-a', t1.str, '-b', maskvol.str, \
        '-expr', "a*step(b)", \
        '-prefix', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ss.nii.gz']

    # ===== step 2, # intensity unifize ===========
    cmd = f'3dUnifize -prefix {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu.nii.gz {t1.strnosuffix}_ss.nii.gz'

    # ====== step 3, affine transform to NMT template ==================

    # first we can align center of mass
    cmd = f'@Align_Centers -base {template.str} -dset {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu.nii.gz -cm'
        cmd)  # this step will generate {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft.nii.gz
    shftfile = Path.cwd() / f'{t1.pstem}_ssiu_shft.1D'
    unix_wrapper(f'mv {shftfile.str} {outputDir.str}')
    # This step will generate {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft.nii.gz
    # This step will also generate a 1D transformation file under CWD not OUTPUTDIR
    # we have to copy this 1D file into <outputDir>

    # do affine alignment, note that data will be resampled on NMT grid
    cmd = ['align_epi_anat.py', '-dset1', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft.nii.gz', \
                  '-dset2', template.str, \
                  '-master_dset1', template.str,\
                  '-suffix', '_aff.nii.gz',\
                  '-dset1to2', '-dset1_strip','None','-dset2_strip','None','-overwrite',\
                  '-output_dir', outputDir.str]
    cmd = cmd + affine_kw

    # change transformation file name
        f'mv {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff.nii.gz_mat.aff12.1D {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff_mat.aff12.1D'

    # calc the inverse affine transformation
    cmd = f'cat_matvec -ONELINE {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff_mat.aff12.1D -I > {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff_matINV.aff12.1D'

    # ================= step 4, nonlinear registration ==============
    # note that this step should be run after completing affine transformation
    # Also here, input dataset is the anat dataset but put on the base grid,
    unix_wrapper(f'rm -rf {(outputDir/"awpy*").str}')
    # use superhard, to get the best alignment, but it take a long time
    cmd = ['auto_warp.py', '-base', template.str, '-skip_affine', 'yes', \
      '-input', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff.nii.gz', '-overwrite', \
      '-output_dir', (outputDir/'awpy').str, '-qw_opts','-iwarp','-superhard']
    # copy and delete redundant files
        f'cp {(outputDir/"awpy"/"anat.un.qw_WARP.nii").str} {(outputDir/"WARP.nii").str}'
    unix_wrapper(f'gzip -f {(outputDir/"WARP.nii").str}'
                 )  # compress nonlinear warp file
    unix_wrapper(f'rm -rf {(outputDir/"awpy")}')

    # apply transform warp t1 to the template space
    cmd = ['3dNwarpApply', '-prefix', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff_nl.nii.gz', \
       '-nwarp', f'{(outputDir/"WARP.nii.gz").str} {t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft_aff_mat.aff12.1D', \
       '-source', f'{t1.strnosuffix}_ssiu_shft.nii.gz', '-master', template.str, '-overwrite']
Exemple #19
def collectT1s(subjectid, dataloc, gradfile=None, str0='T1w', wantskip=True):
    def collectT1s(subjectid,dataloc,gradfile,str0,wantskip):

    <subjectid> a str, like 'C0001'
    <dataloc> is a scan directory like '/home/stone-ext1/fmridata/20151014-ST001-wynn,subject1'
        or a list of scan directories
    <gradfile>  is gradunwarp's scanner or coeff file (e.g. 'prisma').
        Default is None which means do not perform gradunwarp.
    <str0> a str is the filename match thing. Default: 'T1w'.
    <wantskip> boolean, is whether to treat as pairs and use the second of each pair.
        (The idea is that the second of each pair might be homogeneity-corrected.)
        Default: True.

    Within the specified scan directories (in the order as given),
    find all of the T1 (or whatever) DICOM directories, and if <wantskip>,
    ignoring the 1st of each pair and keeping the 2nd of each pair.
    Then convert these DICOM directories to NIFTI files.
    If <gradfile> is specified, we additionally run fslreorient2std
    and gradunwarp.

    We return a cell vector of the final NIFTI paths,
    preserving the order. Note that filenames will be different
    depending on whether <gradfile> is used.

    See code for specific assumptions.
    we use muliprocessin.Pool for speed-ups!

    To do:
        - consider using nipype wrapper of dcm2nii??

        - 20180720 <dataloc> now can accept an Path object
        - 20180620 RZ created it based on cvncollectT1s.m
    from RZutilpy.cvnpy import cvnpath
    from RZutilpy.system import makedirs, unix_wrapper, Path
    from RZutilpy.rzio import matchfiles
    import re
    from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool  # note 1st letter uppercase
    from os.path import join

    dir0 = (Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) /
            subjectid).str  # cvnpath output pathlib objects

    # make subject anatomical directory

    # massage, a single string input
    if ~isinstance(dataloc, list):
        dataloc = [dataloc]

    t1files = []
    for p in dataloc:
        t1files0 = matchfiles((Path(p) / 'dicom' / '*%s*'.format(str0)).str)
        if wantskip:
            assert len(t1files0) % 2 == 0
            t1files0 = t1files0[1::2]
        # collect them up
        t1files = t1files + t1files0

    # convert dicoms to NIFTIS and get the filenames
    files = []  # a list of path-like object
    for p in t1files:
        result = unix_wrapper('dcm2nii -o %s -r N -x N %s'.format(dir0, p))
        temp = re.findall(r'GZip[.]*(\w+.nii.gz)', result)
        files.append((Path(dir0) / temp[0]).str)

    # perform gradunwarp
    if gradfile:
        # run Keith's fslreorient2std on each
        [unix_wrapper('fslreorient2std_inplace %s'.format(p)) for p in files]

        # then do grandunwarp
        # extract filename and give new files
        assert all([Path(p).suffixesstr == '.nii.gz' for p in files])
        file0 = [
            Path(p).strnosuffix for p in files
        ]  # a list of string, remove multiple suffixes in pathlib objects
        newfiles = [
            (Path(p).parent / (Path(p).pstem + '_gradunwarped.nii.gz')).str
            for p in file0
        ]  # a list of path-like obj

        # do the grandunwarp
        def gradunwarp(filename):
            # filename is a string
            unix_wrapper('gradunwarp -w %s_warp.nii.gz -m %s_mask.nii.gz %s.nii.gz %s_gradunwarped.nii.gz %s' \
                % (str(filename),str(filename),str(filename),str(filename), gradfile))

        # if __name__ == '__main__':
        #     with Pool(12) as p:
        #         p.imap_unordered(gradunwarp, file0)
        with Pool(12) as p:
            p.imap_unordered(gradunwarp, file0)
        #files = list(newfiles)

    return files
def surfsearchlight(surf, datafile, func, radius=3, openmp=True, mp=4,\
    outprefix=None, intent=2005, verbose=False, method='3dsphere'):
    def surfsearchlight(surf, datafile, func, radius=3, openmp=True, mp=4,\
        outprefix=None, intent=2005):

    Perform surface-based search light analysis.

        <surf>: a string, or path object indicate a surface file either in freesurfer format
            or .gii format. We read in this surface file to obtain geometry of surface vertices
        <datafile>: can be
                (1), .gii, .gii.gz surface data file, it should be in .gii format and the data should
                    be in nVert x M matrix, nVert is the number of vertex, M columns are data
                (2), nVert x M matric that internally can be directly used
        <func>: The function object to calculate, it takes in data file and generate output. Note
            that func either output a single value or output a tuple for multiple results
        <radius>: in mm (default: 3), radius to include vertex
        <openmp>: boolean, whether to use parallal computing, (default=True)
        <mp>: how many cores to open, default:20
        <outPrefix>: a string, we save to a .gii file, if you want to save to .gii file ,you must supply
            a .gii file for <datafile>
        <intent>: an int or a list of ints, intent number for each column of result array. This is necessary
            when saving results into a .gii file. check savegifti.py for more info
            (1) '3dsphere' (default), including vertex within a 3dsphere, typically run on a sphere or inflated surface
            (2) 'geodensic', using geodensic distance, which is more accurate but take a long time
                currently, this method seems problematic, I would not recommand this

        We save a .gii file with the output

    20190413 RZ add <method>
    20190412 RZ created the file
    from numpy import ndarray, vstack, hstack, array, arange, where
    from RZutilpy.system import unix_wrapper, Path, gettimestr
    from RZutilpy.mri import savegifti

    from numpy import ndarray, vstack, array, arange
    from nibabel import load
    from nibabel.freesurfer.io import read_geometry

    from time import time
    from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
    from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool

    from surfdist import surfdist

    # first read the surf file
    surf = Path(surf) if ~isinstance(surf, Path) else surf
    if surf.suffix == '.gii':  # .gii format
        vtrx, faces = load(surf.str).darrays[0].data, load(
    else:  # freesurfer format
        vtrx, faces = read_geometry(surf.str)

    # and read the data file
    if not isinstance(datafile, ndarray) and isinstance(datafile, str):
        datafile = Path(datafile)
        assert datafile.suffix == '.gii', 'data file should be .gii format!'
        giftiobj = load(datafile.str)
        data = [i.data for i in giftiobj.darrays]
        data = vstack(data).T  # now data is nVert x M columns data file
        data = datafile

    del datafile

    # assert same number of vertices in surface and data
    assert data.shape[0] == vtrx.shape[
        0], 'surface file and data have different number of vertices!'
    nVtrx = data.shape[0]
    index = range(nVtrx)

    # calculate neighbour
    if method == '3dsphere':
        neigh = NearestNeighbors(radius=radius, metric='euclidean', n_jobs=mp)
        neigh.fit(vtrx)  # in this case we first fit to the x, y, z
        nbrs = neigh.radius_neighbors(vtrx, return_distance=False)
    elif method == 'geodesic':  # slow... do not recommand
        # using surfdist
        def calcneighbors(i):
            dist = surfdist.dist_calc((vtrx, faces), index, i)
            return where(dist <= radius)[0]

        with Pool(mp) as p:
            # use imap, the returned results are in order
            #b = p.imap(calcneighbors, index, chunksize=2000)
            b = p.imap(calcneighbors, range(2000), chunksize=2000)
            nbrs = list(b)
    # note that nbrs is a ndarray, each element is an array since each element might have different

    # Define the wrapper function
    def runsearchlight(i):
        # get the index of neighbors
        idx = nbrs[i]
        # get the data of neighbors
        data_i = data[idx, :]
        if verbose:
        return func(data_i)

    # do it
    tstr = gettimestr('full')
    with Pool(mp) as p:
        # use imap, the returned results are in order
        b = p.imap(runsearchlight, arange(vtrx.shape[0]), chunksize=2000)
        #b = p.imap(runsearchlight, arange(2000), chunksize=2000)
        data2save = list(b)
    print(f'searchlight starts from {tstr}')
    print(f'searchlight ends     at {gettimestr("full")}')

    # let's take about 1d or 2d
    nCol = len(data2save[0]) if isinstance(data2save[0], tuple) else 1
    data2save = array(data2save) if nCol == 1 else vstack(data2save)

    # save the file
    if outprefix:
        assert 'giftiobj' in locals(
        ), 'You must input a .gii file for data if you want to save result to .gii'
        savegifti(data2save, outprefix, giftiobj, intent)

    return data2save
Exemple #21
def matchfiles(pattern, wantsort='numName'):
    matchfiles(pattern, wantsort='numName'):

    return a list of filename following a wildcard expression pattern. We use
    glob module here. Another option is fnmatch module. The difference is that
    glob will not match the files start with '.'

    <pattern> is
        (1)a string that matches zero or more files or directories (wildcards '*' okay).
        (2) or a list of strings of (1)

    <wantsort> indicates the key function (e.g., {'numName', 'name', 'time'}) input for sorted function.
        search 'sorted' in python for more information. It can be {'numName','name', 'time'},
        indicating sorting the files by name and the last-modification time. 'numName' consider
        the numerical number in a string
        Default: 'numName'

    If only one match pattern is supplied, we output
    (1) a string, if only one file is matched
    (2) a list of string, if multiple files are matched

    If multiple match patterns are supplied, we output a list of cases of output
    for one match pattern

    Note that we first convert the pattern to absolute path to ensure the output is
    also absolute path

        20181231 rz add numerical string functionality
        20180930 output list of string
        20180714 now return all paths as path-like objects, but <pattern> still need to be string
        20180626 always output absolute path
        20180624 support relative path, like '../test.py'
        20180621 implement multiple input patterns as a string list
        20180517 add reminder when no matchfiled files
        20180430 RZ adds sort arg. Original filenames returned by glob.glob
            is not sorted.
    import os
    import re
    from glob import glob
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    # first covert them to Path object
    if isinstance(pattern, str):
        pattern = [Path(pattern)]
        pattern = [Path(p) for p in pattern]

    # do it, we still supply str to glob function
    filelist = [glob(p.str)
                for p in pattern]  # note filelist is a list of string

    if len([p for p in filelist if len(p) == 0]) > 0:  # no match
        print('Note, can not match some patterns...')

    if wantsort == 'name':
        filelist = [sorted(f, key=os.path.basename) for f in filelist]
    elif wantsort == 'time':
        filelist = [sorted(f, key=os.path.getmtime) for f in filelist]
    elif wantsort == 'numName':

        def stringSplitByNumbers(x):
            r = re.compile('(\d+)')
            l = r.split(x)
            return [int(y) if y.isdigit() else y for y in l]

        filelist = [sorted(f, key=stringSplitByNumbers) for f in filelist]
        print('filenames not sorted')

    if len(pattern) == 1:  # only one match input
        return filelist[0][0] if len(
            filelist[0]) == 1 else [p for p in filelist[0]]
    else:  # multiple match input
        return [f[0] if len(f) == 1 else [p for p in f] for f in filelist]
    #### calculate transfer functions

    # calc
    [tfunFSSSlh,tfunFSSSrh,tfunSSFSlh,tfunSSFSrh] = \
      calctransferfunctions((Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath('fsaverage', 'surf','lh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                            (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath('fsaverage', 'surf','rh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                               (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath(subjectid, 'surf','lh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                               (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath(subjectid, 'surf','rh.sphere.reg')).str)

    # save
    savepkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid /'tfun.mat').str,\
      {'tfunFSSSlh': tfunFSSSlh,\
      'tfunFSSSrh': tfunFSSSrh,\
      'tfunSSFSlh': tfunSSFSlh\
      'tfunSSFSrh': tfunSSFSrh})

    # write out some useful mgz files (inherited from cvnmakelayers.m)

    # do it
    for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']:
        # load
        a1 = loadpkl((Path(dir0) / f'{hemi}midgray.mat').str)

        a3 = fsio.read_geometry((Path(fsdir) / 'surf' / f'{hemi}.sulc').str)

        # write mgz
        writemgz(subjectid,'thickness',a1.thickness, hemi)
        writemgz(subjectid,'curvature',a1.curvature, hemi)
        writemgz(subjectid,'sulc', a3, hemi)

Exemple #23
def cvnrunfreesurfer(subjectid, dataloc, extraflags='', scanstouse=None,t2nifti=None):
    function cvnrunfreesurfer(subjectid,dataloc,extraflags,scanstouse,t2nifti)

    <subjectid> is like 'C0001'
    <dataloc> is:
        (1) the scan directory like '/home/stone-ext1/fmridata/20151014-ST001-wynn,subject1'
        (2) a NIFTI T1 .nii.gz file like '/home/stone-ext1/fmridata/AurelieData/Austin_3D.nii.gz'
        (3) or a pathlib object of (1) or (2)
    <extraflags> (optional) is a string with extra flags to pass to recon-all.
        Default: ''
    <scanstouse> (optional) is a vector of indices of T1 scans to use.
        For example, if there are 5 scans, [1 3 5] means to use the 1st, 3rd, and 5th.
        Default is to use all available.
    <t2nifti> (optional) is a NIFTI T2 .nii.gz file (str or path obj). If you specify this case,
      <dataloc> must be case (2).

    push anatomical data through FreeSurfer.
    see code for assumptions.

    - 2016/11/28 - major update for the new scheme with manual FS edits.
    from RZutilpy.cvnpy import cvnpath
    from RZutilpy.system import makedirs, unix_wrapper, Path
    from RZutilpy.rzio import matchfiles

    # calc
    dir0 = (Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid).str
    fsdir = (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')) / subjectid).str

    # make subject anatomical directory

    # case 1
    if Path(dataloc).is_dir():

      t1file = matchfiles((Path(dataloc) / 'dicom' / '*T1w*').str)
      assert len(t1file) % 2==0
      t1file = t1file[1::2]   # [hint: 2nd of each pair is the one that is homogenity-corrected]

            #           # figure out T2 file [ASSUME THAT WE WILL MATCH TWO DIRECTORIES]
            #           t2file = matchfiles(sprintf('%s/*T2w*',dataloc))
            #           assert(mod(length(t2file),2)==0)
            #           t2file = t2file(2:2:end)   # [hint: 2nd of the two is the one to use, as it is homogenity-corrected]

      # convert dicoms to NIFTIs
      for p in t1file:
        unix_wrapper('dcm2nii -o {} -r N -x N {}'.format(dir0, p))

            #   assert(0==unix(sprintf('dcm2nii -o %s -r N -x N %s',dir0,t2file)))

      # find the NIFTIs
      t1nifti = matchfiles('{}/dicom/*T1w*nii.gz'.format(dir0))
            #   t2nifti = matchfiles(sprintf('%s/*T2w*nii.gz',dir0))
            #   assert(length(t2nifti)==1)
            #t1nifti = t1nifti{1}
            #   t2nifti = t2nifti{1}
      assert t2nifti is None

    # case 2, dataloc is a nifti file
      assert Path(dataloc).is_file() and Path(dataloc).exists()

      # find the NIFTI
      t1nifti = matchfiles(dataloc)
          #t1nifti = t1nifti{1}
      if not t2nifti:
        t2nifti = matchfiles(t2nifti)
        assert len(t2nifti)==1
        t2nifti = t2nifti[0]

    # deal with scanstouse
    if not scanstouse:
      scanstouse = range(len(t1nifti))

    # call recon-all
    str0 = ['-i %s '.format(str(x)) for x in t1nifti[scanstouse]]

    if not t2nifti:
      extrat2stuff = ''
      extrat2stuff = '-T2 %s -T2pial'.format(t2nifti)

    unix_wrapper('recon-all -s {} {} {} -all {} > {}/reconlog.txt'.format(subjectid,str0,extrat2stuff,extraflags,str(dir0)))

    # convert T1 to NIFTI for external use
    unix_wrapper('mri_convert {}/mri/T1.mgz {}/mri/T1.nii.gz'.format(str(fsdir),str(fsdir)))
Exemple #24
def makeimagestack3dfiles(m, outputprefix=None, skips=(5, 5, 5), k=(0, 0, 0), \
    cmap='gray', returnstack=False, **stack_kw):
    makeimagestack3dfiles(m, outputprefix=None, skips=[5, 5, 5], k=[0, 0, 0], \
        cmap='gray', **kwargs):

        <m>: is a 3D matrix or a nibabel image object
        <outputprefix>: is a output prefix,if it is NONE, then do not write images
        <skips> (optional) is a sequence of numbers of slices to skip in each of the 3 dimensions.
          Default: [5, 5, 5].
        <k> (optional) is a sequence with numbers containing the times to CCW rotate matrix
            rotation info. See np.rot90. Default: [0, 0, 0]. <k[i]> indicates
            rotate the image when writing image stack along ith dimension
        <cmap> is the colormap to use. Default: gray(256), any matplotlib colormap input is fine
        <returnstack>: boolean, whether to return the 3 imagestack. Useful to visualize
            and can help adjust <skips> and <k>. Default:False
        <stack_kw>: kwargs for makeimagestack, include <wantnorm>, <addborder>
        <imglist>: a 1x3 list containing the image matrix for 2,1,0 dimensions.
            note here the order is not from 0-2 dimensions. Each image is within
            range 0~1 float 64.

    We take <m> and write out three .png files, one for each slicing:

    The first slicing is through the first dimension with ordering [0 1 2].
    The second slicing is through the second dimension with ordering [1 3 2].
    The third slicing is through the third dimension with ordering [2 3 1].
    Note that this is different from KK's makeimagestack3dfiles.m

    After slicing, rotation (if supplied) is applied within the first
    two dimensions using np.rot90

        vol = makegaussian3d([100 100 100],[.7 .3 .5],[.1 .4 .1]);
        makeimagestack3dfiles(vol,'test',(10, 10, 10),k=(5,5,5),wantnorm=(0, 1))

    To do:
        1. Fix the filepath problem

        20180621 RZ added <returnstack> input
        20180502 RZ fixed the k rotdaion bug, now should be more clear.
        20180412 RZ changed the default cmap to 'gray'
        20180419 RZ changed the functionality of outputprefix, not saving images if None..

    from matplotlib.pyplot import imsave
    from nibabel.nifti1 import Nifti1Image as nifti
    from RZutilpy.imageprocess import makeimagestack
    from RZutilpy.system import Path, makedirs
    import numpy as np
    import os

    if isinstance(m, nifti):
        m = m.get_data()

    _is_writeimage = True
    if outputprefix is None:
        outputprefix = Path.cwd()
        _is_writeimage = False

    # create the folder if not exist.
    assert makedirs(Path(outputprefix).parent)

    # define permutes
    imglist = []
    # we make the dimension to slice to the last one
    permutes = np.array([[1, 2, 0], [0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 2]])
    for dim in range(3):
        temp = m
        if dim == 0:
            # note that the first element in the output image is along 1st dimension
            temp = temp[::skips[dim], :, :].transpose(permutes[dim, :])
        elif dim == 1:
            temp = temp[:, ::skips[dim], :].transpose(permutes[dim, :])
        elif dim == 2:
            temp = temp[:, :, ::skips[dim]].transpose(permutes[dim, :])
        # rotate image
        if k[dim]:  # note
            temp = np.rot90(temp, k=k[dim], axes=(0, 1))  # CCW rotate

        f = makeimagestack(temp, **stack_kw)
        # write the image
        fname = Path(outputprefix).parent / f'{Path(outputprefix).pstem}_view{dim}.png'
        # note that plt.imsave can automatically recognize the vmin and vmax, no
        # need to convert it to uint8 like in matlab
        if _is_writeimage:  # if not, only return the images of three views
            imsave(fname.str, f, cmap=cmap)

    # return the imagestacks for visualization and debugging
    if returnstack:
        return imglist  # reverse list to keep compatible the original axis
Exemple #25
def transferatlastosurface(subjectid, fsmap, hemi, outpre, fstruncate=None,fun=None,outputdir=None):
    def transferatlastosurface(subjectid, fsmap, hemi, outpre, fstruncate=None,fun=None,outputdir=None):

    <subjectid> is like 'C0001'
    <fsmap> is the fsaverage surface file like '/software/freesurfer/fsaveragemaps/KayDataFFA1-RH.mgz'
    <hemi> is 'lh' or 'rh' indicating whether the surface file is left or right hemisphere
    <outpre> is the prefix of the destination .mgz files to write, like 'KayDataFFA1'
    <fstruncate> is the name of the truncation surface in fsaverage.
     if None, this indicates the non-dense processing case.
    <fun> (optional) is a function to apply to <fsmap> after loading it.
     Default is to do nothing (use values as-is).
    <outputdir> (optional) is the directory to write the .mgz files to.
     Default is cvnpath('freesurfer')/<subjectid>/label/

    Take the <fsmap> file, apply <fun>, and then transfer to single-subject surface space
    using nearest-neighbor interpolation.  Values in the other hemisphere are just set to 0.

    We write three versions:
    (1) <hemi>.<outpre>.mgz - standard (non-dense) surface
    (2) <hemi>DENSE.<outpre>.mgz - dense surface
    (3) <hemi>DENSETRUNC<fstruncate>.<outpre>.mgz - dense, truncated surface

    Note that (2) and (3) are not written if <fstruncate> is [].

    cvnroimask looks for label/rh[DENSE|DENSETRUNCpt].roiname.(mgz|mgh|label|annot)
    For multi-label files the label names are contained in a file called
    Or possibly without the rh|lh

    # ============== RZ notes ===============================
        * check cvntransferatlastosurface.m
        * <outputdir> now accept both str and a path-like object
        * default <fstruncate>,<fun>,<outputdir> to None

        20180714 RZ created it based on cvntransferatlastosurface.m

    from RZutilpy.cvnpy import cvnpath, writemgz
    from RZutilpy.rzio import loadpkl
    from RZutilpy.system import Path, makedirs
    from numpy import zeros

    # internal constants
    fsnumv = 163842  # vertices

    # calc
    fsdir = cvnpath('freesurfer') / subjectid

    # input
    fun = (lambda x: x) if fun is None else fun
    outputdir = fsdir / label if outputdir is None else outputdir
    outputdir = Path(outputdir) if ~isinstance(outputdir, Path) else outputdir

    # load transfer functions
    a1 = loadpkl((cvnpath('anatomicals') / subjectid / 'tfun.pkl').str)

    # load more
    if fstruncate is None:
        a2 = loadpkl((cvnpath('anatomicals')/subjectid/'tfunDENSE.pkl').str)
        # load truncation indices
        a3 = loadpkl((fsdir/'surf'/f'{hemi}.DENSETRUNC{fstruncate}.pkl').str)  # contains 'validix'

    ## !! ## fix here, make sure what load_mgh actually dod
    # load fsaverage map
    vals = flatten(load_mgh(fsmap))  # 1 x 163842
    assert len(vals)==fsnumv
    ## !! ## fix here, make sure what load_mgh actually dod

    # apply fun and expand map into full format (1 x 2*163842)
    vals = hstack((zeros(fsnumv), fun(vals))) if hemi=='rh' else hstack((fun(vals), zeros(1,fsnumv)))

    # make destination directory if necessary


    # transfer to single subject space (using nearest neighbor interpolation)
    vals0 = a1.tfunFSSSrh(vals) if hemi='rh' else a1.tfunFSSSlh(vals)

    # write mgz


    if fstruncate is not None:

        # transfer to single subject space (using nearest neighbor interpolation)
        vals0 = a2.tfunFSSSrh(vals) if hemi=='rh' else a2.tfunFSSSlh(vals)

        # write mgz

        # write mgz (truncated)
        writemgz(subjectid,outpre,vals0[a3.validix], hemi+'DENSETRUNC'+fstruncate, outputdir.str)
Exemple #26
def cvnpath(whichpath):

    Return the path specified in 'whichpath'
    Hardcode common paths here, then call this function elsewhere to maximize
    'code'        (common cvnlab code on Dropbox)
    'ppresults'   (cvnlab pre-processing results on Dropbox)
    'freesurfer'  (FreeSurfer subjects directory)
    'fmridata'    (fmridata directory on stone)
    'anatomicals' (anatomicals directory on stone)
    'workbench'   (location of HCP wb_command)

    eg: fsdir=sprintf('%s/%s',cvnpath('freesurfer'),subjectid)
       instead of hardcoding in every function

    Note: If you have /stone/ext1 followed by /home/stone-ext1, this ensures
    that you can access it from any machine, and if we ARE on stone, it
    will use the faster local route /stone/ext1

        20180930 output string rather than Path
        20180714 RZ switch to return a Path-like object
        20180620 RZ create it. based on cvnpath.m
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    paths = {\

    # get the path and convert them to pathlib object
    p = [p for p in paths[whichpath] if Path(p).exists()]

    if p:
        return p[0]  # we return the 1st valid path
        raise ValueError('No path found for {}'.format(whichpath))
def imagesequencetovideo(images, videoname, imagepercnt=1, videocodec=None, fps=15):
    imagesequencetovideo(images, videoname, imagepercnt=1, videocodec=None, fps=15):

    write a image sequence to video. We use utility from moviepy module.
    We first convert input to a list, then convert all images to uint8 format.
    Then we create the video based on the image list

        <images>: can be:
            (1). a 3d or 4d array. Assume the last dimension is time. We convert
                the array to uint8 type.
                if 3d, assuming it is gray scale, we convert it to 4d
                if 4d, assume the 3rd dimension is RGB.
                Also, for 3d and 4d, we split them to imagelist
            (2). a wildcard pattern for glob module, we use rz.rzio.matchfiles
                to read in all images.
            (3). a list of images, in this case each element must 3d (RGBimage)
                image. Note that all images should have equal size.
        <videoname>: output pathname, need to specify the type with the extension.
            If the filename has an extension ‘.mp4’, ‘.ogv’, ‘.webm’, the codec will be set accordingly,
            but you can still set it if you don’t like the default.
            For other extensions, the output filename must be set accordingly.
        <imagepercnt>: int, intensities most lower and upper percent will be clipped
            default: 1
        <code>: video code, check, write_videofile method of moviepy Clip object to
            know all allowed video code
        <fps>: # of frames per second,default:15
        <clip>: a clip object from moviepy module

    To do:
        1. input a frame function

        images = np.random.rand(100,100,20)
        rz.imageprocess.imagesequencetovideo(images, 'video.mp4')

    20180720 <videoname> can accept an Path object
    20180430 RZ fixed the fps and videocodec input bug

    from RZutilpy.imageprocess import imreadmulti, touint8
    from RZutilpy.array import split
    from RZutilpy.math import normalizerange
    from RZutilpy.system import Path
    from numpy import ndarray, stack, percentile, all
    from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip
    from os.path import splitext

    # check input
    if isinstance(images, ndarray):
        ndim = images.ndim
        if ndim == 3:
            images = stack((images, images, images), axis=2)
            return imagesequencetovideo(images, videoname, videocodec=videocodec, fps=fps)
        elif ndim == 4:
            assert images.shape[2] == 3, 'wrong RGB images input!'
            raise ValueError('image dimension is wrong !')

        # split to image list
        images = split(images)
    elif isinstance(images, str):  # glob wildcard pattern
        print('load the images...')
        images = imreadmulti(images)
        return imagesequencetovideo(images, videoname, videocodec=videocodec, fps=fps)
    elif isinstance(images, list):
        # ensure all element is rgb images, note that we cannot accept rgba images
        assert all([i.ndim == 3 and i.shape[2]==3 for i in images]), \
        'make sure all images are RGB images'
        raise ValueError('Input images format is wrong!')
    videoname = Path(videoname) if ~isinstance(videoname, Path) else videoname

    # normalize convert all images to uint8
    images = list(map(touint8, images))

    # do it
    clip = ImageSequenceClip(images, fps=fps)
    _, ext = splitext(videoname)
    if ext in ['.mp4', '.ogv', '.webm']:
        assert videocodec is not None, 'for this video format, please input videocodec'
        clip.write_videofile(videoname.str, codec=videocodec)
    return clip
Exemple #28
def dcminfo2json(dcm, filename):
    Save the scanning info from a dicom file into json format. THis is useful to keep
    all scanning parameters when converting dcm files to nifti. Also useful to prepare
    BIDS format

        <dcm>: dicom file, can be
            (1), a string or a path-lib object towards ONE '*.dcm' file
            (2), a string or a path-lib object towards the directory contain '*.dcm' file
                In this case, we only read the head info from the 1st dcm
            (3), a pydicom object
        <filename>: a string or a path-lib object, with or without '.json' suffix are all OK

        1. Currently this program only support Siemens dicom files
        2. Echo time, repetition time, slice timing are all in ms
        3. we do some modification on raw dcm header
             (1) we remove '[Unknown]' parameters
             (2) we remove 'Patient*' parameters
             (3) we remove 'CSA' parameters
             (4) we rename '[MosaicRefAcqTimes]' to 'SliceTiming'
             (5) we remove 'Referenced Image Sequence'
             (6) we add 'FOV' and 'ismosaic'
        4. If you want to access individual DataElement, you must call
            dcm[tag], otherwise you can only get a RawDataElment object,
            which is weird. To obtain a list of DataElement. You can do like
            ele = [dcm[i.tag] for i in dcm.values()]

        20190413 RZ created
    from RZutilpy.rzio import savejson, matchfiles
    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    from pydicom import dcmread
    from pydicom.dataset import FileDataset
    import pydicom

    if not isinstance(dcm, FileDataset):
        dcm = Path(dcm)
        # judge it is a directory or a dcm file
        dcm = Path(matchfiles((dcm/'*.dcm').str)[0]) if dcm.suffix=='' else dcm
        assert dcm.suffix=='.dcm', 'dcm input seems incorrect!'
        dcm = dcmread(dcm.str)

    assert isinstance(dcm, FileDataset), 'dcm here should be an pydicom FileDataset object!'

    # read the tag, keywords and values
    tmp = [dcm[i.tag] for i in dcm.values()]
    values = [i.value for i in tmp]
    descriptions = [i.description() for i in tmp]

    # first remove some unknown parameters
    data = [(i,j) for (i,j) in zip(descriptions, values) if i != '[Unknown]']
    # remove Patient information
    data = [(i,j) for (i,j) in data if 'Patient' not in i]
    # remove CSA header info
    data = [(i,j) for (i,j) in data if 'CSA' not in i]

    # remove pixel data
    data = dict(data)
    data.pop('Pixel Data', None)

    # manually add and adjust some information
    data['FOV'] = dcm[int('0051', 16), int('100c', 16)].value
    data['ismosaic'] = dcm[int('0051', 16), int('1016', 16)].value
    data.pop('Referenced Image Sequence', None)
    data['SliceTiming'] = data.pop('[MosaicRefAcqTimes]', None)

        data.pop('Icon Image Sequence')
        data.pop('Source Image Sequence')

    # deal with pydicom data type issue... This is stupid
    for i,j in data.items():
        if isinstance(j, pydicom.multival.MultiValue):
            data[i] = list(j)
        elif isinstance(j, pydicom.valuerep.DSfloat) or isinstance(j, pydicom.valuerep.IS):
            data[i] = float(j)
        elif isinstance(j, pydicom.uid.UID) or isinstance(j, pydicom.valuerep.PersonName3):
            data[i] = str(j)

    #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace();import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;
    # save json and return the dict
    savejson(filename, data)
    return data
def findminoutlier(funcfiles, outputDir=None):
    def findminoutlier(func, outputDir=None):

    Find the minimal outlier from a set of runs of functional data. This function is
    derived direct from the script generate from afni_proc. We want to isolate this part
    so we can use the minimal outlier to perform epi2anat alignment separately

        <funcfiles>: can be
            (1): a string, a wildercard to matchfile multiple functional files
            (2): a list of strings of fullfile paths
        <outputDir>: output directory, can be a string or a path object

    from RZutilpy.rzio import matchfiles
    from RZutilpy.system import unix_wrapper, Path, makedirs
    from os import getcwd
    from numpy import loadtxt

    funcfiles = matchfiles(funcfiles) if isinstance(funcfiles,
                                                    str) else funcfiles
    assert len(funcfiles) >= 0, 'can not find data files!'

    nRuns = len(funcfiles)
    nVols_list = [
        int(unix_wrapper(f'3dinfo -nt {i}', verbose=0, wantreturn=True))
        for i in funcfiles

    # deal with Path
    outputDir = Path(getcwd()) if outputDir is None else outputDir
    outputDir = Path(outputDir)
    makedirs(outputDir)  # create outputDir if not exist

    # remove existing files
    unix_wrapper(f'rm {outputDir}/out.pre_ss_warn.txt', verbose=0)
    unix_wrapper(f'rm {outputDir}/outcount.r**.1D', verbose=0)
    unix_wrapper(f'rm {outputDir}/out.min_outlier.txt', verbose=0)
    unix_wrapper(f'rm {outputDir}/vr_base_min_outlier*', verbose=0)

    # make outcount files
    pressfile = open(f'{outputDir}/out.pre_ss_warn.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(nRuns):
            f'3dToutcount -automask -fraction -polort 2 -legendre                     \
                {funcfiles[i]} > {outputDir}/outcount.r{i+1:02d}.1D')

        outcount = loadtxt(f'{outputDir}/outcount.r{i+1:02d}.1D')
        if outcount[0] >= 0.4:
                f"** TR #0 outliers: possible pre-steady state TRs in run {i+1:02d}",
    # combine all files
        f'cat {outputDir}/outcount.r*.1D > {outputDir}/outcount_rall.1D')

    # find the which run and which volume
    outcountfile = loadtxt(f'{outputDir}/outcount_rall.1D')
    miniindex = outcountfile.argmin()
    i = 0
    while i <= nRuns:
        if miniindex < sum(nVols_list[:i + 1]):
            minoutrun = i + 1
            minouttr = miniindex - sum(nVols_list[:i])
        i = i + 1

    min_outlier_vol_file = open(f'{outputDir}/out.min_outlier.txt', 'w')
    print(f'min outlier: run {minoutrun}, TR {minouttr}',

    # extract this vr_min_outlier
        f'3dbucket -prefix {outputDir}/vr_base_min_outlier "{funcfiles[minoutrun-1]}[{minouttr}]" '
    print(f'min outlier: run {minoutrun}, TR {minouttr}')
Exemple #30
def makedirs(name, mode=None, exist_ok=True, wantassert=True):
    makedirs(name, mode=None, exist_ok=True, wantassert=True):

    Wrapper of os.makedirs, except that we default exist_ok=True,
    In other words, do nothing if the folder exists, and create it if it
    does not.We return True or False to indicate the success of creating the folder

        1. a name without suffixes will be treated as a folder
        2. a name with suffixes will be treated as a file
        3. The user homedir sign '~' is fine, we replace it with

    <name> can be either
        (1) a str folder name, like '/User/ruyuan/testpath'
        (2) a filename. like '/User/ruyuan/testpath/test.py'. in this case, we create
            the folder '/User/ruyuan/testpath/'
            '~/testpath' is OK
            only a filename 'test.py' is also ok, in this case we do not create any folder
            since we are already in this folder
        (3) a Path or path-like object

    <mode>: folder permission, default:None
    <exist_ok>: whether OK if it is exist, if the folder exists, we do nothing
    <wantassert>: raise error if fail

    which means we want to save something in the current folder. Then we choose
    to do nothing special.

        # make a folder name 'here' if it does not exist
        # make a folder name 'home' if it does not exist
        # make a folder name 'home' if it does not exist

        # This is useful when saving a file but not sure whether the folder exists
        # if not, we create the folder for this file, the usage is below


    20190117 RZ fixed the bug, create a folder for a existing file
    20180714 <name> now can be a path-like object or a string
    20180622 switch to use pathlib module

    from RZutilpy.system import Path

    # convert to rzpath object
    name = Path(name) if not isinstance(name, Path) else name

    # change name to its parent folder if it is a file or have suffixes
    name = name.parent if name.suffixes != [] or name.is_file() else name

    # we cannot set the default in the func, so using this...
    # note that we make all parent folder if they do not exist
    if mode is None:
            name.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok)
            return True  # this is helpful for assert
            print('Failed to make the dir %s!' % name.str)
            if wantassert:
                raise NameError('Failed to make the dir %s!' % name.str)
            return False
            name.mkdir(mode=mode, parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok)
            return True
            print('Failed to make the dir %s!' % name.str)
            if wantassert:
                raise NameError('Failed to make the dir %s!' % name.str)
            return False