def levelTwo(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=10, constant_word_size=True, special_chars=r"@#$%.*", include_special_chars=True) return rw.generate() print(rw.generate())
async def ran_word(self, ctx): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=15, constant_word_size=True, special_chars=r"@#$%.*", include_special_chars=True) await ctx.send(rw.generate())
def main_gen(): ''' Creates main dict ''' import pprint import random from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=5) for_model = rw.generate() res = str(int(random.random())) model = "shop_{}.book".format(for_model) result = {} val = [model, random.randrange(1, 50)] keys = ["model", "pk"] final = ','.join(('{},{}'.format(y, x) for y, x in (list(i for i in (zip(keys, val)))))).split(',') fld = {"field": ' '} for key, val in fld.items(): collect = delegate(result, key) next(collect) for v in val: collect.send(v) collect.send(None) i = iter(final) book = dict(zip(i, i)) book.update(result) while True: yield book
def main_gen(): ''' Creates main dict ''' import pprint import random from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=5) for_model = rw.generate() res = str(int(random.random())) model = "shop_{}.book".format(for_model) result = {} for_result_dict = next(subgen()) result.update(for_result_dict) val = [model, random.randrange(1, 50)] keys = ["model", "pk"] final = ','.join(('{},{}'.format(y, x) for y, x in (list( i for i in (zip(keys, val)))))).split(',') fld = {"field": result} i = iter(final) book = dict(zip(i, i)) book.update(fld) while True: yield book
def home(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=10, constant_word_size=True, include_digits= True, special_chars=r"$%.*", include_special_chars=True) print(rw.generate()) return render_template("random_app.html", data = rw.generate())
def genJobTitle(): wrdCount = random.randint(1, 2) wrdSize = random.randint(8, 10) title = "" iteRatr = 0 for i in range(wrdCount): title += RandomWord(max_word_size=wrdSize).generate() if iteRatr == 0 and wrdCount == 2: title += " " iteRatr = 1 return title
def generate(numOfWords, write=0): r = RandomWord() words = r.getList(numOfWords) copy = words if write == 1: bar = br.Bar('Generating Words', max=numOfWords) words = map(lambda x: x + '\n', words) with open("words.txt", "w") as f: for x in words: f.write(x) bar.finish() return copy
def generatePassword(numberTests, wordSize): baseDeDados = [] rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=wordSize, constant_word_size=False) count = 0 while True: if count == numberTests: return baseDeDados break else: palavra = rw.generate() palavra = palavra.upper() count += 1 baseDeDados.append(palavra) # print(generatePassword(200, 5))
def subgen(): ''' Creates a dict which will be nested to main dict as a value''' from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord import random import datetime year = str( - datetime.timedelta(days=random.randrange(400, 1000)))[0:4] isbn_13 = '{}-{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(random.randrange(111, 999), random.randrange(1, 10), random.randrange(0, 99999), random.randrange(111, 999), random.randrange(1, 10)) rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=5) book_name = rw.generate() res = str(int(random.random())) author = (((lambda x, y: x + y)( ("author_{}, ".format(random.randrange(101, 200))), ("author_{}".format(random.randrange(1, 100)))))).split(',') rating = random.randrange(1, 100) price = round(random.uniform(1111111.0, 999999.9), 2) discount = random.randrange(1, 50) val_for_nested_dict = [ '{}_book'.format(book_name), year, (str(random.randrange(50, 1500))), isbn_13, rating, price, discount ] lst_for_nested_dict = [ "title", "year", "pages", "isbn13", "rating", "price", "discount", "author" ] nested_dict = ','.join(('{},{}'.format(y, x) for y, x in (list( i for i in (zip(lst_for_nested_dict, val_for_nested_dict)))))).split(',') final = {"author": author} i = iter(nested_dict) ndict = dict(zip(i, i)) ndict.update(final) while True: yield ndict
def routerBulk(request): print("dfgdgf") rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=5) res = [] val = {} for i in range(0, 3): tmp = str(rw.generate()) val["sapid"] = tmp + str(i) val["hostname"] = tmp val["loopbackid"] = ".".join( map(str, (random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(4)))) val["mac_add"] = str(RandMac()) ser = RouterDetailsSerializer(data=val) print(ser) if ser.is_valid(): print("****") res.append(val["loopbackid"]) return Response(res)
def test_random_storage(self): random_words = RandomWord(3) storage = RequestsStorage() storage_ok = RequestsStorageWorking() urls = list() methods = ['get', 'post'] commands = list() def new_random_url(): scheme = ['http', 'https', 'ftp'] url = '{}://{}.{}'.format(choice(scheme), random_words.generate(), random_words.generate()) return url if url not in urls else new_random_url() for _ in range(90000): method = choice(methods) if method == 'get': should_request_existing = choice([True, False]) url = choice(urls) if should_request_existing and len( urls) > 0 else new_random_url() commands.append('get {}'.format(url)) self.assertEqual(storage_ok.get(url), storage.get(url), msg='\n'.join(commands)) else: url = new_random_url() content = ' '.join(random_words.getList(num_of_words=3)) urls.append(url) commands.append('post {} {}'.format(url, content)) self.assertEqual(, content),, content), msg='\n'.join(commands))
from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord import time, random while True: rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=100) x = rw.generate().upper() print(x) time.sleep(0.3) if 'FD' in x: break
def create_account(driver, x_i, y_i): print(Fore.CYAN+"Creating Account...........", Fore.WHITE) print() word = RandomWord(max_word_size = 7).generate()+str(random.randint(0, 9))+str(random.randint(0, 9)) word = word.lower() driver.get("") randpwd = random_pwd() time.sleep(1) WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located( (By.TAG_NAME, 'iframe'))) time.sleep(.5) driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_tag_name("iframe")) WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.ID, 'username'))).click time.sleep(.5) username = WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.ID, 'username'))) for i in word: username.send_keys(i) time.sleep(.1) driver.switch_to.default_content() print(Fore.CYAN+"Please wait\n\n", Fore.WHITE) password = WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, 'password'))) for i in randpwd: password.send_keys(i) time.sleep(.1) time.sleep(.5) print(Fore.CYAN+"Please wait\n\n", Fore.WHITE) input_value(driver, '//*[@id = "passwordc"]', randpwd) time.sleep(.5) driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_class_name("bottom")) human_move(driver, '//*[@id = "app"]/div/footer/button', x_i, y_i) driver.switch_to.default_content() time.sleep(1) check_error = True while check_error == True: try: WebDriverWait(driver, 4).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[class = "modal-footer"]'))) check_error = False except: print(Fore.RED+"\nUsername error\n", Fore.WHITE) print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX+"Solving", Fore.WHITE) randuser = random_user() driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_tag_name("iframe")) while username.get_attribute('value') != '': username.send_keys(Keys.BACKSPACE) randuser = random_user() for i in randuser: username.send_keys(i) time.sleep(.1) driver.switch_to.default_content() time.sleep(.5) driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_class_name("bottom")) human_move(driver, '//*[@id = "app"]/div/footer/button', x_i, y_i) driver.switch_to.default_content() print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX+"Maybe solved", Fore.WHITE) check_error = True time.sleep(.3) human_move(driver, '//*[@id = "confirmModalBtn"]', x_i, y_i) time.sleep(1) try: human_move(driver, '//*[@id="verification-panel"]/div[3]/label/div', x_i, y_i) human_move(driver, '//*[@id="verification-panel"]/div[2]/label/div', x_i, y_i) except: print(Fore.RED+"Looks like YOU have abused the bot!! Try Again later", Fore.WHITE) input("Press enter/return key to exit.") driver.close() return human_move(driver, '//*[@id="emailVerification"]',x_i,y_i) domain = [''] email = word + "@" + random.choice(domain) input_value(driver, '//*[@id ="emailVerification"]', email) human_move(driver, '//*[@id="verification-panel"]/form[1]/div[1]/div[2]/button', x_i, y_i) check_error = True while check_error: #check if domain is blocked try: time.sleep(1) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="signup"]/div[4]') email = word + "@" + random.choice(domain) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id ="emailVerification"]').clear() input_value(driver, '//*[@id ="emailVerification"]', email) human_move(driver, '//*[@id="verification-panel"]/form[1]/div[1]/div[2]/button', x_i, y_i) time.sleep(1) except: check_error = False while True: try: uid = requests.get(f"{email}").json() uid = uid["msgs"][0]["uid"] break except: time.sleep(1) pass html = requests.get(f"{uid}").content soup = bs(html,"html5lib") code = soup.find("code").text human_move(driver, '//*[@id="codeValue"]',x_i, y_i) code_input = WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[type = "text"]'))) for i in code: code_input.send_keys(i) time.sleep(.1) human_move(driver, '//*[@id="verification-panel"]/p[3]/button', x_i, y_i) # Complete setup btn time.sleep(1) human_move(driver, '//*[@id="confirmModalBtn"]',x_i,y_i) for _ in range(0, 3): human_move(driver, '//*[@id="pm_wizard"]/div/div[5]/button[1]',x_i,y_i) time.sleep(.5) human_move(driver, '//*[@id="pm_wizard"]/div/div[5]/button[2]',x_i,y_i) print(Fore.GREEN+"\nAccount Details.\n", Fore.WHITE) username = "******" + word password = "******" + randpwd with open("Accounts.txt", 'a') as f: f.write("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"\n") f.write(username+"\n") f.write(password+"\n") f.write("-------------------------------\n") print(username) print(password) return
from time import sleep import names from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord import requests import json import random import pytest rw = RandomWord() #Datos API base='http://*****:*****@pytest.mark.parametrize("userid, name", [(1,"Luke"),(3,"David")]) def test_employee_by_id(supply_url,userid,name): response = requests.get(supply_url+'employees/'+str(userid)) response_data = response.json() assert response.status_code == 200 assert response_data['id'] == userid assert response_data['name'] == name def test_nf_employee_by_id(supply_url, id = 0): response = requests.get(supply_url+'employees/'+str(id))
@author: andrea.baccolini """ import random from random_word import RandomWords from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord r = RandomWords() r1 = RandomWords() # r3 = r.get_random_words() #r2.get_random_word() # Creating a random word object rw = RandomWord(constant_word_size=True, include_digits=False, special_chars=r"@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:", include_special_chars=False) print(r1) print(r) # print(r3) nouns = ("puppy", "car", "rabbit", "girl", "monkey") verbs = ("runs", "hits", "jumps", "drives", "barfs") adv = ("crazily.", "dutifully.", "foolishly.", "merrily.", "occasionally.") adj = ("adorable", "clueless", "dirty", "odd", "stupid") num1 = random.randrange(0, 5) num2 = random.randrange(0, 5) num3 = random.randrange(0, 5) num4 = random.randrange(0, 5)
def test1(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=-15, constant_word_size=True) assert rw.generate() is None
def test6(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=1000, constant_word_size=False) assert len(rw.getList(num_of_words=1000)) == 1000
def test8(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=1000, constant_word_size=False) assert rw.getList(num_of_words=-15) is None
def generate_word(self, number): return RandomWord(max_word_size=number).generate()
def generate_random_letter(): print('''Choose the difficulty level 1.Easy 2.Normal 3.Hard 4.Extreme''') user_input = int(input('Enter your choice here:- ')) if user_input == 1: word_lenth = 2 elif user_input == 2: word_lenth = 3 elif user_input == 3: word_lenth = 4 elif user_input == 4: word_lenth = 5 Random_letters = RandomWord(max_word_size=word_lenth) letters = Random_letters.generate() # The instructions for the user. Instructions = f'''\nComputer has choosen {word_lenth} letters. Guess these {word_lenth} in 3 chances for each letter.\n''' print(Instructions) counter = 0 # This variable will count the number of chances of user to guess the letter. # This while statement will be keep running until the counter is less than 3. while counter < 3: # This if statement will run when user_input will be equal to 1. if word_lenth == 2: user_guess_1 = input('Guess both letters:- ') if user_guess_1 == letters: print('The Letters are correct.\nWell Played!!') elif user_guess_1 != letters: print("The letters are wrong.") counter = counter + 1 # This elif statement will run when user_input will be equal to 2. elif word_lenth == 3: user_guess_2 = input('Guess the 3 random letters:- ') if user_guess_2 == letters: print('The letters are correct.\nWell Played!!') elif user_guess_2 != letters: print('The letters are wrong.') counter = counter + 1 # This elif statement will run when user_input will be equal to 3. elif word_lenth == 4: user_guess_3 = input('Guess the 4 random letters:- ') if user_guess_3 == letters: print('The letters are correct.\nWell Played!!') elif user_guess_3 != letters: print('The letters are wrong.') counter = counter + 1 # This elif statement will run when user_input will be equal to 4. elif word_lenth == 5: user_guess_4 = input('Guess the 5 random letters:- ') if user_guess_4 == letters: print('The letters are correct.\nWell PLayed!!') elif user_guess_4 != letters: print('The letters are wrong.') counter = counter + 1 # This else statement will run when the counter will be equal to 3. else: print("\nYour all 3 chances are over.\nBetter Luck Next Time!!") print(f'The correct letters are "{letters}"')
import csv import json from faker import Faker import random from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord nums = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] phones = [] for i in range(1000000): phones.append('+7' + ''.join(random.sample(nums, 10))) rw1 = RandomWord(constant_word_size=False) rw2 = RandomWord(max_word_size=5, constant_word_size=False) mails = [] for i in range(1000000): mails.append(rw1.generate() + '@' + rw2.generate() + '.com') fake = Faker() destinations_date = [['name', 'contact', 'offered_products']] for i in range(1, 1000001): contact = { 'phone': phones[i - 1], 'email': mails[i - 1], 'address':fake.address() } offered_products = [random.randint(0, 1000000), random.randint(0, 1000000), random.randint(0, 1000000), random.randint(0, 1000000), random.randint(0, 1000000)] destinations_date.append([, json.dumps(contact), offered_products]) myFile = open('destinations_date.csv', 'w') with myFile: writer = csv.writer(myFile)
def levelOne(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=8, constant_word_size=False) return rw.generate() print(rw.generate())
def test4(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=1000, constant_word_size=True) assert len(rw.getList(num_of_words=12)) == 12
def gen(): word = RandomWord(max_word_size=7).generate() + str(random.randint( 0, 9)) + str(random.randint(0, 9)) word = word.lower() email = word + "" headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'DNT': '1', 'Host': '', 'Origin': '', 'Referer': '', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 Edg/85.0.564.63', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', } data = { "username-autofill": "", "password-autofill": "", "csm-email": email, "csm-name": "fVictor", "csm-surname": "fbrown", "csm-password": "******", "csm-recovery-asset": "*****@*****.**", "csm-mail": "*****@*****.**" } s = requests.session() s.get( "" ) cosmote = "", data=data, headers=headers) sleep(1) token = [] while token == []: token = s.get(f"{email}").json() token = token["msgs"] token = token[0]["uid"] html = s.get(f"{token}").content print(html) soup = bs(html, "html5lib") url = soup.find("a", attrs={'id': 'emailSubmitImageUrl'})['href'] s.get(url) data = { "IDToken1": f"{email}", "IDToken2": "TECHTANIC#8090", "realm": "hub", "goto": "", "gotoOnFail": "" }"", data=data) #verify s.get("") data = { "IDToken1": f"{email}", "IDToken2": "TECHTANIC#8090", "realm": "hub", "goto": "", "gotoOnFail": "" } headers = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "Cache-Control": "max-age=0", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "DNT": "1", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Referer": "", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "cross-site", "Sec-Fetch-User": "******", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 Edg/85.0.564.70" }"", data=data, headers=headers) ### r = s.get( "" ) #data = {"address":[{"type":"Σπίτι","latitude":"38.04623159999999","longitude":"23.8183371","city":"Μαρούσι","streetNo":"75","street":"Μεσογείων","region":"Περιφερειακή ενότητα Βορείου Τομέα Αθηνών","postalCode":"15126","floor":"2","nameAtBell":"γιαννης","comments":"null","firstName":"fVictor","lastName":"fbrown"}]} return email
def test3(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=1000000, constant_word_size=True) assert len(rw.generate()) == 1000000
from solution import Reader from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord """ dask-worker tcp:// --nprocs 3 --memory-limit 3GB """ rw = RandomWord( max_word_size=10, constant_word_size=True, include_digits=False, special_chars="", #r"@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:", include_special_chars=False) rw_b = RandomWord(max_word_size=15, constant_word_size=True, include_digits=True, special_chars=r"@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:", include_special_chars=True) import csv import random size = 1000 o_ids = list(range(size + 1)) def write_order(): global o_ids, size c_ids = [rw.generate() for i in range(size)] with open('order_test.csv', 'w', newline='') as ff: writer = csv.writer(ff) writer.writerow(['order_id', 'customer_id'])
def generateW(): r = RandomWord() return r.generate()
def test9(): rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=20, constant_word_size=True, special_chars="@^#\\\23", include_special_chars=True) assert len(rw.getList(12)) == 12
def generate_random_documents(self, random_type=str, size=10): """ Generate random documents to MongoDB. Args: ----- random_type: Choose random data type. Has three type: int, float and str. size: Generate specified amount documents. """ # Define constant."Initializing random data constant variable...") if random_type == str: rand_account = RandomWord(max_word_size=12, constant_word_size=False, include_digits=True) rand_passwd = RandomWord(max_word_size=20, constant_word_size=False, include_digits=True, include_special_chars=True) elif random_type == int: computer_brands = [ "ASUS", "Acer", "MSI", "Lenovo", "Microsoft", "Mac" ] countrys = ["America", "China", "Taiwan", "Japan", "Korea"] elif random_type == float: names = ["michael", "peter", "allen", "kevin", "jack"] else: logging.warning( "random_type data type error ! only str、int and float type.", exc_info=True) raise TypeError # Insert data to MongoDB."Inserting {} type random data...".format(random_type)) for i in range(size): if random_type == str: create_time = get_now_time("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") account = rand_account.generate() password = rand_passwd.generate() account_length = len(account) password_length = len(password) logging.debug( self.collection.insert_one({ "account": account + '', "password": password, "account_length": account_length, "password_length": password_length, "create_time": create_time })) elif random_type == int: create_time = get_now_time("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") year = randint(1980, 2021) country = countrys[randint(0, len(countrys) - 1)] computer_brand = computer_brands[randint( 0, len(computer_brands) - 1)] notebook_sales = randint(100000, 99999999) pc_sales = randint(100000, 99999999) logging.debug( self.collection.insert_one({ "year": year, "country": country, "computer_brand": computer_brand, "notebook_sales": notebook_sales, "pc_sales": pc_sales, "create_time": create_time })) elif random_type == float: create_time = get_now_time("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") name = names[randint(0, len(names) - 1)] height = randint(150, 220) + round(random(), 2) weight = randint(30, 100) + round(random(), 2) logging.debug( self.collection.insert_one({ "name": name, "height": height, "weight": weight, "create_time": create_time }))"Insertd {} doduments successfully !".format(size))
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from random import * import time from RandomWordGenerator import RandomWord rw = RandomWord(max_word_size=5, constant_word_size=False) lst = rw.getList(num_of_words=50) # print(lst) # Should match with the current version of the Web browser driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe') driver.get("") input("Please Scan QR CODE and press any key to continue: ") name = input("Enter the Name to whom you want to send the message: ").title() user = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(f'span[title="{name}"]') # may change inspect->select space -> right click -> copy ->xpath test_input = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/footer/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]") # time.sleep(10) total_msg = int(input("Enter the Number of messages you want to send: ")) test_input.send_keys("Hello, This is message by raja") test_input.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) test_input.send_keys(f"You will be shortly receiving {total_msg} random messages.") test_input.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) time.sleep(5) for i in range(total_msg): test_input.send_keys(choice(lst)) test_input.send_keys(Keys.RETURN)