#include( "RecExCond/RecExCommon_flags.py" ) #DetFlags.ID_setOn() #DetFlags.LAr_setOn() pass #from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags #DetFlags.ID_setOn() # Output file name handling. No need to change anything here if len(D2PDFlags.OutputDirectoryName() ) >= 1 and not D2PDFlags.OutputDirectoryName().endswith("/"): D2PDFlags.OutputDirectoryName = D2PDFlags.OutputDirectoryName() + "/" pass # Print the used configuration to the log file if rec.OutputLevel() <= INFO: print rec print D2PDFlags pass # ============================================================================= # Final debugging options... # Dump list of containers on StoreGate to output log #StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" ) #StoreGateSvc.Dump = True #svcMgr.StoreGateSvc.Dump = True # Prints the content of StoreGate (EventStore) #svcMgr.MetaDataStore.Dump = True # Prints output metadata store content #svcMgr.InputMetaDataStore.Dump=True # Prints input metadata store content #theApp.Dlls += ["TruthExamples" ] #theApp.TopAlg += [ "DumpMC" ] # These two lines will dump some #DumpMC = Algorithm ( "DumpMC" ) # info about the MC truth
import AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits as Units ## Include the job property flags for this package from PrimaryDPDMaker.PrimaryDPDFlags import primDPD from PrimaryDPDMaker.PrimaryDPDHelpers import buildFileName from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec ## Include the job property flags for this package from PrimaryDPDMaker.PrimaryDESDMFlags_PerfMS import primDPDAlignTrigMu ## This handels multiple output streams from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr ##==================================================================== ## Write the used options to the log file ##==================================================================== if rec.OutputLevel() <= DEBUG: muonDPDStream_msg.info('Values of all PerfDESDM_MS flags:') print primDPDAlignTrigMu pass # ============================================================================ # Check if xAOD muon collection is available # ============================================================================ from RecExConfig.ObjKeyStore import objKeyStore hasMuons = False if objKeyStore.isInInput("xAOD::MuonContainer", "Muons") \ or objKeyStore['transient'].has_item("xAOD::MuonContainer#Muons"): hasMuons = True pass