Exemple #1
    def test_invalid_module_name(self):

        # Arrange/Assert/act
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidFunctionError) as context:

        # Assert
        self.assertTrue("Invalid module for a custom function" in str(context.exception))
    def get_transform_functions_from_field(
            transform_field: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Callable]:
        """Generate a list of transform functions from a list of string
        values (or a single string value).

        :param transform_field: A list of string values (or a single string value)
          that reference one or several transform functions.
        :type transform_field: Union[str, List[str]]
        :return: List of transform functions.
        :rtype: List[Callable]

        # First, get a string list
        function_str_list = None
        if transform_field is None:
            function_str_list = []
        elif isinstance(transform_field, str):
            function_str_list = [transform_field]
            function_str_list = transform_field

        return [
            for function_str in function_str_list
Exemple #3
    def test_parsed_function_str(self):

        builtin_function_test = "copyFrom(field_to_copy)"
        custom_function_test = "tests.custom_functions_for_tests.sum(2)"

        input_record = {
            ("field_1",): "hola",
            ("field_to_copy",): 42,
            ("field_3",): 7

        expected_builtin_res = 42
        expected_custom_res = 9

        # Act 
        parsed_builtin_function = FunctionBuilder.parse_function_str(builtin_function_test)
        parsed_custom_function = FunctionBuilder.parse_function_str(custom_function_test)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(parsed_builtin_function(7, input_record, None, {}), expected_builtin_res)
        self.assertEqual(parsed_custom_function(7, input_record, None, {}), expected_custom_res)
    def get_selector_function(selector_field: str) -> Callable:
        """Generates a Selector function from a string.

        :param selector_field: A string that represents a Selector function.
        :type selector_field: str
        :return: A Selector function.
        :rtype: Callable

        if selector_field is None:
            return None
            return FunctionBuilder.parse_function_str(selector_field)
Exemple #5
    def test_custom_function(self):

        # Arrange
        test_function_name = "tests.custom_functions_for_tests.sum"
        args_list = [5]
        input_record = {
            ("field_1",): "hola",
            ("field_2",): 56,
            ("field_3",): 7

        expected_res = 12

        # Act 
        parsed_function = FunctionBuilder.get_custom_function(test_function_name, args_list)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(parsed_function(7, input_record, None, {}), expected_res)
Exemple #6
    def test_builtin_function(self):

        # Arrange
        test_function_name = "copyFrom" 
        args_list = ["field_2"]

        input_record = {
            ("field_1", ): "hola",
            ("field_2", ): 56

        expected_result = 56

        # Act 
        parsed_function = FunctionBuilder.get_builtin_function(test_function_name, args_list)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(parsed_function(None, input_record, None, {}), expected_result)