Exemple #1
def removeChildren( src, view) :
    contours = []
    children = view.mChildren
		# black out
    mask = np.ones(src.shape, np.int8)
    thisContours = []

    if (view.contour != None) :

			# draw this contour
        contour = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinate(view, view.contour)
#        Imgproc.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, new Scalar(0), Core.FILLED);
    cv2.polylines(mask, thisContours, True, ColorUtil.getScalar(0),-1)

		# Extra and update x, y of children's contours and rects
    rects = []
    for child in children:
        contour = child.contour
        if (contour == None) :
            rect = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinate(view,child)
        else :
            contour = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinateContour(view, contour)
    cv2.polylines(mask, contours, True, ColorUtil.getScalar(255),cv2.FILLED)

		# Fill children's inner contours with white and outer contours with
		# black
#    Imgproc.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, new Scalar(255), Core.FILLED);
		# Fill inner rects with white and outer rects with black
    for rect in rects:
        cv2.rectangle(mask, rect.tl(), rect.br(), ColorUtil.getScalar(255), cv2.FILLED)

		# inverse: black -> white and white -> black
    newMask = np.zeros(src.shape,np.int8)
    cv2.bitwise_not(mask, newMask)

		# let's create a new image now
#    crop = new (src.rows(), src.cols(), CvType.CV_8UC3);

		# set background to dominate color
    width = 0 
    height = 0
    if len(src.shape) == 2 :
        height, width = src.shape
        height, width,channels = src.shape
    crop = np.zeros(src.shape, src.dtype)
    crop[:] = ColorUtil.getScalar(ColorUtil.findDominateColor(Rect(0, 0, width, height), src))
    np.copyto(crop, src, 'unsafe', newMask.astype(bool))
    return crop
Exemple #2
def removeChildrenAndCreateTransparentBackground( src, view) :
    contours = []
    children = view.mChildren
		# black out
    mask = np.ones(src.shape,np.int8)
    alpha = np.zeros(src.shape,np.int8)
    if (view.contour != None) :
			# draw this contour
            thisContours = []
            contour = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinate(view, view.contour)

    cv2.polylines(mask, thisContours, True, ColorUtil.getScalar(0),cv2.FILLED)

#            Imgproc.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, new Scalar(0), Core.FILLED);

		# Extra and update x, y of children's contours and rects
    rects = []
    for child in children:
        contour = child.contour
        if (contour == None) :
                bound = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinate(view, child)
                (x1,y1,width,height)= cv2.boundingRect(bound)
                rect = Rect(x1,y1,width,height)
        else :
            contour = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinate(view, contour);

		# Fill children's inner contours with white and outer contours with
		# black
#		Imgproc.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, new Scalar(255), Core.FILLED);
    cv2.polylines(mask, contours, True, ColorUtil.getScalar(255),cv2.FILLED)

		# Fill inner rects with white and outer rects with black
    for rect in rects:
        cv2.rectangle(mask, rect.tl(), rect.br(), ColorUtil.getScalar(255), cv2.FILLED)

		# inverse: black -> white and white -> black
    newMask = np.zeros(src.shape, np.int8)
    cv2.bitwise_not(mask, newMask)
    retval, alpha =   cv2.threshold(newMask,100,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    b,g,r = cv2.split(src)
    merge = cv2.merge((b,g,r,alpha))
    return merge
 def save(self):
     for key in self.drawableInfos:
         contour = self.drawableInfos[key].rectView.contour
         if (contour != None and not RectView.isContanerView(self.drawableInfos[key].rectView)):
             contour = RectUtil.convertToParentCorrdinate(self.drawableInfos[key].rectView, contour)
             overlay = ImageUtil.createTransparentBackground(self.drawableInfos[key].mat, contour)
             cv2.writePng(self.drawableInfos[key].path, overlay)
             cv2.imwrite(self.drawableInfos[key].path, self.drawableInfos[key].mat)