Exemple #1
    def check_done_reward_track_train(self):
        Checks if the race lap is complete

            Done flag
        self.reward = 0  # normal
        if self.env_map.check_scan_location([self.car.x, self.car.y]):
            self.done = True
            self.colission = True
            self.reward = -1
            self.done_reason = f"Crash obstacle: [{self.car.x:.2f}, {self.car.y:.2f}]"
        # horizontal_force = self.car.mass * self.car.th_dot * self.car.velocity
        # self.y_forces.append(horizontal_force)
        # if horizontal_force > self.car.max_friction_force:
        # self.done = True
        # self.reward = -1
        # self.done_reason = f"Friction limit reached: {horizontal_force} > {self.car.max_friction_force}"
        if self.steps > self.max_steps:
            self.done = True
            self.done_reason = f"Max steps"

        car = [self.car.x, self.car.y]
        cur_end_dis = lib.get_distance(car, self.env_map.start_pose[0:2])
        if cur_end_dis < self.end_distance and self.steps > 800:
            self.done = True
            self.reward = 1
            self.done_reason = f"Lap complete, d: {cur_end_dis}"

        return self.done
Exemple #2
def convert_pts_s_th(pts):
    N = len(pts)
    s_i = np.zeros(N - 1)
    th_i = np.zeros(N - 1)
    for i in range(N - 1):
        s_i[i] = lib.get_distance(pts[i], pts[i + 1])
        th_i[i] = lib.get_bearing(pts[i], pts[i + 1])

    return s_i, th_i
    def add_obstacles(self):
        obs_img = np.zeros_like(self.obs_img)
        obs_size_m = np.array([self.obs_size, self.obs_size])
        obs_size_px = obs_size_m / self.resolution

        rands = np.random.uniform(size=(self.n_obs, 2))
        idx_rands = rands[:, 0] * len(self.ws)
        w_rands = (rands[:, 1] * 2 - np.ones_like(rands[:, 1]))
        w_rands = w_rands * np.mean(
        ) * 0.3  # x average length, adjusted to be both sides of track
        # magic 0.8 is to keep the obstacles closer to the center of the track

        obs_locations = []
        for i in range(self.n_obs):
            idx = idx_rands[i]
            w = w_rands[i]

            int_idx = int(idx)  # note that int always rounds down

            # start with using just int_idx
            n = self.nvecs[i]
            offset = np.array([n[0] * w, n[1] * w])
            location = lib.add_locations(self.t_pts[int_idx], offset)
            if lib.get_distance(location, self.start_pose[0:2]) < 1:
            # location = np.flip(location)
            # location = self.t_pts[int_idx]
            rc_location = self.xy_to_row_column(location)
            location = np.array(location, dtype=int)

        obs_locations = np.array(obs_locations)
        for location in obs_locations:
            x, y = location[0], location[1]
            for i in range(0, int(obs_size_px[0])):
                for j in range(0, int(obs_size_px[1])):
                    if x + i < self.map_width and y + j < self.map_height:
                        # obs_img[x+i, y+j] = 255
                        obs_img[y + j, x + i] = 255

        self.obs_img = obs_img