Exemple #1
    def makeResourceManagement(self, RL):
        P1 = self.P11
        (K1a, B) = np.array(self.rt).shape
        a1 = 0
        if self.ii <= 0:  #we use ii=0 to differenciate whether the resource managment is form DQN or NVS and Netshare. bcz only DQN uses the neural network but the other algoriths does not need the neural network
                'this will not be used for training becuase it is from NVS or NetShare'
            v = self.v
        elif self.ii == 1:
            # initially user random action or use the whole reservation
            # becuase you have not state information and allocation
            a1 = 1  #randi([-9 10],1,1)/10
            v = BS.update_AL_pro(np.zeros((1, B)), self.RE1, P1, a1)
            Reservation.UpdateUnusedResource(self.s1, v, np.array(
                [0]))  # send  resource update to the base stations

        elif self.ii > 1:  # use the neural network for dynamic resource management
            a1 = RL.choose_action([
                sum(self.AL1 * P1),
                sum(self.du) / K1a,
                sum(self.ru) / K1a,
                sum(self.RE1 * P1)
            v = BS.update_AL_pro(self.AL1, self.RE1, P1, a1)
            Reservation.UpdateUnusedResource(self.s1, v, np.array(
                [0]))  # send  resource update to the base stations

        if np.sum(
        ) == 0:  # if resource for the slice is 0, the allocation to users is also 0
            d1 = -1 * np.ones((1, np.array(self.rt).shape[0]))
            r1 = np.zeros(np.array(self.rt).shape[0], 1)
        else:  # ADMM
            rrr = self.rt
            y = Delay_ADMM_Alloc.ADMM_Alloc(v, self.ar, self.rt, self.Dc)
            rt = rrr
            yR = y * rt
            # sum rate of users
            r1 = np.sum(yR, axis=1)
            # delay of the users
            d1 = -1 * np.ones((1, K1a))
            for i in range(0, K1a):
                d1[0, i] = 1 / (r1[i] - self.ar[0, i])

        delay = d1  #show the delay
        min_max_D = [
            min(d1), max(d1)
        ]  # show the minimum delay and the maximum delay out of all the users of the slice
        #calculate new resource utilization and QoS utility of next state
        #cululate  delay utility for delay 100 ms upper bound
        dd = d1 * 1000  #change to ms
        ndu = np.zeros((1, K1a))
        nru = np.zeros((1, K1a))
        for uk1 in range(0, K1a):
            if dd[0, uk1] < 0 or dd[0, uk1] > self.Dc[0, uk1] * 1000:
                ndu[0, uk1] = 0
                nru[0, uk1] = 0
                ndu[0, uk1] = -0.5 * np.tanh(0.06 * (dd[0, uk1] - 70)) + 0.5
                nru[0, uk1] = min(1, (self.ar[0, uk1] + 1 / self.Dc[0, uk1]) /

        du = ndu
        ru = nru

        return P1, du, ru, v, a1, d1
Exemple #2
def run():
    RL1 = DQNd(
        n_features=4,  # number of observation(state)
    RL2 = DQNd(
        n_features=4,  # number of observation(state)

    for T in range(0, 100000):
        s1r a vector of achievable data rate of users of slice1
        s1Q is a vector of minimum QoS requirements of users of slice1
        s1ar is a vector of arrival rates of users of slice1, a vector of priorities of the base stations to slice1 
        du is a vector of delay utilities of uses of slice1, 
        ru is a vector of resource utilizations of users of slice1.
        (the same goes for slice2)
        max_users = np.random.randint(10, 600)  # generate random users
        s1r, s1Q, s1ar, P1, du, ru = Slice1.initSlice(
        )  # generating random users and and creating the network for slice1
        s2r, s2Q, s2ar, P2, rtu, rsu = Slice2.initSlice(max_users)
        #checking feasile users
        [S1, V, accept, S2, V2,
         accept2] = initial_VR2(s1r, s1ar + 1 / s1Q, s2r,
                                s2Q)  # filter users that cant be satisfied
        # S1 is ID of slice 1, v is a vector of fractions that is occupied in
        # the checking but not used here, accept is a vector showing whether
        # the corresponding users are accepted or not 1 means accepted 0 means
        # not accepted, THE SAME GOES FOR SLCIE2

        if S1 > 0 and S2 > 0:  # removing the users that are not in range
            [K1, B] = np.array(s1r).shape
            tr = np.zeros((K1, B))
            for k in range(0, K1):
                for b in range(0, B):
                    tr[k, b] = s1r[k, b] * accept[
                        k]  # if accept(1,k)=1 the users rate is saved, else it is set to zero

            rt = tr
            rt = rt[~(rt == 0).all(1)]  # remove the users with zero rate
            Dc = s1Q * accept  # if user not accepted set its delay constraint to zero for removing
            Dc = np.delete(
                Dc, np.argwhere(np.all(Dc[..., :] == 0, axis=0)), axis=1
            )  #Dc=Dc[0,any(Dc,1)]# removing the delay constrained of the users removed above

            ar = s1ar * accept  # remove the arrival rate of the removed users
            ar = np.delete(ar,
                           np.argwhere(np.all(ar[..., :] == 0, axis=0)),
                           axis=1)  #ar=ar[0,any(ar,1)]
            K1a = np.array(rt).shape[0]  # accepted users of k1
            print('#d of #d users of slice1 accepted\n', K1a, K1)
            [K2, B] = np.array(s2r).shape
            tr2 = np.zeros((K2, B))  # the same steps for slice2
            for k in range(0, K2):
                for b in range(0, B):
                    tr2[k, b] = s2r[k, b] * accept2[0, k]

            rt2 = tr2
            rt2 = rt2[~(rt2 == 0).all(1)]
            Rc = s2Q * accept2
            Rc = np.delete(Rc,
                           np.argwhere(np.all(Rc[..., :] == 0, axis=0)),
                           axis=1)  # Rc=Rc(1, any(Rc,1))
            ar2 = s2ar * accept2
            ar2 = np.delete(ar2,
                            np.argwhere(np.all(ar2[..., :] == 0, axis=0)),
                            axis=1)  #ar2=ar2(1,any(ar2,1))
            K2a = np.array(rt2).shape[0]  # accepted users of k1

            print('#d of #d users of slice2 accepted\n', K2a, K2)
            cng1 = 0
            cng2 = 0
            # to calculate the resource requirements and priorities of the slice1
            Pu1 = np.zeros(
                (K1a, B)
            )  # minimum data link requirement of each user in each base station
            for u in range(0, K1a):
                Pu1[u, :] = (ar[0, u] + 1 / Dc[0, u]) * (
                    rt[u, :] / sum(rt[u, :]))  #equation12 and 13

            Puu1 = np.sum(Pu1, axis=0)  #求矩阵列和
            P1 = np.zeros((1, B))
            for bp2 in range(0, B):
                P1[0, bp2] = Puu1[bp2] / sum(
                )  # priority or importance of the base stations to slice1

                S1, np.zeros((1, B)), Puu1
            )  # minimim resource requirement os the slice1 on the base stations
            d1 = -1  # if resource is zero delay must be initialized out of the delay range for convenience of calculating utility
            cdu = 0  # current delay utility initialization
            cru = 0  # current resource utilization of slice1

            # to calculate the resource requirements and priorities of the slice2
            Pu2 = np.zeros(
                (K2a, B)
            )  # minimum resource requirement of each user of slice2 in each base station
            for u in range(0, K2a):
                Pu2[u, :] = (Rc[0, u]) * (rt2[u, :] / sum(rt2[u, :])
                                          )  #equation12 and 13

            Puu2 = np.sum(Pu2, axis=0)  #求矩阵列和
            P2 = np.zeros((1, B))
            for bp2 in range(0, B):
                P2[0, bp2] = Puu2[bp2] / sum(
                )  # priority or importance of the base stations to slice2

                S2, np.zeros((1, B)), Puu2
            )  #  minimim resource requirement os the slice2 on the base stations

            r2 = 0  # data rate of slice2
            crtu = 0  # current rate utility of slice2
            crsu = 0  # current resource utilizatin of slice2

            xtrn = np.random.randint(
                4, 10)  # to decide at how many time intervals to train
            for ii in range(0, 50):
                #  V and V2 are useless here
                _, _, AL1, RE1 = Reservation.sendCurrAllocAndReservOfSlice(
                )  # request allocation and reservation of slice 1 from all base stations
                _, _, AL2, RE2 = Reservation.sendCurrAllocAndReservOfSlice(
                    2)  #............slice2....

                P1, du, ru, v, a1, d1 = Slice1(
                    S1, V, P1, ii, rt, Dc, ar, cdu, cru, cng1, AL1,
                P2, rtu, rsu, v2, a2, r2 = Slice2(
                    S2, V2, P2, ii, rt2, Rc, ar2, crtu, crsu, cng2, AL2,
                # P1 avector importance of the base stations to slice1,
                # du delay utility vector of the users of slice1,
                # ru resource utility vector of the users of slice1, v the resource updated by the action in
                # slice1, a1 the action of slice1,
                # d1 the delay vector for users of slice1, s1 is ID of slice1, V is use less here,
                # ii is the current iteration of slicing time,
                # rt is the data rate matrix for all users of slice one in all base stations,
                # Dc is delay constraint of slice1,
                # ar is arrival rate of slic1, cdu is currrent delay utility,
                # cru is current resouce utility,
                # AL1 is the previous resource allocation vector of slice1,
                # RE1 is the current resource reservation vector of slice1 in all base stations.
                # the same goes for slice2...
                # r2 is the rate vector of the users of slice2

                K1a = np.array(rt).shape[0]
                K2a = np.array(rt2).shape[0]

                if ii > 1:  # if the iteration is not initial calculate the reward functions and call the DQN for trdaining, and increament the number of users at an interval of three iterations
                    trn = 0
                    #if a condition to trian IS ACTIVATED TRAIN THE ANN
                    if np.mod(ii, xtrn) == 0:
                        trn = 1

                    #calculate reward of slice1
                    rw1 = (
                        sum(du[0, 0:K1a]) / K1a + 9. * sum(ru[0, 0:K1a]) / K1a
                    ) / 10  # priority is given to the resource utility than the qos utility
                    #calculate the current state tuple of slice 1
                    cs1 = [
                        sum(AL1 * P1),
                        sum(cdu) / K1a,
                        sum(cru) / K1a,
                        sum(RE1 * P1)
                        cs1, a1, rw1, trn)  # send the tuple to reply memory of
                    #slice 1 for training

                    #calculate reward of slice2
                    rw2 = (
                        sum(rtu[0, 0:K2a]) / K2a +
                        9. * sum(rsu[0, 0:K2a]) / K2a
                    ) / 10  # priority is given to the resource utility than qos utility
                    #calculate the current state tuple of slice 1
                    cs2 = [
                        sum(AL2 * P2),
                        sum(crtu) / K2a,
                        sum(crsu) / K2a,
                        sum(RE2 * P2)
                        cs2, a2, rw2,
                        trn)  #  send the tuple to reply memory of
                    #slice 2 for training
                    #copy the next states
                    crtu = rtu
                    crsu = rsu
                    # save the calculated QOS utilities and resource utilizations
                    # as current states
                    cdu = du
                    cru = ru
                    crtu = rtu
                    crsu = rsu

                cng1 = 0
                cng2 = 0

            print('one or both of the slices not accepted')

            S1)  # remove slice 1 from resource table
            S2)  # remove slice2 from resource table