Exemple #1
 def computeReadout(self):
     '''Compute readout from output with readout weights'''
     if self.bias:
         newOutput = np.concatenate((self.output, [1]))
         newOutput = self.output
     self.readout = np.dot(newOutput, self.readoutWeights)
Exemple #2
    def execute(self, input_):
        '''Feed the reservoir with the input and return the readout and
        reservoir output
        - input_: a single matrix.
        if self.readoutWeights is None:
            raise ValueError, 'You have to first train the network before executing it!'
        elif (self.readoutWeights.shape[0] != self.nbNeurons and self.readoutWeights.shape[0] != self.nbNeurons + 1)\
            or self.readoutWeights.shape[1] != self.readoutSize:
            raise ValueError, 'The size of the readout weights matrix is not consistent with the number of neurons (%d) or the readout size (%d)' % (
                self.nbNeurons, self.readoutSize)

        nbTimeSteps = input_.shape[0]

        if self.bias:
            resActivity = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons + 1))
            resActivity[:, -1] = 1
            resActivity = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))

        outputTmp = self.output

        for timeStep in range(nbTimeSteps):
            weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(input_[timeStep], outputTmp)
            outputTmp = (1 - 1 / self.tau) * outputTmp + (
                1 / self.tau) * weightedInputs
            resActivity[timeStep, 0:self.nbNeurons] = outputTmp

        self.output = outputTmp

        readout = np.dot(resActivity, self.readoutWeights)

        return readout, resActivity[:, :self.nbNeurons]
Exemple #3
    def freerun(self, nbTimeSteps=1):
        '''Run the reservoir in free run mode
        Free run means that the reservoir takes its on readout output as inputs
        and run in a closed loop.
        - nbTimeSteps: number of time steps that the reservoir will be in free run

        if self.readout is None:
            raise ValueError, "The execution of at least one time step is necessary before starting a freerun"

        if self.readoutWeights.shape[0] == self.nbNeurons + 1:
            resActivity = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons + 1))
            resActivity[:, -1] = 1
            resActivity = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))

        readout = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.readoutSize))
        output = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))

        statesTmp = self.states
        outputTmp = self.output
        readoutTmp = self.readout

        for timeStep in range(nbTimeSteps):
            #            self.weightedInputs = np.dot(self.inputWeights, self.readout) + np.dot(self.internalWeights, self.output)
            weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(readoutTmp, outputTmp)
            deltaStates = (1. / self.tau) * (weightedInputs - statesTmp)
            statesTmp = statesTmp + deltaStates
            outputTmp = self.outputFunction(self.states)
            resActivity[timeStep, 0:self.nbNeurons] = outputTmp
            readoutTmp[timeStep, :] = np.dot(self.readoutWeights,

            readout[timeStep] = self.readout
            output[timeStep] = outputTmp

        self.states = statesTmp
        self.output = outputTmp
        self.readout = readoutTmp

        return readout, output
Exemple #4
    def execute(self, input_, intrinsicNoise=None, returnStates=False):
        '''Feed the reservoir with the input and return the readout and
        reservoir output
        - input_: a single matrix.
        - intrinsicNoise: gaussian noise added to the activity of the reservoir
            nodes. tuple - (mu, sigma, <np.array nbTimeSteps>). The values of
            noise for each time step is computed at each time step with the
            parameters mu and sigma and the seed corresponding to that time step
        if self.readoutWeights is None:
            raise ValueError, 'You have to first train the network before executing it!'
        elif (self.readoutWeights.shape[0] != self.nbNeurons and self.readoutWeights.shape[0] != self.nbNeurons + 1)\
            or self.readoutWeights.shape[1] != self.readoutSize:
            raise ValueError, 'The size of the readout weights matrix is not consistent with the number of neurons (%d) or the readout size (%d)' % (
                self.nbNeurons, self.readoutSize)

        if intrinsicNoise != None:
            assert len(intrinsicNoise) == 3
            assert type(intrinsicNoise[0]) in [float, int] and type(
                intrinsicNoise[1]) in [float, int]

        nbTimeSteps = input_.shape[0]

        if self.bias:
            resActivity = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons + 1))
            resActivity[:, -1] = 1
            resActivity = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))
        if returnStates:
            savedStates = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))

        statesTmp = self.states
        outputTmp = self.output

        if intrinsicNoise != None:
            intrinsicNoiseSeeds = intrinsicNoise[2]
            assert len(intrinsicNoiseSeeds) == nbTimeSteps
            for timeStep in range(nbTimeSteps):
                weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(input_[timeStep],
                deltaStates = (self.tau_inv) * (weightedInputs - statesTmp)
                statesTmp = statesTmp + deltaStates + np.random.normal(
                    intrinsicNoise[0], intrinsicNoise[1], self.nbNeurons)
                outputTmp = self.outputFunction(statesTmp)
                if returnStates:
                    savedStates[timeStep] = statesTmp
                resActivity[timeStep, 0:self.nbNeurons] = outputTmp
            for timeStep in range(nbTimeSteps):
                weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(input_[timeStep],
                deltaStates = (self.tau_inv) * (weightedInputs - statesTmp)
                statesTmp = statesTmp + deltaStates
                outputTmp = self.outputFunction(statesTmp)
                if returnStates:
                    savedStates[timeStep] = statesTmp
                resActivity[timeStep, 0:self.nbNeurons] = outputTmp

        readout = np.dot(resActivity, self.readoutWeights)

        self.states = statesTmp
        self.output = outputTmp
        self.readout = readout[-1, :]

        if returnStates:
            return readout, resActivity[:, :self.nbNeurons], savedStates
            return readout, resActivity[:, :self.nbNeurons]
Exemple #5
    def train(self,
        ''' Train the network by computing the readout weights
        - inputList: a list of matrices. The successive inputs fed to the
            network for training.
        - desiredOutputList: a list of matrices. The corresponding desired
            outputs of the inputs given in inputList argument.
        - regression: the type of regression learning used to compute the
            readout weights. Available options:
            ['ridge', 'linear'] so far
        - ridgeParam: if ridge regression is used, here is the corresponding
        - intrinsicNoise: gaussian noise added to the activity of the reservoir
            nodes. tuple - (mu, sigma, [<np.array nbTimeSteps>]). The values of
            noise for each time step is computed at each time step with the
            parameters mu and sigma and the seed corresponding to that time step
            of the corresponding input in the list
        - washout: ...
        - subsetNodes: a list with the indices of the reservoir nodes that are
            used for the regression and thus connected to the readout
        - bias: the regression uses or not a bias -> the 'b' in 'y = a*x + b'

        if subsetNodes is None:
            subsetNodes = range(self.nbNeurons)
            for nodeId in subsetNodes:
                if nodeId >= self.nbNeurons or nodeId < 0:
                    raise ValueError

        if intrinsicNoise is not None:
            assert len(intrinsicNoise) == 3
            assert type(intrinsicNoise[2]) == list

        # To fill the results matrix once and for all instead of concatenating at the end -> should win some time
        allInputsSize = 0
        maxInputSize = 0
        minInputSize = 9999999999
        for input_ in inputList:
            if input_.shape[0] > maxInputSize:
                maxInputSize = input_.shape[0]
            if input_.shape[0] < minInputSize:
                minInputSize = input_.shape[0]
            allInputsSize += input_.shape[0] - washout

        if washout > minInputSize:
            raise ValueError, 'The washout argument must be smaller than the smallest length of the inputs'

        resActivityTmp = np.zeros((maxInputSize, self.nbNeurons))

        if bias:
            resActivity = np.zeros((allInputsSize, self.nbNeurons + 1))
            resActivity[:, -1] = 1
            self.bias = True
            resActivity = np.zeros((allInputsSize, self.nbNeurons))
            self.bias = False

        outputIndex = 0

        self.readoutSize = desiredOutputList[0].shape[1]

        #        print washout
        # Core of the training method -> optimization must be done here!
        for inputId, input_ in enumerate(inputList):

            nbTimeSteps = input_.shape[0]
            #            resActivityTmp = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))

            if intrinsicNoise is not None:
                intrinsicNoiseSeeds = intrinsicNoise[2][inputId]
                assert len(intrinsicNoiseSeeds) == input_.shape[0]

                for timeStep in xrange(nbTimeSteps):
                    weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(
                        input_[timeStep], self.output)
                    deltaStates = self.tau_inv * (weightedInputs - self.states)
                    self.states = self.states + deltaStates + np.random.normal(
                        intrinsicNoise[0], intrinsicNoise[1], self.nbNeurons)
                    self.output = self.outputFunction(self.states)
                    resActivityTmp[timeStep] = self.output
                for timeStep in xrange(nbTimeSteps):
                    weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(
                        input_[timeStep], self.output)
                    deltaStates = self.tau_inv * (weightedInputs - self.states)
                    self.states = self.states + deltaStates
                    self.output = self.outputFunction(self.states)
                    resActivityTmp[timeStep] = self.output

            resActivity[outputIndex:outputIndex + nbTimeSteps - washout,
                        0:self.nbNeurons] = resActivityTmp[washout:nbTimeSteps]
            outputIndex += nbTimeSteps - washout
            resActivityTmp = np.zeros((maxInputSize, self.nbNeurons))

        # Reset the activity after training?
#        self.reset()

# Concatenating desired output
        washoutDesOutput = np.zeros((allInputsSize, self.readoutSize))
        outputIndex = 0
            for i, desiredOutput in enumerate(desiredOutputList):
                nbTimeSteps = desiredOutput.shape[0]
                washoutDesOutput[outputIndex:outputIndex + nbTimeSteps -
                                 washout] = desiredOutput[washout:nbTimeSteps]
                outputIndex += nbTimeSteps - washout
            print 'desiredOutput index %d' % i
            print 'nbTimeSteps %d' % nbTimeSteps
            print 'outputIndex %d' % outputIndex
            print 'washoutDesOutput.shape %s' % str(washoutDesOutput.shape)
            print 'washout %d' % washout
            msg = 'There is an issue concatenating the desired output, this may be caused by several reasons:\n'
            msg += '- the number of time steps in an element of desiredOutputList is not consistent with its'
            msg += ' corresponding element in inputList\n'
            msg += '- readout size specified when creating the reservoir is not consistent with the size of'
            msg += ' a desire output element'
            raise Exception, msg

        resActivity = resActivity[:, subsetNodes]

        print "Starting inversion of dot(resActivity.T, resActivity)"

        if regression == 'linear':
            inv_xTx = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity))

#                self.readoutWeights = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) + ridgeParam*np.identity(self.nbNeurons+bias), np.dot(resActivity.T,washoutDesOutput))
        elif regression == 'ridge':
            I = np.identity(len(subsetNodes))
              -1] = 0  #No constraint on the fake neuron that actually is the bias
                inv_xTx = np.linalg.pinv(
                    np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) + ridgeParam * I)
            except Exception, e:
                print 'resActivity ' + str(resActivity)
                print 'nbNeurons ' + str(self.nbNeurons)
                print 'subsetNodes ' + str(subsetNodes)
                print 'wIn ' + str(self.inputWeights)
                print 'w ' + str(self.internalWeights)
                print 'np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) ' + str(
                    np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity))
                raise e
Exemple #6
 def _weight_inputs(self, input_, output):
     return np.dot(self.inputWeights, input_) + np.dot(
         self.internalWeights, output)
Exemple #7
    def _weight_inputs(self, input_, output):

        return self.outputFunction(
            np.dot(self.inputWeights, input_) +
            np.dot(self.internalWeights, output))
Exemple #8
class ReservoirOger(Reservoir):
    '''A reservoir like neural network
    Allows you to train and execute with trained weights a reservoir
    - inputWeights: the matrix of input connections, must be consistent with the
        dimension of the input fed to the network.
    - internalWeights: the matrix of internal connections. For useful activity
        the this matrix chould be sparse and have a spectral radius close to 1.
    - readoutSize: number of neurons in the readout layer. Must be consistent
        with the output given for training.
    - outputFunction: the transfer function of the neurons in the network.
        Default value np.tanh works well with reservoirs.
    - tau: the time constant of the neurons. The neurons are leaky integrators,
        but the default value 1 set the neurons to a non-leaky regime.
    - readoutWeights: optional. If the network has already been trained or to
        test the network with specific readout weights, you can specify it here.
    - scipySparse: especially for reservoirs with a big number of neurons
        (~ 1500, to be confirmed...) the use of scipy.sparse module accelerate
        the processing, this argument should then be set to True.
    def _weight_inputs(self, input_, output):

        return self.outputFunction(
            np.dot(self.inputWeights, input_) +
            np.dot(self.internalWeights, output))

    def _weight_inputs_sparse(self, input_, output):
        return self.outputFunction(
            self.inputWeights.dot(input_) + self.internalWeights.dot(output))

    def train(self,
        ''' Train the network by computing the readout weights
        - inputList: a list of matrices. The successive inputs fed to the
            network for training.
        - desiredOutputList: a list of matrices. The corresponding desired
            outputs of the inputs given in inputList argument.
        - regression: the type of regression learning used to compute the
            readout weights. Available options:
            ['ridge', 'linear'] so far
        - ridgeParam: if ridge regression is used, here is the corresponding
        - washout: ...
        - subsetNodes: a list with the indices of the reservoir nodes that are
            used for the regression and thus connected to the readout
        - bias: the regression uses or not a bias -> the 'b' in 'y = a*x + b'

        if subsetNodes is None:
            subsetNodes = range(self.nbNeurons)
            for nodeId in subsetNodes:
                if nodeId >= self.nbNeurons or nodeId < 0:
                    raise ValueError

        # To fill the results matrix once and for all instead of concatenating at the end -> should win some time
        allInputsSize = 0
        maxInputSize = 0
        minInputSize = 9999999999
        for input_ in inputList:
            if input_.shape[0] > maxInputSize:
                maxInputSize = input_.shape[0]
            if input_.shape[0] < minInputSize:
                minInputSize = input_.shape[0]
            allInputsSize += input_.shape[0] - washout

        if washout > minInputSize:
            raise ValueError, 'The washout argument must be smaller than the smallest length of the inputs'

        resActivityTmp = np.zeros((maxInputSize, self.nbNeurons))

        if bias:
            resActivity = np.zeros((allInputsSize, self.nbNeurons + 1))
            resActivity[:, -1] = 1
            self.bias = True
            resActivity = np.zeros((allInputsSize, self.nbNeurons))
            self.bias = False

        outputIndex = 0
        self.readoutSize = desiredOutputList[0].shape[1]

        #        print washout
        # Core of the training method -> optimization must be done here!
        for input_ in inputList:

            nbTimeSteps = input_.shape[0]
            #            resActivityTmp = np.zeros((nbTimeSteps, self.nbNeurons))
            outputTmp = self.output
            for timeStep in xrange(nbTimeSteps):
                weightedInputs = self.weight_inputs(input_[timeStep],
                outputTmp = (1 - 1. / self.tau) * outputTmp + (
                    1. / self.tau) * weightedInputs
                resActivityTmp[timeStep] = outputTmp
            resActivity[outputIndex:outputIndex + nbTimeSteps - washout,
                        0:self.nbNeurons] = resActivityTmp[washout:nbTimeSteps]
            outputIndex += nbTimeSteps - washout
            resActivityTmp = np.zeros((maxInputSize, self.nbNeurons))

        # Reset the activity after training?
#        self.reset()

# Concatenating desired output
        washoutDesOutput = np.zeros((allInputsSize, self.readoutSize))
        outputIndex = 0
            for i, desOutTrain in enumerate(desiredOutputList):
                nbTimeSteps = desOutTrain.shape[0]
                washoutDesOutput[outputIndex:outputIndex + nbTimeSteps -
                                 washout] = desOutTrain[washout:nbTimeSteps]
                outputIndex += nbTimeSteps - washout
            print 'desOutTrain index %d' % i
            print 'nbTimeSteps %d' % nbTimeSteps
            print 'outputIndex %d' % outputIndex
            print 'washoutDesOutput.shape %s' % str(washoutDesOutput.shape)
            print 'washout %d' % washout
            msg = 'There is an issue concatenating the desired output, this may be caused by several reasons:\n'
            msg += '- the number of time steps in an element of desiredOutputList is not consistent with its'
            msg += ' corresponding element in inputList\n'
            msg += '- readout size specified when creating the reservoir is not consistent with the size of'
            msg += ' a desire output element'
            raise Exception, msg

        resActivity = resActivity[:, subsetNodes]

        if regression == 'linear':
            inv_xTx = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity))

#                self.readoutWeights = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) + ridgeParam*np.identity(self.nbNeurons+bias), np.dot(resActivity.T,washoutDesOutput))
        elif regression == 'ridge':
            I = np.identity(len(subsetNodes))
              -1] = 0  #No constraint on the fake neuron that actually is the bias
                inv_xTx = np.linalg.pinv(
                    np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) + ridgeParam * I)
            except Exception, e:
                print 'resActivity ' + str(resActivity)
                print 'nbNeurons ' + str(self.nbNeurons)
                print 'subsetNodes ' + str(subsetNodes)
                print 'inputWeights ' + str(self.inputWeights)
                print 'internalWeights ' + str(self.internalWeights)
                print 'np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) ' + str(
                    np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity))
                raise e

#                self.readoutWeights = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity), np.dot(resActivity.T,washoutDesOutput))
        xTy = np.dot(resActivity.T, washoutDesOutput)

        self.readoutWeights = np.dot(inv_xTx, xTy)
        if len(subsetNodes) - bias != self.nbNeurons:
            for nodeId in range(self.nbNeurons):
                if nodeId not in subsetNodes:
                    self.readoutWeights = np.insert(self.readoutWeights,
Exemple #9
              -1] = 0  #No constraint on the fake neuron that actually is the bias
                inv_xTx = np.linalg.pinv(
                    np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) + ridgeParam * I)
            except Exception, e:
                print 'resActivity ' + str(resActivity)
                print 'nbNeurons ' + str(self.nbNeurons)
                print 'subsetNodes ' + str(subsetNodes)
                print 'wIn ' + str(self.inputWeights)
                print 'w ' + str(self.internalWeights)
                print 'np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) ' + str(
                    np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity))
                raise e

#                self.readoutWeights = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity), np.dot(resActivity.T,washoutDesOutput))
        xTy = np.dot(resActivity.T, washoutDesOutput)

        newPerfectWeigths = np.dot(inv_xTx, xTy)
        deltaWeights = newPerfectWeigths - self.readoutWeights
        self.readoutWeights = self.readoutWeights + deltaWeights * (
            1 - learningError)

        if len(subsetNodes) - bias != self.nbNeurons:
            for nodeId in range(self.nbNeurons):
                if nodeId not in subsetNodes:
                    self.readoutWeights = np.insert(self.readoutWeights,
#            inv_xTx = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(resActivity.T, resActivity) + ridgeParam*np.identity(self.nbNeurons+bias))
#            xTy = np.dot(resActivity.T, washoutDesOutput)