Exemple #1
def find_true_widths(pts, nvecs, ws, check_scan_location):
    tx = pts[:, 0]
    ty = pts[:, 1]
    onws = ws[:, 0]
    opws = ws[:, 1]

    stp_sze = 0.1
    sf = 0.5  # safety factor
    N = len(pts)
    nws, pws = [], []
    for i in range(N):
        pt = [tx[i], ty[i]]
        nvec = nvecs[i]

        if not check_scan_location(pt):
            j = stp_sze
            s_pt = lib.add_locations(pt, nvec, j)
            while not check_scan_location(s_pt) and j < opws[i]:
                j += stp_sze
                s_pt = lib.add_locations(pt, nvec, j)
            pws.append(j * sf)

            j = stp_sze
            s_pt = lib.sub_locations(pt, nvec, j)
            while not check_scan_location(s_pt) and j < onws[i]:
                j += stp_sze
                s_pt = lib.sub_locations(pt, nvec, j)
            nws.append(j * sf)
            print(f"Obs in way of pt: {i}")

            for j in np.linspace(0, onws[i], 10):
                p_pt = lib.add_locations(pt, nvec, j)
                n_pt = lib.sub_locations(pt, nvec, j)
                if not check_scan_location(p_pt):
                    nws.append(-j * (1 + sf))
                    print(f"PosPt NewW: [{-j*(1+sf)}, {opws[i]}]")
                elif not check_scan_location(n_pt):
                    pws.append(-j * (1 + sf))
                    print(f"PosPt NewW: [{-j*(1+sf)}, {onws[i]}]")
                if j == onws[i]:
                    print(f"Problem - no space found")

    nws, pws = np.array(nws), np.array(pws)
    ws = np.concatenate([nws[:, None], pws[:, None]], axis=-1)

    return ws
Exemple #2
    def min_render(self, wait=False):
        fig = plt.figure(4)

        ret_map = self.env_map.scan_map

        # plt.xlim([0, self.env_map.width])
        # plt.ylim([0, self.env_map.height])

        s_x, s_y = self.env_map.convert_to_plot(self.env_map.start)
        plt.plot(s_x, s_y, '*', markersize=12)

        c_x, c_y = self.env_map.convert_to_plot([self.car.x, self.car.y])
        plt.plot(c_x, c_y, '+', markersize=16)

        for i in range(self.scan_sim.number_of_beams):
            angle = i * self.scan_sim.dth + self.car.theta - self.scan_sim.fov / 2
            fs = self.scan_sim.scan_output[
                i] * self.scan_sim.n_searches * self.scan_sim.step_size
            dx = [np.sin(angle) * fs, np.cos(angle) * fs]
            range_val = lib.add_locations([self.car.x, self.car.y], dx)
            r_x, r_y = self.env_map.convert_to_plot(range_val)
            x = [c_x, r_x]
            y = [c_y, r_y]

            plt.plot(x, y)

        for pos in self.action_memory:
            p_x, p_y = self.env_map.convert_to_plot(pos)
            plt.plot(p_x, p_y, 'x', markersize=6)

        text_start = self.env_map.width + 10
        spacing = int(self.env_map.height / 10)

        s = f"Reward: [{self.reward:.1f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 1, s)
        s = f"Action: [{self.action[0]:.2f}, {self.action[1]:.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 2, s)
        s = f"Done: {self.done}"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 3, s)
        s = f"Pos: [{self.car.x:.2f}, {self.car.y:.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 4, s)
        s = f"Vel: [{self.car.velocity:.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 5, s)
        s = f"Theta: [{(self.car.theta * 180 / np.pi):.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 6, s)
        s = f"Delta x100: [{(self.car.steering*100):.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 7, s)
        s = f"Theta Dot: [{(self.car.th_dot):.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_start, spacing * 8, s)

        s = f"Steps: {self.steps}"
        plt.text(100, spacing * 9, s)

        if wait:
Exemple #3
    def trace_ray(self, x, y, theta, noise=True):
        # obs_res = 10
        for j in range(self.n_searches):  # number of search points
            fs = self.step_size * (j + 1
                                   )  # search from 1 step away from the point
            dx = [np.sin(theta) * fs, np.cos(theta) * fs]
            search_val = lib.add_locations([x, y], dx)
            if self._check_location(search_val):

        ray = (
            j) / self.n_searches  #* (1 + np.random.normal(0, self.std_noise))
        return ray
Exemple #4
    def render(self,
        fig = plt.figure(4)

        if scan_sim is not None:
            for i in range(scan_sim.number_of_beams):
                angle = i * scan_sim.dth + self.car.theta - scan_sim.fov / 2
                fs = scan_sim.scan_output[
                    i] * scan_sim.n_searches * scan_sim.step_size
                dx = [np.sin(angle) * fs, np.cos(angle) * fs]
                range_val = lib.add_locations([self.car.x, self.car.y], dx)
                cx, cy = self.env_map.convert_position(
                    [self.car.x, self.car.y])
                rx, ry = self.env_map.convert_position(range_val)
                x = [cx, rx]
                y = [cy, ry]
                plt.plot(x, y)

        xs, ys = [], []
        for pos in self.action_memory:
            x, y = self.env_map.xy_to_row_column(pos)
        plt.plot(xs, ys, 'r', linewidth=3)
        plt.plot(xs, ys, '+', markersize=12)
        x, y = self.env_map.xy_to_row_column([self.car.x, self.car.y])
        plt.plot(x, y, 'x', markersize=20)

        if pts1 is not None:
            for i, pt in enumerate(pts1):
                x, y = self.env_map.convert_position(pt)
                plt.text(x, y, f"{i}")
                plt.plot(x, y, 'x', markersize=10)

        if pts2 is not None:
            for pt in pts2:
                x, y = self.env_map.convert_position(pt)
                plt.plot(x, y, 'o', markersize=6)

        text_x = self.env_map.obs_img.shape[0] + 10
        text_y = self.env_map.obs_img.shape[1] / 10

        s = f"Reward: [{self.reward:.1f}]"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 1, s)
        s = f"Action: [{self.action[0]:.2f}, {self.action[1]:.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 2, s)
        s = f"Done: {self.done}"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 3, s)
        s = f"Pos: [{self.car.x:.2f}, {self.car.y:.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 4, s)
        s = f"Vel: [{self.car.velocity:.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 5, s)
        s = f"Theta: [{(self.car.theta * 180 / np.pi):.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 6, s)
        s = f"Delta x100: [{(self.car.steering*100):.2f}]"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 7, s)
        s = f"Done reason: {self.done_reason}"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 8, s)

        s = f"Steps: {self.steps}"
        plt.text(text_x, text_y * 9, s)

        if wait:

        if save and self.eps % 2 == 0: