def us(self, face_crop): # face_crop # person1_feature = net.encode(person1[None, ...]) # print(person1.shape) # torch.Size([3, 112, 112]) # print(torch.unsqueeze(person1, 0).shape) # torch.Size([1, 3, 112, 112]) # print(person1[None, ...].shape) # torch.Size([1, 3, 112, 112]) # print(np.shape(face_crop)) person2 = tf(face_crop).to(self.device) # person2 = tf("Contrast_data/1/pic1_0.jpg")).to(self.device) # 需要辨认的人脸图片 person2_feature =[None, ...]) # data_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects(2)\arcloss-pytorch\test_img" # # 人脸数据库 main_dir = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\Contrast_data" dicts = {"0": "周杰伦", "1": "迪丽热巴", "2": "黄晓明", "3": "Liu Hui", "4": "目标未识别"} lists = [] lists2 = [] for face_dir in os.listdir(main_dir): for face_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(main_dir, face_dir)): img =, face_dir, face_filename)) img = img.convert("RGB") person1 = tf(img).to(self.device) person1_feature =, 0)) # 改进: 改为并行比较,或查找方法,提高对比速度 siam = compare(person1_feature, person2_feature) # 将数据库中的人脸和需要辨认的人脸做比较 # print("余弦相似度值:", max(siam.item(), 0)) # 余弦相似度 tensor([[0.9988]]) # x = "周杰伦" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # x = "迪丽热巴" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # print(face_filename) # font = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", 20) if siam.item() > 0.8: # 人脸相似度大于某个阈值,否则被pass掉。 print("余弦相似度值:", max(siam.item(), 0)) print(face_dir) # 找到类别文件夹 value = dicts[str(face_dir)] # 根据类别取到类别的值 lists.append(value) # print(value) # 将字典里的值取出来 print(lists) else: pass # print(lists1) # 每比较完一类人脸图片,打印一次列表 return lists
def face_detector(self,img): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') max_threshold = 0 threshold = 0.7 max_threshold_feature = 0 person1 = tf(img).to(device) person1_feature =, 0)) kys = self.face_dict.keys() kys = list(kys) # print(kys[0].shape) # a = torch.randn([len(kys),kys[0].shape[0],kys[0].shape[1]]) # print(a.shape) # print(a[0].shape) # exit() for person_feature in kys: # print(person_feature.shape) siam = compare(person1_feature, person_feature) # print(self.face_dict[person_feature], siam) if siam > threshold and siam > max_threshold: max_threshold = siam max_threshold_feature = person_feature print('----------完美分割线----------------') if max_threshold > 0: name = self.face_dict[max_threshold_feature] y = time.time() # print(y - x) return name,max_threshold.item() return '','0.0'
def __init__(self): self.device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.save_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\params\1.pth" = FaceNet().to(self.device) self.face_dict = {} x = time.time() main_dir = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\Contrast_data2" for face_dir in os.listdir(main_dir): for face_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(main_dir, face_dir)): img = os.path.join(main_dir, face_dir, face_filename)) img = trans_square(img) # 将拿到的图片转成正方形112*112 person1 = tf(img).to(self.device) person1_feature =, 0)) self.face_dict[person1_feature] = face_dir # 将人脸特征向量作为键,类别名作为值 # print(self.face_dict[person1_feature]) # 人脸特征向量对应类别名 0 # exit() # lists3.extend(person1_feature) # lists3.append([person1_feature, face_dir]) # 方便将人脸数据库转成特征向量进行打包。 # 改进: 改为并行比较,或查找方法,提高对比速度 # print(person1_feature.shape) # torch.Size([1, 512]) # print(person2_feature.shape) # torch.Size([1, 512]) y = time.time() print(y - x)
def us(self, face_crop): # face_crop # data_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects(2)\arcloss-pytorch\test_img" # # 人脸数据库 # dicts = {"0": "周杰伦", "1": "迪丽热巴", "2": "黄晓明", "3": "刘辉", "4": "目标未识别", "5": "小红", "6": "小花"} # print(np.shape(face_crop)) # (342, 258, 3) face_crop = trans_square(face_crop) # print(np.shape(face_crop)) # (342, 342, 3) # 将裁剪出来的图片转成正方形112*112 person2 = tf(face_crop).to(self.device) # print(np.shape(face_crop)) # (342, 342, 3) # person2 = tf("Contrast_data/1/pic1_0.jpg")).to(self.device) person2_feature =[None, ...]) # 传进来的人脸图片 kys = self.face_dict.keys() # 拿到人脸数据库里面的键(即人脸特征向量) # print(self.face_dict) # print(kys) kys = list(kys) # 将人脸特征向量放在一个列表中 # print(kys) # siam = compare(person1_feature, person2_feature) # 将数据库中的人脸和需要辨认的人脸做比较 # print("余弦相似度值:", max(siam.item(), 0)) # 余弦相似度 tensor([[0.9988]]) # x = "周杰伦" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # x = "迪丽热巴" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # print(face_filename) # font = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", 20) max_threshold = 0 threshold = 0.7 max_threshold_feature = 0 for person1_feature_ in kys: # 遍历数据库里面的人脸特征向量 # print(person1_feature_) siam = compare(person1_feature_, person2_feature) if siam > threshold and siam > max_threshold: max_threshold = siam # 如果余弦相似度大于所设置阈值,就赋值给最大阈值。同时能够更新所设置的最大阈值。因为最后只需要拿到余弦相似度最大的哪个值。 max_threshold_feature = person1_feature_ # 这时也拿到相应的人脸特征向量 if max_threshold > 0: cls = self.face_dict[ max_threshold_feature] # 拿到余弦相似度最大时的人脸特征向量对应的类别名 # print(max_threshold_feature) # 拿到余弦相似度最大时的人脸特征向量 return cls, max_threshold_feature return '', '0.0' # 如果上面返回的是空值, 此时要设置默认值占位。
def us(self, face_crop): # face_crop data_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\face_images\database_face_1.jpg" # # 人脸数据库 img = img = img.convert("RGB") person1 = tf(img).to(self.device) person1_feature =, 0)) # person1_feature = net.encode(person1[None, ...]) # print(person1.shape) # torch.Size([3, 112, 112]) # print(torch.unsqueeze(person1, 0).shape) # torch.Size([1, 3, 112, 112]) # print(person1[None, ...].shape) # torch.Size([1, 3, 112, 112]) person2 = tf(face_crop).to(self.device) # person2 = tf("./face_images/recog_face_1.jpg")).to(self.device) # 需要辨认的人脸图片 person2_feature =[None, ...]) siam = compare(person1_feature, person2_feature) print("余弦相似度值:", siam.item()) # 余弦相似度 tensor([[0.9988]]) # x = "周杰伦" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # x = "迪丽热巴" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" x = "Liu Hui" if siam.item() >= 0.8 else "other people" return x
def face_detector(self, img): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') max_threshold = 0 threshold = 0.7 max_threshold_feature = 0 person1 = tf(img).to(device) person1_feature =, 0)) kys = self.face_dict.keys() kys = list(kys) # print(kys[0].shape) # a = torch.randn([len(kys),kys[0].shape[0],kys[0].shape[1]]) # print(a.shape) # print(a[0].shape) # exit() for person_feature in kys: # 原始载入人脸特征向量 # print(person_feature.shape) siam = compare(person1_feature, person_feature) # 将裁剪下来的人脸和数据库的人脸做比较 # print(self.face_dict[person_feature], siam) # print("余弦相似度", siam) if siam > threshold and siam > max_threshold: max_threshold = siam # 如果余弦相似度大于所设置阈值,就赋值给最大阈值。同时能够更新所设置的最大阈值。因为最后只需要拿到余弦相似度最大的哪个值。 max_threshold_feature = person_feature # 这时也拿到相应的人脸特征向量 # print('----------完美分割线----------------') if max_threshold > 0: # print(max_threshold_feature) name = self.face_dict[ max_threshold_feature] # 拿到余弦相似度最大时的人脸特征向量对应的类别名 # print(max_threshold_feature) # 拿到余弦相似度最大时的人脸特征向量 return name, max_threshold.item() return '', '0.0'
def __init__(self): path = r"Contrast_data" # self.save_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\params\1.pth" net_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\params\1.pth" if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') = FaceNet().to(device) self.face_dict = {} for face_dir in os.listdir(path): for face_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, face_dir)): person_path = os.path.join(path, face_dir, face_filename) img = img = img.convert("RGB") img = img.resize((112, 112)) person1 = tf(img).to(device) person1_feature =, 0)) self.face_dict[person1_feature] = face_dir
def face_detector(self, img): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') max_threshold = 0 threshold = 0.7 max_threshold_feature = 0 name = 0 person1 = tf(img).to(device) # 需要辨认的人脸 person1_feature =, 0)) # 载入np人脸特征向量包 np_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\list_data.npz" list_o = npz2list(np_path) # 载入numpy保存的人脸数据库文件 # print(np.shape(list_o)) for x in list_o: # 遍历数据库中的人脸特征 # print(x) siam = compare(x[0], person1_feature) # 将数据库中的人脸和需要辨认的人脸做比较 # print("余弦相似度值:", max(siam.item(), 0)) # 余弦相似度 tensor([[0.9988]]) if siam > threshold and siam > max_threshold: max_threshold = siam # 如果余弦相似度大于所设置阈值,就赋值给最大阈值。同时能够更新所设置的最大阈值。因为最后只需要拿到余弦相似度最大的哪个值。 max_threshold_feature = x[0] name = x[1] # print('----------完美分割线----------------') # if max_threshold > 0: # print(max_threshold_feature) # name = self.face_dict[max_threshold_feature] # 拿到余弦相似度最大时的人脸特征向量对应的类别名 # print(max_threshold_feature) # 拿到余弦相似度最大时的人脸特征向量 # print(name) # print(max_threshold_feature) return name, max_threshold_feature
def __init__(self): path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\Contrast_data" # self.save_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\params\1.pth" net_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\params\1.pth" if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') = FaceNet().to(device) self.face_dict = {} self.lists3 = [] for face_dir in os.listdir(path): for face_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, face_dir)): img =, face_dir, face_filename)) img = trans_square(img) person1 = tf(img).to(device) person1_feature =, 0)) self.face_dict[person1_feature] = face_dir # 将人脸特征向量作为键,类别名作为值 # print(self.face_dict[person1_feature]) # 人脸特征向量对应类别名 0 self.lists3.append([person1_feature, face_dir]) # 将人脸特征向量保存下来
def us(self, face_crop): # face_crop # person1_feature = net.encode(person1[None, ...]) # print(person1.shape) # torch.Size([3, 112, 112]) # print(torch.unsqueeze(person1, 0).shape) # torch.Size([1, 3, 112, 112]) # print(person1[None, ...].shape) # torch.Size([1, 3, 112, 112]) start = time.time() # print(np.shape(face_crop)) # (342, 258, 3) face_crop = trans_square(face_crop) # print(np.shape(face_crop)) # (342, 342, 3) # 将裁剪出来的图片转成正方形112*112 person2 = tf(face_crop).to(self.device) # print(np.shape(face_crop)) # (342, 342, 3) # person2 = tf("Contrast_data/1/pic1_0.jpg")).to(self.device) # 需要辨认的人脸图片 person2_feature =[None, ...]) # data_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects(2)\arcloss-pytorch\test_img" # # 人脸数据库 main_dir = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\Contrast_data" dicts = {"0": "周杰伦", "1": "迪丽热巴", "2": "黄晓明", "3": "刘辉", "4": "吴晓斌"} lists = [] lists2 = [] lists3 = [] # for face_dir in os.listdir(main_dir): # for face_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(main_dir, face_dir)): # img =, face_dir, face_filename)) # img = trans_square(img) # # # 将拿到的图片转成正方形112*112 # person1 = tf(img).to(self.device) # person1_feature =, 0)) # lists3.append([person1_feature, face_dir]) # 改进: 改为并行比较,或查找方法,提高对比速度 path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\MTCNN_data\Rocog_face\list_data.npz" list_o = npz2list(path) # 载入numpy保存的人脸数据库文件 # print(np.shape(list_o)) for x in list_o: # 遍历数据库中的人脸特征 # print(x) # print(x[1]) # 0 # print(x[0].shape) # torch.Size([1, 512]) siam = compare(x[0], person2_feature) # 将数据库中的人脸和需要辨认的人脸做比较 print("余弦相似度值:", max(siam.item(), 0)) # 余弦相似度 tensor([[0.9988]]) # x = "周杰伦" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # x = "迪丽热巴" if round(siam.item()) == 1 else "其他人" # print(face_filename) # font = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", 20) if siam.item() > 0.8: # 人脸相似度大于某个阈值,否则被pass掉。 # print(x[1]) # 类别文件夹 value = dicts[str(x[1])] lists.append(value) # print(lists) # ['黄晓明', '黄晓明', '黄晓明', '黄晓明', '刘辉', '刘辉'] # print(value) # 将字典里的值取出来 # print("*" * 100) else: pass end = time.time() print("对比完所有图片所用时间:", end - start) # 0.75s # np.savez('list_data', lists3) # print(lists1) # 每比较完一类图片,打印一次列表 # print(lists3) return lists