def test_encode(self):
        test_value = "ttttttessst1"
        run_length_encoder = RunLengthEncoder()

                          lambda: run_length_encoder.encode())  # assert if method raises error when there is no input
        self.assertTrue(run_length_encoder.input is None)  # assert if input is none when it's not set
        self.assertEqual(0, len(run_length_encoder.memory))  # assert that memory is empty and initialized at start

        run_length_encoder.input = test_value
        self.assertEqual(run_length_encoder.input, test_value)  # assert that input is initialized with proper value
                         [('t', 6), ('e', 1), ('s', 3), ('t', 1), ('1', 1)])  # assert that result is correct
        self.assertEqual(1, len(run_length_encoder.memory))  # assert that result is saved in memory

        self.assertEqual(1, len(run_length_encoder.memory))  # assert that result is taken from memory
import sys

from LempelZivWelchEncoder import LempelZivWelchEncoder
from RunLengthEncoder import RunLengthEncoder

lvwExecutor = LempelZivWelchEncoder()
rleExecutor = RunLengthEncoder()

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    raise ValueError("There should be arguments!")
if sys.argv[1] != 'lvw' and sys.argv[1] != 'rle':
    raise ValueError("First argument is lvw (Lempel Ziv Welch Algorithm) or rle (Run Length Algorithm)!")

if sys.argv[1] == 'lvw':
    lvwExecutor.input = str(sys.argv[2])
    rleExecutor.input = str(sys.argv[2])